New Noogler


New Member
I got my XL Cups today I cant wait to get off work and use them and get some next level swelling. whoo hoo


Transforming myself one day at a time!
Your boobs look gret! Looks like you will have your DD,s in no time...Keep up the great work...


New Member

Weight - 166
Bust 37.5 Before 38.5 After swelling
Under 31
Over 35.5


Large Cup Swelling


X Large Cup Swelling


New Member
They do have an implant look to them, itprobably doesn't help that I love wearing pushup bras, lol. I hope people don't think I went out and got a boob job though. But If they do oh well.

So Friday will be a month using the NB, I can't wait to take those pictures. I will be a picture junky throughout my journey, so I never get discourage. Seeing how far ive come in such a short amount of time, while simultaneously losing weight really motivates me to go harder and longer. I hope these results motivate you ladies and gents too.

I ran out of fenugreek and did not buy anymore. I'm curious to see how much growth I get without the supplements. Im still taking Maca (because i havent run out yet) though and my booty is getting more shape and more cliff at the bottom.


Oh, and I hope that didn't come off as offensive, it was supposed to be a compliment. I love that look! I want boobs like yours :D! Each picture just amazes me more and more, you're so lucky!


New Member
Wow amazing progress!

Try getting yourself professionally measured at several different stores. I had been wearing the wrong size for years but when I finally for measured properly and found a good bra my posture and shape improved loads!

Matt B

New Member
Hi DD, the only bump I saw (there were two beautiful ones in a black front close)and that was all.

Matt, ;D


New Member
No not filling the XLs yet (maybe 47%) I got side track in a whirlwind romance (thanks boobies!) going out eating,drinking and shopping I haven't been noogling to much :( now I'm back on the wagon! DD here I come ;D