felling sad


New Member
I am reallying felling sad and down about my breast. :'( I see all theses woman who has breast and then I look at myself and think what happen to me why did my not grow. Mt bf says he happy how they are. Then I think is he just saying that because he loves me because I dont fell sexy. Ive been noogling for 10 months now and its hard to tell if they are bigger because i really dont have much breast. I maybe an AAA cup so I keep on trying to tell myself its going to take time because I am so small to start. But its so hard becuase I want to fell sexy to my bf even tho he thinks im sexy but I dont fell I am. I just want to have something. I want to fell like a real woman and not like a little girl. Im 25 years old not 12.
If he says he finds you sexy then he probably does. I know many men who doesn't like boobs actually, they are mostly ass-men. or nothing-men hahaa. But it is true, there are many men who prefer no boobs to boobs. But if you do it for yourself not him, then dont worry, you will get there. Just think positive and every night when you go to sleep, close your eyes and imagine yourself with very nice boobs :)


Puggley, don't feel down. I know exactly how you feel. When you are doing this every day, it can get hard to lose perspective if you are not a fast responder. You log in here and see women, who are great-don't get me wrong, growing 2-3 cup sizes in a year, and it is hard to continue...but please remember, you are not just a pair of breasts, big or small. Your boyfriend loves you for who you are and that includes small breasts. After all, he thought he was sexy when you met him no? I also have that situation. My DH loves my tiny fried eggs and actually was disappointed when I grew, ahem 1" in 12 months of noogling. I went from 34aa to basically a fuller 34aa. Very disappointing. well, I gave up, but now I am back, and there are my patience heroes like Not so Teeny Tiny anymore, who stuck it out and was probably a bit bigger than me when I quit, and is now 2+ years later is a full B!

I came back with a fresh attitude, determined to have fun w/ it, try different methods, and have now been pumping a month and had an unheard of growth spurt of .75"! I can't believe it, and given my track record cannot believe this happened.

I learned some new things too from the ladies here - I used to pump 1-2 hours in one session every day. I recently tried doing alot less time (varying 30min-1.5) but more frequently through the day, and more irregularly (sometimes 3 short ones, sometimes one long, sometimes not at all), and it may be better for me. I never tried to do it like that before!


New Member
Hang in there girl. We all get down on ourselves at times. I'd like to share with you my story if you don't mind. Even though I'm finally seeing some positive changes, my noogling journey has been far from a fairytale. I have had significant hurdles, up's and down's. frustrations, nights of crying and I even completely gave up on noogling for 2 months. You can read my entire pics thread if you are interested.

chloespeaks said:
I came back with a fresh attitude, determined to have fun w/ it, try different methods, and have now been pumping a month and had an unheard of growth spurt of .75"! I can't believe it, and given my track record cannot believe this happened.

Chloe hit on a really important aspect of noogling. When all I could think about was noogling, I did not feel like I had made any progress at all. My shape was changing, but without swelling I wasn't seeing much. My bras were still huge... (more on this in a moment). Then when I finally came back in February, I posted I was going to look at this with a different mindset and attitude. To my surprise, it seems like that helped a lot.

I guess you'd put me in the fast responding category because I went from a 32A to 32C, but I do not put myself in that category at all. Getting to this point has not been easy. I have been frustrated and angry at times. I still don't get the crazy swelling that many seem to achieve in a short time. I did not get any swelling after noogling at all until I moved to the CL domes which was in my 9th or 10th month of noogling (I started in April 2010 and moved up to the CL in April of 2011). It took an entire year's worth of time for me and that's when I started to have a better outlook on things. I stayed more positive and when I deflated when my period came, I just kept going.

Some days I feel happy about my boobs and other days I get upset, but remember that we are more than boobs! Your boyfriend loves you, so I don't see any need to worry about that. You have to start loving yourself though. I think that's what is missing here.

