Am I over-pumping? (pic)


Cerca Trova
Hi everyone, I ALMOST feel stupid for asking this. But here we go.

I have been noogling for about a month now, approximately 2 hours each day, two 1 hour sessions. My right breast is smaller than my left one so I noogle it probably twice as much. It's WAY more stubborn than my left one. The left one will get a few spots on it but otherwise swell just fine while the right one ends up covered in red spots and totally sore. I'm 34" across the bust, I fit a 34 A, but loosely. I use medium domes, my breasts fill probably 80-90% of the domes, and I'll probably be on to large in a month if I keep going like this. Anyway I have been meaning to post this for a while now. I'm going to straight up show you all how bad my right breast looks. The picture was taken I think a few hours after a session, so the pic shows SOME swelling.

Anyway from what I've read on this forum, you should pump until you feel a slight discomfort, then wait a few seconds until it feels comfortable. You repeat this until the end of your session (pump and hold). Well this is what I've been doing. I've also read that it's normal to see blisters and have soreness and discoloration. So basically what I gathered is that the only sure sign of over-pumping is when the breasts turn purple. Mine have a few times and I never let them stay purple for long as I quickly release air. So according to what I've been reading I don't think I've been over-pumping. But looking at this picture you'd think the opposite. I looked at other people's progress pics and have never seen redness like mine on anyone else.

My skin has always been SUPER-sensitive, I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it but I thought I'd throw it in there.

So, what do you think? Am I doing this wrong?


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New Member
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
I can say for sure that you are doing something wrong there!!!!!
To much pressure hun!!!
I think you should stop for awhile....give the breast time to heal....MUST!!! From your picture it Really really looks you are doing something BAD.....Not good at all!!! You are for sure OVERPUMPING.
I'm sorry if I'm frightening you....But the truth is that it doesn't look good at all!!!
About the press and hold method....
You should pump until you feel a little pressure....and hold (lets say for 5-10 min)....but then you should release a little of the pressure and pump again not so hard, it should maybe take you a 1mm more in the domes....
You are not supposed to pump and hold and then again pump more and hold...You must release a little pressure!!!
I'm really really sorry if I sound mean or something like that...I just want to help....
Good Luck hun!!!! I hope you will find a way that it will be o.k.
Your breast shouldn't be that color as in the picture....And it also shouldn't turn in to purple in the domes when you are pumping...if they do...then you are for sure OVERPUMPING....
You should take good care of your very very careful....and don't overpump them....
I really hope you the best!!!!
And I'm sure you will be o.k.....
Again...I'm only trying to help....I really hope that I didn't sound to mean....
:-* :-* :-* :-* :-*


You are for sure getting too much pressure on your right breast! Mine are discolored when I first remove the domes, for like 2 minutes. Most discolorations and red spots disappear after taking a break, but yours is pretty severe.

I know you probably don't want to, but you really need to give it a rest until the color returns to normal, then start again slowly. I have a few red spots that are actually broken blood vessels, and I'm pretty sure they are permanent from pumping. I can handle a little spot cause when I'm done growing and pumping so much, a laser can remove it. My opinion is that you could cause permanent discoloration if you don't give it a rest.



New Member
Totally agree with the above, also soreness and blisters are NOT normal, slight aching from the domes digging in maybe but that's all, this should go once you remove the domes. Please take good care of your boobs!!!


New Member
Hi raabxbaby89,

You are definitely over pumping. Red dots (petechiae) are caused by broken bloods vessels. This will impede you boob growth. Here is a link with some important information regarding pumping safely.,2038.0.html
In the mean time...may I suggest that you get some arnica to apply to your breast and take a break until it clears up.

All the best!


New Member
Babe you are differently doing something wrong, maybe try to pump and take longer break and then pump again. From the pictures it seems more like your blood isnt flewing to weI'm not sure how long do you usually NB, but for example if you Nb an hour a day take like 30 mins first then 30 few hours later, so it wouldnt clot your blood flew.

hope you figure out what helps you the best <3


New Member
Yes you are! That looks really painful.

I don't pump mine until it hurts. If it's hurting then you are overpumping in my opinion. After I am done pumping, my breasts are a little discolored for like a minute and then go right back to normal color. I've gotten a few spots here or there, but nothing like that.

I'm actually quite concerned for you here. You need to stop noogling until that heals completely.


New Member
WOAH....I have NEVER seen my breasts do that. Girl, pump until you feel a gentle tug, and then STOP. You can pump once every few minutes or so to MAINTAIN pressure, but makes sure that's IT. Oh man. Please stop pumping for a week or so before continuing, that looks SO painful :( I second the vote on arnica. Go to the drugstore and get a cream or a gel with arnica in it, and that'll help clear things up.

Ok, editing because I read your whole post. I initially just commented cuz I was so scared for you and your boobies :) Now, if you look at my pictures, all of the nude ones (aside from my starting photos) are literally about 1 or 2 minutes after I take my domes off. I also pump for 1 hr, twice a day. I hope that helps as to what it should look like. Slight red ringmarks around the breast, but my breasts return to their normal color once the domes are off.


