ways to stay motivated


New Member
This is going to sound cheesy, but so be it. I find that being a part of this community is one of things that motivates me the most. There is just something about being surrounded by people who have the same goals that reminds me of why I am doing this for myself and how far I have come already. I don't know how to put it all into words, but knowing that I am not in it alone can really keep me going even when I feel discouraged.

Other than that, I always try to have a bra that is a size larger that I would normally wear just for after my noogling sessions. Obviously, I don't keep it on all day but it is nice wear every once in awhile when I have nice swelling. It reminds me of where I could be WITHOUT noogling later down the road. Plus it is fun to have as a little reward for myself once I do hit those short term goals.

Lastly, I like to take a lot of pictures of my progress. It is a great motivator...as long as I am careful. It is a lot like the measuring tape; I don't do it everyday because then I obsess over them worried that noogling isn't making much of a difference. Instead, I will do it once a month or so and forget about it. So in those times that I feel like I have stalled, I can look back and figure out if it is all in my head or not (most of the time, it is).

It does take time, but noogling is well worth the effort. Hope to hear from others because I could use some suggestions myself.


New Member
Jenni, I agree with everything you said! I think another major one for me is to remind myself that I don't have to do things perfectly, just do what I can, try to be consistent, and don't stress too much about it. Otherwise, if I keep being hard on myself for not doing enough or messing up, then it becomes difficult to maintain and a chore, which is totally unmotivating. I think that's the reason I quit three years ago after only a month. The other big motivator is to remember that it's like a marathon, not a race! And don't rely too much on measuring or pictures, just try to focus on the changes you are feeling. If you obsess over the measurements and look at pictures too often, it can be very difficult to pick up on subtle and gradual changes, and you might convince yourself that it's not working at all, which is super unmotivating. Just stay positive, stick with it, and make it part of your routine! :)


New Member
I know that no one has posted in this topic for a while, but I am just starting out and I know a few others are as well, and I think that it would be encouraging to talk about what motivates me.

So, I put myself through college while working and got a job at an amazing firm, but it sucks away most of my time and exhausts me. While I work crazy hours, I'm also studying to be a CPA (Almost there!). So I know a thing or two about self-motivation, and the key is always to remember that right now is only temporary. Sometimes it's hard to think about what life will be like in a year, because I know for me at least my generation is very much a "right now" generation. Some days I can't compute what I'm going to eat for lunch, much less what my goals are in the future.

So, to keep myself on track I have an "inspiration" folder on my desktop of pictures or articles or quotes that I look at whenever I feel like giving up. For my breast adventure, I have a folder with pictures of breasts that I'm jealous of or that look amazing, and it reminds me to not give up. I also have pictures of bikinis I love, or dresses, bras, etc.

Also, positive thoughts. "This IS what my boobs are going to look like. I'm going to look amazing!"

Get rid of doubts- What are you going to lose by trying? Time? Well, you're going to lose time no matter what.

In the end it's just going to be us motivating ourselves, and while this forum is awesome and encouraging, I think it helps me to remember that it's on me and on you to stick with it.

Progress measurements are good, too! I am keeping a journal so I can write about my daily experiences.

All the best,

Edit: Here are some pictures that have helped me!


  • BAD Boob jobs!.jpg
    BAD Boob jobs!.jpg
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  • kate-upton sexy hot boobs.jpg
    kate-upton sexy hot boobs.jpg
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  • Rosie Jones.jpg
    Rosie Jones.jpg
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Fulfilling a dream...
Indeed Lizzie!

I think of this whole "process" as The Three Ds. Dedication, Deliberation, and Destination

As I look at success stories for just about anything then I find 99% of the time that these elements were in play.

The trouble always comes with "how" to do these concepts and no specific imagining of them is best for everyone. But I have found if I can find ways to fulfill the above requirements then I am much more likely to succeed.

Of course, each of these elements have sub-parts but I see them as part of a cycle of events. I need things to inspire, reward, renew, and follow. As I move towards a goal, I go through phases much like the favorite metaphor, a roller coaster. Thus if I can cover these points of the "ups" and "downs" on the path to my goal -- I surely will succeed.