I completely understand why you are upset and I think I said similar words "I want to feel more like a matured woman with sexy breasts". When I started noogling, my boobs were almost tubular in shape, with only very large areolas and I never developed properly. It can be hard to see some of the "larger" breasted girls on here and the fast responders, but that should just make you happy that this does work. In time you will get the boobs you want! ;D

You said you are a AAA? Is there any way you are wearing the wrong band size? Have you tried going down a whole band size to see if they fit better? http://www.thinandcurvy.com/2010/11/signs-of-poor-fitting-bra.html Wearing a bra that fits properly is going to make your boobs look bigger! Can you treat yourself to a pretty bra if you haven't bought yourself one in a long time? I refused to buy myself bras for the longest time because I hated my boobs. Well my husband took me to the store and made me buy myself something. That's when I found out even though my 34 A's were too big, I fit very nicely into a 32C! I was dumbfounded. How could my 34A bras not fit? Well they were stretched out from years of wear. I don't know if your bras are old, but if they are, then I highly recommend confidently walking into a nice department store and trying some bras on. If you normally wear a 34A, then try on a 32A or B and see what happens. I always thought I was a 34AA, but when in fact I was a 32A. It may be the same sister size, but changing the cup size to a larger letter can give you a boost of confidence even if it doesn't mean anything has changed. lol

Take care of yourself!!


New Member
I was a small flat deflated 32a when i started noogling....after breast feeding. with noogling I alone i fit nicely into my 32a bras, even after I stopped noogling.....its been 6 weeks or so that I have not pumped.......will restart soon. In the mean time I have been taking breast actives and applying the cream and I soak fenugreek seeds over night then boil in water and drink the water each morning since I started doing this over two weeks ago my 32a bras have got tihjt n now i fit snuggly into 32b bras. I am going to add noogling to this and hopefully will gain more.

Teeny Tiny

Hi puggley,

Please try not to feel so bad, if you started out a AAA you're just being a slow responder because you don't have much tissue to start with. If you've been at it for 10 months now maybe you just need to change things up to help them respond better. Have you been noogling every single day? How long do you noogle every day? Do you use pump and hold, pump and release, or a combination of both? Maybe you just need to change your routine. I'm sure you've probably read my posts where I talk about my experience, but I'll write it again in case you haven't seen it or have forgotten.

I bought my system in November of 2008, used it for a month, but between getting frustrated from not seeing any response, even swelling and life getting in the way I gave up after a month. From December to mid June I did a lot of traveling with my husband because of his job. We lived in the Phoenix Metro area of Arizona, and he got sent to Flagstaff and kayenta Arizona, Gallup New Mexico, and Oakland California for work during those months. After we got back from Oakland in mid June of 2009 I decided to give it another try and put 8-16 hours a day, 7 days a week, for 6 months into it. I noogled every day without fail, started seeing swelling within the first 2 weeks, and graduated out of the L, into the XL after about 4 months. I noogled to get the maximum swelling every day, but did not think I was over pumping because I never let them turn purple in the domes, with the exception of a couple incidents with the XL domes that caused some damage to my right breast that took a year to heal. I did have the dreaded red dots a few times though. Even though I had experienced enough swelling to swell out of the L domes, I had no growth, I actually was causing tissue deterioration instead of growth because of overdoing it. After 6 months and 1400 - 2800 hours of noogling I had gone from a firm, perky 36AA (if that), to a saggy, droopy, unhappy 36AA (or less). Between depression of what they looked like and life getting in the way, and the rings getting worn out and leaking air I ended up taking a 2 1/2 month break. When I started back up the end of February 20010 I had to take it much slower because my domes were cracked and leaking from so many hours of use. Because of the cracks I ended up using the pump and release instead of my usual pump and hold, because I'd pump like mad to achieve a suction, then take a break for a minute or two, until they were about ready to fall off, then pump them back up. This was so exhausting I could not do it for more than an hour at a time, so I did 2 - 3 one hour sessions this way. Within a month or two I was surprised with a growth spurt from my saggy 36AA (or less) to a full 36A. I couldn't believe it, so I decided to keep up this pattern even after I managed to replace my cracked cups. Well, after achieving my 36A's I stalled and stayed there, until we ended up having to move in with my mother-in-law in October of 2010. Then between lack of privacy and life getting in the way again I ended up taking another break from the end of October to the end of December. Then 2 days after Christmas I started noogling again and made a New Years resolution to noogle every day of 2011 without fail and see where I am at the end of 2011. Well, within the first month I spurted again, from a 36A, to a very full 36B, then stalled again. I noogled every day for the first 4 months, then ended up missing a couple days because of being too busy. Then had the brainy idea a couple months ago to go on a rapid fat loss diet with my hubby. Well, that didn't last more than a week because I have to have a high carb diet for my porphyria and the slow carb diet we were on was torture. I lost 5 lbs in the first week, but my breasts started to deflate during the first week, so I decided the hell with the diet. I've worked too hard, too long to get my breasts to grow, I'll figure out another way to get the rest of my body in shape. Well, I've managed to gain back the half cup or so that I lost during the diet within the first couple weeks of quitting the diet, thank God!

