today and things


New Member
:-[ :-[
Hi every one.

I just wanted to post this to any and all that wish to read it. I really love this site. All of you have so much go for you and you guys are so helpful to others. It seems though that my involvement on this forum really isn't taken very well. I do understand allot of things and am understanding enough to know when not to intrude. Soooo I will be reading posts, admiring all the progress you guys have and going on with the business of being who I really am. I'm neither angry or sad. I'm not being dramatic at all., just realistic.My hope for all of you is to go for your dreams. I have and it is going to cost me allot of friends and maybe some of my childrens love. Life is too short to on anything back. Good luck every one Luv you guys Johni


New Member
I may have missed something but I'm not really sure why you feel you're not going down so well on this site. You seem lovely in all your posts and have been saying some really kind things. And I'm sure I speak for most, if not all, when I say that the more success stories (as I'm sure yours will be) we see, the more encouragement it gives us to go on. Please keep posting and keep us updated on your progress. Btw - some people don't seem to read all the different areas on here - the Gallery and Stats sections seem the busiest so maybe you could post on these if you wanted to get a bit more chat going. Big hug :-*


New Member
Maybe I missed it too. You seem to be doing great. This is a very warm and loving noogleberry family.

Keep posting...and of course keep noogling :)


New Member
hi joni... me too i think i missed something... i can be pretty daft at times.. :)... i don't know what made you feel unwelcome, but do keep us updated of your success. most of us, if not all, are pretty encouraging when it comes to development of breasts because all of us have the same goal, to increase a cup size or two or three ;) .... but whatever you decide on, just keep on noogling... :) and may you have the bestof both worlds.... God bless :)


New Member
Hi guy's, just got home so I will try to explain a little. The one thing I am is a loving person, always have been. I'm very aware of things, and the last thing I want to do is intrude. Yes the Noogleberry family is great, I love it. I was just noticing that it was the same ones posting and it really started to bother me, like I should not be here. I also think that my wishes to become a woman, which I have always wanted to be from a very young age, has had something to do with it. Yes ladies, I'm very loving and genuine. I believe I can be of some help to some of you. I guess I just want to feel that my choice to transtion to being a woman isn't hurting people here. If you all are ok with it I will continue to post and love doing it. I really do love this site. Let me know guy's.

Love to all Joni


New Member

Please continue posting; I would like you to go to the picture gallery and check out Eman's and Joan's picture page...I think the name maybe Joan_CD...biological males (both got amazing results) and very much a part of the noogleberry family...that's just two names off the top of my head. Some topics seem to get more replies than others...that has nothing to do with the author. I have read this forum...posts from 2008 and I have seen where some post do not get any reply...authors are biological females and long time member of the noogleberry family. Just to reiterate what Katie said, most people seem to zoom in on stats and picture page and they are drawn to posts that seek a solution to a problem they might have as well. Not everyone takes the time to read through all post. I do read, but I do not respond to every post…nothing to do with the author, sometimes I really don’t have a solution or just don’t have the time to write an appropriate reply.

Keep noogling Joni and keep posting.
All the best!


New Member
Hi Aim, thank you for posting a reply. I have seen their photos and admire both of them allot. Sometimes I think I get far to emotional about things, but in reality I just want to help people, where I can, and contribute. I personally thank you for responding to me Joni


New Member
Hi Joni. Please try not to take it personnally if you don't get as many replies as you may like, because honestly it is not anything to do with you or who are, just that people tend to read more than post that is all. I am sure once people get to know you and the more you post you will get replies. Please hang in there.


New Member
Yes Joni, don't be offended! Some people just post more than others. Sometimes people are tired. Sometimes people appreciate a post but have nothing to say. It just depends! You are a great asset here at the forums. I know every person here is appreciative of another supportive noogler, right? Keep posting and definitely keep noogling!


New Member
Thanks go out to all of you. I guess when you think about it, you guys are right. I'm wondering if the hormones I'm taking are messing with me a little. Anyway, than you so much Love Joni


New Member
thank you so much katie or smile on your face. I'm very honored. Yes it will probably get worse as I venture deeper into the hormones. I have had days where it seems like I wanted to really hide and get emotional HaHa. I was warned about that. But your :welcome to womanhood girl" really made a statement to me. It , along with that1's coment, mean I'm beginning to feel accepted for what I feel I've always should have been. Bless you Joni


New Member
Hey Joni, read your comments above and just wanted to add my bit. With regard to your comment about the same people posting, I've noticed that's just the way it is with NB. When I first started on this forum almost a year ago there were lots of people on here who now no longer post, or if they do then its very infrequent. It seems that when you first find the forum, the whole experience is new and exciting and you want to learn as much as you can so you ask questions and post regularly, gradually as you get used to the system and feel more confident you start to give advice to others but don't feel the need to go on the forum quite so often, then over the months new members join and start posting more often as they are new and the whole process starts again. I check into the forum every day in work just to have a quick look at whats going on but don't have the time to read all the posts as the forum seems to have grown considerably since I started, which is good news for Noogleberry. I do pick out a few posts where I think I can give advice. So please don't think that because its the same people who respond to your posts, the others are being unwelcoming. The only people who are unwelcome on here are those who are rude and disrespectful to others. So please continue to enjoy the forum and post away to your hearts content and I wish you all the best in your transition into womanhood. ;)


New Member
:-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
You know kisses must go out to all of you wonderful gals. Cleo, thank you so much for the comment about welcome to womanhood..

It took me most of my life and 4 failed marriages to come to grips with who I am. That1, you, aim, and kayieb have been so kind. I also have come to realize that as my hormone therapy gets deeper and deeper, it does have an effect on me emotionally. Soooooo,
thank you all. I just wish that my post about gender issues would have taken off better. I knmow there are others like me. There isn't any shame in it. I didn't cause the way I am. Hugs to all of you. I luv you guys Joni


New Member
Hey Joni,

Just wanted to let you know that there is a wonderful woman (was born male) who is one of the persons who got me intersted in noogleberry. Her name is Cheryl_1989 on Eve's forum. The first person was Anastasia. I was blown away by Cheryl's results. She is really sweet and supportive...and honestly, you quite often don't remember that she was born a male...unless she tells someone on the forum in way to say if I can grow boobs, you can too. You can probably check out her results at

Keep noogling and keep posting :)


New Member
Hi Aim

How are you today? You know I'm really ok. I do realize that the hormones I'm on in my transition such as estrogen, probably are responsible for some of my feelings, but really I'm ok. I have asked Lucy to eliminate all of my topics I started because no one beside you and a few others have posted. It is taking up valuable space on the pages. If others were goiung to post they would have already. I'm ok with who I am and really look forward to the day I have my feminization on my face surgery, and then the reassignment surgery. I love the forum and will continue to post replies so I can be of what ever help I can. Thank you so much for your support, I love you for i :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*. Don't worry your pretty head over it Love Joni


New Member
Hey Joni,
I think over time your body wil get acustomed to the estrogen. I know cheryl_1989 has started a forum. She is still active on Eve's forum, but I think the aim of her forum is not just breast enhancement for biological males but also to deal with some of the very issues you are experiencing now through your transition.
Let me know if you want me to find that info for you.

All the best!

BTW How is the noogling?


New Member
Hi Aim4C

Yes, I think I would like that. If you wouldn't mind,I think that would be great. I realize your time is important, so please, do that only if you have time , Hun ok? I'm very, happy and content who I am now. I only worry what 4 out of my five children will do and say. Love all Joni :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*


New Member
Hi Joni,
here is the link to Cherly's forum.

I hope all goes well for you with your children.
