What is Hydro-noogleing???


New Member
Hi Fran,

I would post a link to the thread here that explains it, but I can't seem to find it now .. (and I just posted in it) ::)

Basically, its just a fancy term for filling the cups with water and then using them.

I would like to claim that I came up with the idea, (well, I did... but someone else apparently came up with it before me aka bathmate).

ANyway, I was thinking about pressure differentials and had read about some doctor somewhere that claimed that vacuum therapy would not work well, because you would only ever be pulling at the surface and he claimed that you would need to stretch more than just that.

So , .. the idea was based on the fact that we are all made up of 98% or so water, and the best way to get a good stretch was to equalize the negative pressure so matching water with water