But I decided that noogling every day without fail is not the way to go for me, I need to take breaks to boost my growth. I just recently took a two week break, wanted to take the whole month of October off, but couldn't keep my hands off the domes more than two weeks. I'm trying to see if a break as short as two weeks will be enough time to give my body the rest it needs to respond to noogling again when I start again, if not I'll try a whole month and see if it works any better.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is maybe you just need to take a break, give your body a chance to heal and rest from noogling to get it to respond and grow when you start back up, that seems to be the only thing that's working for me.

Sorry this was sooooo long, and probably boring, but I'm just trying to help you come up with something that will help and work for you. Please don't give up or feel bad or sorry for yourself, you just need to find what will work for you, then you'll start to see the results you're looking for, I'm sure of it! Just keep the faith! ;) :D ;D :-*

Teeny Tiny

Oh, I almost forgot, don't forget to massage before you noogle, massaging helps to stimulate the breasts and increase blood flow, which at least for me and many others helps with noogling. There are actually days that mine respond so well from just massaging that they seem to swell almost half a cup size before I even put the domes on from just massaging them. To help even more I recommend using K-Y Touch massage, 2 in 1 warming massage oil, the warming affect it has when you massage with it seems to help give them extra stimulation. I use it, then wash it off, then apply Suave Cocoa Butter with Shea lotion and pump with the lotion on, my breasts don't like any kind of oil on them when I noogle, I have to use lotion. Some days I massage with the K-Y oil, some days with the Cocoa Butter/vitamin E oil I have, some days with the cocoa butter lotion, some days with the wild yam cream, and some days I dry massage. That's another thing, what do you use for lubrication when you noogle? If you use an oil based product you might want to switch to a lotion, oil can be restricting the amount of swelling your getting and preventing you from getting the results you're looking for. Another thing you might try would be the wild yam cream I use, I use it in the morning during my first session (Some days, but not every day, some days I just noogle with my cocoa butter lotion.), then I use my cocoa butter lotion the rest of the day. Then I like to make sure I get one last session in right before I go to bed, afterwards I wash off any remaining cocoa butter lotion, and gently massage in some wild yam cream (Which I use every single night right before I lay down to go to sleep, whether I noogled during the day or not.). I find that when I noogle, then apply the wild yam cream right before I go to bed that I retain some swelling over night, which eventually becomes permanent.

Oh, another thing you might try is pampering yourself with my boogling technique (noogling in the bathtub), if you have a bathtub you can noogle in. The warm water helps to increase circulation and swelling, especially if you massage them in it for about 5-15 minutes, then put the domes on, which if you use a good bubble bath, or a lot of it, you should be able to do without any additional lubrication. Then lay in the warm-hot (be careful not to burn yourself) with them submerged as much as possible for as long as you have time to, which I recommend at least 30-60 minutes for best results. This method helps with swelling, and helps make you feel relaxed and comfy, and gives you a chance to pamper yourself while getting in a noogling session.

Also, if you haven't tried it already I recommend trying to use collagen types 1&3, and MSM supplements every day to help with new tissue growth. But I better warn you, MSM is really bitter, so don't attempt to mix it in plain water, yuck! It needs to be mixed in something that will help hide the taste, like lemonade, or my favorite, Sobe Citrus Energy drink, which actually has some ingredients that may help as well.

