Litha's Photos



Hi there,

Welcome to noogling! Good luck and hope to see your progress photos up here soon!

Raff ;)


New Member
Thanks for posting your pics, us noogleholics love it when people are brave enough to do that!! lol. You look about the same size as me, though I am less rounded and have more of a slope, probably due to breastfeeding. Good luck with the DD's!! ;D


New Member
These where taken 3 hours after my last session...

(If you click on them you can see the whole photo, they seem to get cropped funny in the thumbnail... WARNING - Links to an Adult Hosting website, the banner ads can be rather graphic...)(And yes, that's a tattoo in my arm pit...)

I’ve been Noogling 2-3 times a day for about 60-75 minutes each, I slather on Vaseline Total Moisture lotion (with vitamins E, A & B5) before I start and I massage for 5-10 minutes after I take them off… I lined my cups with poster tack to make the pumping less painful, and it definitely made it easier to achieve and maintain suction. It’s still quite painful to noogle, the pain mainly stems from my pectoral muscles and under my ribcage, it becomes quite unbearable near the end of the session but it ultimately manageable and well worth it… (For those of you who’ve not seen my stat section, I’ve made a 1.7” gain in the past 7 days…)

I pump 10-15 times when I apply, to the point of pain, then as pain subsides I continue adding a pump or two every 5 minutes or so. I should note that I do have a very high pain threshold, I pump as hard as I feel is safe without causing stretch marks or bruising...

I’ve seen a few women on this forum mention a pain in their nipples; I would like to note that I’ve not experienced this at all, I’ve actually lost a small amount of sensation, but nothing that I’m concerned about…


New Member
Great job, Litha! Can't imagine growing a cupsize in 1 week, wow lol! You are def 1 of the fast responders. IDK about pumping till it's painful, but if it's working for you that's all that matters. :) Just keep an eye out for bruising...


New Member
Okay a few tips, massage BEFORE you noogle, this will help bring blood circulation to the area to prepare to pump and help with the hormones there, don't massage after, I found massaging after makes you lose your swelling faster, after pumping put a good supportive bra on and you will maintain swelling longer. The key to growth with NB is to keep the swelling as long as possible, this helps turn it into growth. Now you should NOT be feeling pain! Discomfort maybe, but not pain, if your breasts are turning purple you are definitely pumping too hard, and though you might want to grow fast, this is not the way to do it, you can damage your breasts pumping too hard! Slow and steady is the key here. Pumping too hard can cause bruises deep in the tissue, blisters, and irreversible breast damage. Only pump until you feel a pull maybe a little discomfort, not until it's painful! Hope this helps, congrats on your growth so far, and hope you have much more to come!


New Member
Okay, so I figured I’d pose an update on my noogle-ing (I’ll follow with pics in a few days)… I ended up bouncing around between jobs in the adult industry,(for those of you who remember, I was a webcam model,) and didn’t have the time to noogle at all for quite awhile. About two and a half weeks ago I got a job as a writer from home and have been noogle-ing for at least 4 hours a day, though lately I’ve been shooting for 6.

I’m seeing amazing results, my swelling is up to 37” and I hold 36.5” when I’m not swollen! My goal is a DD; I have the XL cups now and believe I can get there…

My Victoria’s Secret bra now gives me AMAZING cleavage, especially when I tighten the straps a bit, let’s just say the girls have been doing their share of distracting the boys…

My band size is 34, so I’d need to get up to 39”, I think I can do it before the year’s up :)

My fiancé supports me completely, he even does his best to entertain me while I noogle because I do pump to the point of pain which I know a lot of you don’t agree with. Regardless of method, I’m seeing very fast results and wanted to let everyone know how it’s going!

As I said, I’ll post pictures here in a few days…

Oh, and I’m thinking of buying the nipple cups, because I’d love some larger nipples to go with my new C cups… Can I wear them
while I noogle or would the time I put into that have to be separate? I put so much time into noogle-ing as it is, I just couldn’t do it if I had to do a different block of time for nipple pumping…

Ahh, and could someone tell me the best place to purchase BO, please?


New Member
Oh yes, I should note that when I pump for extended periods of time (never less than 2 hour sessions) my breasts do turn a slight shade of purple and it hurts. I have an extremely high pain tolerance and probably pump harder than I rightfully should, but I don’t get blood blisters and they go back to normal color within a minute when I remove the pumps.

