Lily13's Stats/Noogle Journey

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Hi HappyJigglers
I am glad someone else doesn't really enjoy noogling either. HAHA I find no "fun" in having to sit around for 2 hours (I have to noogle each breast 1 at a time because I have serious suction issues otherwise). I also tend to obsess over things and that gets me in trouble too.

I put the black bra on I used to use to take pictures and I definitely grew! I'm gonna take a picture of myself with this bra on because there is a HUGE difference. I just can't believe it especially because my measurements and pictures without a bra show little to no difference. I think changing bras has made me think I didn't grow at all. So I am realizing it is extremely important to use the same bra every time for pictures and to get a better comparison. Pick 1 bra and stick with it no matter what. Once you grow out of it, then you can bump up to a new one and stick with that one.

I definitely have SOME results. Unfortunately I had set unrealistic expectations in the beginning. When you see the threads of those pinned at the top you think that's what will happen to you and when it doesn't you get discouraged.

Good luck to you!! It's great to have others here to support one another. *hugs* ;D


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Hi Lily13, count me in as those who really does not enjoy noogling, but I know I have to get going to get the size I want. At the beginning it's okay, but the longer I noogle the more I couldn't wait to take it off, or like tear it off my chest. I couldn't even do it while sleeping; I just want to sleep peacefully without anything tight on my chest.

It's downright depressing sometimes; when AF came this month I shrank .5" after several days. But then I have to remember I'm a lot older than most of the ladies around here and it does take time to grow. So many factors involve and who knows what makes one grow and the other stall or grow at a slow pace. Growing breast is not an instant thing. I'm also like you, I'm thinking how can I fit into this 32C bra because when I remove the bra, my breasts are not that big looking at all. I look at the pictures around here and the girls says they're A cup but they look a lot bigger than mine. So I just extended my time horizon to about 2 years and 4 mos. and that's when I celebrate my 25th anniv. That's a more reasonable timeline I think. Hopefully by then I'll grow into the very full, overflowing 34B I imagine myself to have.



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Yeah I get a lot of swelling just before my period too. For that whole week or 2, it's nice to have larger boobs even if it's not going to last lol

I totally agree that some post and say they are an A and they look HUGE compared to some of us who also say they are an A cup. I really think a large portion of us are wearing the wrong bra sizes. I was for years and still am because I'm too stubborn to admit my true size (AA). I also think shape and the amount of tissue in the tops of the breasts make a difference as well. I have ZERO tissue in the tops so most of my boob is settled near my nipples and it's weird... Now if I had some tissue up top I could probably fit into a 32B since it would push all of that tissue into the bra. However since I don't have that normal tissue, I think I look very very small... I just want some cleavage!! lol


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After some internal debate :D, I got out my booby growing herbs I bought a few years ago and I made a lotion with Fenugreek and Wild Yam root. I will start applying this to my breasts at least twice a day to see if this helps to jump start some swelling or growth. I really don't want to smell like maple syrup but I will try it for now. I'm also going to start drinking a boobie growing tea I bought as well. I have a WHOLE BUNCH of boobie herbs in my house that I never bothered with, but I just have to go all in so to speak and see what happens (good or bad).

Nothing drastic is really happening with just noogling, so I got to try something different. Sure my boobs have a nicer shape, but really I think I should have gained at least a cup size or more by now. Its just hard to keep doing something when the results or gains are so little. I just hope this doesn't affect my cycles or anything like that....ugh!

I'm sort of excited though to see what happens! :) :)


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My period is due in like 2-3 days and my boobs feel HUGE right now. ;) I probably go up at least 0.50" and they are soo full too. haha I love it, but I also know it will go away a few days after my period starts. I'm not on any birth control, so I think that might be why I feel the fluctuations more. :)


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That could be it too for me since I'm not on any BC. The fluctuation can be so depressing, though. Hope you keep some of the swelling, cross my fingers.


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Yes it can be quite depressing. Now that I know why it happens though I just try to enjoy I wear lower cut shirts those days usually...hahaha


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Go for it!! Hopefully I will be able to continue to update the avatar with even more cleavage in the months to come. :)

I can finally noogle without any padding from the start with the large domes. This allows me to move the domes closer together in the center of my chest, so after I pump, I see the beginnings of what might become cleavage eventually!!