Here's the wild yam cream I use, it's cheaper than a lot of other brands, and this is the cheapest place I've found it. It also has a higher wild yam content than a lot of the other creams out there, and works better for me than any other brand I've tried.


Hope this helps some.

Good luck, and happy noogling! ;) :D ;D


New Member
Hay every one sorry I have not got back to you guys I have been busy. I have been going to the gym all most every day.


I know im an AAA cup because I have just about nothing! What makes it hard on me not seeing the woman getting bigger breast but its the man who are getting them because I think to myself if its working on men why is it not working on me? I try so hard not to get upset but I still do.

Teeny Tiny

I have not been noogling every day I have stop for about a month or 2 be for. I noogle for about 1 to 2 hrs the most was all most 8 hrs but will never do that again. What im trying to do now is when I take my PM I noggle when I am off my PM I do not noogle and I try do noogle for an hr. I do both pump and hold, pump and release, I have noogle in the bathtub my breast get very red and then I get a rash from doing that so I do not do that any more.

I do take MSM with Glue. Fish oil, flaxseed, FG, PM,

I drink soy milk with some protein.


New Member
this is hard on me what am I doing wrong I barely get no swelling when noogling. I see people on here who are getting to there goals. And here me still very FLAT! And what makes it even harder on me its working better on men then me. I mean its it working on a man and not me then I got to be doing something wrong right? ??? Its not fair. When I see woman with breast ( im not gay at all have a bf of 4 years ) It hurts me because I want to have them . What happen to my breast why did they not grow?


New Member
Maybe you just need to step away for a while and take a break from all of this? I took a break for 2 months, cleared my head and then came back to get better results. If you don't want to take a break altogether, I think just ease up on your noogling. Maybe you are doing too much? Teeny Tiny has first hand knowledge on how too much can be detrimental to growing boobs!

I personally think you just have to stick with it. You are a slow responder like the majority of us. If you keep on noogling, you ultimately have nothing to lose but an hour each day... If you haven't gained anything with noogling and you stop now, then you still have the same boobs you started with. However if you persevere through the bad times and something DOES start to happen eventually, then all of that frustration and angry will be worth while.


New Member

Thats what im thing about doing for like a month or to. My bf keep on telling me they are getting there but I do not see it and also I dont know if he really mean that or if he just saying to me me feel better.

Ive been bust every day now going to the gym doing yoga, piyo, and yogalates, and doing chest wights.

And your right i am getting frustration, angry and upset. I keep on thinking if I dont do it every day they are not going to grow. But you all been there done that so you know what your talking about and I think you all very much for your help. So im taking a break from it a good long one too. Thank you all again! :)


New Member
Take care of yourself dear!! Remember that someone will always be here for you when or if you decide to start up again. I took a break right around my 10th month too and I didn't lose anything. If you come back in 2-3 months I'm sure you will feel more refreshed and be able to start back up again!. :)

Teeny Tiny

I'm not sure if you've mentioned it, but what's your height and weight? With your breast size I'm imagining you're pretty small all over, one thing that I've come to realize is that most that are not really tiny framed and slender have at least a little better results than someone who is. Like myself, I've increased in weight about 40lbs in the last 4 years, which is 40lbs heavier than I want to be, but it may also have something to do with the results I've had so far. Just like with taking BO supplements, you need to have some fat on your body to grow breasts, because fat is what gives them their size naturally. I've read through your responses and noticed that you work out a lot, that may be your problem. I'd recommend stopping the workouts, or at least any heavy ones. I'd quit everything you're doing right now, the yoga, piyo, yogapalates, and the chest weights. The exercise you're doing could be counter productive to growing breasts, as anytime someone loses weight the breasts are the first thing to decrease. That happened to me a few months ago, I got the brainy idea of going on a rapid fat loss diet and started going to the gym everyday to play racquetball and go swimming. Within a week I had lost 5lbs, and almost half a cup size, and after 2 years of working on my breasts I said the hell with the diet and luckily I've managed to gain back what I had lost very quickly. Unfortunately with it also the weight, but I'm not so hard on myself about my weight now that I've had a hormone panel done and found out my DHEA is elevated, which could be a sign of having PCOS, which could explain a lot of things I don't like about myself, including my weight. On days I'm feeling well enough to I go to the gym I do an hour of swimming, and nothing else, it's the only thing I can do to get some exercise that doesn't seem to make my breasts shrink. Right now I'm fighting a very nasty bladder infection that I just started taking antibiotics for yesterday, so it'll be a few days before I feel like even doing that.

