DJ's winding path


Fulfilling a dream...
Lets sing the blues together.. :)

I'm not going to let it beat me. We're all different and it will happen when it does. It is just frustrating to see tons of changes at the beginning and thus hit this point of waiting. But remember, we're paying our dues and it'll happen.


Padded Hell

New Member
It sounds like you've hit a plateau. In the first few months of NB, the body seems to respond quickly to all the new stimulus, then you hit a wall. That's only been my experience though, others have been a lot luckier. Then growth slows down & seems to happen in smaller increments & sudden bursts. I wish I knew how to 'reboot' my boobs & get some real growth going again. The frustration is killing me! *think good thoughts, positive thoughts, nice fluffy clouds, a gentle sea breeze...*

I'm still chasing that B-cup dream too, DJ. Someone's obviously filled my boots up with concrete, cause I can't seem to get there ;D. We'll just have to rely on sheer determination & give it 110%.


Fulfilling a dream...
Yeah, I can't argue with that observation. I know a few of the ladies on here who have done well had these periods too. Thus, I'm not going to worry about it and just keep paying the dues and listening to my body. In fact, my nipples yelled at me yesterday when I discovered dry skin on them.. eeek!

As for the frustration, I can only imagine yours and don't envy you there. :) However, I just keep reminding myself of all the fun "first"s I've had so far and it really helps turn my attitude around. I'm looking forward to more of them. I'm sure you have some stories too that can help.



New Member
What I found helped was the switch up to a larger cup with the gauge pump. I pump at full on, blood he'll it hurts pressure, hold for a split second then release do that a couple of times then hold at 5g pressure for 30 mins or so.

I think you have done an amazing job DJ, keep it up
Xxx Exquisi


Fulfilling a dream...
Ah, sweet music to my ears. I've not done that "bouncing" in a long time but I could give it some tries just to shake things up, eh.. :) I felt asleep in the domes again last night and surprised to find lots of swelling. It is just so unpredictable for me these days.



Fulfilling a dream...
Week 018

No stats measured

Another week bites the dust and perhaps very small changes. I have been pumping much less this week since I've been attempting to heal my poor nipples. I think they finally said "enough is enough" due to the huge swellings. It is no fun with dry and almost flaky skin on your nipples. But I'm happy to report that my almond oil + lanolin concoction seems to be helping alot.

I suppose the changes I noticed this week is shape. It seems I got a bit more protrusion and very small lobe of tissue is visible. Again, this morning I was surprised by the size of my nipples. Maybe I'm just not accustomed to seeing them that big.



Fulfilling a dream...
Week 019

No stats measured

I'm happy to report my nipples are healing up and much happier. I'm back to doing 1-2hrs of pumping a day. I've found moisturizing my breasts after pumping helping my skin alot. Lanolin seems to do a really good job but it really stinks (bandaid type of smell) and sticky (even in oil).

I think I might be growing again. It seems my breasts are filling out more, a bit more protrusion, and the lobes are really starting to get some definition. I've been working hard on my underboob for a month now and I believe I am seeing real improvements. I've even noticed my breasts filling the domes differently and they sure do feel different in there. In the M domes, I can feel my breasts sliding along the interior sides and being very snug but I've not experienced that in the L yet. Maybe I'll actually fill that M in the next 3-4 months.. hehe

Overall, I'm still quite small but I think they are looking more like breasts than "moobs". It is kinda funny but I had some friends ask me if I've been doing "something". They kept saying something has changed but couldn't figure what was different. Since my body shape has been changing slowly, I'm not surprised as all my pants don't fit me anymore. I need to buy some a size down because of my waist but then I run into the full butt problem.

Let's see, what else.. Oh, I had another leaky nipple event yesterday. It wasn't much but I actually felt it this time. I really don't know what to make of it. It was a sensation of the nipple hardening a bit then tingles and an odd intenal pull/suck that ended with the tickle of drop of water/fluid running down my skin on the breast. I got that like 3 times each lasting about 5-10 seconds. A very curious sensation.

Also, I've been listening a couple of "NBE" audio tracks I found on amazon. I can't say I've noticed anything I can blame on them but they are surprisingly relaxing so I like them just for that quality.



Fulfilling a dream...
Week 020

No stats measured

A rough week indeed since I got sick on Tuesday and been slowly getting better. We got snow in mid-May which is unusual and I think my illness is tied to that sudden cold snap.

