Search results

  1. NadiOne

    Traveling with NB

    Im curious to hear from those of you who have travelled with your NB set by plane. How did that work out for you? Did the airport staff question you? I will be flying soon and I want to bring it with me, though kinda nervous about it. :-[
  2. NadiOne

    Rock Melon Ring Tone

    Is anyone using the rock melon ringtone? I started listening to it 2-3 times daily missing 4 days in a 2 week period. I feel it's helping as I haven't been noogling much due to soreness, I've increased my cardio...
  3. NadiOne

    Large Cups for Sale

    I have two Large cups for sale, I used them for 3 weeks and then moved up to the XL. I'm located in the US if your interested send me a message.
  4. NadiOne

    DoubleD Gallery

    Hey Ladies just bringing my pictures to the Gallery to inspire more nooglers. 7/24/12 8/11/12 8/24/12 swelling 9/11/12 swelling Bust 38.5 swelling under 30.5 over 35 as of 9/11/12 9/20/12
  5. NadiOne

    Are You Surprised by the Amount of Nooglers?

    As many women out there that want bigger, perkier, fuller boobs Im surprised this forum is not jam packed with users. Im surprised no one I know knows about it. I'm surprised it took me forever to find NB. So whats the deal? Are you ladies keeping NB top secret? Or are more people using NB but...
  6. NadiOne

    New Noogler

    Hello all! I'm new to the NB, just got mine Tuesday 8/7/2012 and I love it! I started 7/24/2012 taking fenugreek and maca and giving myself massages in preparation for the NB. Today 8/10/2012 my bust is two inches bigger. My breast are falling out of my 36A bra that fit fine 3 weeks ago. My...