Kristin00's Stats ---added "before pic"


New Member
I actually got my noogleberry probably close to a year ago and just never used it. Initially, I had a really hard time getting/keeping the cups on and felt like I didn't have a time I could use it regularly so I just stopped... It sat in the bottom of my closet for months while I seriously considered implants instead. My husband insisted I give my pump a real shot again. I'm so glad he did! I have only been noogling for just over a week but my outlook on it has changed so much! I use that time to also read my bible on my cell phone bible app, sometimes pray, and read through posts on the forum. It is SO encouraging to see so many testimonies on here of their success, to see pictures of people whose breasts actually look like mine, and to read how there are others out there that actually understand my feelings about my body! Please keep posting your stories, tips, etc. it's making a difference! Anyway, I measured a couple days after I started noogling and at a time they happened to look a little fuller anyway so it may be a little inaccurate but here's my stats:

Under 29 1/2"
Bust 32 3/4"
Over 32 1/2" (not sure I measured that in the right spot though bc my breasts seem very flat on top to me?)

Method: noogle 1 hr per day, every day, using the 7:2 pump/ release method

Btw, this post by tankgirl on
bra fitting/ measuring was really helpful and encouraged my to go out and buy better fitting bras!

I attached a pic of me from 2/13/14, I didn't take a true before pic, I'm a little over a week into using NB now.


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Fulfilling a dream...
Re: Kristin00's Stats

You sure you want stories from an impatient, raving lunatic like me? :)

I'm happy you listened to your husband because NB I think is so much more rewarding. And indeed, you'll find lots of ladies sharing your feelings in many ways. Definitely be a part of the community as that will be rewarding too.



New Member
Re: Kristin00's Stats

Yes I want your stories! And I don't think you're impatient, most of us on here who are really going for results are definitely exercising PATIENCE!
I will post as much as I can on others posts but I haven't been using it long enough to offer much advice... I only know what I've read on the many posts I've looked at on here. I really do hope I can be an encouragement to someone on here though!
Thanks for your reply!


Fulfilling a dream...
Re: Kristin00's Stats

Well, I got lots of stories and even a few related to NB. :) But I think I should gently point out that advice isn't the only way to contribute. Actually, I think most will respond better to experiences and chime in with "me too", "I had that but...", and such.

For myself, I'm experiencing something like a second puberty but this time kinda girl-style. I got all sorts of new memorable moments. Thankfully, I had a childhood friend that I got to witness her puberty up close and she was quite vocal. So, some of it isn't too surprising but still novel and/or unexpected in intensity.

She used to complain about how sensitive and even painful her nipples had gotten... So, I was expecting enhanced sensitivity... Sheesh, did I get a surprise... nipples that screamed when a hand get too close, able to give thread counts of shirts, incredible intolerance to cold things, etc. My favorite is when I bent over the bathroom sink and got a bit too close and my newly gained hang-age from the growth just let my nipple brush that cold...cold.. very cold... (did I mention freezing?) sink and nearly jumped out of my skin. And that's just one of my stories...

I've been lucky not to have my NB fart off nice and loudly when I'm on the phone but I'm sure my days are numbered on that one. Have you tried sneezing with your domes on? That's fun watching them shoot across the room. How about having a strong pressure going and an itch develops right near your spine below the shoulders? And it becomes a game of "whack-a-itch" with you rubbing your back on door jams and such.

All sorts of things to talk about... Perhaps this is all old hat to the ladies but it is marvelous to us males. How about that first big jiggle? Have friends been noticing.. asking questions.. etc :) Well, there I go again... rambling



New Member
DJ- wow that's pretty sensitive! I've always had sensitive breasts and nipples but not quite that bad. I feel for ya!


Fulfilling a dream...
Yeah.. my breasts are actually maturing like a girl's so crazy things happen. Thankfully they aren't sensitive like that all the time but it seems growth spurts are bad times. However, my left nipple has been extremely sensitive since it "changed" over a 4 week period back in Nov 2013. I have a feeling it will never level out completely. But I have discovered there are... uhm pros for that sensitivity too. :)

Today I woke up to flat, empty and squishy boobs. I was so disappointed because I want more... not less! But if trends keep going, that could be a sign of impending growth again.



New Member
Aw DJ I know how that feels going through those days you just feel really flat. Even before I started NB I went through that feeling often when my monthly cycles would make me swell and then later flatten out. I constantly got my hopes up only to be let didn't later. It's different with NB though- maybe that's a sign of growth


New Member
Well I'm at 2 weeks of noogling now, measured today- about 12 hours after noogling. I'm hoping this is accurate because it seems pretty good to me for only 2 weeks!

Bust 34" !
Over bust 33 1/2"


New Member
You mean because it's probably just swelling not real growth yet? Or just natural variances in size from day to day? Either way, I know, you're right


Fulfilling a dream...
It is hard to know why until time passes. Like I gained 1" in my first 2 weeks of noogling but I didn't know it was real until I stopped noogling to heal (which I did grow in that period of healing due to my herbs). Just consider it a friendly caution... just keep pumpin' and eventually you'll be lovin' it.



New Member
good morning, I agree swelling and growth take time, I have been noogling for 3 months and taking PM, love the feeling in front of mirror and sleeping on my stomach. Such a rush.

Padded Hell

New Member
Hi Kristin,

You seem to be doing well already :). I think you'll be glad you didn't go down the implant route. Even if the extra growth is swelling, it will eventually turn into legitimate growth. I think you have a good starting size, judging by your pic. What size cups are you currently using?

