I'm gaining size!


New Member
I don’t use valves. In fact I don’t use the orange cups either, too small. I’m using a 210 ml or sometimes will see it as a 2100 too.
Yes, I know it cause I have read your thread, but in the pic with the orage cups there are fittings in the tube with caps,I mean this parts...

Tina A

Noogling is my stress "bust"er. My avatar=My goal
I purchased in bulk my own silicone tubing and cut links to put on the stem of the cup. Then I bought parts to make an insert type cap to plug the tubing after I pull it off the pump. I would just pinch the tubing pull it off the pump slide the little plug-in and I’m free to move wherever I want to. I have never used the y pipe because how do you get two of these on your chest and pumped up when they’re both falling off. Third arm? Hope that is a little clearer.


New Member
I purchased in bulk my own silicone tubing and cut links to put on the stem of the cup. Then I bought parts to make an insert type cap to plug the tubing after I pull it off the pump. I would just pinch the tubing pull it off the pump slide the little plug-in and I’m free to move wherever I want to. I have never used the y pipe because how do you get two of these on your chest and pumped up when they’re both falling off. Third arm? Hope that is a little clearer.
Ha,ha,ha...Sometimes I wish I woul become shiva!!! Yes it is clearer now and in fact, I do also not use the Y-Pipe. But mine are too heavy ,I am using pneumatic valves made of metal. When I wear the cups with the short tubes at the end the metal valves they dangle like a fools cap :eek:

Tina A

Noogling is my stress "bust"er. My avatar=My goal
Hello again. The other morning I was working on breast size and enlarging my nipples at the same time. I can use my glass cups inside my big 210 mL cups. I get great swelling of my breast and nipples. Here are 3 photos.


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Tina A

Noogling is my stress "bust"er. My avatar=My goal
Hi! It’s been a day of “nippling.” I want them to be big! Three hours of nippling and when I remove them along with my breasts getting bigger I can actually get my lips around them!!! Hot damn!


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Karen J

Hi! It’s been a day of “nippling.” I want them to be big! Three hours of nippling and when I remove them along with my breasts getting bigger I can actually get my lips around them!!! Hot damn!
Yes that is what I'm working for ( to get my lips around my own breast )


Lisa Moon
Wow Tina congratulations, I haven't been here for a while, your girls are looking fantastic and the fact you might be able to get your mouth on them is just amazing, I love your nipples are looking,
I haven't been pumping for a while just been content with my size but you have just reinvigorated my breasts to get bigger. Well done


New Member
Wow Tina, félicitations, je ne suis pas là depuis un moment, tes filles sont fantastiques et le fait que tu puisses peut-être mettre ta bouche dessus est tout simplement incroyable, j'adore que tes tétons soient beaux,
Je n'ai pas tiré mon lait depuis un moment, je me contentais de ma taille mais vous venez de revigorer mes seins pour qu'ils grossissent. Bien joué
je te suis sur Flickr et j'ai hâte de voir le résultat, quand à toi Tina tes seins sont vraiment extraordinaires.

Tina A

Noogling is my stress "bust"er. My avatar=My goal
Good Monday morning. I’ve had the house to myself this weekend and have four more days to go. So I can pump and wear whatever I want at any time. Worked on my nipples this weekend, as well as the big cups on my boobs, using four different suction cups to help them grow. Even sleeping in the screw suction cups. My nipples have definitely increased in size over the past year of concentrating on making them bigger. The work does pay off. Now I’ll leave you with a few pictures. Have a good week!


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