For instance, this entire week has been one setback after another for me. I develop sudden allergy to a herb mix, bruise the heck out of myself on the NB, and my replacement herbs have been delayed. I'm going on a limb here but I would call that a "low" and this is only a minor one. :) It is a good thing I got those Ds to reflect upon to seek what I need to get up and brush the dirt off and try again.


New Member
I agree, these are all great ways to stay motivated! I only started noogling in the last couple of weeks- but I like thinking of it kinda like Lizzie... What have I got to lose by doing it? But if I didn't do it, or stick with it, I could always wonder. I got my NB close to a year ago and even now have to wonder if I could've reached my goal size by this time if I'd actually given it a shot! Oh well, here's to this year being the one where I see that happen!


beautiful big boobs!
I am at the stage (exactly 2 months into my Noogleberry journey) where I am starting to question.. I am still motivated, and I have seen some growth...but now have hit a plateau. I am still noogling every day/every other day for 40mins-1hr.

I am using the Large domes, I fill them about 3/4 after an hour, not quite to the top yet.

I think when it comes to motivation, maybe you need to make sure you dont slip back to negative thoughts about your breasts and keep believing they will grow!

I've decided I'm going to buy a 'goal bra' (32d) today and also keep coming on here to stay motivated!!


Fulfilling a dream...
Motivation is one of those slippery topics. Has anyone truly reflected on what it "is"? And where this belief we must have it all the times?

To me motivation is a state of unconscious actions taken to reach a desire or goal. When I'm truly motivated, it seems much of my actions and thoughts will revolve around this desire or goal. I just can't help it and I'm naturally progressing for it.

When I'm not motivated, I get easily distracted and frustrated with my perceived "lack of progress". I begin to doubt if I can really do it or even want it. I may even stop doing actions to further my aims because of this heighten level of frustration which I may not even be completely aware of.

Obviously, I want to be motivated because things just come easier when I'm in this state and my thoughts are naturally positive. But the key observation I think is the notion of unconscious action.

There is a somewhat famous metaphor called "The Ant and Elephant" to describe the relationship between the conscious (aka Ant) and unconscious (aka Elephant) mind. If you've not heard of it then I would encourage a trip online or library to read it (or about it). Since our unconscious mind is constantly under attack for attention from outside (aka advertisers), it is constantly shifting and unfocused but I believe most of our motivation originates from this area. So, I need to find ways to keep my unconscious mind focused on the big goal (aka vision or mission). If I think of it as an elephant then it becomes easier to think about the unconscious mind. If I can feed it and get it moving towards the food it likes then very little will be able to stop it. :)

NBE is just plain difficult because of its speed. It can takes months before we perceive a change in a positive direction. So this means I have to keep feeding that elephant for months on faith that the rewards will come. So I've been learning about the unconscious mind which is difficult itself since it is hard to observe and influence.

However, I do know this about it. It likes very primitive ideas and "sensations". I think about how larger breasts feel and move. I think about how they would feel on me. I think about how it will look to have large breasts on me. I imagine these down to the smallest detail to make it "real" to me. I do avoid thinking how others will react or treat me because it is too easy to get counter "evidence" and my elephant goes running off. The people around me (and you) will likely wish me to not change and thus do unconscious things on their part to discourage.

I am now reinforcing these images and sensations with real experiences. I find myself moving and positioning my body so my breasts comes in contact with my body. It is a powerful and subconscious message about how it feels to have breasts. I avoid elevators completely now and take stairs because each step is a strong reinforcement of those sensations. A fast walk can have marvellous messages too as the sway and bounce of breasts reminds me. I now feel my breasts on my arms' side when I do dishes. Even wearing a 40B over a 40A bra has helped.

These all keep me going most of the time. But there are times when even this powerful stuff fails. For example, I'm battling this right now as I have a very sick cat with cancer and I will have to experience her death soon. So, now I have no motivation for anything as I am hurting and grieving for her and dreading the visit to the vet to end her suffering. Even in the face of this sorrow, I must continue my efforts and I'm relying on my habits to keep me moving. Eventually, I will enjoy things again but until then I'm going to use all my skills of *dedication* to keep going.

