Nearing one yr using noogle

Matt B

New Member
Hi Jezzie,I love the cleavage avatar if you meant to do that.As for the d's if you look at my pics,the one with the kinda pink bra and red cami is the one I'm talking about.
How much more protrusion do you get from one of your gel bras?

Forgot to mention I agree with your synopsis if you have had it,it's easier to get it back than grow new so to speak.And,you should be happy with those beauties.And 15 years ago with those I know you were popular in school!!LOL


Active Member
You crack me up! So...think back...ok WAAAY BACK to '92-'94. I was 15-17 yrs old and what was the "in thing"? Grunge. And what did us grunge peeps wear? Baggy guy jeans, Dr Martins, baggy t shirt and a flannel. We were the first crowd to witness Lollapalooza before it got really stupid! Of course I was in that crowd!!! And noooo one knew anything under that t shirt! But one night at a party, these guys were all smokin up, and I was laying down on the couch next to them, and that night I had on a tank top with a flannel over it. They were like "DAMN...YOU GOT BIG TITTIES!!" I was like..." guys are dicks, Im outa here" So, I wasnt all about showing it off in HS. By the time I got out, I lost the weight a year later and never looked the same since.
I feel like my old self again.

But I gotta check out your pics! And yes, those gel bras do quite a number on the clevage! It def makes you protrude. So this would be for at home use only if u got one.

Matt B

New Member
That's hilarious!I can just see and hear you doing that,and not takin any shit from anybody.I love it!
I really don't need any cleavage though Jez but i am kinda curious on what one would do.
I was never into the grunge thing,it was after my young days.I went to school dressed up kinda cuz I worked in a mens shop on Co-op.

TTYSand have great night,I'm oughta here.LOL!! ;D


Active Member
Oh dude! Come-on now! If your goin for the boobs, you GOTTA GO FOR THE CLEVAGE!!! Even if its just a private moment, theres nothing like it, you know that! I saw all the pics you posted with your b4 and after sessions and all the cool bras and tank tops your wearing. Lookin Good Mr. Carter! (is that near your young days?) LOL!!! Sorry Sorry!!! I couldnt resist!

Matt B

New Member
Yeah,Yeah,Yeah,!You ain't right!! That's why I luv ya. ;D Did you mean Mr. Kotter? If so,thats close.
I'll keep my eyes open for something that might work.I know the numbers of my favs and how the sizes run but there's so damn many,one can't keep up.
Keep your eyes open for a PM.


Active Member
OMG...I cant believe I spelled it wrong! Im such a douche! LOL! Havent seen the show in years, and my friend and I throw the quote around from time to time, but never had to spell it out. WHICH leads me to the embarrassing correction. uuughhh...yea, Im red faced!
But yea...keep the nooglin up and keep your eye on the kohls sales

Matt B

New Member
I will Jez. The Maidenforms run pretty true to size,so that one should be the same as the others size wise.


New Member
Hey Jezabelle,

Whoa, you just took me on a walk down memory lane! I was in HS at that time too, graduated in 1995 and I clearly remember the grunge phase, the flannels, the Doc Martens, Pearl Jam, that was a loooooooooooooong time ago! I wasn't in the grunge crowd, but a lot of my friends were, I was a "kicker" as they called tight Rocky Mountain jeans, they were so tight, you had to lay down to put 'em on, lace up Ropers, western shirts, but I'm a Texas girl, so that's to be expected!

Anyways, thanks for sharing your monthly journey with me, man, I don't know what it was about May, but things seemed to be busting out for both of us. I"m hoping that slowly things will come back to where they should be, but in the meantime I'm not giving up, even though this morning after looking at my boobs, i just wanted to call in sick to work and sit and cry the whole day. :'( My husband is not very supportative, when I told him yesterday that things had deflated, he just said I don't want to hear it. Now I wish I'd never even told him, but I was so confident that I, to put it in your words, had reached a new milestone that I felt like it was time to go ahead and say something. Big regret...Now I'm embarassed, not only for telling him, but how things look now. I've never lost a large amount of weight, so my starting size is the size I've been for several years, but maybe, just maybe, when i blew up to almost 39 inches in May, I'll be able to regain that size increase!

