Used to be a skeptic


New Member
I ordered my Noogleberry today and this thread gives me a lot of hope! My initial breast size is quite close to what yours was, so I'd love to be able to have breasts like yours are now! Congratulations :D


New Member
So its been forever since I've been on here. To answer a couple questions, Yes I'm still taking PM,. I used Ainterol brand and I used the cream as well. In fact, I just ordered my second box of the pills and cream. First 5 months down, next set soon to come. I'll hit my goal in no time.
I have slacked a bit on the noogling process but it doesn't seem to have taken much of a toll on my breasts. I do the chi massage every morning after my shower and every night when I get home from work before I wind down. (Not sure if this is true or not but it SEEMS to be more effective if I do it while my blood is still pumping and I'm still active. With school, my obscure work schedule and my boyfriends schedule though, its hard to find time to noogle. He did tell me that if its what I wanted, he would support me, but I don't wont to do it in front of him...thats just awkward for me. So no improvement since my last pic, but no hope lost either.

On a side note, completely unrelated but I feel like spreading this joy here as well, I finished my first semester of college not long ago and got straight A's! Again, I know, unrelated, but still, I feel accomplished. :) ttyl!