Anni's stats

hi everyone,

i'm very new here and still in the information-gathering stage as far as noogleberry goes, but after seeing/reading about some of the amazing results some of you have achieved, i am fairly certain i will be purchasing a NB once i have some money saved up. i just wanted to introduce myself and give a bit of background info on myself and my NBE attempts before i really get into anything. also i have a question about which size domes to buy (at bottom of post), and i'm not quite sure which section of the forum would be the best place to ask that. i realize this is a very long post so i did my best to break it up into sections.

here is a quick rundown of my stats:

Starting Stats:
34B, measuring 34" at fullest part of bust (nipple), 30" ribcage/underbust.
112 lbs, 5'4", 21 years old
full-body measurements: 34"/25"/34.5" (bust/waist/hip)

Fenugreek Regimen (more details below) lasted from late April-May 2010, grew to a moderate 34C and gained .5" growth

Goal: full 34D, possibly even 34DD if it doesn't look too obscene on my frame


Fenugreek Regimen:
i started my first attempt at NBE sometime in late April. i had already been taking a birth control pill for approx. 3 months at the time, and my breasts experienced noticeable swelling as a side effect. normally i am a small-ish/average 34B (but definitely not an A) but with the swelling from the pill i would say i was more of an average/full 34B. i had ordered fenugreek capsules from, 610 mg. i started taking 2 capsules a day, but after a week i began taking 4 per day because that was the manufacturer's recommended dosage. at this time i was also doing a daily massage of at least 10-20 minutes each breast per day. i used a massage oil consisting of 1/2 baby oil and 1/2 fenugreek extract (liquid form).

along with the fenugreek supplement, massage, and bcp swelling, i reached an average 34C by late May. i grew out of two of my 34B bras and so i bought three new 34C bras; i filled two of them completely (they fit properly, i wasn't bulging at the seams or anything, just a solid C) and the last one fit, but i didn't quite fill it fully.


The Downfall:
i was very excited with these changes (even my boyfriend noticed a difference), and excited to see if the growth would continue, but unfortunately due to money issues i couldn't afford another month's supply of fenugreek (neither the capsules nor the liquid extract, although both were quite cheap - i'm a poor college kid ha), OR my bcp, so all the growth i'd achieved shrank back down to square one within the span of a month.


Hoping to Try NB:
anyway, my money situation is improving a bit; i am back on the bcp and my breasts are getting that slight swelling again. after seeing all the great NB results in this forum i'm starting to think breast pumping could be a more effective and overall more economically feasible option in the long-term than my Fenugreek Regimen. besides, i'm looking for somewhat significant growth, and i'm a little doubtful that i would be able to get a full 2 cup sizes from the fenugreek alone.

i didn't realize how much growth was possible until seeing some of the NB results in this forum! i am stunned by all the progress.


Explanation of Goal Size:
i realize having a goal of 34D/DD might sound a bit excessive, but let me explain. i have a pretty broad ribcage in comparison to the rest of my body, and my breasts look smaller than they are (to me, they look like As) because they are set wide apart on my chest, and have a sloping shape with most of the weight concentrated at the bottom (and my nipples are set more downward on the breast as opposed to being skyward, which makes it look worse). due to this fact i have virtually no cleavage; and i think even with a 34D or DD i still might only be able to get cleavage with a bra that sort of squeezed them together, just because they're naturally set so far apart. i have the smallest breasts of anyone i know, and even though i'm not totally straight as a board, i would really like to have more feminine curves (hips & butt included). i love the look of 50s pinups and i would love to have a classic hourglass figure; that's my dream body goal ha. i want to get to the point where my breasts are full enough that they have an actual fold underneath my breast and be able to pass the "pencil test" (where you can put a pencil under your boob and it will stay sandwiched between your breast & underbust).

even if i, by some act of God, get successful 34D/DDs, i don't want to show them off. i'm pretty modest and i get more embarrassed/violated feeling (lol) than flattered on the rare occasions when guys check me out or hit on me. i have a very serious & dedicated long-term relationship with my boyfriend who i've known & been best friends with for about 1/4 of my life now ha, so my goal is definitely not to attract more male attention. honestly if i DO reach my D/DD goal i will probably wear minimizing bras (or at least tops that aren't low-cut) in public most of the time, strange as that sounds, just because i don't want to attract unwanted attention.

