
Teeny Tiny

For what!?! Toothpaste burns and leaves skin extremely dry and damaged. I know because when I was a teenager I used to use it on my facial acne. It dried up and got rid of the zits but my skin paid the price. I'd never even think about putting it on any part of my breasts, especially the nipples. :-X
I have never heard of such thing! And i cant even imagine how can it help... tootpaste doesnt have any substances that would work that way??

Mumma Bear

some toothpastes have spearmint oils, so the theory would be for the anti-androgen effect:

Bit weird though.


New Member
Jst like Teeny I used toothepaste to help with acne growing up. It did cause my skin to be dried and cracked. I could not imagine ever using it on my breast or nipples.
no it is good that you posted it - but if you want to try it, you should keep in mind that it dries skin a lot and nipple's skin is very sensitive. i used it once when i was 14 for my face and after one time my skin was extremely dry (my skin actually is oily). so it does dry it a lot. so be careful:)q


New Member
thank you for your concern but i don't think i am brave enough to try it after hearing your reviews , am afraid it could cause some damage to the nipple and prevents me from noogling for a while


New Member
No question is ever a stupid question. I wouldnt feel bad about posting it. We all have questions and what matters is that we are here to help and support each other. We are jsut giving you our opinions, and hoping we are of some help. As I know I as questions that may seem silly but when others give me their opinion it gives me different insights than my own. Good Luck.


New Member
Ooh, I used toothpaste for acne too when I was a teenager! Only I´d just put a tiny bit on each zit, and they dried out very fast but ended up looking uglier than when I just left them to dry on their own. So no, don´t try it on your boobs, ouch! I imagine it would sting like hell on your nipples.