In summary, I'm just saying to find ways to form a strong habit of pumping, feed your elephant with the sensations and images of larger breasts on yourself, and cultivate your dream and keep it in front of you like a huge mountain. Your path to the mountain may vary but the destination never will change and you don't have to rely solely on faith as it is now a certainity.



beautiful big boobs!
I think this is brilliant DJ. Love the explanation of the unconscious mind! And yes, we just need to infuse our minds with big breasts and not think about being 'flat', just think about being busty!

btw, I had a cat called Sasha too, and she was my favourite cat in the world, we lost her ten years ago, so I'm sorry for your loss I know how hard it is to lose a pet! xx


New Member
dminer84 said:
Motivation is one of those slippery topics. Has anyone truly reflected on what it "is"? And where this belief we must have it all the times?

To me motivation is a state of unconscious actions taken to reach a desire or goal. When I'm truly motivated, it seems much of my actions and thoughts will revolve around this desire or goal. I just can't help it and I'm naturally progressing for it.

When I'm not motivated, I get easily distracted and frustrated with my perceived "lack of progress". I begin to doubt if I can really do it or even want it. I may even stop doing actions to further my aims because of this heighten level of frustration which I may not even be completely aware of.

Obviously, I want to be motivated because things just come easier when I'm in this state and my thoughts are naturally positive. But the key observation I think is the notion of unconscious action.

There is a somewhat famous metaphor called "The Ant and Elephant" to describe the relationship between the conscious (aka Ant) and unconscious (aka Elephant) mind. If you've not heard of it then I would encourage a trip online or library to read it (or about it). Since our unconscious mind is constantly under attack for attention from outside (aka advertisers), it is constantly shifting and unfocused but I believe most of our motivation originates from this area. So, I need to find ways to keep my unconscious mind focused on the big goal (aka vision or mission). If I think of it as an elephant then it becomes easier to think about the unconscious mind. If I can feed it and get it moving towards the food it likes then very little will be able to stop it. :)

NBE is just plain difficult because of its speed. It can takes months before we perceive a change in a positive direction. So this means I have to keep feeding that elephant for months on faith that the rewards will come. So I've been learning about the unconscious mind which is difficult itself since it is hard to observe and influence.

However, I do know this about it. It likes very primitive ideas and "sensations". I think about how larger breasts feel and move. I think about how they would feel on me. I think about how it will look to have large breasts on me. I imagine these down to the smallest detail to make it "real" to me. I do avoid thinking how others will react or treat me because it is too easy to get counter "evidence" and my elephant goes running off. The people around me (and you) will likely wish me to not change and thus do unconscious things on their part to discourage.

I am now reinforcing these images and sensations with real experiences. I find myself moving and positioning my body so my breasts comes in contact with my body. It is a powerful and subconscious message about how it feels to have breasts. I avoid elevators completely now and take stairs because each step is a strong reinforcement of those sensations. A fast walk can have marvellous messages too as the sway and bounce of breasts reminds me. I now feel my breasts on my arms' side when I do dishes. Even wearing a 40B over a 40A bra has helped.

These all keep me going most of the time. But there are times when even this powerful stuff fails. For example, I'm battling this right now as I have a very sick cat with cancer and I will have to experience her death soon. So, now I have no motivation for anything as I am hurting and grieving for her and dreading the visit to the vet to end her suffering. Even in the face of this sorrow, I must continue my efforts and I'm relying on my habits to keep me moving. Eventually, I will enjoy things again but until then I'm going to use all my skills of *dedication* to keep going.

In summary, I'm just saying to find ways to form a strong habit of pumping, feed your elephant with the sensations and images of larger breasts on yourself, and cultivate your dream and keep it in front of you like a huge mountain. Your path to the mountain may vary but the destination never will change and you don't have to rely solely on faith as it is now a certainity.


DJ I'm so sorry for you cat, I know what you're passing through, give her a hug and kiss from me... :'(