the MAIN reason i want this is just because i personally feel like my body would be more beautiful and proportionate with larger breasts, and i want to like the way i look naked. aside from my boyfriend, i don't really care who sees them as long as I know they're there, as weird as that may sound... despite having a very girlish face, all my life i've felt sort of boyish due to my rather androgynous body shape. i really want an hourglass figure and, at the risk of sounding corny, i just want to make my body look on the outside the way i feel on the inside so i can be happier with it.


one big question i have is with regards to the cup sizing for the NB domes - given my measurements, would you say i should start with the Medium size? it seems like a lot of B-cups out there use the Large domes, but i just don't want to start with the wrong size and completely botch the process from the get-go as a result.

i'm so sorry for the horrible length of this post, but i like to be thorough and i wanted to give as detailed/informative an intro as possible. i will try never to post such a long rant from here on out ha.


New Member
Re: prancing_unicorn's stats

First of all, welcome to the forum. Your boobs sound fairly similar to mine and the best thing I've noticed about NB so far is that my boobs are looking rounder and my nipples point forward instead of down now! It's great and that's after just 1 1/2 months of NB. There's definitely been some growth too although I'm only measuring on a monthly basis to avoid disappointment. They look and feel bigger though.

I started with the large cups with similar measurements to yours and they were fine. I grew out of them within the first month but there is no way I could have started with the XLs - they're huge. It's probably best to email lucy if you're unsure about sizing and she'll tell you which domes to get.

Good luck with NB and keep us updated on your progress once it arrives. As you can probably tell, I think NB is one of the best purchases I've ever made.
Re: prancing_unicorn's stats

thank you for responding katie! :)

ohh that's great to hear about your shape changing and the nipples uplifting; sometimes i think that if my boobs were just more round i would be more okay with how small they are ha. i have a friend who is supposedly 34B like me, but she looks so much bigger than that just because her boobs are round and way closer together than mine ha.

until i heard of NB really recently i'd never realized there was any kind of NBE route that could actually make the breasts rounder at all, or lift the nipples. i really would like to have more volume at the top of my breasts to balance them out and make them less sloped, so hearing that from you is very encouraging. i never thought there was a way to do this kind of thing without surgery, so all of this sounds borderline magical to me right now haha.

are those shape-changing effects lasting from session to session for you? and does it stay that way after the swelling goes down? also, do you happen to know if the NB can do anything to create more "boobage", so to speak, towards the sternum, in order to give more cleavage? sorry for all the questions!


New Member
Re: prancing_unicorn's stats

Welcome to the forum, girl!!
I'm just a little bit confused. As far as I know, if your stat is 30" under, and 34" at nipple, so you are a 34AA or A, not a B ???
Re: prancing_unicorn's stats

hi optimistic. that's a good point, and yes you are pretty much right ha. but for some reason, 34As just do not fit me. i haven't fit into them for 5 years minimum, and every time i try one on just to see if it fits, i get some serious muffin-top going on.

i think it has to do with the fact that despite my 34" measurement on my breasts, most of the tissue in my boobs doesn't push outward very far. the tissue of my breasts is sort of diffused across my chest more due to the fact that my ribcage is proportionately wide, so i don't think it has as big of an impact on measurements. at least that's my best guess. i really don't understand it either ha.

either that or i'm measuring myself wrong. i was measured for a bra at victoria's secret and they told me i was 34B also... actually i haven't measured my underbust in a long time, and to the best of my memory it was 30", but to be honest i couldn't really remember for 100% sure whether it was 29" or 30". either way it shouldn't make much difference because i think either way that would still be an A technically. i would measure again but i don't have access to a tape measure at the moment. in a couple of days i will though, and i will post my current measurements for 100% accuracy (and this time i will get an overbust measurement too).

all i really know is, i bulge out of 34As, and 34Bs seem to fit perfectly. so the discrepancy between my measurements and my actual bra size is probably some result of my weird boob shape but i'm just gonna roll with it for now ha...


New Member
Re: prancing_unicorn's stats

The lift I got used to just stay with the swelling and then settle but it now seems more permanent. If you look at my Gallery pics you can see my one month progress pic and kind of see a bit. I'll be posting new pics next week and I'm hoping there'll be more of a difference.

