stretch marks... :(



Hey everyone!
I would like to hear if any of you know how to make stretch marks go away naturally...without being cut on or lasered. I have really bad ones on my tummy from pregnancy. I've tried a lot of the commercial creams they don't work, was wondering if any of you had one that worked.


avon has a new one out?? I was given a sample, so not enought to make a fair marks have gotten worse this past winter??? darker in color...I didn't know you couldlaser them off?? really??


shea butter and bio-oil have both been recommended to me by friends who have used them for tummy stretch marks - I've used the shea butter on a scar on my knee and think it helped although it's from surgery so a much deepe scar - if you can find 100% shea it's best but I used the body shop one


Yes, I used the one from Avon, it seemed to be working and then suddenly it wasn't working. I told my mom about it because she sells Avon and I buy my Avon through her. My little sister was using it to, she is dancer, and she had the same experience with it. I've noticed that they have gotten worse since I got divorced and have gained alittle weight back-not much like 5-10 lbs. Before I was skin and bones (literally!).
Yes, they now laser stretch marks, but they caution you that deep/wide ones are hard to get rid of. But the thought of them "burning" me is more than I can take...hehehe! I've had laser surgery for cancer, it wasn't fun at all! And I can't have a tummy because I couldn't afford it on a para's salary, two because mine are in circles around my belly would however get rid of the stretched out flabby skin there...hhhuummm. Maybe that is something to put on my to do list when I am making a decent salary.

I bought bio oil and used it for several didn't do anything. Although it is great for the pitechia from the noogling cups! Recently I bought Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula: Firming Butter. It has Shea Butter, Collagen, Elastin and Vitamin E plus Q10. It is supposed to tighten the skin from pregnancy and weight loss. I'll let you all know how it works, I've only been using it for about a week.



(sorry this is so long, but worthwhile to read if you have stretchmarks, I'm no expert, and just beginning this journey myself)

I just purchased an ebook on this a few weeks ago. I hate them, but at the same time I feel guilty hating them because I have a beautiful 23 year old son from them, and I've seen worse than I've got, so I should just be thankful for that I guess. Still, everywhere I look, I see flat unmarked bellies in the low-waisted pants, on TV, magazines, etc. Mine start about 2 inches below the belly button, and go down all around me. Some are fine and thin, others are wide and deep. It's the same I guess as seeing someone with big breast when you don't have them, they are everywhere, I am hoping to improve on that too!

The procedure is basically to vigorously massage with a rubber finger type massager, using pure aloe vera gel and apricot scrub after soaking in the bath, then massaging in a mixture of of the aloe gel and st. ives collagen elastin cream. Something like once every 10 days, for the first 40 days, then once every 4 weeks after that. The theory is to slightly damage the skin with exfoiliation, which would cause it to repair itself like it does with an injury, and build the collagen in the damaged areas. This is the same concept of laser or microdermabrasion would do. (microdemerabrasion does not work as well as laser, it just removes layers of skin, allowing creams to penetrate I think). I've done hours and hours of research, and it makes sense that this is worth giving it a shot.

That's it basically/almost exactly it, without going into more detail due to copywrite issues. If this does not work for me, I'm going to try a dermaroller, but I hope I don't have to, it seems painful and it's not done in the US, so I'd have to do a home version, which is kinda scary. Still....the concept of damaging the skin with the roller forcing it to repair itself as it does naturally, makes perfect sense. Here are the links to the roller and the ebook. The reason I liked the ebook was that the after pictures do not show a perfect result, which is more believable.

I did one round only so far, and I can honestly say I see improvement in the marks and tone/firmness - for the first time since getting them, I am hopeful to make them much better. Even with laser, they will probably never disapear totally. I've also decided to get some emu oil since it is proven to penetrate deeply into the layers of skin, and use my vit-c cream (to help build collagen) and alpha-H creams to help with cell turnover.

If anyone tries this, I need to tell you that you will be red afterwards, and the marks may be kinda raw and prominant, as they are beginning the healing process with new skin. Also, do not tan during the process, which I am very careful with only a few minutes a week to maintain color, but I stopped totally to see if this works. I did do a less agressive treatment on my breast, but decided to put that on hold until I get sustainable growth and can go a few days without pumping - the stress on the skin during pumping is not good when you have rubbed your skin raw. Besides, if I can plump up with the NB, then those marks are not near as visible. When I grew 4.5 inches on bountiful breast pills, they disapeared in my mind, I think that I was so full and round at that time, the light hit them differently, and they were kinda filled in.

