Kellynne -- new noogler


New Member
Hi Everyone,
I just received my noogleberry yesterday. I am a 44 year old woman who has always been embarrassed by very small breasts. The only time I had much volume at all was when I was pregnant or nursing. I have four children and nursed each of them for a year.... this made my breasts worse because I then had stretch marks on my breasts and saggy nipples. I recently lost 40 lbs. When that happened, I also lost a whole lot of the little bit of volume I had in my breasts. But overall I feel that I look so much better at this weight... so I don't want to put it back on just to get a little more fullness there.

Now I'm recently divorced and more than ever, as I enter the dating world again, I want to be comfortable with my entire body. Even if I could gain just a cup size, I think I'd be much more comfortable with the way I look. I am posting before photos and am planning to post photos again after a week.

So far, I noogled just 15 minutes yesterday and today. Can anyone tell me if it seems more effective to pump, then deflate repeated... OR if it is better to pump and then hold it for a while?



New Member
Hi kellyann,
I find the pump & hold method is more affective then the pump release,but everyone is different!
Also you should try longer sessions.I think 15mins isn't enough if you want to see results sooner..
I pump an hour in the morning & an hour-2hours at night & i've grown nearly 2cup sizes in 6weeks!!
everyone responds differently but because u have had children u are considered a fast respnder.
Goodluck & will be checking back for your results.

P.s i cant see your photo,its not letting me for some reason.
The sight u have it on says its unavailable


New Member
Thank you! The directions that came with it said 15 minutes to start out... but if it's ok to do more, I definitely will! I actually did two 15 minute sessions today because I'm impatient.
I just changed a setting on the site, so maybe the photo will work now. It's kind of embarrassing after seeing a lot of the photos on here.... so many of the before photos look like what I am wishing for! I wear a 34A bra.... but since I lost weight, I should probably should have gone down to a smaller size.


New Member
When I started I did 30 min sessions once or twice a day for a couple weeks till I got use to the suction then I moved up to 45 min then an hour and so on. Now I can pump 2 to 3 hours at a time with no problems. Some people pump overnight and have no problems. But I'd say stay at 30 to 45 min sessions your first week or two until you get use to it. Good luck and congrats on your weightloss!


New Member
I have noogled 3 days... I think I already see a little bit of results. Let me know if the link to this pic works. The lighting is different in the photos, so I feel like I can't be sure the apparent change is real or just lighting....


New Member
Hi Kellynne I am pretty new to this too :)

I just wanted to say I think you have great breasts, I can't believe you nursed 4 kids wow :eek: also I see a difference between your pictures they look more full :D keep up the great work

Love Katie :)



yep yr boobs def seem to be fuller in the second pic , how often do u noogle now?

im trying to up my sessions in a race against time lol... he he i want an f cup and a d by summer so if i pump anymore i may just take off.......
fly me to the moon and let me pump among the stars
let me see what life is like with boobage and nice bras....



New Member
Lol.... so funny!!! I hope I can have at least have enough growth to look decent in a swimming suit this summer... maybe a D cup will be a possibility for NEXT summer.

I am trying to do two 30 minute sessions a day. I will probably increase to an hour whenever I have the time. Right now, it's kinda hard to find privacy for a whole hour, but maybe I can try to do the hour session when I get in bed each night.


New Member
Hi kellynne and welcome to Noogleland!! Nice to meet another 'more mature' noogler!! lol. When you said you'd breastfed 4 kids I expected too see a pair of saggy boobs, no offence, but yours look great and I can definitely see a little more roundness after noogling so keep up the good work. As a fellow 40something I will follow your progress!! ;)


New Member
Thanks for responding... I'm really glad to see another noogler closer to my age! :D I was wondering if only younger women were doing this. I am fortunate in that I do look young for my age and my body is in pretty good shape... but I rarely wear a swimsuit because of the embarrassment of my breast size. I think that the fact that my boobs don't sag after all of that nursing is one of the few blessings of having small breasts. However, my nipples do look saggy and I blame that on nursing.

