Litha's Photos



dear lithal,

yes, i find any female that must sell any aspect of their body to earn money offensive. i feel it is giving

other younger girls here the wrong message. this includes those parents that put toddlers and 5 yr. olds

in beauty contests.

i wish women would remember what porn does to marriages because of the expectations of men.

it just feeds the wrong thing and nothing is done to show young people how to have a close and

loving relationship. i know that many here would love to argue this point.

i do think this is a subject women should face head on and tell their true attitude towards it. janonthemtn


New Member
The only time porn destroys a marriage is if the person that is addicted to it, notice I said person and not male, females get addicted to it too, don't think it's just one sided here, if that person allows it to destroy their marriage. It's when they put it before anything else, it's called a sex addiction, a psychologist will consider it a sex addiction period, because the sex addiction itself is the addiction to the high you get when aroused. Whether it is physical contact with someone, or just visual and mental stimulation from a porn flick, it all boils down to the same addition, to that high from the hormones that flow. It's just like a drug addiction, whether you want to admit it or not, drugs are addictive because of the high feeling it gives the user. Same thing with a food addiction, they become addicted to the feeling they have while doing the act of whatever it is. And it only becomes an addiction when it is done in obsessive amounts and it interferes with one's life. I don't feel porn, beauty pageants, and the like are horrible for marriages because any normal person knows that is all superficial and they know the difference between superficial and real feelings and love. I'm 22 so I grew up with all this. My husband sometimes looks at porn, not often, and it's normally with me watching it with him! Sometimes it can spice up a love life. And it's not that we don't love each other. We do. It's just fun to change things up. The only time I feel it would interfere in a relationship is if one person is insecure. That would be the only time one partner would object to their partner looking at other people with their knowledge. I mean we are human, we all look, period. I don't care how in love you are, you look whether you want to admit it or realize it. It's human nature. I don't feel the same way as you, but that's what makes us all individuals. By the way this is my true attitude toward the subject at hand. I am a very open and sexual person, you might not agree with that, that's okay. I have a very loving marriage, a very loyal husband, and that's all that matters to me.

Now I do agree that SOME men and women have the wrong expectations on relationships and sex in general, but this doesn't mean everyone does. Some men expect their women to be perfect like the media thinks beauty is and they expect a pornstar in the bedroom, and those are the type of men who will never find love, who sleep with hundreds of women and not feel a thing for them. But you have to realize there are women like this as well! And it's not all the media or porn industry's fault. It's how they are raised. I'm sorry but I feel it's the family that sets the example or shows the person how to love, what feelings are, etc. No one should rely on the media to teach values. Do you honestly sit your child in front of a TV and expect them to learn to love? to hurt? to care? No, you show that child yourself. My son sees everyday a happy married couple. Me and my husband. And he asked me the other day about a kid at his school that doesn't have a mom or dad, he has his aunt as a guardian, he asked me why they don't have a mom or dad, and why his aunt wasn't married to a "daddy". All he knows is the example I've set. So when he sees something different he does come to me about it. I believe it is up to the parent to teach the child not the media.

Anyway this is just a lil bit of my thoughts on the subject, I could go on and on, but I won't :D


New Member
Hi janonthemtn, I’m sorry that my post and way of life have offended you…

Now, I don’t want a large debate on my hands, I disagree with your points, but I also strongly feel that everyone has a right to their own opinions. I respect you for posting yours about this topic…

First, I’ll say that I posted this is the Gallery Pictures section, where children are not supposed to be viewing…

I don’t feel that porn hurts relationships what-so-ever; it can be a positive carnal outlet for both men and women’s sexual desires. I feel that enjoying pornography with my fiancé allows us to understand one another’s psyche and desires more intimately, bringing us closer together.

I also feel that if a woman such as I feels comfortable working in the adult industry she should be respected by other women for her confidence, not looked down upon for her personal values.

Now, I will acknowledge that *some* people can allow their expectations of the opposite sex to be affected by pornography. I feel that this is a personal issue caused by mental obstacles of the individual, not a *symptom* or problem caused by adult content.

