LisaTG's Pics


New Member
You show more cleavage than me in a pushup. Where do you get your bras? I have to venture out and get colors than my usual nudes and blacks. And you are not just getting somethin, it's a LOT. I'm going to massage more; how often do you do massages, how long, and how many rotations (if it's CHI)? So many questions.


New Member
Wow. I am so blown away by your progress, Lisa. You look AMAZING. I love your shape, so round and perky. And I love that blue bra on you. Very hot.


New Member
I'm am so jealous!!!
What are you doing that I'm not???
You look amazing and congrats to you so much!!!


New Member
WOO HOO! Thank you all for the sweet comments!

Soonenough - That is a 36A Wonderbra that I found on sale on line... love a sale! I've had it for about 2 months, but the last two weeks with NBing the results amaze me!

In answer to your ???s, I do 250 - 400 chi massages prior to NB sessions, and I also do a massage that Tiger Lily posted on Breast Nexus. It is basically grabbing and twisting each breast inward about 20 - 25 times, and then do a pull/grasp thing kind of like the mechanical machines that you put money in and try to grab a toy, if you know what I mean. Her explanation was that this not only helps to stretch the skin, but also complements the chi massage in pushin out toxins. Now that I have a little to hold on to with my chi massages, I use a combo Cocoa Butter body oil and a dropper full of Greenbush Wild Yam Extract for the massages. As you can tell, I am a little bit OCD when I start doing something, my GF said I have gotten with this the same way I am about running and working out... but she does seem to like the results! ;D I try to do an hour in the morning with the Ms and then two hours in the evening - an hour with the Ms and an hour with the new Ls. I have to admit, it is pretty cool, especially starting with ZIPPO, as you can see in my starting pic.

Thanks again soonenough, Sliptinge and flat-fiona for the wonderfully encouraging words! Happy growing!!!



New Member
It's funny how your gf thinks it's muscles growing in your chest. If she only knows... or does she kind of suspect? You seem to be having much success in growing your breasts. I was faithful for a time there in my massages but when I received my noogles, I just think of when I can sneak in my snoogling time. About Tigerlily's routine, I actually patterned my NB program after hers, but for the life of me, i could not figure out her massage routine so I just made up my own way from what I understand from reading hers. Now that you explained the grab and pull akin to mechanical machines then I have a better picture in my mind. I still follow Tigerlily's boobie food program, and I think that's helping me.

Does the Greenbush Wild Yam Extract have a funny smell to it? I couldn't stand funny smell around me so I dropped using the fenugreek extract I have.

Thanks so much for taking the time to answer my numerous questions. I think I'll hold off on buying bras until I reached my size goal.Maybe, I'll be brave and I'll go a red one.


New Member
Thanks Secret and Soonenough!

Soonenough, oh, my GF does know, and is supportive. She harrasses me (good naturedly) when I noogle, says it's hard to snuggle when we watch a movie, especially with the occasional noogle farts!!! LOL She did tell me though that the new fullness to my chest looks good and muscular. She has set a size limit of a 38B for me... Said any larger would be too obvious. I told her she just didn't want me to have a bigger cup size than hers!!! She's a 36C and has tried the contoured larges several times since I got them. She almost completely filled them the first time and asked if they make them bigger. We went to the website and when she saw the XLs and XXLs commented about really filling out a bikini top! Her main drawback is she's a runner and has a hard enough time holding down what she has now, said she couldn't imagine running with double D's!

The Wild Yam does not smell! When I started NBE I originally used Fenugreek and Wild Yam, but after a week, the house, my clothes and bed smelled like maple syrup and we just couldn't stand it. So I only use the WY. I do add a dropper full of FG to a cup of tea before bed most nights.

Def go for a sexy red bra! You might want to do what I did, I bought a non-padded, unlined 38B and I try it on a couple of times a week just to see progress. I've given up on the tape measure.... and I'm getting closer to my goal!

Have a great Noogle weekend!!!



New Member
Can you give me a link to that breast massage you're talking about that Tiger Lily posted on Breast Nexus? I'm familiar with the Chi but haven't seen this one yet? Or tell me how to find it?
Thanks and Love!


New Member
That is so nice to have your gf so supportive. That would be funny indeed if you end having bigger chest than her; I think 38B is equivalent to 36C. Lucky her. She's a runner?? I so much want to join my husband and son in their morning runs; just imagine the amount of food I can eat. But it would take time to be at their level now...

Yeah, I think I'm going for a red bra. Who cares if it doesn't match anything I wear? Nobody can see it. ;D

I'll check on the WY extract after I finished my two tubs of WY cream.

Thanks so much.


New Member
Hi Fiona, Here is one link for you honey.

I found it on Breast Nexus, but wasn't able to find the other on a quick search. I will keep looking and let you know as soon as I find something.

Take care.



New Member
Hi All, I thought I would post a couple of pics after tonight's NB session. Tonight marks week 3 of noogling and I am very pleased with the results!

I thought the empire waist top would really show off the results, and this is braless!!! :)



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