NB pulls tissue into the cups from all over the breasts so you see growth all over. The first thing to change for me was the width so when I wear a bra I definitely have more cleavage. I've only been noogling 2 months so can't really tell you more than that. If you have a good look through the Gallery pics you'll certainly see people with growth in the centre of their boobs.

Don't worry about measuring for bra size. That1spaztichik measured as a 34A at the beginning and you can tell from her pics she's much bigger than that. Just go with what fits.


New Member
Re: prancing_unicorn's stats

Hi Prancing_unicorn,

welcome to the noogleberry forum. This is wonderful forum with tons of informations. Keep reading and asking questions.

All the best!


New Member
Re: prancing_unicorn's stats

I started with NB with the exact same measurements as you almost a year ago. Like you I wore a 34B bra, even though my measurements according to various bra calculators put me at a 34AA. When you described your boobs you could have been describing mine. I'm now 36" at the fullest part around my boobs giving me a 2inch increase in a year, although I am still mostly wearing my 34B's but popping out a bit as I like this look. Bought a fab 34C coral coloured bra in Ann Summer on the weekend which was a perfect fit for me as it had quite a wide shape, I love it!! lol.

As for dome size, I started with the medium domes but never managed to fill them, I think because of the wide shape of my boobs. I have recently started wearing the XL domes and get up to 37" at the end of the session which makes me a full 34C, I'm starting to retain some of that swelling for longer so fingers crossed for a growth spurt.

I'm sure you'll love the NB, as we all do, once you start using it. If I can get results I'm sure you can too as you are half my age so have plenty of growth hormones to help you along!! Good luck!
Re: prancing_unicorn's stats

katie - from the pictures it looks like your boobs may have already been a bit closer together than mine when you started. they looked really good even at the starting size so i'm sure they are just going to get better and better! and it's great that you've already gotten an inch and a half of growth already :) it's good to know that the NB can give more cleavage because i would love that haha. i'm kind of hoping it will give me more growth on top of my upper ribs too, because although i'm not unhealthily skinny i do have a minor case of that whole ET-ribs thing ha. fat just doesn't naturally deposit itself in that area of my body i guess.

also there was someone, i think it was itsjust4ffun, who had more broadly spaced breasts when she started NB, and according to her it took longer to get noticeable growth from a side view because most of the growth was taking place across the span of her chest, adding to her cleavage and such. so i guess that's another good example of how the NB can give cleavage even with spaced-apart boobs.

cleo - a 2 inch increase sounds great, i hope i can achieve that :) i'm still not sure whether to start with the Mediums or Larges so i think i'll email lucy to get her opinion on it, like katie recommended.

i love hearing how this works for everyone; it's so encouraging to know that people are getting measurable results.


New Member
Re: prancing_unicorn's stats

Hi prancing_unicorn!!!
And welcome aboard!!!! :)
my measurements are almost like yours!!!!
my underbust is 30.5" and across the nipple is 33" (I will measure again in two days...)
And I understand you about the bra size thing!!!! I never can fit into the AA Or the A size bras!!!!....I think that my ribcage is to wide or something...don't know! So I only have B bras... :-[
I wish you all the luck with the NB!!!!
Hope to hear from you soon...:)


New Member
Re: prancing_unicorn's stats

Katie is right, most bra calculators measured me at a 34A or sometimes even 36AA depending. I have a lot more beginning tissue than that, and it wasn't comfortable, either. I'm kind of wide for my size, so the B cups have a bit more width to them, making them more comfortable. Although I must say, now that I've been noogling for over 2 months, C's fit me better now, and my B's aren't wide enough anymore. But yes, just chiming in and saying measurements don't's more about the width of your breasts and what fits well. Good luck noogling, I bet you'll do great with it! Noogleberry is also one of the best purchases I've ever made...I am SO much more confident now, and I've only gained a cupsize so far. I can't wait to keep going. My goal is a 34D too!
hey everyone, just wanted to point out that i've changed my display name, and consequently have changed the forum name to reflect this. sorry, i know it's kind of confusing and i promise this is the only time it'll happen.

anyway, i've finally had a chance to retake my measurements. so these are the "official" starting stats...

