USA people



Teeny Tiny said:
I've met some New Yorkers that are total jerks, and some who are as nice as you are Joan, they come both ways just about everywhere in the world. But if I find out anyone ever accuses you of being rude I'll bitch slap em! ;)

LOL. And that's why I luvs ya girl friend!!!!!!!!!


New Member
I agree with u Joan.. We are always helping out but dont get the credit for it, and thats why some of us seem to be mean... :p
Teeny tiny u sound like a new yorker lol...
we may be nice but we are always ready and willing to bitch slap someone lol and that is the new york attitude!!!

Teeny Tiny

Na, not a New Yorker. I'm a Arizonan, born and stuck! But not for much longer, my hubby is working on a project that could be very lucrative and wants to move us to Flippin Arkansas once we start getting enough money rolling in to be able to make the move. His business partner lives there, then in about a year or so we may move up to Stockton Missouri, I can't wait to get out of this God forsaken state. I'd love to move to New York, other than the fact that I think I'd freeze to death my first winter there. ;) :D ;D


New Member
Do you not like Arizona Teeny? Hubby is getting out in April or so and is getting the GI Bill and going to school. We were thinking of moving to Vegas as the school he would need to go to is there. I've always lived in the southeast, like GA, FL, AL, etc. so would be a big change for us. How is the area there? Like I heard it's hot during the day but cold at night.

Teeny Tiny

It's okay I guess. We don't have to deal with earthquakes like California, or tornadoes like we might when we move to Arkansas, or some of the other bad weather or natural disasters that some parts of the country have to deal with. No freezing cold temperatures or ice and snow, which snow I wouldn't mind, I'm just not a big fan of having to try to drive on ice, not to mention I'm a wuss when it comes to cold temperatures most of the time. The biggest thing I hate about this state is the heat and the sun during the summer, but that's mainly because I'm allergic to the sun. Even during the winter if my mother in law leaves windows or doors open during the day to get fresh air like she likes to do I end up sicker than a dog, I've been sick almost every day since we moved in with her in October because of that. I guess I just drastically want a change of scenery after living in this state my whole life, almost 35 years now. For some this is a great place to live, but not for me.


New Member
I live in Phoenix, Arizona (when I saw your post, Teeny, I jumped a little, haha). If you like the heat then it's okay. In the middle of summer it really is hell. The winters never get cold enough to snow, but it hails a couple times a year. It's not really true that it's hot during the day and cold at night unless you're stranded in the desert lol. In the peak of summer, it's about 120 degrees during the day and goes down to maybe 90 at night. During the coldest days of winter, it's around 60 during the day and 40 at night. It's different than the SE by the type of heat, though. A popular saying around here is "it's just dry heat". It doesn't get very humid here at all, unless it's right after a rain (which rarely comes, but when it decides to, it just pours down).

You'll be moving to Vegas in April, right? I know the weather around there is more or less the same as around here, so it'll be just starting to transition to summer. As long as you don't move in like, July, it should be a fairly easy transition.

Like Teeny, it's a great place if you like the heat. I've met people who've moved here from the east coast and northern states to get away from the snow/humidity, and they wouldn't leave for anything. I like Arizona because there isn't really much in terms of natural disaster besides forest fires. I kind of want to move a little north to the smaller cities because they actually get all four seasons, but being born and raised a city girl would probably be the only reason why I wouldn't.


New Member
The heat won't be a problem for Me, I live in Cuba currently remember lol. Here it gets as hot during the summer as you stated for Arizona and winter, the coldest I ever experienced was mid 60's and that's rare. So the heat I'm use to, though being in the tropics it might be a different type of heat, but I'm sure I'll be fine. While everyone else in the US was snowed in not too long ago, I was laying out by the pool here lol. It doesn't rain much here either, that's why the grass is always dead, and when it rains it's like for a day or two and normally light rain. It's only poured down rain here a handful of times since I've been here, and we've been here 2 years. I'm sure I'll love it out there, just hope they sell the stuff there like they do in GA so I can cook how I like ;)