In breast news, I think I may have grown a bit. My massaging just feels like I'm having to manage more flesh. With one handed massaging (across the body), I've found my opposite breast wanting to lay on my arm for everything to be comfortable. Also, I'm filling the L domes more with a new record of about 1" remaining which happened last night. I'm not filling either dome but the M is really starting to feel tight and I got all this bulging tissue on the sides now.

Speaking of side boob, I've not been paying much attention to it with my focus on underboob and protrusion but I swear I got more. When I do try on a bra, I am finding my side boob is spilling out pretty bad now but the cups remain about the same or a little fuller. If I can manage to get all that pulled forward then I really fill the cups now.

And the final notables, I realized when lying on my back and arms pulled in close, I am forming a surprising "puddle" of tissue along the arms. Also, my nipples are starting to balloon in the L domes now and nearing the size of small strawberries when they come out. I have alot of trouble seeing into the domes but my nipples seems to be nearly a typical woman's size in there -- for me, that's just huge.

I am actively trying to add breaks into my week. I am finding it hard not to pump since I feel guilty, slacking and fear of counterproductive. But I may be imaging it but it seems those growing pains are happening more especially in those break days. Sheesh, can they "smart" when a pain hits for a few minutes. I'll have to try to keep an eye on this aspect. Also, I got my first supply of PM (Ainterol pills+cream) and some calcium (orotate form). So I'm ready to switch when my remaining supply is nearly gone.



Fulfilling a dream...
Week 021

No stats measured

It's been a quiet week on the development front. I'm finding I am favoring the L domes since it does not feel so tight and I noticed I am filling into the L domes now (rather than a cone of tissue pulled in).

My nipples are upset at me again because they have been ballooning in size in the L all this week and I've been terrible about taking breaks. I've been doing the uphill inclined pumping alot and I believe I can feel a bit of breast tissue developing further down my chest (you know, that denser tissue).

The only other notable thing has been an increase in aches in my right breast. Also, I'm trying to use the remaining supply of NatureDay cream I have and something new is happening. I'm being pretty generous with the cream and my breasts has started to tiggle and get that muscle rub cooling sensation after application. Perhaps I've been using too little before (just following the instructions).

This week has been filled with noticing breast jiggle, shirt draping and firmer contact with my arms in differment movements. In fact, I noticed when my arms are just hanging along my sides that I am really feeling my side boob pushing back now. I know when I get accustomed to something that I will usually stop noticing it. Since these things are back on my radar, I think I can safely assume things are changing. I just wish they were more profound or impactful I suppose.



Fulfilling a dream...
Week 022

No stats measured

Sheesh, the weeks really can start to blur together. At 5 months of pumping, I had hoped I would be bigger but I am happy for what I've gotten thus far.

At the beginning of the week, I had another leaky nipple event while pumping. It was with both nipples this time and fair bit more fluid. It didn't smell and it seemed to be a bit oily but it's hard to say for sure due to the almond oil I use too.

I'm fairly convinced I've been growing over the last couple of weeks. I'm just noticing my breasts all the time again. I realized a couple of days ago that my underboob had spread further down my chest because I have a mark which is finally on the underside of my breast. I found I need to spread my fingers rather wide now to handle all of the breast tissue during massaging. Also, I got a rather sizable lobe of tissue that fills my palms now. And I think I feel my breasts sway a little when I take corners quickly. It is a very strange feeling of them shifting and pulling and then a bounce back into place and jiggle. Even bending over, I feel them and again I swear I feel a swaying.

But when I look in the mirror, I really don't see much difference except a longer underside. However, I was shocked again during a massage session after pumping and using a mirror to get a good look at the underside. It is amazing how large my nipples and areolas become after pumping. I hope it continues. Even after the swelling is gone, I've noticed my nipples got a bit of mound shape going on. I've seen this happen to teenage girls (much more dramatically) so I'm just thinking my breasts are contining to mature.

Let's see, I am filling both M and L domes a bit more. I still don't get much swelling from the L compared to the M but those M domes are getting so tight now. It is like they are sitting on top of the breast and just pulling the nipples and surrounding area into it with a bulging excess around the rim outside. It takes nearly 2 hours before much of that bulge is gone and I feel like I'm packed in there with about 1/2" left to go for the end of the dome. But wow, talk about protrusion afterwards.. too bad the overall shape is obvious small for me. Hopefully, the L will start doing something similar.



