ButterflyKisses (New User) :)


New Member
Hi butterflykisses, funny that your doctor is noogling too! This makes me also more confident about what i'm doing! Sometimes you just wonder if it is safe. Did she mention some other things about noogling? Great that you have good swelling! Keep up the good work!

regards, Kat


New Member
Hi butterkisses. I am sorry to hear you have had a bad time. It seems you are on the up now though. You will have to be careful as your breasts grow if you are successful with your interview. You might have to think about how to control them :) Sue


New Member
@Kat: She just warned me about overpumping and then rattled off the destressing benefits it could have for me. I think she may even be on the forum somewhere, but I am not sure. I was worried about saftey too, and I never have even considered implants because of my age, but compared to the risks when getting implants, noogling seems no worse than getting a hair cut!

@SueB5: I know! I might have to invest in some high quality sports bras to keep these babies from hindering me hahaha

edit: mini-update. I think i am going to have to cut down on how hard im pumping. today i woke up and my breasts were very sensitive and almost felt bruised although i didnt see any apparent brusing on the outside. i never pump until my breasts are even a deep red, nor do i pump till it hurts. i dont know if maybe last night i just didnt notice because i was into other things while i was noogling (i dont have any water blisters or anything) but im holding off on pumping tonight and tomorrow and instead massaged which was a little uncomfortable but helped ease the pain after a little while. the only thing i can assume is the cause is that i pumped for a double session last night just to see its effects. i used the pump and hold method for an hour, stopped for about 5 minutes, then repumped without lotioning (another mistake lol). Any tips or hints? What do you guys think happened? I can't figure it out since i didnt have any of the typical overpumping signs. the only thing i can assume is that my breasts didnt like the double session, even though the swelling was extreme and i couldnt even fit into my bra comfortably.


New Member
I think it's just because your breasts haven't got used to a long session. Anyway, you are just on NB for like 1 week, right? So a little tenderness is normal, I believe.
Just keep on NB and try not to suddenly increase the length of your sessions in the first month. When your breasts get used to the pressure, you can NB for how long you want.

I usually pump, and hold for a while, then release a little (release until I don't feel the pressure but the domes are still on, I don't want to take them off and on and off ;D), then pump again. I find that helps because it seems to make my swelling better then just pump and hold for longer time.

Good luck, hun :x


New Member
:) Thank you optimisicgirl! haha I'm so worried about overpumping and hurting myself that I take a zillion and one precautions and keep an eye on my breasts. So when I was tender I was like AHHH what did i do?! haha :) but that's calming


New Member
Any Tips?

Hey Everyone :)

I've continued to diligently noogle every night. I still haven't found the cord to my camera, but when I do pics will be uploaded. I have a question for all you nooglers out there though. As I was looking at my breasts today, I realized that I was highly lacking in tops. None what-so-ever. Any tips on how to help the tops of your breasts grow?
Also I tie the domes together but i still find Im getting that weird boobs growing out to the side thing. Any tips for that as well?


New Member
as far as I know, the top will be the slowest part to grow. When your breasts are bigger, the top will gradually fuller. I method is the use the airlock so that I can pump each breasts individually and push the domes up high. It will be like this

For example, start with the right dome. You lock the left, put the right on and up high on the top of your chest, then pump until you feel enough, lock the right. Unlock the left, put it on and up high on the top of your chest and pump. Then, unlock the right and pump both a little bit more if you want. If you do not have 2 airlock for each dome, just use an usual clamp on the tube and it's will be ok.

Hope that helps :)
Re: Any Tips?

ButterflyKisses said:
Hey Everyone :)

I've continued to diligently noogle every night. I still haven't found the cord to my camera, but when I do pics will be uploaded. I have a question for all you nooglers out there though. As I was looking at my breasts today, I realized that I was highly lacking in tops. None what-so-ever. Any tips on how to help the tops of your breasts grow?
Also I tie the domes together but i still find Im getting that weird boobs growing out to the side thing. Any tips for that as well?

My experience is different to optimisticgirl actually. The NB is very good at inflating the top half of my boobs. I know that a few users on here have had the same experience. Where you feel the pull the most when you pump is where the dome is exerting more pressure and is the place most likely to swell. For me that is the area above the nipple.

Good luck! Glad your back and can't wait to see progress pictures!


New Member
I didn't see this thread because it was posted during my break. I'm sorry to hear of your condition. I can somewhat relate, my heart is in good shape but it beats very very fast every time I stand up or change positions. Hopefully you are doing ok and let us know how you are doing with noogle too!

In my experience noogling hasn't done much for my tops yet...Right now my boobs are growing massively at the base/underboob and I'm hoping eventually that growth will go towards the tops. I think you just have to keep at it. ;D


New Member
Hi Butterfly,

I'm so sorry I haven't been posting a lot because I've been trucking over the country again. Yes us girls can truck too. Any way, the first thing I'm very pleased with is your health. We all want for you to be well. Please be safe. Try not to over do your quest for the team at first. Make sure you are honest with yourself. Monitor your body. It will talk to you. Being one big family here, allows us all to cheer each other on, but also worry. So please be very careful not to over do on your activity at first and speed up slowly. As far as your noogling goes, sounds like things are really coming along. Yep, the more we do the more we want. Your ex will be sorry after a while but remember you are growing your boobage for yourself, not him. It will be his loss, yes, but your gain in your self esteem. Good noogling honey and please be careful and wise Love to you dear Mama J :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*


New Member
thank you everyone for continuing to post :) honestly i did it again: got out of noogling. it takes a lot of diligence for and then school got out of hand. thankfully i graduate in june. im getting back on schedule here and also trying a supplement in addition to noogleberry :) so well see how that goes
<3 goodluck to everyone!


New Member
Hi Butterflykisses. I bet you can't wait to graduate? I find that having small breaks can help so I wouldn't feel too discouraged. If you are feeling like you can't be bothered, just logon to this site. I find that helps me become motivated again. Sue