tryn2bconfident stats


New Member
age 34
three children
135 pds
Under: 32.5"
Mid: 37.25"
Above: 35.5"
I think that makes me a A36. but uneven and not full.
I actually have been taking PM since December 16, 2009.
I don't think I have had any results.
Trying to loose between 15 - 20 pds.
Tried exercising, but it haven't been able to keep it up.
Actually in December I weighed 130pds...gained 5 ???


New Member
I haven't seen any results, I took a break for two weeks from noogling and from PM. I started again today.

I must admit, that my confidence is still lacking and I'm really trying to feel better about myself infront of my husband, but when he touches my chest (can't even say breasts), I feel I disappoint him and embarrassed.
But he continues to say he loves me and I give him everything he desires...summer time, bikinis, pretty tops are downers...oh well.

I currently weight 128lbs...but still need to loose that flab...if only we could just say, go

but, it's all how we view ourselves, and I need to change my own perspective.


New Member
Ahh don't give up. Look around the forums, there's plenty of people who started at FLAT and are now beautiful D's and beyond, even! You just gotta pump pump pump. Pump everyday. In the morning. At night. You can do it!


New Member
I recieved my xldomes May 31, 2010. I decided to purchase these because the med ones weren't doing a thing...i'd deflate almost immediately after I took the cups off and I had been trying for maybe three months. I have restarted taking my PM, which I put on hold for about a month.
But yesterday after my session actually gave me some hope. The swelling lasted a couple of hours!
I am still 130lbs. I am determined to loose 15lbs, although with my schedule, it is hard to find the time to noogle and exercise. Somehow I'll make it work. Yey for swelling, soon it'll last for more than a couple of hours.
I want to do half and hour before I head off to work, then an hour after work. (before dinner and when my husband comes home).
It did leave me more sore than I had expected, and I hadn't been uncomfortable, but it left a small purple mark at the side of my 'thing'. (I can't even call them boobs, if you know what i mean), but I did my half an hour this morning and I am off to a new journey.
I'll try to take my measurements next week. It's exciting, I'm glad I switched.
Even though I barely fit the xldomes, I think that the roundness does work for me, maybe it's because I have a wide rib cage.
Anyhow, I look forward to tonight. ;D


New Member
Stick with it, tryn2bconfident - there's heaps and heaps of great advice and motivation to be found all over the forum, so come have a read when you're losing motivation :) You can do it!

I've said this before around the place, but try to give yourself some more positive 'self-talk'! They're not your "things", they're your breasts, no matter what they look like. It's pretty well known in sports psychology that when athletes visualize positive results and pump themselves up with positive talk they perform better. Like, their bodies literally go the extra mile for them. They throw a javelin further, or swim faster, etc, etc.

What we're trying to do is encourage our bodies to grow and expand tissues - it you look at your boobs and think "there's nothing there, the swelling won't stay, I hate them, and they embarrass me", then that will be a self-fulfilling prophecy (Aaaaaarrgghh - noooo!)

Stick with your twice-a-day pumping routine, and after every session, look at your boobs and think - "they're getting bigger - I can feel it. The swelling is staying longer, and I love them more every day", and I bet you anything they'll respond better to noogling! (But you have to really think it - you can't fake it [how weird would that be, to try and fake positive self-talk? :D])

Good luck!
:) Blue


New Member

That's a link where a long time ago I had posted pics of myself. As you have read that I want to loose 20lbs too, and this is also showing my progress. I tend to commit to losing my flab and continue to noogle and see better results in September. I am determined.
Thanks blue, I know that I need to have a better positive attitude towards my image. and I have taken your advice and will put that to use. My breasts are small and beautiful and they are growing!!! Yeay!
You are all wonderful!
Happy Growing you beautiful ladies.


New Member

Just wanted to offer some support. I have small breast as well...after breastfeeding two children. I am also 5ft 3inches...guess we got somethings in common. But I guess my diet...usually high in protein plus genetics has helped to keep me small(currently 105lbs) ... there are times my confidence dips even though my husband thinks I'm super sexy....So I do understand how you feel somtimes. It is important to know that the mind is a very powerful thing. If you think you're sexy, you will not only act sexy, but you will also be more motivated to make small sacrifices to acheive/maintain that.

Keep being confident. 8)