Fulfilling a dream...
Week 023

No stats measured

I've found myself feeling frustrated this week. I see my breasts filling out across my chest but it is so slow and no further protrusion. I found I'm swelling to ~45" over nipples. I am still feeling pronounced bounce and jiggle moments. In fact, this week I noticed my train ride to/from work has notable jiggle sensations now and I'm getting embarrassing nipple moments due to it. Of course, I'm the only one aware of this happening.

In the first 4 months, I had gained about 2" growth and the next 4 months has gained 1/4 - 1/2". I suppose that's the source of my frustration. I have to keep reminding myself my breasts have really spread and cover from a couple inches below my clavicle to about 2.5" below my nipples and reach my sternum. Add large side boobage, it is quite a large area.

The other changes seem to be progressing. I didn't ever think my butt would plump up so much -- that's another jiggle I didn't expect while walking. My lower abs and inner thighs has gained a fair bit of fat too. Now I'm noticing my skin seems to be softening on my legs. My waist is about 36.5"-37" (still 41" hips) now and I'm in the process of getting smaller waist clothes. In fact, I'm finding it harder to get men's pants that fit properly. Ah well, I am finding I don't mind and even getting to like the differences.



Fulfilling a dream...
Week 024

No stats measured

A mostly uneventful week of pumping. I have noticed I've been swelling a fair bit more lately and filling the L domes a bit more too. I've found I can easily fill my 38A bra and my 40B pushup starting to fit while swollen.

My supply of "traditional" herbs are nearly gone. I'm thinking of doing a week without to detox a bit before starting the PM. It is going to be an interesting week I think because I'm starting my P cream without much herbal support.

Battle on!



Fulfilling a dream...
Week 025

No stats measured

Well, the old stock of herbs is gone and I'm slowly moving to the PM. First, I'm just doing the cream to see if I have any bad reaction. So far I've not seen any issues. But I must say, the Ainterol cream isn't very pleasant. It is runny and full of something like "pulp" you find in orange juice. If someone knows of a more pleasant PM cream, please speak up.

This week my breasts have continued to swell a bit larger and stretch deeper into the domes it seems every couple of days. I've noticed even my initial pump into the domes is deeper. Like this morning, I was surprised to see I was 4/5th in the L dome. After 2 hours, it seems like I'm so close to touching the end.

Let see what else... My nipples are sensitive again and aching off and on. It seems I'm experiencing "sharper" bounces. I noticed yesterday that spot near my top of my armpits has plumped up even further and runs down to the mini lobe I have developing. So, I guess I'm really growing again after all this time of waiting. :)

On a happy note, my smaller-than-usual B cup bra is causing some cleavage when I wear it shortly after pumping. Hopefully it will start lasting more than 45 minutes. And lately I'm finding it soothing to wear a bra when I'm working around the apartment (you know, nipple sensitivity).



Fulfilling a dream...
Just a quickie. Today is an off day for pumping. It has been over 24 hours and all my swelling is gone. For fun this evening, I kinda let the inner girl out.

It seems I pump day after day with no change. Well, I got a surprise when I put on a bra, tight shirt and shorts. I actually have the beginnings of cleavage and the shirt was pushed about 1.5in from my sternum. I still feel the flattest ladies on here beat me but this is clear proof that I'm growing.

This is encouraging and maybe explains why I felt extra bouncy all day. Now, if I can just figure out how to tame my stomach and stop the competition my breasts and it seem to be playing. Maybe that's why I just look so flat because my tummy overshadows them...

Everyone, just keep pumping and I'm betting your surprise will be waiting for you too. :)



Fulfilling a dream...
Week 026

No stats measured

6 months of pumping... I am surprised at myself a bit since it hasn't been as hard to do when I started. I wonder if I will still feel this way in another 6 months... :)

I got my 38B playtex and it seems to be more than double the smaller 38A version I have. I would love to be that size but the idea it might be 6-12 months before I can reasonably wear it... *sigh*

My transition to PM seems to be progressing. Hopefully, I'll be fully on it by the end of next week. The only notables is a bit more nipple tenderness and swelling. I'm happy to say the mark on my side has moved a bit further into my breast. I am seeing improved underboob development as it seems the tissue is just spreading. I wonder how far it will go before protrusion/thickness begins to develop.


