Used to be a skeptic


New Member
Thanks again you guys.
@Anatori, also apologize for getting your thread off topic. Just read your story and connected with it, then everything came pouring out. Will start my own soon. Glad to see so many nice and helpful people located in one place. You don't come across that very often.
But on a lighter is your progress coming?


New Member
Oh yeah huh this started with the noogleberry thing didn't it lol. Its ok I get off track all the time. I actually have to stop noogling this week because my bf has family in and we're so busy so i can't. But there's another reason and honestly I'm strongly considering stopping. I wa talking last night with my bf and he said he's not happy with it. He has noticed a change in firmness and he says they don't feel natural. besides that he doesnt want me to change. he formed his opinion about me when they were small and he likes them how they are. On the one hand, I'm not entirely happy with them a they are and i explained its because i feel disproportionate, but I also know that whether he wants me to or not, I realized i wasnt doing it just for me. Until I can be comfortable with myself as I am, i shouldnt try to change anything. Because if i'm not happy with it as it is, especially when i'm doing it to be more attractive for someone else, then i'm not doing it for the right reasons. I need to get my mind right first. otherwise i'll get obsessed. So good news, I'm progressing and he can tell, bad news, i think im gonna stop for a bit and work on me inside before i work on me outside. I'll still keep up with everyone though and offer support where and when needed. ;D


New Member
Hi hun,

I'm very, very, proud of you. Reading your last post makes my heart sing. What you really are doing or saying is exactly what I was referring to. when you have a BF or wife or husband, your life isn't ALL yours. You have to learn that in all relationships, it is compromise. What we as individuals like sometimes need to be altered just enough so we are in harmony with those of our spouses. Your deciding to may cut back or stop, shows me you are considering his wishes as he is trying to be thoughtful of yours also. This is what great relationships are all about. Try, though, to realize that we are all created to be what we are, not what we think we should be. Your boyfriend, I think, is trying to tell you that. Sometimes we misread our loved ones in their thoughts. Maybe you felt you had to improve your breasts to KEEP him HAPPY. From what I just read, maybe the reverse is true. Good luck to you sweetie. We all will be here for you too. We are really one big happy family.

I'm very impressed with your how well you factor things in your mind

Hugs there young lady Mama J :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
Anatori said:
Oh yeah huh this started with the noogleberry thing didn't it lol. Its ok I get off track all the time. I actually have to stop noogling this week because my bf has family in and we're so busy so i can't. But there's another reason and honestly I'm strongly considering stopping. I wa talking last night with my bf and he said he's not happy with it. He has noticed a change in firmness and he says they don't feel natural. besides that he doesnt want me to change. he formed his opinion about me when they were small and he likes them how they are. On the one hand, I'm not entirely happy with them a they are and i explained its because i feel disproportionate, but I also know that whether he wants me to or not, I realized i wasnt doing it just for me. Until I can be comfortable with myself as I am, i shouldnt try to change anything. Because if i'm not happy with it as it is, especially when i'm doing it to be more attractive for someone else, then i'm not doing it for the right reasons. I need to get my mind right first. otherwise i'll get obsessed. So good news, I'm progressing and he can tell, bad news, i think im gonna stop for a bit and work on me inside before i work on me outside. I'll still keep up with everyone though and offer support where and when needed. ;D

you have to do it for yourself despite him darling. and firmness??? if anything then noogleberry improves the firmness, what does he mean? and they dont feel natural? of course they are natural, maybe they feel like that when swelling, but when u will get a true bigger permanent size it will feel the same


New Member
Tatiana I was doing it mainly because I felt he really wanted a woman with bigger boobs. and If he really is ok with me the way I am i'm gonna be ok with it too.
What he was saying with regards to the firmness is that even after the swelling goes down and i haven't noogled for two days, they are very firm, not as squishy as they used to be. his words are not as soft. they feel fuller to him but since they feel different to him its wierd to him. I want to be sexy for him not wierd.
If later on down the road I'm happy with myself but want to see if bigger really is better i'll discuss it with him and we'll see. But just like Joni said, I'm not in this just for me or just for him. I have to consider both sides of the fence here.


New Member
Just make sure he is not doing this as a form of control over you. Sounds weird right? No, I dated someone in high school that didn't like me "looking nice" when I went out without him. He was soo controlling and did not like my confidence. He would purposely put me down and emotional abuse me to feel better about himself. Needless to say our relationship did not last more than a month. haha!