Okay, I think I veered off the subject, but anyway, like I said I'd recommend no more heavy exercising, at most maybe swimming and/or walking for cardiovascular purposes. That and if you've been sporadic in your noogling try doing it every day for a while without missing any days if you can help it and see where you are in a few months. If in about 4 months you haven't had any increase then take a break from the noogling for at least a month or so, then start up again and see where you are. But I seriously think your biggest issue is just the fact that your exercising is keeping them from growing.

Another thing you might want to do is get a hormone test done like I did, I had a full 6 hormone test done, all of mine were good except my DHEA, which could explain a lot for me. Getting one will let you know where they all are now, give you a chance to correct any that may not be good, and maybe give you some ideas of what you can try to help with the growth that won't interfere with your hormones and imbalance them on you. Having a healthy hormone balance is essential for your health, and could have an impact on your breast growth as well. I don't know if it's the two week break I took recently, or the hormones in the birth control pills I just started taking Sunday, but mine are starting to feel a little fuller, and having growing pains. ;)

As others have said, drink plenty of water, even more than half your weight in ounces a day, if you can. Also make sure you're getting plenty of protein, hopefully you're not a vegetarian, because whey and meat proteins are the best for adding bulk to your body. Eat healthy, avoid excess exercising, and get that hormone test to see where they stand and what might be safe that hopefully will work to help you. And above all try not to stress over it, stressing over it will not help, trust me I know. I was so stressed and depressed when I first started and wasn't getting anywhere and didn't start growing until I dumped the stress and started taking it much easier, which made it more enjoyable as well. And remember, we're here for you, and will do whatever we can to help coach you along, hopefully we'll be able to help you find something that will work for you. Everyone is different, therefore different things work for everyone, therefore what worked for one may not work for you. But hopefully joining together to give you ideas we'll find one that will work for you. Please try the things I've recommended, as they seem to be the only ones I can think of that you may not have tried and see if it helps.

Good luck, I hope you find what will work for you and gain the breasts you've always wanted. Keep us informed, and please, whatever you do, don't give up. You just need to find what will work for you, I know noogling can, it's the only thing that's worked for me, you just need to find how to make it work for you. Also remember that this is a very gradual process for some, especially those with less starting out, and you may be gaining without even realizing it. This happened to me, my hubby, like your boyfriend said they were getting bigger, but I didn't believe him because I couldn't see it myself, but he could. So you may be having subtle results that he is noticing that you are not, hopefully some of the things I suggested will help you to increase them to the size you're dreaming of. ;) :D ;D

Teeny Tiny

Oh, another thing I forgot to mention, I don't see any posts from you in the gallery pictures section. Have you been taking pictures of your breasts? Pictures are one of the keys to determining what's happening, often you can see a difference in the pictures before you notice them by just looking at them on yourself. If you haven't started taking pictures of yourself yet, I'd recommend taking some and posting them in the gallery, making sure to take them in the morning, or before you do your first noogling session for the day. Then you can add more as you go and we'll be able to see if we can see any change in the pictures. It's just a thought I had that may help. ;)


New Member
You know, Not So Teeny, I think that makes a lot of sense. I´ve only started to see a difference in my breasts when I took a break from working out. I didn´t exercize all that much, but I´m quite thin so I guess all my fat deposits burned up while doing that. Not to say that we should all become sedentary to grow boobs, but maybe it helps to take a short break once in a while.


New Member
Teeny Tiny

5'7 145lbs I dont really have a tiny framed . All of my fat goes to my butt, thigh, and tummy. Ive just stared to work out this month because I was gaining a lot of wight but I do not work out hard at all do to my helth im there for about 2 1/2 hrs but I really do maybe an hr or less work out. I do the chest weights because I read it helps with your breast growth. Is that not right?