Teeny Tiny

I'm sure it won't be much of a change from Cuba for you, I know we have a cold front moving through this week. Tomorrow I think the high is supposed to be like 48, warming up to the low - upper 50's by this weekend, with the lows below freezing, and possibly some rain as well, which could turn into snow at night (Oooooh, burr, but pretty!). Really cold weather is very uncommon here, but I have experienced it in the teens early in the morning starting the day off at work a few years ago. We had some below normal temperatures here around this last Thanksgiving I think it was, they come and go. I remember about 12 years ago on my way to work at 3pm it was 25 degrees and snowing when I got to work up at 7th St. & Dunlap. While driving on the freeway I thought it was raining, then as I slowed down to exit the freeway I said to myself, "Wait a minute, rain doesn't flutter, it's snowing!" When I got to work the parking lot was coated in a thin layer of white powder, it was so pretty! Considering I was doing security wearing thin polyester pants I froze my ass off that day. I think that was around the first of December 1998, the rest of the winter was very mild, mostly above average temperatures, then at the end of winter we had a repeat of the cold and snow, talk about weird! I can't wait until we move to a climate where we may have at least a couple snow storms a year, I love the snow, just don't care for having to worry about black ice when I'm driving somewhere. Only experienced that a couple times when my hubby had to work in Gallup, New Mexico during the winter a couple years ago. The hotel parking lot where we were staying was a royal pain to drive and walk around on because it wasn't kept very clear and froze over a lot.

We might be moving up to Stockton, Missouri within a year of moving to Flippin, Arkansas though, because that's where my hubby's business partner is talking about moving up to. If we move up there we'll have slightly colder temperatures than Flippin and more snow, which I won't mind as long as we don't have to drive around in it, hopefully my hubby will be able to stay home and work from the home office on the really bad days. We're looking at getting at least 50 acres of lake front property when we make the move up there, I can't wait! ;) :D ;D


New Member
I live in AL here! Haven't gotten my NB yet, but trying to wait patiently!

Anastasia: You lived in AL? which part? (if you don't mind me asking)


New Member
I'm sure that I will if I can just find the time. I live with my parents and this would be awkward to explain....


New Member
When I tryed the BRAVA I lived with my bf parents :-\ and they just walked in my room with out nocking so I only did it at night when every one was sleeping and his dad was at work. No luck with the BRAVA tho. NOw my bf and I have are own place and I noogle when he at work too because he does not like to see them on me. But I know he will love the then they are bigger hehe.


New Member
My bf lives with me too except its with MY parents, not his (thank god) lol. and on top of that, we have 5 kids total that live in our house (2 mine, 3 his). So we have our hands full, to say the least! :D I'll prob only be able to pump at night, so that will suck, but oh well. And he will prob be sitting beside me the whole time playing our Xbox. He said if it will make me happy, then do it! (one of the many reasons I love him!)


New Member
My bf think its to scary looking. At less he does not call them my boobies suckers no more like he did when I 1st got it. He ok with me doing it he just want to make sure that I know that he loves me for what I have and well that nothing.

Teeny Tiny

Long story, but right now my hubby and I are living with his mom, and even though we're married and I'm 35 and he's 40 we have absolutely no privacy. But I don't let it stop me, I noogle anytime I want to, I just make sure I have the notebook computer on the bed with me, or the sheets handy to be able to pull up when I hear the door open because we don't have a lock on it. I keep telling my hubby we need to switch the bedroom doorknob with the bathroom doorknob (we're in the master bedroom with attached bathroom) so we can lock it when we don't want her to be able to just walk right in. Like when I'm noogling or if we try to sneak some personal time in during the day. ;) :D ;D


New Member
This isn't meant to be the slightest bit offensive, but if he's like most guys, he'll never get around to it! Just do it while he's at work one day! lol


New Member
Puggley- that's funny your husband called them boobie suckers lol that's what my husband calls them! He's use to the look of them now luckily, and now that my boobs have grown he doesn't think I'm crazy, I know they look funny though!


New Member
Hooters said:
Puggley- that's funny your husband called them boobie suckers lol that's what my husband calls them! He's use to the look of them now luckily, and now that my boobs have grown he doesn't think I'm crazy, I know they look funny though!

That is funny!