Kellynne -- new noogler


New Member
Hi Kellynne,
it´s nice to see another more "mature" noogler out there! I´m 38 and also divorced, for about a year now. I must´ve nursed my kids for as long as you have, I have only two but I breastfed them for more than 2 years each :eek: of course after the first year orso they were eating as well. The thing is, I never prepared bottles for them, I let them nurse until they were able to drink regular cow´s milk out of a cup. You can imagine that after all those years my breasts were a sorry sight! However, as they never were very big to begin with, the sagging was not that ugly.

Now I´ve been noogling for about a month and they definitely look "meatier". I think this is a very good method if you take it easy, sort of like a workout routine, without expecting fast results. If my girl (she´s 6) ever starts complaining about her breasts I´ll have her use a NB too!

good luck and happy noogling!



I THIK MATURE IS AROUND 50 BUT EVEN THATS A BREZZE THESE DAYS. i wont be calling myself mature untill im a good 60 sumthing hehe...

just wanted to tell u my thoughts, i know they are probably irrelevant to the subject but hey! ;)


New Member
LOL! Yeah, I suppose you´re right... but it all depends... had a strange experience a while ago, dating a much younger guy (in his early 20s) :-[
So then I kinda felt "mature" in comparison!! haha
I´m very glad I´m not that age anymore, though...


New Member
Cleo... Thanks, I know that I shouldn't expect big results yet... don't get me wrong... I DO see results. I think that visibly there isn't a huge difference yet, but my breasts do feel more firm and I'm thinking maybe they need to just kind of "fill-in" before they start to grow out a whole lot.

Thanks Amelie... good to know there are quite of few of us who are in our 40's or close to it. I wondered if I might be past the age where this would work, but I can definitely see that people of all ages and stages of life are here and having good results.

Wow... a guy in his 20s! I am not sure I'd even know what to do! ;)


New Member
I think you've got the right idea huni. I've been noogling for about a month and half, and I say forget the pictures and the measuring for a while. If you look too much everyday you won't notice any difference you know? With me I haven't seen a drastic change, but was excited just the same because I can tell a major difference in firmness. I used to be able to pinch from side to side and there'd be nothing if that makes any sense, and now there's something there..some meat ;D Keep with a good steady routine and you will definately see results, a word of warning though there have been some effects of overdoing it and that is a risk in the begining because you get so excited (indentations, red marks, bruising). Trust your body, and it will show. And you do have a great body and your breasts have a great shape and I think you will be very pleased with your noogling experience. Best of luck!


New Member
Hi Everybody,
I have been Noogling for about 3 weeks now. I have had some setbacks though.... I noticed that I was getting the red dots and broken capillaries around the edges, which I've seen some people mention on here. So, I started noogling just enough to get a little bit of suction, but not too much. I figured that would be better than giving it up altogether. Once those cleared up, I started creating more suction again, just not as much as I had been.

Then, I developed a large cyst in both breasts. I've always had problems with cysts in my breasts, and I've had a few large ones that I've had to go to a surgeon to have drained. I am wondering if since the noogling causes tissue expansion, if it might be what caused the cysts to grow so large this time. I'm taking Evening Primrose oil (which my surgeon recommends) to try and clear them up... and I've also went back to noogling a little more lightly. I wonder if my surgeon will scold me for noogling? Have any of you told your doctors before?

I'm trying to noogle an hour in the morning and an hour at night.... just enough to create a little bit of suction but not over do it until these cysts go away. I don't see a whole lot of visual difference yet, but when I touch my breasts they definitely feel more full. Today, when I was going up the stairs, I noticed them bounce and it's been a long time since I've felt that. so... I do think I'm making progress. But, it's hard to be patient! I'd really like to have some boobs to fill in a swimsuit this year... even if it's just a little bit!

Here is a link with the first photo I took 3 weeks ago, and one I took today.

Thanks for all the help and advice everyone here gives... it's been very encouraging and helpful.


New Member
Oh, and here is one from the side... which I see more difference in this one.


New Member
Definitely see more of a difference in your side view pics which is awesome, I normally don't see much of a difference in mine from the side, but only see the difference in front view. I want the side boobage :p

Also how did you lose the 40 lbs? Just diet and exercise or anything special? I'm trying to lose 10 to 15 pounds and having trouble getting rid of it. I exercise at least 3 times a week but try to do it daily. I have a healthy diet. But can't seem to shake off the pounds lol mainly wanting to lose the weight on my tummy and make it more flat, there is a little bit on my arms I want to get rid of too, and maybe trim the thighs a bit. But want to keep my butt and boobs :p


New Member
Anastasia, Gosh, from the pictures I've seen, I think you look awesome. But... here is what I did, it really is nothing extraordinary...

I've never been good at counting calories or doing a true "diet". I end up feeling deprived and it only lasts a few days before I give up and over eat. If I try to follow one of those diet plans with recipes for low-cal meals I don't stick with it because it's too much work to change my eating habits that radically.

So, really all I did was eat the same kinds of things I normally do, I just cut down on portions. I only have one serving of anything I eat, and I make it kind of a small serving at that. Between meals, if I'm hungry I drink a glass of water before I let myself eat anything. If I have a glass of water and still have the urge to eat, I have something like a piece of fruit.

Exercise is a big part of it.... I try to walk for an hour every day, when the weather is nice. I do crunches and push-ups everyday at home. I hate working out, so I force myself to do it by taking some kind of workout class at the community college every semester. I would blow it off if I was just going to Gold's Gym or something.... But, I'm a 4.0 student and I know that if I'm getting a grade in something, I will be there! Just a little bit of self-trickery there. lol. The classes are just twice a week, but I notice a big difference in my muscle tone when I'm in a class.

