

New Member
Hi all! It's been a while since I've posted anything but I thought I'd give a lil update. I started this journey in February....did a lot of experimenting etc....a few days breaks here and there due to serious hickey marks. And after learning how to do it all right I've been consistent and persistent!

Well for me it has seems to swell more and stay longer the more I use it. Also the further I get into the cup. (ONLY during luteal though which is right before period.....and I naturally swell as well) This cycle I've got to start off with the mediums..and after filling....put the Large on (only my smaller side). I've mainly been working on my smaller side. But each time AF comes along.....I lose swelling...and am not able to swell very much into the cup...and nothing stays....so it seems pointless to noogle during this time.. I keep doing it though in hope that this too may take time that it will eventually stick and get further during that time of cycle. So far I haven't grown though like some of you have. This has taken time to get to where I'm at now...in that now I can actually wear the L cup. Each cycle I get to swell further into the cup. It's amazing the difference in size though after I have swelled compared to before. I can actually cup my hand over something now! :O

Hopefully growth will soon follow.


New Member
After I typed my message I took a shower and OH MY!!! :eek: I'm soo excited!!! :D Talk about WoW! Now my "smaller" side is the bigger side ....when swollen of course. Boy won't it be nice if this ever became permanent! Wayy cool. Those L cups are cool.


Thats great!!!! I know the feeling of being be able actually to cup your hands around something for the first time.
It really is a confidence boost. Before noogleberry when i would raise my hands up my boobs would disappear and my bra would slide up. sometimes embarrassing.
Now I feel normal because I have something to hold my bra in place. I'm now a small 32C.

Keep it up!!!


New Member
Hi Tpurple! Thanks a bunch! Yes I did that little test earlier while I was admiring in the mirror...lol ;D and I was so excited to finally see that not all of it disappeared whne I lifted my arms up yay! I believe I swelled up to a small or medium 32C. We're around same size.....well that was the swellng size anyway. What size did you start out with?


Small 32B I could wear a very padded B, but fit an unpadded A bra.


New Member
I can't believe this! I filled out the L cup completely last night on my smaller side that is now the larger side after noogling. I also filled out the medium cup on the larger side that is now the smaller side after noogling. :eek: Way cool! I noticed a family member looking at me there a couple times........(which was a little uncomfortable) but hey at least it was noticeable ;)


congratulations on your growth Abigail love jellyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..............


New Member
Thanks a bunch Jellyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I'm not real sure I have real growth yet.....we'll c after AF comes along. That's when things go down for me.