when filling each dome what size do you become?


New Member
Hey everyone!

just out of curiosity, what bra size did you become when you filled out the large domes? I'm on mediums even though I'm like a 32 A. The small domes were just too small for me. So i was just curious what size everyone is when they fill each dome and are ready to move onto the next size? I guess I just like having an idea of what awaits me at the end of each dome :) its always important to keep positive


Re: just out of curiosity :)

I started with the large domes as a 34B. After about two months of using those, I switched to the XLs and began wearing a 34C bra around this time. I never did fill the large domes entirely though... I'd say about half-way. I've gone back in recent months (as a 34D) and I still don't entirely fill the large domes. This is probably due to shape and the fact that my breasts are used to more spread out pressure with the XLs rather than the more outward pull of the large cups that I would mostly be filling up.

(Also, you might want to change the name of the thread to something that gives a better idea of what it's about so more people will see it and be able to find it later on :))


New Member
Re: just out of curiosity :)

I'm also interested in this. I've ordered and am waiting for my noogleberry. Does everyone reach the same cup size when they've filled a dome size, or everyone's different? If so, what can be expected?


New Member
Re: when filling in each dome what size do you become?

thank you morninghello for the advice. I changed the title but found it hard to phrase my questions properly :p


New Member
This is something that has always puzzled me but really everyone is different. It depends on the shape of your breasts and how much your skin stretches during pumping. I'm a full 34B/small 34C and I still don't fill the medium domes, although I'm currently using the large domes. I'm almost filling those now and will probably order the XL but I know there are girls who are smaller than me who have outgrown the large domes and use the XL. I think if you have more rounded shaped breasts you fill the domes quicker, though this does not necessarily mean you grow quicker. As I have a wider spread to my breasts rather than a rounded shape I think I look much smaller than I actually am and take longer to fill the domes. So don't be discouraged if, like me, you don't fill the domes quickly, it does not mean it will take you longer to grow. Hope this makes sense!! lol :)

Teeny Tiny

I'm still only a 34A and using the XL's. I can still use the L's, but fill them rather quickly some days, and my L's both cracked so I'm sticking with the XL's from now on, unlessI decide to get more L's for using when I go out, I'll wear them driving, but I won't wear the XL's because they're too big and awkward to use while steering. ;)