I'd love to find some better fitting bras too. I want one of those Bradelis bra's. You know the ones that keep your breast fat in place? I think they're quite expensive, but you can't put a price on a nice pair of boobs really, can you? ;D


New Member
Thanks for the encouragment! I'm using the medium cups so far. Originally ordered larges when I bought my pump but there was no way I could fit them side by side on my chest. I'm only getting about 3/4 of the way in the medium cups so I think I'm ok with them for a while. While I'd like to get more tissue above the breast (I feel my breasts start pretty low on my chest) I'm afraid switching to larges will be a challenge as I may have to pump one at a time and don't have time to pump twice as long. Oh well- I'll cross that bridge when I get there!

I'm already glad I didn't go to implant route. I feel like my body image is improving since I started NB. Maybe partly due to seeing pics on this forum of other people who are my size- making me feel less abnormal.

I haven't heard of those bras but will have to check them out! I know a good bra can feel better, give you better shape, and even help your size by collecting all the breast tissue in the cups instead of pushing it to the sides or underneath. So no, you can't put a price on that

Padded Hell

New Member
I had exactly the same problem with the large cups. Just couldn't get them both to fit on my narrow chest. I use them for hydro-noogling now, & I've finally got them to stay on! If you still have room in the mediums, I'd stick with them for now. I always found the M cups gave more of an outward pull, & the L cups much less so.

Having a better body image is what keeps me noogling these days :). It's really empowering knowing you're taking steps to self-improve & nobody is any the wiser, just us secret nooglers ;)

I need to look into those bradeli's bra's some more too. They seem to have quite good reviews. I don't know if they'd work that well with me though. I don't have much fat to keep in my bra in the first place! All I know is I'm absolutely fed-up of 'faking it' with my 2 cups sizes bigger bras now :(

I have no tissue above my chest either. I've recently started massaging above them in circular motions using oil before I noogle. I only do a few minutes each side at a time, but it can't hurt. I can tell it helps my circulation, as green veins start appearing after a few minutes. Not a pretty sight ;D

Anyway, keep at it. You're getting there :)


New Member
I can totally feel you on the body image front. A big part of it is my lack of boobage. When I'm intimate with my husband I like to keep a shirt covering me, otherwise I feel like I look like a 12 year old boy. That's not attractive. There's no femininity going on up here. lol At least my ass is decent. :p Now my stomach is a whole different ballpark, but I'm working on that problem. lol

*sigh* We women have so many issues. lol


New Member
PH- I haven't tried hydro noogling. But from what I've read, some people seem to really like it and get good results with it. You're braver than I am though..I'm just really afraid of messing up my pump doing it and also the fact that I think I'd have a harder time finding alone time to do it. As it is now, my pumping time includes me locking myself in our spare bedroom that never gets used and letting the kids know I'm doing my "quiet time" which includes reading my bible/ praying/ mom's relaxing time/ pumping. I just don't tell them about the pumping part and DH helps make sure they let me have that time. He's sweet and supportive in that way. I've come to look forward to that "quiet time" as I never really took regular time for myself before I started pumping.

Ezzie- I totally know what you mean. I almost always leave my shirt on. At VERY least a bra. We've tried a couple times without and when our chests would touch it'd make this awful suctioned smacking sound because my chest was so flat and had no cushion between us. He doesn't act like he's ever been bothered by it in the least but it is so distracting to me and makes me so uncomfortable it's not worth it. One of these days though I'm going to have something I enjoy sharing with him! And so will you! (With your own hubby of course! Lol)


Fulfilling a dream...
Hehe.. Ladies, you're not alone in body image issues because men do have them as well. The only real difference is men are usually allowed (or even expected) to not be physically perfect but the media insists women cannot. This is truly BS in my opinion since no one is ideal in physical qualities.

I wish I could convince women that any mature man will be looking at much more than just her boobs and butt. A woman's personality is truly where her beauty shines and I think many members of this forum has lots of beauty.

However, I would like to share something about this "hiding the body" tendency. I've had a couple of girlfriends in the past which did similar things. Always wanting complete darkness, wearing clothes, and other methods of hiding during intimacy (not always sexual either!) -- as a man, I was interested in her as a person, not an object and each time these actions happened; I was hurt because it implied to me that I couldn't be trusted. I wasn't to be believed. I couldn't reach her to show her how beautiful I found her. I felt rejected in an obscure way.... This does take a toll on relationships over time and it is so sad. Eventually, I couldn't continue to endure these injuries, a break up would happen and I'm sure reinforcing that self-fulfilling prophecy. :(

I'm not writing to place "blame" on either side or marginalize your self-image discomforts. But I think it might be interesting for someone to think about when s/he feel the urge to do something to "hide" from your partner -- what might be floating across his/her mind and how they might feel.



New Member
I agree, it probably does hurt the other person. Me and my husband are at the point, that when I do dress with hair done, make up, a sexy dress or skirt..and I personally feel attractive at the moment, he NEVER compliments me. I feel so hurt, like I tried so hard but accomplished nothing. Then in my head it's like, "why bother?" I'm in the stage right now where I'm just wearing sweats around him, no make up, and don't care about my looks. And I'll go out with him that way too (if it's just the store or something). If he thinks I look like a slob and is silently embarrassed about how I look with him, then he should open his mouth more when I DO dress up. Cuz I love wearing dresses and skirts for no reason at all. But his excuse is, he doesn't compliment anymore because I "never listen to him anyway". Which is partially true...low self-esteem = can't take compliments very well.


New Member
Dminer84/So true about the double standard with men and women's appearance. I really appreciate your male perspective on intimacy. I never really thought of it that way. For the most part my hubby doesn't really try to take my shirt off very often. I let him when he does try and I try to not let it bother me because I want him to be able to enjoy every part of me. I think he just knows me well enough that he senses when I'm uncomfortable and therefore doesn't really try. One night recently I had a new mega push-up bra on that I felt better in. Though I still had the bra on, he did take my shirt off that night as I think he could feel that I was more confident and comfortable in it.