Intertwining's progress page- with stats, pics and loads of details! ;D


New Member
OMG!! I would freak out if my mum (or anyone else for that matter) sees me noogling!! :eek: The last time my mum saw me in the buff is when I was 10! You and your mum are indeed very close! :)

Btw, love your results and your figure! I can't wait for my NB to arrive!! May I know how long did it take for you to receive yours?


New Member
I agree, I noogle in the secrecy of my room! And pinksugarbabe, I know you asked Intertwining but I'll tell you my experience with shipping...I've made 2 orders from noogleberry, one for the system and another for a larger set of domes...and both times my packages came in 1 week flat down to the day. And I live in California, U.S.A. Noogleberry is in Europe, so this was just fantastic :) Lucy is FAST!!!


New Member
Aim4c, that looks pretty promising and easy- I'll give it a try once I'm done with my M domes! Thanks! :D

pinksugarbabe, thanks! And yep, me and my mum are really close, we tell each other pretty much everything! ;D My NB took about 12 days to come, but that was with upgraded shipping. But considering that I live in SE Asia, that's really fast! So you'll definitely be getting yours in no time! :)


New Member
My 10th day noogling!

Hey everyone!

So yesterday I decided to take a break from noogling because I was worried about my nipples growing bigger, so today noogling resumes as per normal! ;D

I think I'll continue noogling with the M domes for now, because I was browsing the forum when I came across a thread where someone advised not to move on to larger domes until very little pressure is felt when they're filled to the ends, and can reach the ends in less than 5 minutes.. So I'm not quite there yet, still taking a while to reach the ends, and even then I pump and hold it there, as the pressure's still pretty high for me..

I guess I'll try the heating method with my M soft rings before buying the L-sized ones! :)

So today after massaging with cream, I wiped my boobs off with a damp towel and dried them before applying my bandaids like I normally do. Then I popped a t-shirt on and browsed the internet for a while to give the bandaids time to adhere better, then coated my boobs (carefully avoiding the edges of the bandaids) again with cream, THEN started noogling as per normal. (1 hour + 15 minutes on my left boob)

I think it really helped a lot, because the bandaids didn't gape at all, and my nipples were definitely a lot less puffy when I removed the bandaids! Hurray! ;D ;D

My boobs are really looking amazing, and today I realised something else about them while I was touching them (I can't get my hands off of my own boobs now.. Absolutely terrible, lol!)- the bit in the middle of my 2 boobs (as in the centre of my chest) used to be just thin skin lying over the bone, but now it seems to have fleshed out by a fair bit, and now I can actually pinch the flesh (not just skin anymore!) there with my thumb and index finger! I didn't know that noogling would improve tissue growth in the centre too, but I'm not complaining about getting better cleavage! Woohooo! :D

And my left boob seems to be evening out nicely with my right boob, thanks to the extra 15 minute sessions! No extra growth so far (still a slightly loose 30" around the bust), but they're feeling plump and full! ;D

I know I sound like I'm making excuses, but my mum borrowed my camera because she wanted to take pictures of some flower exhibition in town, so no pictures this update! Sorry girls! >< I swear I'm not lying!

Pictures of my boobies next update- promise! ;)

Happy noogling, everyone!


New Member
wow my self esteem just went down lol
your after pictures of nb looks so around and firm lol its even better than plastic surgery results .... aw i'm happy for you :D


New Member
Intertwining said:
Hey everyone!

So yesterday I decided to take a break from noogling because I was worried about my nipples growing bigger, so today noogling resumes as per normal!

I think I'll continue noogling with the M domes for now, because I was browsing the forum when I came across a thread where someone advised not to move on to larger domes until very little pressure is felt when they're filled to the ends, and can reach the ends in less than 5 minutes.. So I'm not quite there yet, still taking a while to reach the ends, and even then I pump and hold it there, as the pressure's still pretty high for me..

I guess I'll try the heating method with my M soft rings before buying the L-sized ones!

So today after massaging with cream, I wiped my boobs off with a damp towel and dried them before applying my bandaids like I normally do. Then I popped a t-shirt on and browsed the internet for a while to give the bandaids time to adhere better, then coated my boobs (carefully avoiding the edges of the bandaids) again with cream, THEN started noogling as per normal. (1 hour + 15 minutes on my left boob)

I think it really helped a lot, because the bandaids didn't gape at all, and my nipples were definitely a lot less puffy when I removed the bandaids! Hurray!

My boobs are really looking amazing, and today I realised something else about them while I was touching them (I can't get my hands off of my own boobs now.. Absolutely terrible, lol!)- the bit in the middle of my 2 boobs (as in the centre of my chest) used to be just thin skin lying over the bone, but now it seems to have fleshed out by a fair bit, and now I can actually pinch the flesh (not just skin anymore!) there with my thumb and index finger! I didn't know that noogling would improve tissue growth in the centre too, but I'm not complaining about getting better cleavage! Woohooo!

And my left boob seems to be evening out nicely with my right boob, thanks to the extra 15 minute sessions! No extra growth so far (still a slightly loose 30" around the bust), but they're feeling plump and full!

I know I sound like I'm making excuses, but my mum borrowed my camera because she wanted to take pictures of some flower exhibition in town, so no pictures this update! Sorry girls! I swear I'm not lying!

Pictures of my boobies next update- promise!