I really don't know for sure this did a lot to help me, but I did also take green tea capsules from Costco when I first started trying to lose weight.... even now that I'm at a weight i like, I will still take a few on days when I indulge a little more than I think I should have. It boosts metabolism and I think it also helps to curb appetite a little.


New Member
Yea I use to go to Gold's Gym when I was in the states, I went to the Body Pump classes, pilates, yoga, and I seen a personal trainer once a week, I got down to 120 before I had to leave to come here. I also would go on the elliptical for 30 min before or after each workout. But here, there are only 2 gyms, not really any classes, and I don't have a car, hubby uses the car for work, so I have to rely on what I can do from home. I'm pretty disciplined so sticking to a diet or change in diet isn't a problem for me. Right now I try to get 1500 calories a day or less. I drink water mostly, but have juice and one soda a day. I drink tea if not drinking juice. I was thinking of switching to green tea, but wasn't sure if it really made a difference, but I will give it a shot since it helped you. My main issue is I have a bit of fat on my tummy, arms, and thighs, those are the areas I want to lose on and tone up. Lately I been slacking on working out, but going to try to get back on track, I have a ton of workout DVDs most given to me. I think I'll just need to make sure I set aside time to workout everyday, it's just hard to find time. But lately I've been jogging with my dog everyday, so that helps too. As far as limiting proportions I have a hard time with that lol cause the smaller portions don't fill me up and I end up trying to snack. So what I have to do is eat stuff that is considered "health food" low in calories and fat, but fills me up. And trust me pics are deceiving. I'm good at angles with pics and sucking in the gut lol.


New Member
I know it's a little step, but it was finally warm enough to walk/work out in my sports bra, and you can actually tell I have boobs when I wear it now. :p Obviously, still small, but when I wore it before I looked relatively flat.


New Member
I have a sports bra just like that one! And got one that is black with white strip thingies. Looks exactly the same though and yep, I use to feel flat chested in them and now I feel like I have something. Congrats, I know it made you feel awesome, and damn, I wish I had your flat tummy!


New Member
Ha ha... and I wish I had your boobs. ;D And like I said before, you look awesome. I can't imagine why you would want to change a thing. Thanks Anastasia, for the encouragement....


New Member
Hi Kellynne,

Any word from your doc on the cysts? I hope noogling won't interfere with them :(

Your body is fabulous, and that side-boob picture after 3 weeks of noogling is phenomenal - you're really getting bigger quite quickly! Your nipples are also looking good - I would guess you'll definitely start to see real changes in how full or 'un-saggy' they appear soon at the rate you're going :)

I find noogling stretches my nipples a touch (I've never breast-fed, but they're a bit soft-fried-eggy anyway for some reason, like, my nipple sags/flops over a bit and makes folds in the areola under it), so I use a pair of bandaids on each one before a session. I just make a little X over the nipple, then apply lotion around the bandaids and pump away. Just FYI, in case you notice your nipples getting a bit stretchier than you'd like in the domes.

Good luck, and keep us posted!

:) Blue


New Member
Thank you! I can't see much of a difference when I look in the mirror, but my breasts honestly felt like half empty sacks before, and now they feel full. So, I do think there is a fairly significant difference even if it isn't visible. I am guessing I'm at that stage where they are just firming up rather than growing a whole lot. I'm thinking that's why the side shot shows the difference much more than the front.

I haven't gone to see my surgeon about the cysts.. I started taking evening primrose oil to see if i could get them to go away on their own, and they have started to get smaller. So, I'm hoping I won't have to go see the surgeon. My surgeon actually recommends everyone take evening primrose oil for breast health... she thinks that it has some protective element. But, I have fibrocystic breasts and it is especially good for that.... My problem is that I get out of the habit of taking the epo from time-to-time and then I end up with cysts or fibrocystis lumps.

I had been wondering if my nipples would kind of fill in as the breasts got firmer.... or if noogling might stretch them and make them look even more droopy. I certainly think that is the worst looking part of my breast and would hate for the droopiness to get worse. Thanks for the tip!


New Member
Hi Aim4c, Thanks for checking in with me! Yes, I am still noogling. I did end up taking about 3 weeks off when we had a family crisis... I just couldn't even think about anything else and noogling was set aside. I have resumed noogling again, but I'm only doing 1-2 hours at night now. I haven't noticed any real results lately... I wonder if it's because I'm not noogling in the morning anymore. I was working from home and was able to do it in the morning... but I don't have that luxury now.

I will probably post pics in a few weeks in hopes that there will be a little more progress.... it's so hard to tell without something visual to compare it to. Thanks again!


New Member
I took some new pics today just so I could see whether I've made progress, cuz I do feel a little discouraged. But, I do think I see a little bit of growth, so I guess I'll keep pumping on! I did take off about 3 weeks because we had a family crisis and I just had too much going on to even think about it. I know that was a huge setback, because I felt like I was nearly back to where I started after that 3 weeks.

I've been pumping with the small, but decided to order the mediums today to see if that helps. I also have noticed that my left breast is turning outward a little.... hoping that the mediums might help it become more centered. I have no idea if that is right thinking, but if anyone has opinions on that let me know. Thanks!


New Member
you def look bigger! there's more fullness on top and bottom for sure. my left side goes slightly outward as well and now that i'm getting a bit more swelling i started to put attention on pulling it more towards center by placing the left cup as close to my midline as possible and even just over my midline if that makes sense. i began to notice that i had been sort of favoring my right side and it was getting bigger than my left width-wise.

you're growing for sure! good luck! :)

also i think the Ms will help to give more roundness and width. i started with the Ms and that was the case when i moved to the Ls after 2 weeks.