What to do for halloween?


New Member
Do any others celebrate this day, Or do you
just stay home and hand out candy??
I will probably take the grand kids out, IF
their mom has to work again.
Sorry if I put in wrong place.
MODS please move to the correct place.
I will be doing something or other because I have kids. I always have a bit jar of sweeties at the door for all the little cuties that want to come and try to scare me. No one has ever come though (boo hoo!) I lkive in the countryside though so I guess i am expoecting too much.
So, no, I don't celebrate. It's a kids thing really isn't it. They love to dress up!


New Member
i'd probably be out working... or maybe attending a party somewhere.. i dont think its celebrated much here in london though... so .... sorry not much of a big help.. dont have kids.. ;) not yet anyways...


New Member
YES it's all about the kids!!!!
If I stay home I will enjoy handing out the goodies
to all of the little spooks & such.
IF I take the kids out it will be so that they have fun!!
and to insure their safety!!
Going to take them to the pumpkin patch so they can
pick out the pumpkins they want. Probably go for A hay rack
ride too.