I am 19 and I embrace my sexuality and that of my fiancé’s for what it is…


New Member
Ahh, Anastasia! I replied to this before I noticed your posting :)

I share your same viewpoints and appreciate your involvement in this discussion…

I respect that you embrace sexuality and have a general comprehension for human psychology…

I feel many people allow themselves to be affected by initial toxic emotions such as jealousy or insecurity without looking at the situation logically. This does not only apply to sexuality, but every aspect of life…

Also, I was a pageant model as a child and a runway model as a teen; I feel it was a character building experience that positively affected me in many ways. Most of my friends are in the modeling industry and some of their children have taken an interest in pageants, as long as the child is not forced into it, pageants offer valuable life experience…

I too, could go on for hours on this subject, but I’ll follow your lead (because you are the more experienced member here) and say that “I could go on, but I won’t…”


New Member
Thanks for the update pics, Litha! I'll be following you, we have very similar measurements and very similar shaped breasts, so it'll be fun to watch you grow, haha :) Although I must say, you are kicking me in the butt in the swelling department, so far I've only gotten to 36" and I normally start at 35". I think my ribcage is...31"? I'll have to look at my stats page lol, I forget. But anyways, good luck and keep us posted!


New Member
Sorry I didn’t get these posted yesterday; our digital camera isn’t working so I had to snap these with my cell after noogle-ing this morning…

I use an ADULT image hosting website, if you click on my pictures you WILL be taken to an adult image hosting website...

Edit: I should note that the bra I am wearing is a 32B, I should be wearing a 34C! I'm sure some of my cleavage is a result of the bra being too small...


New Member
So I was just reading some older posts about padding for the Noogle…

I worry that I might pump a bit too much already, but the Yoga Mat idea sounds wonderful! I’m using XL’s right now and considered ordering the rings but I’ve read that they cause rashes; my skin is very sensitive so I’m going to steer clear…

I have a Yoga Mat, I wouldn’t want to cut it up but I can’t see buying a NEW one to chop up, so I’ll ask my fiancé what he thinks when he wakes up (I wake 4 or 5 hours earlier than he.)

I might be posting some pictures of yoga mat rings tomorrow ladies!

If they’re really comfortable I might never take them off! Just kidding, kind of, I already Noogle 4-6 hours a day, but I could go for more as I’m a very fast responder…


New Member
Thank you all for your kind words…

I made my yoga mat padding yesterday and it works okay, I am making a new one later today to make a few minor adjustments. When I have it constructed I’ll let you know and post some pictures of it!

It made the pain lessen a bit when I used it, or at least dispersed the pain evenly. I cut one area too short so it was pinching and itching the whole time I noogled…

Kinda sad that I cut up my yoga mat, but I wanted an excuse to buy a new one anyway!


New Member
LithaLascivious said:
Oh yes, I should note that when I pump for extended periods of time (never less than 2 hour sessions) my breasts do turn a slight shade of purple and it hurts. I have an extremely high pain tolerance and probably pump harder than I rightfully should, but I don’t get blood blisters and they go back to normal color within a minute when I remove the pumps.

For about a week somewhere in there when I wasn’t really noogle-ing I was pumping so hard that I bruised my breasts and got hundreds of blood blisters, yes girls I learned my lesson…

I know my personal limits, the pain doesn’t bother me as I compare it to my multiple tattoos and think “Eh, this isn’t THAT bad”…

I work up to maximum suction within the first hour of pumping and then I maintain the suction for the time afterwards…

I fill up to the 1 inch marker on my XL’s now.

I slather on tons Vaseline total care lotion before noogle-ing, I massage while doing so.

I tie the cups together once they’re on to keep them touching in the middle of my chest.

I drink tons of coffee (Which is supposed to be bad for NBE) and I’m working on staying hydrated and following a healthy diet… My Calorie Counter has been a great help in that department! Staying hydrated seems to affect the swelling day by day, I use Anastasia’s rule of drinking half of your body weight in ounces…

I want to start taking BO, just need to know where to buy it from.

Okay, so there’s my usage update and what-not, realized I’d left some things out in post #1…

I look forward to being an active member again, hope you’re all doing well!!

What is BO? please let me as I am new to this forum and do not know all the acronyms.


New Member
Yowza, Litha!! they are really growing! Keep on doing what you are doing. Don't change/add anything. w nbe, if it's working DON'T change a thing....I learned this the hard way... :-\

thanks for sharing!
Hi Litha,

Your last picture was outstanding! Would love an update on your progress 4 months on. Do you stilll Noogle? How's the writing work going? (sorry that's just me being totally nosey!) I loved to read that you were enjoying the online writing work that you were doing. It sounds ideal.

Take care,

Natalie ;D