Hope this helps someone, as I feel your pain, there is nothing pretty about stretchmarks.


Thanks, I will go and check out the site. Do you buy all your lotions from them too? I remember my mom got some Emu oil when she was going through radiation, it worked wonders on her neck.
:) No scars. :) I don't know where to get any over here though, I'll have to search for that online.
I also agree with you, I feel guilty for hating them as I have them because of my two beautiful children. I wouldn't trade either child for anything in the world, not even the stretch marks! My daughter is one of my best friends in this world, and my son is to but he's at that age where he is trying to be an adult, and not need me so much, but at times he goes into reverse and calls and talks for hours! It is funny when we are on that threshold of adulthood, wanting to be independent yet not. I remember it well! ;D
Thanks, I'm going to check them out now!


Hi Dixieland,
I got the St. Ives Apricot scrub, lotion and Alpha Hydroxy at Walgreens, but any drugstore would have them. The Vit-C cream from Swanson, and I am waiting on an order of Emu Oil from them. I had the little massager already. The only thing I couldn't find and need to order was the 100% pure organic aloe gel, all I could find was the clear not organic kind. Hope it works for you, remember that I'm just starting, so I can't say whether it will work or not, just that the concept makes sense to me so I'm going to try it. Good luck!


I agree with you, if it works on other parts of the body, why not stretch marks! I couldn't find the massager, no one around here carries it except Christmas time! What is the Alpha-hydroxy? is that the collagen and elastin?


Here is a link to show the creams, they can be found at most drugstores or Walmart. Remember in my original post, I hadn't used the emu oil, vit-c or alpha hydroxy yet, my first round I used only the collagen cream and also Nivea CQ=10 firming cream (I have used this for years, kept me firm while losing 50 lbs). If you buy the book, she has an option to also purchase the items needed.

I plan to use the additional creams on round two, which I'll probably do this week. The book stressed that "less is more", don't get impatient and do the procedure too often, give the skin time to heal between sessions, the results are supposed to be shown over time, which is actually what I see from my own experience. At first my marks that had faded to white were red, then they started to look better the next couple of days.

You can get the massager on ebay...I got mine for Christmas in a bath and body gift set years ago. I'm sure a similar shop would have one, I thought it was a weird thing, I had no use for it.


I have seen them around many times, but like you never thought about buying one!?!?!? Now that I want one, can't find it. I did go look at the one on e-bay, I'm going to look around in the city this weekend when I go to class, maybe someplace up there will carry them "year round" Are you going to take photo's so you can see the progress?


Daylight, yes the fingers sort of massage the scrub in, also I think increasing circulation to get the blood floowing to the area for healing, much like massaging the breast. It also is supposed to help with firmness.

Dixieland, me too, I have seen them, but just in looking recently, they were not at my local Walgreens or Walmart, maybe you can find them someplace weird like a dollar tree or something? Yes I do plan to take more pictures, I'll do it before next session...the original ones I took were too dark. I asked my mom to do the next session for me, I'll just lay down flat on a blanket and let her scrub me to death until I say uncle, then turn over and let her do the back side. When I did it my self, it was hard to do, plus my arms got too tired and it's hard to use the same pressure as you work around the body. I don't think I mentioned it was supposed to be little circles, like scrubing a pan or floor, rather than long motions which would stress the marks more.


I have to go to night class in the city this weekend, so I will look up there. They have Kohl's, Target, etc. So maybe I'll be able to find one. I picked up a plastic one at the dollar tree just in case I can't find a wooden one. The book will have to wait until I can afford it, but I get the jest of the idea. If I can find one I'll try it this weekend.


Well, couldn't find one up there....didn't have much time to I will try again next week. I talked to a friend about it and she said it was worth trying. I found one with fingers but it is plastic not we will see how it holds up...hehehe! So I've done one treatment and the second one will be soon, but I will give my skin time to heal in between. Oh, I almost forgot, I only paid 1 dollar for it, so if it doesn't hold up, it's cheap enough that I can buy another one.
Hugs and Kisses :-*


Well I have done two treatments and the third one is approaching....I haven't really seen a change in them...although using the collagen lotion is making my skin extra soft!