Thanks for brightening my day! :D

Matt B

New Member
Hey Lexus,you're doing this for you,and if he doesn't want the bennies,maybe the pool boy will!!Only kidding but you get my drift.I know you haven't posted pics yet but from the way you sound they look great.
Just FYI,I was the Fonz.!!LOL

Oh,and tell Horchak (hubby) to get it together.

Matt ;D


Active Member
Oh chicky Im so sorry to hear that! You know, fuck-um...matts right, your doin this for you. If he benefits, great, but this is strickly for you first and foremost! Dont worry girl, your just havin a down turn in your hormones. Take time today to really hydrate yourself, do a nice 10 min massage and then noogle for an hour if you can. You'll get it back...maybe not to 39 (me neither) but you'll get it back up there


New Member
Hey Jezabelle!

Thanks girlfriend! I began this journey doing something for me and that's how its going to stay. If he enjoys the benefits, that's great, but I'm doing this for nobody but myself and I explained that to him (we had a little "chat" at lunch) and I think he finally gets my drift. I put it very plainly, in terms he could understand, as in "if you were to suddenly lose an inch off your penis, wouldn't you be just a tad upset?" The look on his face was priceless :eek: and he understood! He did say, well this happened to you last month and you gained some size back, so maybe its just a cyclical thing. I guess I've really never paid much attention to my boobs or my period so this is whole new thing for me and there will be ups and downs. So, I'll take that and keep on truckin'. And I'm drinking water like its going out of style, when I came back to the office from lunch, my car thermometer read 107, its supposed to be a high of 102. Its hotter n hell outside! But, maybe my state of mind has something to do with it, in May when things were blooming, my mindset was "this is going to work, I am going to grow" and look what happened, now the doubt has set in and I get scared that I've lost it and wont' get it back. I know you understand, you've been on this roller coaster ride a heckuva lot longer than I have. So, thanks for the support, this board is so great, we're all here for eachother!


You always make me smile! And, just as Jeze said, I am doing this for nobody but myself. I would love to post pics, but I'm just too shy to let it all hang out in cyberspace, maybe bra or bikini top pics ;). And no, I'm certainly not growing 'em for the yard man or the pool guy! LOL! ;D :D

Lexus ;)

Matt B

New Member
Hi Lexus,Ya gotta laugh in this day and age.I know what you mean about the pics.Us guys aren't the most modest people,but if you would have told me I'd be putting boob pics online I'd have said you're nuts.Well guess what?LOL
But after I did it,and started getting results I couldn't wait to share the twins.Either way,the girls are for you and bra or bikini pics would be fine.LOL ;)

Chin up girl!! :-* Matt


Active Member
My husband said to me tonight "Can I be honest? You talk about your boobs everyday, you've become addicted to your boobs". What could I say but..."Yea, I guess I have. :-[ Im sorry, I wont talk about them anymore, I didnt know I was that obsessive about it." He says he likes them, especially the post about the new bra from yesterday. I took that pic with my phone as soon as I got it out of the package and sent it to him. He saved that pic! Lol! But I guess I talk too much about it or ask him how I look in this or that. Now I gotta be more aware of it..I kinda feel weird now ya know.
But, another thing, I sent that bra pic to my sister and best friend, they both said I look really good. So I talked with my mom today and we got on the topic of Mammograms, and I mentioned I gotta go for my first one. And then I updated her on how well I've been doing with the Noogle and I would show her the new bra I got. (Im really proud, regardless of how much I talk about it!)
She said that it was ALL BRA and Im fooling myself! That Im A FAKE! WOW...I mean...really?? And that Im a 34A NOT A 34C! Even though the tag clearly states 34C....Im in noooo way that large. *sigh*...thanks for the support MOM

Matt B

New Member
Hey Jezzie,your mom is WRONG! You are not a fake and that is not all bra.I'd be willing to bet your mom -bless her is jealous and has some issues!Whaddya think? I've been on this forum for a long time Jez,and there is no one else here who is more real than you.
So,don't you listen.