For about a week somewhere in there when I wasn’t really noogle-ing I was pumping so hard that I bruised my breasts and got hundreds of blood blisters, yes girls I learned my lesson…

I know my personal limits, the pain doesn’t bother me as I compare it to my multiple tattoos and think “Eh, this isn’t THAT bad”…

I work up to maximum suction within the first hour of pumping and then I maintain the suction for the time afterwards…

I fill up to the 1 inch marker on my XL’s now.

I slather on tons Vaseline total care lotion before noogle-ing, I massage while doing so.

I tie the cups together once they’re on to keep them touching in the middle of my chest.

I drink tons of coffee (Which is supposed to be bad for NBE) and I’m working on staying hydrated and following a healthy diet… My Calorie Counter has been a great help in that department! Staying hydrated seems to affect the swelling day by day, I use Anastasia’s rule of drinking half of your body weight in ounces…

I want to start taking BO, just need to know where to buy it from.

Okay, so there’s my usage update and what-not, realized I’d left some things out in post #1…

I look forward to being an active member again, hope you’re all doing well!!


New Member
Hi Litha,

Wow, amazing progress so far. You must be a fast responder to get almost 2 inches in a week. I noticed on your stats posting that we have started at about the same size. I will be watching your progress with interest but would be thrilled with a quarter of the results you are getting.

Happy Noogling


New Member
Hey hun, careful pumping hard enough to cause pain, well it depends where the pain is. Is it coming from the entire breast or just where the rim sits on your chest? If it's from the rim, it could be just that it's hitting your ribs and at first this hurt me also, I used the campers tape method for padding for a while, and now I don't need it and the rims don't hurt anymore. I get to the 1 inch mark with full breast touching, my nipples go to about the 4 inch mark in the XL's I measure on one of the cups cause the other one I think the ruler on it is a bit off. And I drink coffee, if you aren't doing herbs you don't have to watch your caffeine intake, I just wouldn't take NBE supplements around the same time you drink coffee, soda, or any other type of caffeine, like do it 30 min after or 30 min before type of thing. The only time caffeine effects NBE is with herbal NBE because herbs work on swelling the breasts then over time the swelling becomes growth, and it swells by using water, thus why caffeine and herbal NBE doesn't mix well. Now as far as BO goes, it depends on what kind you want to go with. I would read up on BO on this forum

There are two main brands most use, that's Ultra Breast (which I take) and the site is, there is Bountiful Breast which many others take is their site, and there are plenty of "generic" brands to choose from, swanson vitamins sells one, vitamin power, ultra enterprises, and there are a few others, just check the forum for your options. I went with UB because I heard it worked for others, it was much less than BB, and it had the higher dosages of BO per pill compared to generic brands. I'm on my 6th bottle and grown 2 1/4 to 3 inches, waiting till after my period to say for sure if it's 3 inches. Just do your research and determine which one you want to try. Hope this helps! And good on you that you found something better to do for work.


New Member
@ Anastasia The pain is mainly around the rings of the cups, I tried poster tack but just found it made things worse because the cups would have to peel off my skin when removing them. I also get this awful pain in my armpit, feels like my pectoral muscle is being pinched, but I deal with it as long as I don't have to reach up for anything (that's what my fiancé’s for!)...

My flesh hits the 1 inch mark and my nips are at 3.5, my cups seem to be slightly off as well, so that's just according to one of them...

Good to know that the coffee isn't messing things up, my fiancé read that it would but I just can't give it up! Thanks for the advice on BO, I think that Ultra Breast sounds perfect for me...

@ Katie I'm glad I can help inspire a bit, that gives me a reason to keep posting regularly here! I wouldn't expect 2 inches every week, but yes I'm a very fast responder and know that I'm lucky to be so... It also might be because I have no life though, don't get down on yourself... My fiancé and I rarely go anywhere, and we both work from home, so I can noogle as much as I'd like... I understand having a full schedule would put a damper on noogle-ing for most though…
I’ll try to do weekly photos for ya, keep the inspiration coming!


New Member
Do realize for BO to work, you must have a high protein diet, try to get 80 to 90g of protein per day, I supplement with protein shakes and bars if I can't get it in my diet throughout the day. Also your temp really matters. I believe it has to be between 98.2 and 98.8 or something like that for it to be effective. Mine was in the 97's so I started taking kelp and now it's perfect. In the mornings I'm at 98.1 to 98.4 later in the day I'm at 98.5 to 98.9. Protein and temperature are crucial for BO to work.