I have had a hormone test done about 2 years ago and my hormone where imbalance. Thats why im taking the PM because its says it helps with that.

Im really working on trying to drink more water. I do have protein power I my drink at ones a day and no im not a vegetarian.

I did some time ago take some photos and put them up for about a week then I delete off here.

Thanks for all of your help.

O yeah I did just remember one thing when I 1st got my noogleberry I was noogling 3 times a day for an hr and I think I had better swelling then then I do now. Do you think I should so back to noogling 3 times a day?


Try to change it up a little, and/or take a break. It can really help your headspace. If you would like to have swelling and doing it 3 times a day, do it 3 times a day! I get much better swelling when I do it more often rather than long sessions. Ideally, I like to start the day w/ a longer session (1 hr) and then 30 min sessions as many more times as I can, which is usually 1-2 only.

I also took a year long break and when I came back I gained .75" in three weeks. I think I've leveled off a bit though :( but I do like doing several shorter sessions a day!

People have varying opinions about exercising while doing Breast Enhancement. I think it's important to stay healthy while doing any kind of regime. People lose and gain in different places while exercising - a few on here lost alot of weight AND grew at the same time, so it's not one thing or another. My own personal opinion is it helps me to look good all over while gaining breast size. What's the point in letting it all go just to get some boobage? Plus doesn't sound like you're doing that kind of major exercise which will burn all your fat!

The main thing I think is to emphasize protein in your calorie intake and don't overdo it on the cardio, plus doing light weights all over to keep tone! I, and alot of ladies on here, do alot of chest exercises, to help tone that area, and enhance everything that's going on underneath the breasts. I think, boobs or no, my chest looks WAY better than it used to because of the exercises; it used to be bony up top w/ a little boobage down below and now it looks like flesh up top and perkier down below. I do chest flys lying on my back on the weight bench.


New Member
I think taking a break makes sense.

Teeny Tiny,
I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading your posts, they are so informative and encouraging.
Reading how you get growth spurts after breaks makes me want to take a break and see if I will respond that way. I have only been noogling for almost 2 months now, so I think its a little too early to see results or take a break, but you said you grew from 36A to 36B in 1 month, that is AMAZING!!!

I have only been noogling for almost 2 months, I think I grew 1/4", I get great swelling but most of it goes down. Do you have a "recommended" time when to take a break such as after 3 months, 6 months, etc. or is it just personal preference like if someone stalls or something? Also how do you know that you are "stalling"? Are you measuring yourself on the same day of every month or so?

Thank You Teeny Tiny.

Teeny Tiny

Thanks melissa4u,

The first break I took was after 6 months of noogling 8-16 hours a day, during which time I actually caused myself tissue reduction instead of growth from over doing it. Took a break for about 2 1/2 months, then increased from a saggy, emptier 36AA (or less at that point) to a full 36A in the first month or so that I restarted. Then the second spurt was January of this year, I ended up taking another 3 month break because of us having to move in with my mother-in-law, and when I restarted I jumped from a 36A to a very full 36B within a month, then leveled out again.

As far as how I know I've stalled, within a month or two of restarting I just stop seeing anymore growth, I may have very slight, extremely gradual growth, but no spurt like when I first restart. I never measure, I just know because the size doesn't increase anymore, the bras don't fit any different with the exception of sometimes during my pms swelling period. I'll keep going for a few extra months, about 6 months or so to set myself up for another growth spurt, then I'll take another break, this time I tried just 2 weeks to see if it would work instead of a longer one. I was going to take the full month of September off, but I could only keep my hands off of it for 2 weeks. For me noogling for several months seems to set the stage for growth, then taking a break gives them a chance to recover and rest and let their guard down, then when I restart they react by growing. Right now they are a bit fuller and heavier then they were before my 2 week break, and they ache, which are hopefully growing pains, and I'm no where near the part of my cycle where they hurt or swell because I just started taking birth control pills this last Sunday to try and fix a hormonal problem I have. Maybe the hormones in the birth control pills will help with my breast growth, since I haven't taken any and have had a hormone imbalance for at least the last 11 years. Keeping my toes crossed! ;) :D ;D