Hi Dixieland, I have done only two treatments also. I have to say that I noticed a difference after my first treatment, but after the second, my marks became redder longer than before and I'm in the healing phase right now. I'm not giving up hope, and it does seem to firm the skin and just like my breast from all the noogling lotion, my belly skin is softer too like yours!

If you read through all the testimonials on the website, people will say that it does take time, and mine have been there for 20+ years, so they wont go away overnight. Realistically, I'm hoping to improve them significantly......then someday be able to afford laser tightening and stretchmark removal. I figure the better shape my skin is in to start with, the better the final results will be.

Good luck, I'm right there with you!



Thanks, I don't know if I am pushing hard enough...I wish I could but the flabbyness just pulls and stretches with the hand tool. I did it last time with my hands/palms mostly and it seemed to work the top layer of skin easier, but it is rough on the palms! Also, I am tan right now, so that may be why I haven't really noticed a difference yet. I am going to keep doing it for the next several months and see if there is any marked improvement. I did take a before photo as best as I could, since I had to do this on my own. We'll see if there is any improvement before summer gets here. It is good to know we started this together and can keep eachother up! ;)
Thanks again ;D


Hey Dixieland,

I know exactly what you mean about the flabbyness there! Two things I want to mention cause we both seem to have the same issue in that area. Last night, I had my mom do my third treatment and it helped so much. I just took a 20 minute bath to get my skin moist and then laid down on a mat, (only exposing what I needed to - still weird even though she's my mom :)) and told her to scrub the He** out of me. She was able to push harder in the lower belly for me, and of course I could roll over and she did the same across my backside and hips. I think when you do it yourself, you are at a weird angle, but I have short arms so that might contribute, but laying flat, that area is different when scrubbed/massaged. It's kinda like waxing....when you do it yourself, atleast for me, I have to say to my self (sometimes twice) "ok, 1,2,3 GO" and then pull the cloth, and I think it hurts worse than having someone else just ripping it off while you brace for it. Does that make sense??? My skin is kinda raw right now, but I feel I had a much more thorough treatment all over.

My belly is actually firming up so much better than I ever thought it would, and I believe it is a combination of the treatments, and the ab exercises I'm doing with my new pilates power gym. I'm losing my pooch and my skin is lifting.

I always knew I would not be a candidate for a tummy tuck, which I couldn't imagine doing anyway, the scars are awful. Mine was not that bad, but still, after gaining 68 lbs while pregnant, losing it all, then gaining about 60lbs back throughout the last 20 years, now I'm down 50lbs again and holding forever "hopefully", I was worried that it would just never look good, but I'm proof that it can get better naturally. This pilates machine does just what it says it will do, it works your core during every exercise you do for different parts of the body! I only had a little sag under my belly, but it's almost gone now and totally lifting up!!! Also, for the last two years or so, I've been drinking a protein drink 2x daily, and I know this has helped my skin stay firm during what can be considered a dramatic weight loss on a 5'1" frame.

Sorry this is so long, but I'm really excited and wanted to explain what I'm doing cause it's an awful thing to live with and there is hope if you put the effort in it. I've learned so much from the ladies on the different forums over the last few years......too bad only those lucky enough to stumble onto these areas have the knowledge we do, that we can improve and change our bodies.



I haven't noticed anything with the stretch marks, but the skin is starting to look more toned. I already do core muscle workout every night, what is the pilates thing you got, might be interested if it isn't too expensive. :eek: I actually tried my bristled brush a few days ago on the stomach area, of course I can't push down as hard but it seemed to roughen up the skin more on the surface of my belly than the little toothy thing. So I am going to try both, do the toothy one, then the bristled one to roughen up on top. It definitely had more burn after! I really scrubbed for the whole five minutes with the bristled one----OUCH! :mad:
Then I put on the creams and it soothed it alot. I don't have my mom :'( close by that can do that for me, I am sure she would if she was around here. I don't have any family around here close.

The funny thing about my pregnancies was I didn't gain much weight with either of my children....but later on I gained a lot of weight and then lost it and have kept it off for around 6-7 years now. I work out daily, and try to eat as healthy as my budget allows.

I tried the waxing thing...didn't like it, now I just shave with a special cream that leaves the skin silky and I don't get any red bumps.

BTW I am 5'2"! hehehe! so we are a lot alike!

mummy of 2

i have silver /white streach marks either side of my legs from pegnancey and tops of hips
any help with these type of ones???

mummy of 2