This may hesp for you breast


New Member
I went to this website and she has the guide for sell. I did not pay for it but I was able to find most of it for free! in part of the guide it says this.

" Get plenty of Essential fatty acids"
Most people don't bother to take an EFA supplement but this is
critical to your health. There are many options and it will help your
general health as well as your breast enhancement.

A few examples: borage oil, evening primrose oil ( EPO ), flex seed
oil and fish oil. You can get this in pill or liquid form.

Just thought you guys would like to know.

P.s. after I found this guide for free on her website I was not able to find it again. Its an eguide its really good to. but its only part of it I believe there is also Audio part. Its only $14 so not to bad. I may or may not get it I dont know yet. But go to the website.