Update: After some pumping today, I tried that new 38B and surprised how much I filled it. It clearly showed my right is smaller. But the bra is only mildly loose after pumping - very similar to the 38A back in Jan/Feb. Amazing.


Fulfilling a dream...
Looks like I can use my new 38B playtex bra much sooner than expected. Twice I've swollen so much that the 38A was just plain tight and I used the 38B version instead. It is proving to be so much more comfortable after pumping and today I actually filled the cups. Plus no annoying side bulging, Yay!

I must say the 38B when mostly filled is somewhat noticable even under a loose shirt. But I still wonder if anyone would notice since a guy isn't supposed to have boobs. I'm still self-conscious when I'm out in a bra but it is improving. I suppose I'll have to eventually do the B cup in public.



Fulfilling a dream...
It seems I'm on a streak of good swellings. But I wanted to capture another first for me. I'd been pumping off and on all day yesterday. Naturally, I was massaging alot and I've found that bending over to allow the breasts to dangle and massage the length to be quite helpful.

Now if anyone has lived with a cat will know this is the time that they love to come by and weave around your ankles. I think there is a perverse game they like to play to see if they can touch your nose with their tail. Naturally, my cat came to play and I dropped my head to watch her rubbing the back of my legs while just massaging away. Then it happened, my breasts made contact with my chin.

Silly I know but that's a serious first and a fun sign that I really have been developing. I am still surprised since I didn't think things like that would happen until a C cup or so. I'm only swelling to about a small B and I feel and look tiny.

Ah well, I'll probably feel a D looks and feels tiny when I get there. :)



Fulfilling a dream...
Week 027

No stats measured

I think this week has been progressive. My swelling has increased in volume and duration. I've been wearing my 38B alot more after pumping as it helps protect my so sensitive nipples. It has been lasting about 2-3 hours at a fair/small B cup. Still, it is discouraging that 12-15 hours later the swelling is completely gone and I feel so flat again.



Fulfilling a dream...
Week 028

No stats measured

I continue to pump and await the arrival of the boobie faerie. I can't detect any developments in my swollen state. However, I am noticing changes when its gone down. I get the impression they are filling out again and I noticed some big changes from the armpit and curving down to the side of the breast. That area has plumped up enough that I have to move it on the inside of a bra strap else my side bulging becomes more pronounced.

All week my breasts have been aching, some of it pretty sharp too. I got the super sensitive and darkening nipples again. I think they are getting bigger too. Kinda funny obversation too, Friday on my way home, it was raining and bit chilly. Naturally, I got a bit wet and cold. While I was waiting for the train, I felt my dreaded "cold breasts" symptoms start up and crossed my arms to covertly warm them. I don't usually do gestures like these and found two things. I can't do it the same way anymore and my nipples can really stand up when cold. So, I realized I had to hide them too.. amazing stuff.

Also, I've had a couple of nipple discharges even hours after pumping but typically during massage. I did have one that just happened out of the blue. My right nipple started feeling odd and "tickly". When I couldn't stand it anymore and had to rub it, I found a large drop of something mildly sticky. I managed to even express a bit more. To me, it seems far too early for any chance of lactation so I'm curious what this is all about.

On the weekends, I'm taken to wearing my 38A bra in public more often. Even with my usual loose shirts I can see my breast outline and with sensitivity or inexplicable nipple erections, it just seem better to have a bra now than not. Of course, a bra just outlines them even more but helps control the nipple and bounce effects. But I now understand how damn hot it can be to have a bra when outside in the sun. I wonder how much worse it gets as breasts increase in size.. ? Even now, i find sweat on the undersides. Past GFs used to love it when we got home, remove the bra and have me gently blow on the undersides. Since I want to reach a minimum of DD, I suppose I'm going to want that service too... *sigh*



Fulfilling a dream...
Quick update - Today I discovered I can wear my new 38B before pumping. My breasts have been hurting for nearly two weeks now. The last couple of days I thought my imagination was running away a bit since it felt like I was bigger.

With my breasts being so sensitive, I have been wearing my bra in the evening and I noticed yesterday I was bulging in the front. Today, the bra was rather deformed and I bulged even more. So I tried the 38B and shocked to find I was filling it. It is still a bit loose but the cups are filled.

I think I'm going to blame the PM on this one since I've been on it about 4 weeks now (slow ramp up, ~1500mg a day). I'm so happy to finally see a change.
