Small, hard lumps from overpumping?


New Member
I've had some trouble with my NB pressure being uneven so the right domes suction is much stronger than the left. Because of this I seemed to over pump my right boob while my left boob is completely fine. When I took off the domes I had some red dotting, and my boob felt kind of softened the next morning but now I noticed I have these small, hard lumps on the top of my right boob where the suction was the tightest. They don't hurt, but they worry me as I've never had them before. They feel like hardened fat under the skin, they move around when i press on them but they're very hard. I'm taking a break until they go away.... but should I massage them, apply a heating pad or just leave them alone??


I would say leave them alone but also check with your GP just to put your mind at rest and be on the safe side x
I got this in my first week of pumping. Right where the dome rested near my armpit. I just got one, it moved around like a pea under the skin. Is this the same?
When I looked closer I saw that my skin was slightly discoloured, there was just a touch of bruising near the lump. although no discoloration where the lump was at all. I panicked and showed my husband. When I told him about the bruise he told me not to worry just yet and to wait a couple of days to see if it was connected.
Sure enough, I waited, about a week actually, the bruise faded before the lump went but it did go. about 5 days it took to vanish.
I suggest leaving them alone. I felt it very hard not to fiddle with mine but that only aggrevates it further. Rest your breasts for a good week and see if they improve. If not, make an appointment with your GP just to check it out, they could be little cyctic growths or something but I DOUBT IT. I really think you are fine. You were just over eager, just like me.
Anyway, please, if you don't mind, keep us posted on hwo you are otherwise I'm going to worry! ;D


New Member
Thanks for your response Natty. Sounds exactly like my lumps too. There is a bit of discoloration above the lumps and they feel like little peas under the skin and move around when pressed, but i have 4-5 of them. I'm definitely taking a break from the NB until they go away. If they don't I'm going to see my Gyno.

The pressure on the domes was uneven so I over pumped the right boob while the left boob was totally fine. I shouldn't have kept pumping bc it was starting to feel a little painful. I am buying the binder clips to create an airlock when I can resume pumping again to keep the pressure more evened out.

I feel more hopeful after reading your post. Thanks a lot. :)
That's a good idea. I'm goimg to get those too. I just read abotu them in a recent post. I think it will sort out alot of the pressure problems.

Yeah, wait until they go before you start again. I found it really hard to get the right pressure in the first week. I overpumped like crazy. I just couldn't get it into my head that less was more, it just didn't feel right. I also think it tkes a while for your boobs to get used to the whole idea of being sucked, it is a bit strange really. In the couple of weeks, even when I didn't pump that hard I would get red dots and bruising. That's all gone now, I guess my boobs have toughened up (urrgghh, I hope that's a good thing!) I guess yours will too.

Good luck!


New Member
It's been two weeks since I stopped pumping and the little lumps are almost all gone. There is still a little bumpiness under the skin that I'm waiting to go away completely before I resume. I'm happy that they are softening up and going away tho....I just hurt my self from the uneven pressure. I did get the binder clips last week, so I can even out the pressure this time.


New Member

its been 3 weeks and the lumps felt like they were gone. i started pumping again last night really gently for 15 mins. And then i pumped tonight for 25 minuted gently and when i finished i could feel some small lumps still in my right boob that came up. ugh. i felt like crying :'(. i dont think they are completely gone yet, so i guess i should wait another week or so. i havent gone to the dr. because they have got smaller on their own. i just hope i haven't caused any scar tissue or permanent damage. :-[ i read applying heat helps by increasing blood circulation Hematoma treatment also includes the application of a warm compress to the area surrounding the injury as this will help to increase blood circulation in the area and will also allow the blood that has pooled to be slowly reabsorbed by the body.

I'm going to use the heating pad on low for a bit and see if it helps.

Just posting this just in case any other girls out there have the same problem.


New Member
I did the mistake of massaging the lumps to see if they would go away...and they got MUCH worse. But I think as I began to leave them alone they were going away again. And then a few days later I injured my shoulder and the muscle under my right boob by carrying some really heavy bags home from the grocery store and the lumps in my right boob became really big and hard...bleh. Its been several months and its taking forever to heal! I think bc I injured the muscle underneath...otherwise it would've been healed by now. I have an appointment with the Gyno this month so I will get it checked out. I'm trying to sit on my hands now.


I developed a lump and when my doc saw it she immediately sent me for a mammogram. It turns out the lump was a hematoma, which is a burst blood vessel. It finally went away after a month. The bruising like you have went away in less than a week. This was caused by pumping too hard.

Be careful. I don't think it's good to get these and my doc was concerned when she saw it. BUT on the bright side for me, I was sent for my first ever mammogram!!! I went from a flat... male, sigh... chest to needing a mammogram just from noogling. And she said I am big enough now to get scheduled for one every year now. I feel kinda proud about that!

Teeny Tiny

I'm glad to hear the lump was nothing major Joan! Congrats on the growth you've had and being ready for yearly mommograms, what an accomplishment you've had. Congrats, and good luck on reaching your goal, if you haven't already! ;) :D ;D :-*


Than you teeny. In truth if it wasnt for your inspiration and friendship I doubt I would be where I am today! You are my idol!!! :-*


If the lumps are nearby your armpit they are mostly lymphatic nodes responding to the inflamation.

Best way to get rid of them is to performa lymphatic massage for a while to drain the fluids out of them. (google it) If they are not located there they are not lymph nodes.... So watching evolution is crucial...


New Member
I want you to know Joan I had been looking all over to see how your mammo turned out. Great news!!! And welcome to the world of yearly squishing too. :0 You have had amazing growth and progress I am happy for you. Like alot of people I am so much more relaxed about my breasts now then I was when I first started because everyone is so great about sharing their experiences.Did she tell you to do anything to make it go away?


New Member
i just got back from my gyno appt....she said my breast tissue is fine. apparently i just injured the muscle underneath when i carried those heavy bags and i might have a small tear thats causing the swelling and soreness. she said to give it several months and rest to let it glad. i will just have to wait a while until i use the noog again.


New Member
Ok I'm happy to report that I have been "noogling my berries" very gently for the last week and a half and everything is much better. I started off super lightly 2-3 minutes a day and worked my way up every day but always keeping the pressure very light so that they barely turn pink and releasing when I feel the pressure get too tight. I think the most helpful thing was using the heating pad before noogling! It really helps!! I would recommend it. Also, helps with swelling. So woohoo! I'm super happy to take my noogleberry out of the closet again after 6 months! :)