I might as well add that I did lose a lot of the luteal swelling. Oh well, it was rather nice while it lasted. :) It will be back in ~2 weeks though! woohoo can't wait! lol The herbs I added may be affecting my period, but my body is so weird and I can't make a judgment call on that until a few more months go by. My period was very very heavy which is unlike me, but it could be coincidence. I am doing other things for my health so it could have been one of those as well (parasite cleanse and chelation). There have been many times where my period does something weird and I think to if I had started on those pills I would have blamed the pills for all of this. Knowing that I will continue to drink 1 cup of the Bustea enhancement tea and continue to use the fenugreek/wild yam root lotion I made.

I feel something I've done in the last 2 weeks has helped my boob swelling.


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I am so with everyone with the Aunt Flow thing. There is a noticeable difference between the first two weeks and last two. Why cant it just stay around. I finds myself planning what I am going to wear based on my cycle. I am now offiically boob obsessed. Also, I do not like to noogle. It is messy, restricting and for the 45 minutes I do it I find it very time consuming, but in time I know there is pay off. :0 Also, I agree I think alot of us where the wrong bra size. I was always trying to overfill a 36 C and then I put on a 34 C and it fits perfectly on the band and cup. I can even wear some 34 D's ( or 36 c's ) the last two weeks of the month. The 36 band is way too loose for me but being most magazines list 36 C as the perfect size.. of course that's what I wanted to be. I thik Victoria Secret has the best bras and gives a good mental boost on days we don't feel so good about our journey.

Take care and we are ALL doing great!

I think next month I am going to post a picture from my cycle and one two weeks in and then maybe I'll be able to see the difference. We are all in this together. Also, I don't know but I thought it was time for people who wanted to be taking herbs to get started. I can't find the threads though maybe it was on breast nexus.


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Wow so I got my contoured large domes in the mail and they are gigantic. Good news is they came really fast probably about 10 days so shipping must be back to normal now.

I have not tried them yet and I might have to skip noogling today because I've had hives all over me. My concern is that this dome is MUCH heavier than the regular large. I might have suction issues, but I don't want to speak too soon. Once the hives go away, I'll be sure to try them out and report back!


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Hives sound so uncomfortable; hope you clear up very soon. About the contoured large cups, it's actually lighter in weight. When I first got it, I thought it was so uncomfortable. But after using several times, it got so painful under where it sits on the ribs. I used the soft rings with it and that lessened the pain and made it more comfortable, but I just ditched temporarily and use medium and large cups instead. The problem with the medium and large were they were not giving me any swelling anymore. So I switched to using the contoured large, and started noogling hour session each time (I couldn't stand doing the longer marathon, maybe in the future I can). I got swellings that I never had this happened in the med/large, and the swelling is taking longer to subside.

Hopefully, the contoured large will give you that boost. And one more thing I notice, my breasts are so much rounder in shape from using the contoured large for about two weeks. This alone makes me want to continue even though I don't see the increase in measurements.


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Ugh yeah I am going crazy. My body is not happy with me right now! haha

I was simply shocked at how much deeper the contoured large dome were compared to the regular larges, so they felt a lot heavier. I don't see myself moving up to the XL domes, really ever to be honest. haha Even with hives, I decided to first do my left breast and immediately the domes were amazing. No suction issues at all!!! I noticed though the suction does seem a little different compared to the regular larges. I'm not sure how to explain it though. Even when I pumped up, I didn't really see my boobs pumping up. Maybe this is just because I barely fill the domes, so it is simply perception. Even though they are slightly larger in width, with the contoured edge, it didn't seem to make them harder to use (at least for me). I also noticed my ring marks are wider apart. My left breast always refused to let me move the dome closer towards my breast bone, but with the new contours I had no problems at all. This will definitely help me in the cleavage area for sure and help to even them out some more.

I will have to be VERY careful not to overpump with the new domes. I can already tell it will be very easy to over do it! For me, they were definitely worth the $$! Now I'll be interested to see if I swell more and have more growth. ;D


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THe contoured large really does build up the cleavage area, well in my case anyway, and it's giving my breast that lovely rounded look. It took time for me to adjust to the contoured large, but when I did, it helps me advance. I try to position the cups higher when I'm using the contoured as it leaves a mark under the breasts. I don't have a problem with ringmarks on top, as they are barely there at all even after a session with contoured L. For precaution sake, I apply arnica gel around the perimeter anyway, whether it leaves marks or not, and I also apply mederma since I have this leftover tube that I didn't quite finish.

yep, the contoured large is another arsenal in my boob growing tools. ;) Congrats in getting your contoured L.