Happy noogling, everyone!

i know what you mean , after i finish NB today i wouldnt stop touching it as well lmao. I'm always so excited seeing the results :D yay
cant wait to see your results :)


New Member
Woww! I'm so envious of you. Your boobs look great! I'm asian too and I wish I could have your body, in general, haha. I'm always telling my boyfriend I wish my butt was bigger. I know what you mean about touching your boobs a lot- after I'm done Noogling, I can't stop touching my boobs because they feel so nice and full :D


New Member
hehe thanks everyone! Nyx, sometimes my big butt is a curse rather than a blessing! It's impossible to find a pair of jeans that my weighty butt and thighs look good in, and dresses are a problem for me too! :( I'll share half my butt with you, lol- that way we'll both be happy! :D

And aww secret, you should see it as motivation and a great reason to noogle regularly, rather than something to get your self esteem down! ;D *hugs*

Update with pics coming right up! :D


New Member
My fifteenth day of noogling!

Hello everyone! :D

I’m sorry for the sudden drop in updates, lol :S

School’s been starting to get pretty hectic and I barely have time to get my daily hour of noogling in everyday! :(

So a couple of days ago I realized that I wasn’t getting as good swelling as I did in the beginning, so I took 2 days off noogling (just as well since I had to get some work in urgently!) and when I started noogling again, my wonderful swelling returned, along with the wonderful pain that is boobie soreness and tenderness! Hurray! ;D

I’ve been a little lazy with my Zoft gum, I’d take a piece in school, and then tell myself to take another in the evening so that the herb intake will be more evenly distributed throughout the day, but I always forget to chew on one later! I think I might start just taking both in the morning/afternoon..

Also, my nipples have definitely stopped growing, thank god! You can see how big they’ve grown in the first couple of pictures where they’re fully.. Soft? Flaccid? Ick, what a terrible word, lol!

Yesterday I went out shopping with my boyfriend, and I was looking to buy some camisoles to wear as I like tight-fitting clothes (baggy clothes make my small figure look like I’m drowning in cloth- and I need to show off my figure now that my hourglass is coming along, right?!).

After wrestling to put on an XS one (and those were cut really, really small) and coming out to ask him how I looked, his dazed and slightly dropped jaw (followed by fervent nodding) was enough approval ;D

So today he came over, and he couldn’t get his hands off my my boobs- he said he could definitely see, (and feel) a visible difference.. And I’m sure me wearing one of those gorgeous camisoles today didn't help change his opinion, hehe! :D

Anyways, I’ve attached a couple of pictures:
1. Pre-noogle front
2. Post-noogle front
3. Pre-noogle side
4. Post noogle side
5. Pre-noogle 2 front
6. Post-noogle 2 front
7. Pre-noogle 2 side
8. Post noogle 2 side
9. Me in my new camisole! (I ended up buying the S instead of XS to make sure I wouldn’t suffocate, lol!)

Happy noogling, see you all next update :D


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New Member
Great results, girl! It's funny you mention getting a bigger size shirt...I have to now buy medium shirts rather than smalls, I found out yesterday...because of my newly aquired BOOBAGE! Hahahah! Now I know how all my larger-chested friends feel, and I'm so excited :) :) :)


New Member
amazing results, I love your updates, Ive been reading your posts.

How much have you grown already? sorry if I didnt get that part. I am x small too. Hopefully I dont need to wear it again.




New Member
My 20th day of NB- before and after pictures!

Hi all!

It's been close to 3 weeks since I've started noogling, so I've decided to put up a couple of before/after pictures of my progress so far! Unfortunately I didn't have any earlier photos of me in the same position (my first few pictures were just chest shots instead of body shots), so the time difference between the before and after pictures are actually 2 weeks, not 3, although the after pictures have all been taken today.

All pictures here are pre-noogle, so my boobs here haven't had any noogle swelling boost ups!

1st picture: Front view. You can't really immediately register any growth, and it's a little confusing since my nipples are hard in one and soft in the other, and so makes my boobs look different-shaped.. But from what I can tell from taking a closer look at the pictures, you can see the difference in width of my boobs, and in the after picture, my boobs hang down a little more, and are on their way to developing proper underboobs! Hurray! Underboobs! I love underboobs! lol ;D

2nd picture: Side view. This makes me SO HAPPY! I can really see a marked difference in here- my boobs have a downward slope in the first picture, but in the second, the slope's rounded out and all :D *jumps for joy*

3rd picture: Me in my benchmark bra. Urgh! Don't know what went wrong here- my before picture looks fuller than my after! I'm guessing my bra loosened up a little because I've been wearing it for the last couple of days without putting them in the wash (what!? I didn't sweat in them!) :(

It's really strange though, my boobs feel and look so much fuller and heavier, but I'm still stuck at 30" according to the tape measure.. Weird..

But oh well! As long as I can tell with my own eyes it's good enough.. For now ;)

Let me know what you girls think of my 2 week B/A pictures!


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New Member
Intertwining - I read that you should choose a bra that you don't wear as your benchmark bra and every so often try it on. That way there is no difference in the size of it - loosening & shrinking.


New Member
Geez Interwining - your results are amazing! Can't wait to see how you go as you progress even more :)

You've got an amazing figure - I bet it's hard to find clothes that fit you in both the shoulders and in the waist cos you're so curvy! Lucky lady...