When you notice your not getting any larger. Why and What to do?


Active Member
Hey everyone!
I have been noogling since July 14th 2011 and I just hit my 5 month mark. Well, I see that I have made leaps and bounds of progress within this time, mostly between July and Sept. And I know that Im gonna get "why are you complaining?!" from a lot you gals, but I seem to have hit a brick wall. Since Sept, I really havent grown at all...some, but not much. If you like, here is the link to my progress:
Take a look at page 1 and page 4 to see the first pics compared to todays pics. Let me know what you think and how I should proceed
I cut out caffine completely, I work out, I eat right and just had a full blood work run and Im in more than perfect health. I use PM and take the liquid herbs found in Nature Day.
I noogle everynight for at least an hour and massage my breasts afterwards for a few mins. A few weeks ago, I went 2 days in a row without noogling, and...nothing changed. Like, I know your boobs will deflate some, but mine didnt, which is good so I think its sticking. But, now its, why arent I growing anymore then where Im at?? Have I peaked...so soon?? Do I back off or change a routine? What do you long timers think?


New Member
Hey there Pianogirl,

I am not to sure on this, but I have been told to massage your breast before you
noogle. I was told that after the fact makes the swelling go down. I am not 100% sure
of this, but maybe you could try that.

good luck....


Teeny Tiny

If you've been noogling every day without missing many days and you seem to have plateaued I would suggest taking a break to give them a chance to rest and get out of the habit. I'd recommend at least two weeks to a month off then start up again and see what happens, that's how I have managed to increase from a 36AA (if that) to a 36C in the last 2 1/2 years. For some once our bodies get used to the whole routine of noogling our bodies stop reacting the same way and need a break, then restarting for some gives them a kick start to grow again. I actually have the most growth right after a break, within a couple months or so they start to stall or seriously slow down on growth until I force myself to take another break. I have had an average of 1/2 cup to 1 full cup of growth within the first month of restarting after a break. I have found that for me if I noogle very sporadically, like say every day for a week or more then maybe slack off for a few days, then noogle again for a week or more, back and forth I have slow gradual growth, but if I want a good growth spurt I have to force myself to take a break, then noogle every day for at least a month and that's when I have my fastest growth. Also you might try changing things up and do pump and hold sometimes, pump and release other times, and maybe a combination of both sometimes so they don't get too used to things. Also, as Kayye stated, it's best to massage before noogling, not after. After can reduce swelling and may slightly reduce the results from noogling, where massaging before helps increase the blood flow to the breasts before noogling and helps to increase both swelling and growth from noogling.

Hope this helps and good luck giving your growth a kick start! ;) :D ;D


Active Member
Ok, good advice! Good Advice!! And you know, I went on here right before I was about to go noogle for the night. Your right, its like you have to FORCE yourself to take a break. Its almost like an addiction! Ok, so, Im going to take the advice of you both, massage BEFORE Noogle and take some time off. *phew*...ok...I can do this! I have to leave my boobs alone! LOL! Ok girls, I love my new 36Cs...but if Im going to go bigger, I guess Im breakin till the end of January. So, until then, I will continue the herbs and PM, and will give an update in about 5-6 weeks and let you know how its going. Thanks ladies! Have a good holiday and thanks for the advice!!

Teeny Tiny

Whoops, miss typed in the last line of my last entry, massaging before helps increase the blood flow to the breasts before noogling, not noogling before. It's fixed so it doesn't confuse anyone else who reads it. My bad! ;)

Good luck, hopefully taking a break will help you out. My new years resolution is to take a month break in January and start back up in February and continue the 2 months on 1 month off throughout 2012 to see where I am at the end of the year. I just reached 36C, and started having growing pains after 4 days of not noogling, so I'm noogling until the end of the month to see if it'll work with the growing pains to give me another spurt before I take my break in January. With the current possible growth spurt I'm not sure I'll be able to FORCE myself not to noogle though, and it's kinda weird that it started when I hadn't noogled in a few days, I guess they're throwing me a curve ball. I'll probably have to have my hubby hide my domes from me to FORCE me to take a break. ;) :D ;D

And you're right, it is an addiction. That's why I call myself a noogleaholic, seems like anyone that starts can't stop, even when they reach their goal, once you experience growth you want more, and more, and more, until you outgrow the largest domes you can physically use, which make pretty huge breasts! I'm a noogleaholic and proud of it!!! And it's impossible to be anonymous when you go from flat to HUMONGOUS! ;) :) ;D


Active Member
Your soooo right!! I may have to have my husband hide mine as well! So yea, I'll take the break to hopefully give my body a chance to feel the change, then probably follow the same regimine your on, the two months on, one month off rule. If I notice a real signifigant deflation in my bra, then I will most likely start back up before the month is through. But taking time off will let me see how much is sticking around for the long term so far. I am going to ask for a refund on my PM. I shouldnt have the rash that I do, even when they say its hypoallergenic. It certainly doesnt feel that way!