New Member
Wow, thanks! I had no idea temperature mattered; I’m naturally 97.2, so I’ll have to work on that…

I could use more protein in my diet anyway; I am in the process of losing weight and should be eating healthier… Maybe I can find a protein shake that doesn’t taste awful, any suggestions?

I just measured myself, about 30 minutes after removing the cups, I’m ay 37.2!!!! So, that officially makes me a C cup, small C, but a C none the less!!!

So excited to be seeing results again… My fiancé won’t quit staring at my breasts lately, it’s great :) (LOL)

Anyhow, I might post pictures today, you’re always inspiring Anastasia! I’ll have to do some bra pics this time too, to show my awesome cleavage that I suddenly have, very excited…

Oh, and about my change of profession, I am glad I found something different too… The income is higher and my relationship is much more stable… I’ll never look down on the adult industry but I couldn’t keep doing the webcam thing, it was exhausting… I tried getting into more *ahem* serious aspects of the adult industry and discovered how high the chance of herpes is, and needless to say I’d never do that to myself or my fiancé… I’ll send you a more detailed private message later today when I post pictures, working right now…

By the way, you look HOT in your new profile picture!!


New Member
As far as protein shakes, I don't like the flavored kind, they are horrible no matter what brand lol. I buy NOW brand non-flavored protein isolate, it's 25g per scoop. I like it because you can put it in anything pretty much. I put it in soups, oatmeal, smoothies, chocolate or strawberry milk, etc. etc. etc. As far as protein bars, I like Special K brand meal bars, or Slimfast meal bars. The ones I buy have 9g to 14g in each bar, and I sometimes replace a meal with it. And yes, temp definitely matters, there is a thread on this subject on the breast nexus forum, go read up on it. I choose to supplement with kelp and it helps mine.

And as you know I never look down on anyone. But yes, the porn industry is filled with diseases, that's why if you go into that, I would do amateur stuff, just do it with people you know and trust, like your fiance for example, make your own videos then sell them. Actually amateur videos sell more than the big stuff, wanna know why? Because the consumers know it's real and not rehearsed and fake! You are less likely to see some bimbo with bleached blonde hair and size F implanted boobs faking an orgasm in amateur porn vids. When me and hubby watch real porn it's normally amateur vids. I hate the mainstream stuff, at the end of all of them the guy ALWAYS finishes on the girl's face. That's not attractive nor real life. 90% of women would not allow their significant other to do that to them, it's disgraceful. I hope the BO helps you if you do decide to go for it. Oh and the kelp I use I got from swanson vitamins. It's cheap there and good quality. Just 1 pill per day.


New Member
Thanks for the recommendation on the NOW powder, that looks great! My fiancé could use some protein in his diet as well, I just won’t tell him till after he’s tried it, LOL…

As for the porn industry, I thought it’d be wonderful to be a big name and make loads of cash only “working” 4 or 5 times a month until I realized that I would *rather* do amateur stuff… (My fiancé and I both love the amateur stuff as well; we just don’t enjoy the mainstream idea…) So I pitched the idea to my man, he said he’d never want to star in porn and apologized to me, but I really respect that he has those standards… I looked around locally and all I got was tons of unprofessional people… I came to the realization that I could deal with professionals and catch herpes (look at Belladonna) or I could deal with non-professionals and hate it…

I still really respect anyone in any branch of the Adult industry, especially now that I’ve been there and witnessed what it’s like…

I work with Demand Studios now and I love love love my new job… I make as much as I want all while my fiancé sleeps peacefully in our bedroom (my old webcam studio)… My fiancé works with them as well, we both enjoy working from home and spending time together… We’re around each other more than most couples could tolerate, but we love it...

Working as a writer allows me to make changes to my body and really have my fiancé realize that I’m doing it for *us* and not to make money, you know? Plus, having to worry about red rings on my chest before getting on cam, not fun…

Thanks for the link to the breast nexus forum, it’s great! I have much to read up on :)

I hope my post isn’t offensive to anyone; I am quite open about my adult industry experience because I don’t feel as though it should be a hush hush subject. I don’t enjoy people looking down on the industry, I feel almost as though if you’re too embarrassed to speak of it, you give them a reason to look down on it, if that makes sense…

Sorry for ranting, very happy to be a part of the forum again!