Matt ;)


Active Member
Thanks Matt! I knew I could count on you to be up front and center on this! Yea, I agree that there are issues there...we just arent privy to that information. We can only speculate what they are. But its just just gets me ya know, I dont get it..

Matt B

New Member
Wow Jez,you hit a nerve with this topic.I dealt with that kind of crap all my life,but it wasn't and isn't their fault.We all inherited baggage,it just depends on what we choose to do with it.We can keep it or open it up look at it and say "hell no,I ain't keepin this shit"and get rid of it.
A famous man once said"what you romance you keep". Makes sense to me. Besides,we have boobs to work on!!!LOL :eek:


if you want something really badly you will get it
Wow Jez, pretty shocked your own mother can be so mean! She clearly has got some issues, but don't worry they are not your issues to deal with, and you know better they are real! I understand the whole thing can make you obsessed, and if i could share the success you have, would be shouting about it:)) don't let them get you down! xx


New Member
Whoa, Jez, sounds like your mom's a tad jealous. Why else would she make such a remark? What does she care what size bra you wear, she ought to be happy for you because you're happy and sharing something with her that important to you. I hear ya about the husband thing, I am trying to be quiet about boobs and hope things bounce back again. Just keep Noogling and doing your thing, I mean, he reaps some of the benefit of all your hard work. Matt's right, we've got boobs to work on.

Here's a laugh for ya, I think my husband might have found my Brava. Not sure though. I keep it under my bed, closest to the side by my closet (we sleep in separate rooms because he snores terribly), there's small walkway, but its very tight just enough for the closet doors to open. So, day before yesterday, I set out my Brava so I could use it at bedtime, but unbeknowst to me, while I'm out walking the dog, I come back in and he's got his fishing gear spread all over the house. His nephew had called to invite him to fish at Galveston. I realized that he had to get in my closet to get the fishing rod and there on the floor sat my Brava domes in their little pink holder. I even asked him, hey, where do you keep your fishing rod? And he said, in your closet. :eek: Now, he isn't the most observant of people, he may have glanced at it and thought it was just another one of my workout accessories. He hasn't said anything and I haven't asked, hey did you find some boob domes on the floor?

Hey, chin up girly, we're all in this together and if our spouse or family doesnt' understand our fixation on our boobs, we have a family on this board that does! Have a great day! ;)

Matt B

New Member
Mornin Jezzie,Hope you're okay hon after your moms remark.I know you're tough as nails,but shit like that can hurt.
Now,on a funnier note.The last few months on the forum I've seen some of the most beautiful boobs and ladies I have ever seen.I have read threads that pertained to boyfriends,husbands etc.attitudes toward their girlfriends boobs.All this brings me to the question:
"Am I from another planet"? The reason I ask is for example>>> Stella's boyfriend said he'd help her with her boobs so he could play video games more!!WTF!!Over!Another member's boyfriend took months to notice the change and these babies were gorgeous.And husbands are upset over the wife wanting bigger boobS! Now,even though I want my own,X BOX would not be a substitute for a set of beauties like Stella's or any of you other gals.

What is going ON! Like my favorite and very beautiful Italian comedienne Tammy Pescatelli asks jerks all the time-"What in the hell is wrong with you?LOL!!

And Lexus,you're right-this is a family here so hang in ladies and gents and do what ya gotta do! ;D

Matt B

New Member
Mornin Jez,just thought I'd let ya know I found a NWT Kathleen Kirkwood push up on ebay for 6 bucks.It looks like it was made by Maidenform cuz the design on the gore is the same.It's not a gel but I'll give it a shot.

Thanks,Matt ;)