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That is so funny you said you put arnica gel on the ring marks because I tend to do that too! lol I really think it works/helps as well. I woke up this morning and my ribs are a little sore closer to the center of my chest. I bet it is because they are hitting a different area of ribs than I am used to. Hopefully in a few days my body will get used to it and that will go away. I had this exact same pain when I first started noogling. :)

When I pumped with the contoured larges, I had to make sure I had them on the right way. If you try to pump with the cup on "sideways", it does tend to hurt a lot. I had to make sure the contoured edge was on the top/bottoms of my breasts rather than on the sides.

Once these darn hives go away, I will get back into my noogle routine. I've had to take it easy the past few days. There are hives all over my breasts. :(


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I skipped noogling yesterday to give my body a rest. The hives had been awful for about 5 days and I'm not entirely sure why I got them. I'm doing a lot of cleanses and chelation so it could have been any one of those. Fun stuff...

Today I had some suction issues, but after fussing with them for 10 minutes, they swelled enough and I didn't have any suction problems. I do find the edges on the contoured Large domes more sharp than the others. I'm not sure I like how the plastic cuts in at times, but overall they are more comfortable.

I pumped for 30 minutes on each breast and then went back and did another 20-30 minutes again. Since I pump each breast separately, it gave the breasts some time to relax before I noogled again. I think this gives me better sweling than just doing a full 45 minutes to an hour. I wonder if anyone else has noticed this too?

I don't see myself filling these domes for quite a long time, so I will get my money's worth. I think I've given up on measuring for the time being. It only depresses me. LOL


New Member
Lily13 said:
I pumped for 30 minutes on each breast and then went back and did another 20-30 minutes again. Since I pump each breast separately, it gave the breasts some time to relax before I noogled again. I think this gives me better sweling than just doing a full 45 minutes to an hour. I wonder if anyone else has noticed this too?

I don't see myself filling these domes for quite a long time, so I will get my money's worth. I think I've given up on measuring for the time being. It only depresses me. LOL

I do this too only I put on the contoured L for 1 hour, take it off, sometimes takes a shower, and then after 25 min. put on the XL. I get an extra 0.5" swelling, and looks very nice. In fact, I have been doing this for the last two weeks, and also noticed that the swelling is lasting longer, and does not go down quickly as before.

About measuring, I only measure the width now of each breast, not around my back.

I really really like how the contoured large jumpstarted the swelling. Mediums and Larges were not doing anything except if I put it on for two hours or more, but I notice that even if I noogle that long, the increase in swelling is the same as when I put on the contoured L for an hour followed by 30 min of XL. Have to experiment how to get that swelling, and this is how it works for me. I'm wishing for the sam e kind of swelling only in an hour. I think the longer I noogle (9th wek today), I get the swelling faster now: 1st it was 3 hours, and thenthe same swelling takes 2 hours, and then now, I get the same swelling in 1.5 hours. So I'm getting there. MAssaging before swelling helps immensely with the swelling for me. I don't do the heating up of breasts as it is already too uch work.

We'll get there...


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It's been an interesting few days. This is not related to noogling, but wanted to just share. I've been trying to chelate for heavy metals. I've had a ton of amalgam fillings in my lifetime and I think it might be the source of my chronic health problems. I started taking some chelators and were doing great until the end of my last round. I started getting terrible hives and was living on benedryl and zyrtec. They cleared up and I took some time off and then decided to chelate again. Once again at the end of this latest round, the hives were really bad. My throat started to swell shut lol and I had to go to the urgent care. They gave me massive doses of steroids and now I'm on high doses of prednisone. Then I had to go the ER yesterday because my electrolytes were off. They gave me saline and potassium pills.

Life is certainly never dull here. I hope everyone is doing ok. I had to take a few days off of noogling because the hives were just unbearable. :D My period just started so I sort of lost out on noogling during the luteal phase. I guess next month!


New Member
Hi Lilly,

My dear you are a survivor and as such I know you will be fine. Sometimes we don't understand what is given us. Certainly there are many things more important than our breast size. you're the best in my book already. hang in there hun

Mama J :-* :-* :-* :-*
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