What's the largest amount of growth you've heard about on this site?


New Member
I heard of someone gaining 6 cup sizes, but i heard about it second hand. Whoever this person is they are not on this site, but I hope it's true :). Anyways, who on this site do you think has had the biggest change? I don't think i want such massive bazongas, but if it's possible, that means my modest goals are definitely in reach.


New Member
Check out the users Eman and Philli. They are who come to mind when I think of HUGE growth. Other impressive nooglers are MariahDs, JoanCD, kultzu, Anastasia, gina, keeleyket, and sunsetz. Of course there's more, but they either aren't active anymore on here, or I just can't think. Check out the gallery, especially of the names I just mentioned, and I'm sure you'll find your goals are quite within reach.

Did I mention that Eman, Joan, and Gina don't naturally have the "female" parts? So as you can see, noogleberry can work, even on a flat chest.


Domino, please have a look at my results. I use the XXL domes because as a male they're well suited for my chest...Furthermore, I use Wild yam cream to assist with the suction. If you're thinking huge busts, then you may want to beg Lucy and co. to come out with a bigger and longer bust dome...

A happy [and addicted] NB user for three years!



I went from a flat male... sigh... chest to a smallish C in less than 2 years. Of course, if I don't pump for awhile, I go down to a B cup. I have a medium size frame and they tend to be the right size for me!


New Member
Hmmm , giggle >>>> adore having mine too. from flat to 40 c , but being a little greedy i would love to have a d cup