Since you've told your bf not to look at porn and adult mags maybe he's trying to keep you "reigned in" as well? If he is insecure about himself, then he might be afraid you will become more confident in yourself by using noogle. This could be scary for him to see, especially if you've always depended upon him to feel good about yourself. He may also think you are making yourself look good to find someone else and that freaks him out too. Be sure he knows this is not why you are noogling (in case you haven't). I doubt he consciously knows what he is thinking unless he is really tuned into his feelings and most guys aren't lol. He probably just knows it's "weird" or scary to him. That's my psychoanalysis for today for what it is worth. :D

Good luck dear with whatever you decide! Be sure you are ok with the decision-either way. If you truly just bought NB for your BF, then yeah maybe you shouldn't do this. I think we all do it maybe a tiny bit for our spouses/bf's, but I really just want bigger boobs to fill out shirts, feel more sexy/confident and like a woman. All throughout my adolescence I feel I missed out on that stuff with such tiny boobs. When I went evening gown shopping for concert band, nothing fit up top and even the sales lady would make comments. I want to change that!

Feel free to stop in and check up on all of us any time! Don't be a stranger. :) :)


New Member
Oh no i'm not abandoning the forum. like i said i'll be stopping in every now and again.

I understand what you are saying about the whole control thing. I honestly don't think it is a form of control. Part of me wants to keep noogling just to see if he would like it but again its because I want to be better looking than the maxim girls and better looking than his ex's and i want to be the sexiest woman he'll ever know. I'm competitive in a very bad way and i'm not sure how to stop it. Hypothetically, if he ever sees me as wife material and we get married, when my veil is lifted and i'm presented to him i want him to be astounded. For some reason in my mind bigger breasts are the only answer for how to get him to be astounded. Even if he is using this as a way of controlling me, he is right that i shouldnt be doing it right now. My mind isnt in the right frame right now


New Member
Hello All had a few minutes b4 work. I just had to comment this was the BEST thread I have every read in regards to that sensitive topic. Seriously, people vented and were honest and maintained respect. Hell YAY! Way to Go!! The points Lily made about control is true. That is what my spouse did when he was cut off from activities that disrespected me.
Anatori- it really has to be about you otherwise you could be resentful like I am when I put those cups on. I really had to get to a place where I want to improve my appearance. Once my boobs are lifted and a little more full then I am only doing maintenance. I don't care what he thinks and if he wants a divorce over my boobs he is going to look like a boob to all our friends and family.
Anatori-also I think confidence is a way to get him astounded.Men will always stop and notice a friendly, flirty (in a nice way) girl who smiles....The chumps are the ones who focus on the T & A. I have seen less then average women work a room not because they were hot, but because they were friendly, interesting and approachable. For example,many guys like strip clubs because the girls appear "willing" to do whatever the guy wants. We all know that these girls are less then average looking(unless it's a top club) but it's the conversation, the interest they fake in listening to them, the compliments they pay on the guy, etc..... Be that sure thing for your guy and he will worship you. I'm too angry at mine to extend myself right now because my guy is more like Howard STern if you know who he is then I don't have to explain.
I did not know that before getting married.. He was very sneaky and discreet. It's good that you both have been talking about this stuff now. As Mam J stated communication and compromise are needed in a relationship. Good for you.


New Member
Thanks Roadrashes. Sorry it took me so long I had an interesting week and was only able to post a couple things here and there. I understand about the control and everything I really do and i'm keeping an eye out and making sure it doesnt turn into that. Like I said I may go back its just right now its for the wrong reason. I'm doing it so that I look better than photoshopped models, not so that I look better for myself. I dunno, part of me feels wrong about it right now. Here's the wierd thing though. I havent noogled for about a little over a week now, yet they still seem full and they still seem rounder. Did I really get some permanent growth in that short time of noogling? Its not much not even really worth measuring but still. Makes me wonder thats all. I'm still taking my PM because well if it works on my breasts ok cool but its good for hair and nails and other things too so that i'm not too concerned about and my bf doesnt mind those. I don't know though...just questions that have floated about my mind recently


New Member
HI. You were already responding so well so maybe you did. If you have noticed a change then I would count it. I agree with your reason to stop or continue to noogle. It should be for you and if he doesn't want you to then you have a good man. ;) Think about how lucky you are to have a man who loves you for you.


