Starting Pics!


New Member
Fiona, I drink a protein shake every day that is a powder I found at a health food store. It is made by EAS and has like 53 grams of protein when you add milk... I use soy milk, and it also has lots of other vitamins and minerals. It is for weight lifters, but I figure tissue is tissue and if it helps build muscle while working out with weights, why not boobs when noogling!!! ;D

Sounds like you have a great routine going! Keep on keepin' on girl!



New Member
LisaTG ,
Thanks so much for the tip! I am going to check this out today if I get a chance. I think you're right, tissue is tissue, and I had wondered about these drinks before.
Definitely going to try!


New Member
Frustration is Getting Me!!!!

I've been a slacker lately......I've been NBing only once a day, for about an hour or two. I've missed taking my herbs twice. I've had a couple days where it's been frustrating, because I'm really NOT seeing a lot of results! I've only been at this for about a month so I'm not giving up yet...... I haven't been on the site in about a week and a half and feel like I gotta catch up on everyone's news and progress!
Anyways, slow goes the battle, but it's still going! I've been looking into financing augmentation through the Doctor Office's I researched before I found NB. I still am really serious about that too.... I'm gonna keep at this because I know its not overnight but I have never been a patient person. When I want something I want it NOW and I know I could finance my boobs and have them for summer...Ahhh...
Well, I will not be doing anything drastic in the near future and will keep up with my friends on here. Once I got away for a few days, I got frustrated but I'm back at it again and keep telling myself "I Will have BIG boobs!"


New Member
I was so bummed out myself at the invisible snail's pace of using NB. But I looked at the shape of my smaller left breast, and I was surprised at how it's slowly shaping into a round mound. I have only been noogling for 6 weeks, and can't discern an obvious increase in size, but when I wear my 32C/34B, it's tighter and fills out the cup more with a the gaps closing in. So, at this discovery, I stopped noogling at my regular frenzied rate, and resumed again slowly. Just trusting that it will happen one of these days, if not for the growth, it will help in reshaping my breasts.

Noogling will work, but it will take time. Maybe, it's like that calm before the storm, and when the body laid the groundwork or foundation so to speak, then it will break out of its dormancy, and will come charging like a bull. Hopefully...I started a 32B/34A 6 weeks ago, so noogling must have contributed to the growth. My breasts still looks small to me, but I can fit the next bigger size, so something must be moving.

Growing breast is not an instant miracle growth thing, but it is very possible. Yes, we will have BIG boobs!


New Member
Thanks for the encouragement! My right breast has been noticeably smaller since I breastfed and it was kinda flat on the top part. I notice that it IS beginning to look how it should and is starting to round out! I think I just needed a break for a couple of days... I've been exhausted the last couple weeks with work and being a single mom of a 4 year old and a 7 year old with Autism. My time to myself is pretty much nil, and its hard to use what little time I do have to NB. But I'm going to keep at it! I really do love my body and think I don't look like a mom of 2. I'm 31 and still get ID'd to buy smokes (the age in Canada is 19) so I'm doing pretty good!
Thanks for helping me keep my chin up cause sometimes it's hard to.. not that having big boobs would make my life any easier! lol!
We sound like we have kinda the same measurements and one flat boob, but you've been NBing a few weeks longer. Good luck on your journey too! xx


New Member
Yes, ladies I agree. When I first sarted I went all out. Twice a day sessions and stuff. Then after about 6 weeks I didn't see that obvious growth I was looking for and toned it down to the mentality of this is an enhanced exercise device ad it will happen.Actually I'd rather have mediocre swelling that lasts all day then the huge infkation and then deflation 2-3 hrs later. I'm finding that doing it 45 minutes 6 days a week with one day off is working. Does that mean twice a day wouldn't work better- for me it didn't. The best month I've had was this last 4 weeks when I did it only the 45 minutes and took one day off a week. Also looking at my breasts with the naked eye I don't see any change but when I'm on my 4 day cycle I can see the obvious shrinkage. lol At least we all know we are doing something everyday to help our situation and that in itself is a huge accomplishment.

We are all in this together. Slow & steady!