What do you think?


New Member
So I've been thinking about something. I've been noogling for over 10 months now on and off same with the pm. I went off pm for a bit because I ran out and did not have the money to get more if I can remember right I believe I had better swelling when I was off the pm. When I was on pm I was noogling 1hr 3 times a day same with when I went off it. So what I am thinking can it be doing the opposite? Like not giving the swelling? I know there stuff that can do that. So what do you think?

Teeny Tiny

Personally I'd never even try PM, it's too strong of an estrogen supply, and might throw off my hormones. That and from what I've found in a lot of places is that the "growth" you experience while on PM is only temporary, once you stop taking it the growth goes away. It's more like that swelling you get right before your period, during or once your menstrual flow stops it goes away as well. A few lucky ones that noogle may make it permanent over time by noogling while they're on it, but you still loose whatever hasn't permanently grown once you stop. That's the results of the majority of the users that I've found info on anyway, many think they have permanent growth from it while they're on it, but it's not until they stop that they find out it's not so permanent. Forgive me if I'm wrong about this, that's just the majority of what I've found while researching it. By all means, if it's something that will do you good for what it does to the body and doesn't mess with your hormones then give it a shot, but I wouldn't expect permanent breast growth from it myself.


New Member
What about zoft fulfill gum? Is it permanent growth? Ive read good thing about it on here more than pm I think. Have you taken it?

Teeny Tiny

No, generally I don't take anything estrogen based, I just use wild yam cream, which is progesterone based. I know others have had good results from zoft though, as with any NBE product, results vary from person to person.