Im hoping to fill out a nice bikini top this summer and be proud to walk the beach! In time, I'll have mine!!


New Member
Hey all!
Teeny Tiny,
Thank you for all your wonderful posts and help.

I am also going with the 2 months on and 1 month off.
I noogled everyday in August and September. In October, I took the whole month off. I went back to noogling in Novemeber and I noticed some growth only 5 days or so after I picked up noogling again. I grew almost 3/4 inches that month but I am also on BB.
I have been noogling everyday (except when I am on my period) in Novemebr and am currently noogling now in December. I will take a break in January so that I can repeat the 2 months on and 1 month off, so that I can hopefully get another growth spurt.


As I myself seem to have stalled in growth - have been noogling for 5 months everyday, I will follow your advice, regarding taking a break from noogling.
Although as others said too, noogling have become a habit....so it wont be easy taking a break.
There are days, where I'm just not in the mood of noogling, and still I do it, as I feel I'm cheating if not noogling....and that I then never will experience the growth I'm hoping for.
I never had any growth spurts as others did, just a steady growth, and then BAM the wall have been reached..

I've read in another, thread, I can't remeber who it was, but she said, that she took breaks in the weekends, and had great growth...following this scheme.

However as we are alll different, I think I'll try taking a break in January, and then back to noogling for two months..seeing if that makes any difference. If not then I'll try taking weekends off.


Active Member
Well its been near 3 weeks and I decided to start noogling again! I know, I couldnt wait it out! But, for an update, I measured everyday since I started my break and I didnt fluctuate in size at all. I stayed between a 36 1/2 and 37.Which, obviously I was quite pleased about, but also surprised since results dont stick around too long if you go a few days without noogle. Tonite when I remeasure after an hour of noogle, I was between a 37 1/2 and 38"
The funny thing is, when I took my break, I was a week from my period, which we all know our breasts swell up right before then do a massive deflate after our periods start. I kept a close eye on this, and to my amazement, I didnt deflate.
One thing I noticed in the beginning, back in July is that my nipples would get tinggley when I would noogle, then subsided over the months. Starting last night, I felt that tingle again! I think this is what my body needed, a break!
I just took a pic of right after a noogle. KEEP IN MIND...this is a POWER BRA. You know, the ones that add 2 cups. Im not really this big, but hell! The bra is kick ass!! I love what I "pretend" to be! LOL!

Larger Image= http://i332.photobucket.com/albums/m327/pagelee2/1-4-12.jpg
I may get my full C to small D cup by summer! Fingers crossed...its always nice to wish! ;)

Matt B

New Member
Hi Piano Girl,You look awesome!Your growth is unbelievable.Between the PM and the other stuff and the NB you'll have your C's in no time. You better tell the boobie fairy to shut the hell up.LOL! ;D
All kidding aside,you look great but don't get to greedy.

Congrats,MATT B


New Member
Lol I have to say this but I think you are my twin lol I started taking natureday about a yr ago i stopped a few months ago though and I started NB in July I was a 32AA. Today I'm at 32C similar story I would have to say... But I think your boobs look much fuller and better than mine. Do you think the PM and natureday is helping? I have been thinking about getting back on natureday again and maybe starting PM.


Active Member
Thanks for all the compliments! I know I know, its hard to not get greedy when I seem to have been sprinkled with a little more booby fairy dust then usual :p LOL! But, thank god we live in a time of wonder bras!!! I think the combo of everything does indeed help, and that maybe why I didnt deflate over the last two weeks. So Im going to keep up the regimine of all three to see where this takes me. I think I will still do the 2 months on, 1 month (or so) off to give my body a break.
My herbal suppliments I have been taking are not Natureday brand anymore. I took the ingredients off the back and ordered them off an herbal site. What I do is take 10 drops a day of each of those concentrated herbs, and there are 5 herbal ingredients listed on Natureday drops.
But I think the PM is def helping and you should def add that to your routine. It seems my rash has cleared up from using the PM...odd, but Im glad I didnt have to stop using it. Get it off Ebay, I found it to be much cheaper than direct sites

Matt B

New Member
Hi Pianogirl,Like I said earlier,your results are great.I don't know your age,but I assume pretty young.Also in a previous post I mentioned the fact of how important breasts are to the female psyche and the lengths we will go(yes,some guys too, ME ;D)to enlarge them.We want them larger,and we are going to have these girls forever,we have to remember that.Even though the herbs I take and you take are natural substances,the phytoestrogens and other contents do have actions and reactions.So,we should be careful about what we wish for.I guess I'm trying to say to all of us that want bigger boobs is be careful.
