Tissue Expansion if you have cancer cells?? Could these replicate by noogling?


New Member
Hi, I hate to ask this as I'm about to really get into my noogling, but the above crossed my mind and I wondered "WHAT IF" you happened to have cancer cells in your breasts (and I believe we all have cancer cells in our bodies but our immune system cleans them under normal circumstances" so i have to ask, has anyone studied this? and knows if by noogling to expand and create more tissue would any cancer cells you potentially had in your breasts ALSO expand and proliferate?

I know surgeons use tissue expanders in women before breast reconstruction so I figured noogling must be a pretty safe concept.
I'm trying to research this by the way but haven't found anything yet!

Again sorry to bring this into the boards, I am hoping someone can clarify this for me and confirm cancer cells are a complete separate type of cells that the fat ones we are trying to create.

Thanks :-\


New Member
ok i have found some information on here but I'm not satisified i have my answer as yet. i will however rephrase my question.

I am under NO illusion using a noogleberry will CAUSE BC at all! I do want opinions on the following: IF you have cancer cells in your breasts would the pulling, suction, manipulating of breast tissue etc using a pump cause "any" cancer cells you may have to mutate or replicate in a bad way?



Active Member
Well, I'm definitely not an expert, but it does seem to me that growth promotion would apply equally to cancerous cells and regular cells. But as you say there is no reason to think that noogling can cause cancer. Cancer by definition is a tumor that grows rapidly, so cancer cells will grow with or without noogling. In either case the cancerous cells have to be removed.


New Member
Hey james :)
Yes I realise I may be over thinking this. But its something worth considering I thought. Im trying to think of other ways to look into this and research ie tissue stretching and cells multiplying as a result etcI guess im second guessing as a friends friend recently passed away from a vicious form of BC.. she refused to get a biopsy for fear of disrupting the tumor and it spreading as a result. Ive found some literature from brava on studies done but the unfortunate truth is some1 selling you a product IS going to share favourable information to their product. I may just email lucy from noogleberry and if all else fails try the cancer Society and see if they have any input.


New Member
I just got my noggleberry a couple of days ago and I too was wondering about this.

I have a benign mass (fibroid endenoma). I keep an eye on it, plus get regular ultrasounds to check it's not growing.

I've googled, can't find anything negative. Guess I'll find out hey!!


New Member
:-\ gosh I thought I was the only one!!! but yeh I did all the searches under the sun like "if you stretch a c cell can it replicate" etc etc but couldn't find anything concrete. I guess you really have to understand how a c cell divides before you'll really have any idea of the answer.
Anyway sorry to be such a downer! definitely keep us updated. Having what you have can be a key answer as to whether tissue expansion effects abnormal breast cells!
I know for a fact my fear of this is what keeps me from REALLY noogling to its full potential you know.
Either way, I just make a point of trying to be as healthy as I can be etc etc and hope that never happens, good luck :)