NotSoBusty's Noogling Progress!


New Member
Hi everyone!! I am back after a long hiatus, and I missed you all! I haven't noogled in 3 months, and I also didn't take any supplements for NBE all summer. I maintained all my growth, and I actually put on about another 0.25-0.5 of an inch over the summer. They are now measuring anywhere between 35.5" and 36" on a regular basis. This month, I started taking PM again with the intentions of just finishing up my supply (Ainterol pills and other NBE supplements like gelatin, MSM, etc.) and with hopes to reach 36.5" in this 3 months. I purchased some more Ainterol 20% Atomizer Spray and some Ainterol PM Cream to get the most out of my last bottle of pills. I also purchased Aumenti from Forever Young with volufiline in it, and I plan to use it in conjunction with my PM cream/spray. So, we'll see! :)

I have only used PC cream one or twice, and I am can't say for sure if it made a difference or not. I used Emerita. However, if you search over on breastnexus, there are quite a few ladies who have a lot of experience with it! :) I hope all is going well!

HI!!!! I hope your boobie growing adventure is going splendidly! I have a lot of reading to do on this forum, so I will be checking out your corner soon! :)

I still take herbs in the luteal phase of my PM routine. I LOVE HERBS! They are truly wonderful. I didn't start NB until a year ago. It is also a lovely device with great results, but I need to be more consistent.

Thank you for your kind words! Stick with it, be patient, and make it a lifestyle, and you will see results! NBE truly does work. Good luck!!

thank you!! I will also be heading over to your neck of the forum to see how your progress has been going! :)

I plan to become more regular with NB when I finally plant my feet in this new city. So far, I have no semblance of a schedule or structure and I am still moving into my apartment and getting set up. So, I am proud of myself for even starting the pills and cream.

Here's to growing boobs!

Matt B

New Member
Hey NSB,Welcome Back! What new city,where did you move,did you get a black robe?LOL!! Congrats on keeping the girls. That will show the nay sayers that noogling IS permanent.
I know you're busy so I'll TTYS.

Matt, :-*


New Member
Thanks, Matt! I moved to Charleston, South Carolina, and I have a silky white robe! ;) I am excited to get back to noogling, but it has been difficult to find time! Not sure I am entirely comfortable noogling around my boyfriend yet haha


New Member
Hey ladies, it has been awhile since I have noogled consistently, but I have been doing a lot of reading, thinking, and reformulating my program, and I think that noogling is a vital addition. Since letting my boyfriend in on my NBE secret, he has been an absolutely vital asset, because he massages for me! HA! I would never get it done without him, and since he has started being so helpful, I have noticed the difference. I have had a lot of pains and my sore nipples. With this being said, it made me realize how wonderful NB could be to my program. I haven't used it enough, and I need to commit!!

So, right now, my plan is to aim for an hour a day. I am really busy, and there will be some days/weekends where it just can't happen. I noogled a few days ago, and I was using the L's with no problem, which is better than before! I was using the M's in the Spring, because I couldn't get good suction with the L's. Now the L's fit wonderfully! Oh, happy day!

Right now, I am a small/medium 32C. I say small/medium because 32B's are way too small now and not even an option, but I don't fit in ALL 32C's completely. The bra in my avatar is a 28D (equivalent of a 32B), and it is way too small now. I get a real bad case of the double boob, meaning that I should be wearing a 28DD (32C). Right now, my measuring bra is a completely unpadded 32C from Forever 21 (cheapie bra), and it fits, but there is still a little bit of room to fill up with some more fullness. So, my goal for the end of this year is to reach a full 32C.

Wish me luck! :)


New Member
Also, a question for those who ordered Aumenti and live in the US:

How long did it take for your order to arrive? It has been about 2 weeks for me, and I am getting anxious!!

My new Ainterol Spray has arrived in my town and is floating around the post office, but the mail delivery service here is horrendous!! They never seem to deliver things to the correct houses. They said they left a "notice", but neither my neighbor or I received it. So frustrating!!!