New Member
Thanks Roadrashes. Maybe i did i dunno. Also i was told something interesting today. My friend has been supporting me through this whole thing a little bit and she has a friend who, when herbs and roots and creams didnt work, they ate a lot of spinach. Just throwing this out there for anyone interested. Worth looking into at least. What have you got to lose? How have you been doing? still getting the results you were with the lifting and firming?


New Member
So its been a while but I wanted to post a couple things, kinda updates. I slip up once in a while and noogle. I'm still taking my PM pills and using the cream, I still do the chi massage, and I'm gotta try and develop a taste for spinach salads. With all thats been done though there IS a difference still. I used to barely fill out my A bras. there was empty space between my breast and the bra and it was uncomfortable. Lately though I have been filling them out quite nicely. In fact i have a little cleavage if i'm wearing my push up one. Its exciting! I'm still working on grasping the thought that my bf really does want me to stay how I am and that he doesnt want one of those models. Its hard though. I know he stops and checks those girls out when he's reading those. I know he picks favorites for Americas Top 10 Maxim models. He's a guy. I'm just selfish in the sense I want him not to do that. So i'm trying to change my mindset which is more important. The breast stuff has become more of a side thing now.


New Member
Breaking down here girls and need help. So I mentioned a while that my bf noticed that my breasts were firmer, almost too firm after I noogled.So, here's the thing. I want them bigger I do but I need to find a way to do it where they feel just as soft as they did before. I don't want to feel like I have implants or anything. I'm torn, the Noogleberry system works, I know it does. But how can I enlarge and soften too? Is it possible? Can I get the best of both worlds? I'm getting depressed at the thought of bigger being LESS sexy to him..thats kinda the opposite effect that I want...


New Member
Anatori said:
Breaking down here girls and need help. So I mentioned a while that my bf noticed that my breasts were firmer, almost too firm after I noogled.So, here's the thing. I want them bigger I do but I need to find a way to do it where they feel just as soft as they did before. I don't want to feel like I have implants or anything. I'm torn, the Noogleberry system works, I know it does. But how can I enlarge and soften too? Is it possible? Can I get the best of both worlds? I'm getting depressed at the thought of bigger being LESS sexy to him..thats kinda the opposite effect that I want...
Try massaging, like in deep kneading-like massage, to soften the breasts.
Hi, sorry - seem to be following you around the forum!

This is only my personal experience so I cannot say whether or not this is goimg to be the same for you BUT I found that the swelling I get from the Nb is indeed mighty firm but, the permanent growth that I achieved has not changed the feel of my breasts to the extent that the initial swelling does. I have gained 2 cup sizes ish with the NB that has stayed after not noogling for a good 4 months solid.

You could try massage but, I have read that a lot of girls lose swelling through massage I am not sure if you can retain the swollen size and lose the firmness.


New Member
I agree with flatty_natty (who isn't so flat anymore I want to add!! :-* ). The swelling I have immediately after taking the domes off is very firm. However, my breasts do not stay like that for very long at all. I want to say maybe an hour or 2? and then they feel normal again. The growth I have had is normal feeling soft breast tissue.


New Member
i don't massage after noogling. Usually do it after 12 hours or more passed from my morning noogling session. Same thing with me, my breasts softens after several hours pass from last noogling. The the firmness from noogling swelling does not stay long.


New Member
Lol Flatty yeah i'm moving around a bit, posting here and there. I dunno if its just that i'm not used to having the mass that I have now or what. Not that i've gained much, but like i've mentioned there is growth. I see what he feels and they don't feel like they used to...And unfortunately I have this genetic thing where I can't gain weight even if I try so I can't try and build up fat around there to make them squishier... Even if I wait they don't really seem to soften up. They shrink down to my A size and stay firm. The fact that I fill out my A bra's is great but they do feel different. I don't want to lose what I've gained but I don't want them to be hard.... Not entirely sure what to do.
Hmmm, I don't know what to suggest . I apologise, I haven't looked at your stats and am not quite sure when you started pumping. Most of us, after a sustained period of pumping, a couple of months say, (some sooner, some later) will see residual size that stays even after 'swelling' has gone. I'm guessing that is what you are seeing now because you are filling up your cups better inbetween noogles. It is possible however, that this is not permanent growth as yet and that would explain the firm feel of them, especially considering your lack of fat, which might conceal the firmness to a point. (I'm sorry - I don't want to sound patronizing, you have probably read this before already)

I think the firmness is going to stick with you while you are growing your boobs, maybe it will get better over time? I am pretty certain though that your permanent growth that you will get will not be super solid, it will just feel like normal boobs.