Stella's Stats


New Member
I am also a member of the breast nexus forum. I have completely quit all herbs and only do noogleberry.

I started in february 2010 measuring 33 inches around.
In June 2010 I measured 34 inches around.
In November 2010 I measured 34 1/2 inches around.

I started as a 34 A and I'm now a 34B. 27 years old, no kids. I am currently using the medium domes.

I am using a better method of measuring and using a daily log, so I'll be able to report my results more accurately in the next post.


New Member
Welcome Stella, I'm new to this forum, and trying to get to know as many people as I can. Looks like you have great progress so far!!! Have any new measurments?


New Member
Hi Stella. You have had some good progress so far. Great isn't it! I don't use herbs or anything either. Sue


New Member
HI & Welcome to the forum !!!!!!!!!
This is the place to ask any questions that you might have.
Most of us have asked them, and gotten answers for them.
Pump slow without to much pressure, and use lots of lotion,
and you will see results.
It takes time and LOTS of it, with steady use the results are worth the wait.
Stay safe, and have some fun.
The boobie fairy is looking for you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
wow. so you grew on noogling alone? that's great progress you're having!

how often do you noogle and how long per session?

i am 34AA trying to grow anything i can. i'm so glad i found your thread because you're around my age (i'm a little older) and with no kids.

were you ever a larger size before? sometimes people lose weight and along with that, boobs. then they're able to gain it back more easily. i've never been larger than a 34AA so i guess it's taking me a while because my skin has to also stretch out... or at least that's why i think i'm a slow responder.

but yay! congrats on your growth and thanks for posting. it gave me hope! :)


New Member
Ok, so shortly after posting this I got busy and distracted and wasn't noogling much. I started a new method of recording which is posted below.

Also, no I was never any bigger than I started. I used to be heavier- I was at 150 at 18, but went down to 120 in my early 20's and have been there ever since, but my breast size has always been the same. I try to noogle for hours at a time, but I don't always get to. I do 1 or more hours a day, and I've been switching between the mediums and larges. I do the mediums for half the time and the larges for half the time. It seems to get me better swelling. Be sure to drink your water and be consistent!

Noogling Results
over bust: 33 1/2
bust: 34 1/2
under armpits: 32 1/2
across left: 6 1/2
across right: 7 1/4 (3/4 INCH DIFFERENCE)
across chest: 14 1/2


New Member
Hi Stella
Congratulations on your new stats. It is interesting that you also record how long you have noogled. I like this idea. I might start doing this, it could be motivational. Sue