Padded Hell

New Member

Glad you're getting on board with the whole NB thing :). I'm doing exactly the same thing thing as you atm -thinking & re-evaluating my program until my head hurts :p. It's great that you've let your bf in on your little *secret* & even better that he's lightening the load for you, massage-wise ;D!

An hour of NB a day seems a good start. I usually find that's the minimum time I need in order to get any swelling, but everyone's different :)
I envy you that you can use the L cups with no problems! You must have grown! I can't keep them on without foam rings :(, but the M cups are just that little bit too small at the base now. I need a growth spurt sooo badly ;D

With regards to the Aumenti. I'm in the UK not the US, but when I've ordered it, the retailer has on occasion been quite slow to send my goods, so maybe this is the case with you :-\. I hope it arrives soon for you though.


New Member
Thanks, Padded Hell! :) I think NB is going to be a staple in my new program. I managed to noogle 3 times last week, and just finished a long session today, because I have a lot of spare time today. The 3 previous times, I stuck to about an hour and did not get any swelling, really, maybe 1/2". Today, I did 40 min. with the M, 30 with the L, then 40 min. with the M again, and I swelled an inch to 36.5"!!! With this swelling I was a medium/full 32C. Sadly, it only lasted about a minute before it deflated again. I have never really been able to retain much swelling with noogling, even when I was more consistent. I know it doesn't necessarily mean I am not growing, but I wish it would stay!! :p With this last session, I came pretty close to filling the mediums near the end, so this may be the routine that works for me. I am definitely going to squeeze in another session tonight before bed. I may even experiment with snoogling.

As for the new program, my head hurts too!! There is so much reading to do and trial/error to review. ::) NBE sure is a commitment. I am glad I told my boyfriend about it all, because he has been a major asset. I may even noogle in front of him soon, if I get the courage, that is. :-[ He said he doesn't mind, but it is just one of the more embarrassing looking methods!

You'll get your growth spurt soon! I just know you will. You are so dedicated! A cup, here you come! ;D I'm rooting for you!

The Aumenti came, and so far so good. My skin is sooo soft with it! I have been using it morning and night, and I am going to also use a little bit before I noogle, as well. How are you liking it?

Happy noogling! :)

Padded Hell

New Member

I might try your M cup, L cup noogling method. Varying things always seems to help when it comes to this. I tend to only get 1/2" swelling after an NB session, unless I'm in luteal phase, then I might get slightly more. I also find it difficult to hang onto my swelling, & it's usually gone within a few hours :(. I'm trying to think of ways I can improve on this ???

Have you figured out your new program yet? And have you managed to noogle in front of your boyfriend? I still can't bring myself to show my hubby what I look like with the cups on ;D! I always put on a fleece jacket to spare my embarrassment :-[. He's started to moan about how he can never get near me, as the cups are always in the way ;D. He should know I'm a hardcore noogler by now!!

I'm glad to hear you finally got your Aumenti :). Yes, I find it makes my skin really soft, & it really absorbs well. I'm glad it doesn't have a heavy scent either, as my skins very sensitive & easily irritated, so another plus there! Have you noticed any increase in growth yet or is it too early to tell?

Anyway, I wish you the best for your new program & keep up the noogling :)!


New Member

I was reading this thread and following the conversation about fear of noogling in public (sort of).

I would bet dollars to donuts that the guy that turned down the opportunity to put machinery on yer chest and watch them pump up is absolutely ... GAY! ;D

ummm, not to be ... err....crude. But most every boy I ever grew up with would stare in wide eyed joyous wonder at a noogled boob. :eek: what are you thinking?

:D Try it like this....boys can't resist the "plea for assistance" go on with something like "I'm self conscious about my appearance, this will give me what I want. But really it's a two person job :eek: dear sweet boyfriend would you help me make my boobs more perky, bigger, plumper, it's a tricky device and really I need three hands. ;D

Just saying, .... If one of my girlfriends told me to do something for her with regards to genitalia I would have been a humble puppy dog servant...LOL and I'm happy to say most of maledom falls into that category.

I think you will do just fine with that....go for it! ;D