underbust: 29"
bust: 34.5"
overbust: 32.5"

sorry for all the confusion, i hadn't taken my measurements in a while so with my first post i was just going off of memory really. thanks for all the advice with sizing, i'm glad to know others are in the same boat.

i think i might try on some As just in case though... i've been thinking over things, and now i remember that when i transitioned from an A to a B i was still in my teens (as in 15-ish) and had about 10 extra pounds of baby fat tacked on. so the more i think about it, the more i can see how i could be an A again now, and just haven't thought to question it since it's been so long and all my 34B bras still seem to fit fine. we shall see...

i'm so excited to buy my NB, i keep looking at everyone's picture pages and getting all antsy to start. it will probably be at least another month before i can afford it though :/


New Member
hi anni.. welcome to the noogleberry forum... and i hope that noogling will be as beneficial to you as to most of us... :) it's a good thing also to bring out the measuring tape for you to be able to gauge urself as to what is your boob size and the cups that you may be needing.. also you can try emailing lucy ... she's very helpful in replying to your queries.... and don't worry.. you are not the only one who is fooled with the bra calculator... i started out with na underbust of 28... bust line of 32 (now it's 32.5) and an overbust of 30.5 (now i have a 31.75 overbust) ... and if you measure it then i should be a 32A cup.. but i haven't fit into an a cup for years now.... in the past 5 or 6 years..

have fun noogling... cheers.. :)


New Member
Hi Anni

Welcome Anni to our little family. If you are like most of us, you'll find yourself becoming very addicted ;D ;D ;D to noogling. It didn't take me long. I truly hope you reach your goal and I'm sure everyone here will be glad to chime in any time you may have a question or to. Welcome again hun. Hugs Joni
hey everyone, i've posted this elsewhere on the forums but i thought maybe there's a better chance of it getting answered here too? ---

i'm finally about to order my NB but i just remembered that my checking account is linked up so that my mother can see all my withdrawals & payments along with where i bought them. does anyone know how it looks in your online checking account when you buy from Noogleberry? like will it say "Paypal - Noogleberry...... -$60" or something like that? because i don't want anyone (especially my mom) to know what i'm buying and if it says Noogleberry in my electronic statement i'm afraid she'll look it up and find out. if she questions me on what the payment was for i was just going to tell her it was books or clothes or something, but i don't think i'll get away with that as easily if it says "Noogleberry" right there on the statement lol.

--- if i could get any input that would be great; i was literally in the checkout for my NB when i thought of this little problem so now i'm a little miffed because i was SO ready to buy it and now i'm going to have to keeeeeeep waiting.... :p


New Member
Hi Dear!
Wow!!! I'm happy for you that you decided to order the NB!!!! :)
I can tell you that on my paypal account I did have it say "NoogleBerry" on the payment.
Sorry...I hope you will figer a way to order the NB.
Good Luck!
okay thank you so much; that helps... now i at least know i have to figure out some other way to order it. when i was at the checkout i did notice that it says they take cash but that you should email sales to hash things out. so i'll probably end up doing something like that if i can't figure out a better way. i almost wonder if i spoke to someone at sales they could find a way to make it not say "Noogleberry" in my statement lol... that seems like a stretch though. but thank you for your help dear :) i'm really excited to get things moving along haha
Hi Anni,

Yep, definately said Noogleberry on the statement. I couldn't use my joint account to order my noogleberry for that very reason.
thank you for your responses guys. i spoke to lucy and she said i could send cash in the mail or a western union payment. at first i wasn't too keen on the former idea but now i'm pretty sure that's my only option because the western union service charge would be $20 which is way too high to be worth it in my opinion. i'm a bit nervous because that's $60 just floating around in the mail out there... but i've never had problems with things getting lost in the mail before so odds are it would be fine. have any of you ever paid in cash? lucy says that the other customers who have done so have never had any problems but i'm still a bit wary.
Sending cash in the post is risky. I have had money sent to me in the post and it has arrived I have also had some tht has been 'lost'. If you do send cash make sure you send it registered to make it harder for the package to just go missing. make sure you also wrap the money so it is not obviously in there. Send in a brown plain envelope, like a letter, not a card because that is more likely to be opened.
I'm sure it will be fine. Just send it recorded. As far as I'm aware you won't be insured if it does go missing BUT it is less likely to go missing if it is recorded.