Cerca Trova
Thanks everyone for the advice! I've been applying arnica and stopped noogling for 2 days now and my right breast is looking a LOT less red. I'm not sure if it was either arnica or stopping the noogle that helped the most. Because it faded REALLY fast. Either way, I'm STILL a little confused on how much pressure to use. I read Lucy's post about pressure levels that are safe, but how will I know that I'm using 15-30 mm Hg? I have no way to measure this?


New Member
I think feel is measurement enough. If you feel any pain, then you've gone a little too far and should release a little pressure.


New Member
If you want, you can buy a hand pump with a gauge. But honestly...I agree with nyx, you can just feel it and be fine. I know it's hard to describe feel to others, as we all perceive pain differently. But I am having a hard time believing that you got that amount of red just by passively pumping...I'm sure it had to be at least a little bit uncomfortable, right? My suggestion would be to pump...MUCH less than you were before...lotion up your breasts (when they are ready to pump, again, try to wait awhile ;) ) and put your domes on. Pump until your breasts kind of "balloon" up (swell up, I guess you could say) in the domes, but don't let them do this TOO much. Now. Keep them on for your 30 min or however long. Take your domes off. Note how long your ring marks stay. I would say if your ring marks stay on for only a few minutes, it's ok to go up in pressure a bit. Then next session, note how long they take. My ringmarks, for example, stay for about 2 hours. My breasts go to normal color within seconds, but the actual ringmarks (as you can see in my pics) are still there. I think using this method will be a lot safer. It's always better to not pump enough than to overpump...good luck discovering your own perfect pumping regimen :)


New Member
I'm glad you showed your picture before you did any permanent damage. I think you misunderstood the posts about overpumping. Purple breasts, bruises, red spots and pain are seen, but are signs of overpumping and should be avoided. I say to gauge yourself, pump until your breast feels a slight pull. Hold that pressure and ONLY pump more when the pulling feeling is gone and pump just until it comes back. And if you see bruises and red spots the next day or right after pumping, you overpumped. And not thousands of red spots, even a few like 10 is a sign of overpumping. I hope the redness goes away so you can start fresh. Good luck.


New Member
I'm so happy you took a break!!!!
I hope you can start soon to pump again.
good you shared your picture with us...newbies now will know better what it looks like when overpumping!
I wish you all the best!!!
Keep us updated...
Good Luck!


New Member
raabzbaby89 ,

Good to hear you are applying the arnica and taking a break. Regarding the pressure, what I do is pump until I feel a pull, not pain. When you start pupming again, start slow and gradually increase the pressure. May also suggest that you take vitamin C supplements (if you are not already doing so) to help strengthen your blood vessels.

All the best!


Cerca Trova
that1spaztichik, thanks for the advice about using the ring marks as a guide, that really helped! I've started noogling again, pumping till I feel a pull NOT pain and then leaving it. I'm getting some decent swelling! :) I will hopefully post my pics in the gallery section if I can bear it long enough to even look at my boobs...I think I have a disorder because I never even want to look at them in the mirror. I hardly ever look at my body straight on.

Anyway, I have a really high pain tolerance so it is hard for me to discern a pull from a pain. Weird, I know. I think I was kinda getting a little excited as I saw my breasts swell, I just wanted to see them get BIGGER and BIGGER and since herbs such as fenugreek which I took for like 8 months, never worked, my patience on NBE has just BURNT out lol, but this time I've got some renewed faith in NB. I need to take it slow and steady, like everyoen says. I've seen great results and I've seen men grow boobs from NOTHING so I know I can do it!

I'm glad I posted my over-pumping pic also. I looked far and wide on the boards for a pic of over-pumping, couldn't find one. So I had to do the honors myself. I'm happy to be a good example of what NOT to do lol.


New Member
I figured that's all it was, you had a super high pain tolerance :) It took a lot of courage to post that pic, so kudos to you! You and eva are right, it's a great guide for a newbie to look at and see, oh shoot, don't pump that hard! Well girl, I wish you the best of luck noogling, and commend you for taking all of our criticism lightly and listening to our advice!


Cerca Trova
Thanks nickies that means a lot to me as I have always felt uncomfortable with my shape, but I'm realizing with looking at the other girls pic son here, there are so many shapes that are ALL beautiful! I'm not even trying to be corny! I'm pretty happy with mine, they have made progress from that pic and that was like 2 weeks ago. I feel so good now. Talk about a high. When you really see that the noogle is working. Hopefully I reach my Bs soon.


New Member

so all this time i thought its a pump release pump release thing like literal pump

so its a pump and hold for like minutes (and it depends on pressure like 2 mins?)


from a lady with no idea on how to pump! :p


New Member
if i buy the set of NB does it come with the hand pump?

and no gauge?
as i have read you can buy the hand pump with the gauge at a separate order

i think an electric one would make it easier to pump?