I am so hopeful that this works for me. I also have a 17-year old daughter with small breasts... she is self-conscious about it and when we shop for bras it is quite an ordeal to find some that fit her and give her enough lift and padding to make her happy. If this system it works for me with no complications, I am going to see if she wants to try it.


New Member
Kelly, for your daughter, I take BO and the BO supplements such as Bountiful Breast and Ultra Breast were originally created for girls going through puberty that were not developing right, and thus have small breasts. As long as she has had her period for more than I believe it's 2 years she can take it. I think it aids in my growth with NB but I think it would work by itself in the younger girls without ever having kids or been pregnant. I got pregnant at 16 so I think that may have messed with my growing a bit, but before pregnancy I was barely an A cup so I don't think even without getting preggers that it would have made a difference lol not without the help of natural breast enhancement. Just another option for her being under 18. I'm glad that you are thinking of helping her in that area though, most mothers wouldn't let their daughters do anything like this.

Oh, and I wanted to say also, you do have great boobs! I hope when I'm 40 and after another child (only plan on one more) that I look as good. And it looks like the after noogle pic, the noogling is improving your nipples to lift them a bit.


New Member
Kelllynne, I have 2 daughters in their early 20's and both have DD cups but whereas the older one started to develop breasts at the age of 12 the younger one was 16 before she started to develop. She is 22 now and last month we went bra shopping as her bras were too small for her and she had gone from a D to a DD with no increase in her weight so girls can keep growing into their 20's.


New Member
Thanks Anastasia and Cleo for the info regarding my daughter. She does have confidence and seems comfortable with her body... but she *always* complains about not having boobs! I haven't told her about the Noogleberry yet. I want to make sure it seems ok... and causes no harm before I let her try it. I don't expect to have any problems after seeing all the great results on this forum, but I want to try it for myself. It is funny, because my mother has big breasts, but my dad's side of the family is where the small breasts come from, I guess... my aunt and her daughters.... and my uncle's daughters... they all have these very small breasts. So, I would be surprised if my daughter would grow much more at this point... but it is a good thing to remember that she may not be finished developing.

I'm planning to post new pics after it's been a full week... I *do* think i see a difference and my bra seems more snug, I hope it's not just wishful thinking!

Because I lost weight and now don't have much body fat, my breasts do not have much firmness... will that improve with noogling, too??



Hi Kellynne and welcome. I WISH I could remember my 40s... sigh. I prefer the pump and hold method, but trial and error will give you what works best for you. In addition to the great info Anastasia gave you, you might also consider taking PM. I take that and have been pumping for a little over a year. I went from a flat male chest to now a pretty full B cup and right after pumping I fit a C cup comfortably. My goal is a full C. So... good luck!!!!!


New Member
Thank you, that's very encouraging! Did you get your increase in size solely through the PM and pumping? That is amazing!


I would say 95% of my growth is from pumping. I did not take anything other than the PM.


New Member
Thanks Joan, I've seen your photos and that is amazing and sooo encouraging.

Wannabecee... thanks for letting me know you are another 40-something out there with good results!

I have some new photos. It has been a week. I'm a little disappointed because it doesn't look much different than the photo I took just a few days into it... but then I realized the last photo was just a short time after pumping. This one is about 12 hours after last pumping.

I have been shooting for 1 hour morning and night, but by the time I get to bed at night I'm just too tired to do it very long. Does anyone every pump and just leave it while they sleep? Would there be any harm in doing that? I've noticed that the tips of my nipples get kind of bluish when I pump so I was a little worried about it.

Here are my pics:


New Member
Kellynne, I think maybe you're expecting too much too soon, a week is no time to see a difference so try not to be disappointed that your pics look no different yet. It's so exciting when you first start to noogle that it's very tempting to keep measuring and taking pics and then you feel disappointed and frustrated when there's no difference. I've done the same thing myself. Just know that it will happen if you stick with it, may not be this month or next but if you noogle consistently it will pay off. There are a few ladies who 'snoogle' (as we call pumping as you sleep) and there is certainly no harm in it if you are able to keep the domes on and not move around too much while you sleep. It's worth having a go if you think you can manage it and are able to sleep on your back. ;)