Lily13's Pics

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New Member
Some of this is real growth and I don't swell all that much when I noogle, but it's hard to say exactly how much is permanent growth. I'll know in a week! :) I look at the top pic and I cannot believe that is ME. Those are my breasts! haha Considering I only had 2 huge nipples as breasts when I started this is quite nice. :)


Great results! I have been on and off again too. You will get there again


New Member
Wow Lily13!!!!
What great great results you have from the NB!!!! Your breast are much more rounder and perkyer....WOW!!!!
Keep up the hard work dear!!! It's worth it!!! :)
Thanks for your update!
:-* :-* :-*


New Member
Your before picture doesn't even compare to your pic right now. OMG, that's an amazing swelling.The top filled out considerably. I agree with the others; I don't think that's all luteal swelling. Looks fantastic!


New Member
Thank you everyone! It soo nice to read your comments. I am very hard on myself. I've been like that since I was a little kid. Even my warped mind saw how much of a difference there was in those pics. HAHA! :D

I really hope some of this swelling sticks around, but I'm trying not to be too optimistic. I don't want to be completely let down as I know some of you can understand! I started putting fenugreek and wild yam root directly on my breasts. I had a ton of boob growing herbs in my refrigerator from a few years ago, so I decided it was time to make some changes to my noogling routine. I also found a boobie growing tea, so I'm drinking 1 cup of that a day. There's a whole bunch of herbs in it and if anyone is interested, I'll have to take a look later.

Somewhat unrelated, but I am also doing the parasite cleanse Humaworm. There's actually some fenugreek in the capsules, which I was surprised about. I'll have to see if that makes my boobs grow too. :) Fingers crossed some of this swelling stays...

Edit: Rather than bump my post to the top again, I just wanted to write that I lost A LOT of the swelling I had. I figured it would happen. I always got crazy luteal swelling, but this month was exceptional even for me. Hopefully I still swell with noogling. This was the first time I had noticeable swelling in my breasts after taking the domes off. Is it the fenugreek/wild yam root lotion or the boobie tea or perhaps just coincidence? I can see how you get addicted to this if you swell an entire cup I'm gonna take a pre- noogling pic while on my period and then one after noogling too to see if there's much visual difference. I'm very curious! A lot of that fullness is fading away. I could tell last night before falling asleep that my bra was very loose again.


New Member
Well I am trying to get back into noogling. I have a hard time staying motivated, but I uploaded some new pics! The under boob and side boob are growing a lot, but I still have almost NOTHING up top as you can see in the side shot. I cannot figure out why I'm having such a hard time swelling and growing up top. My luteal swelling was no where near as good as last month, so they definitely look a bit less full.

Just have to stick with it. :) With swelling I think I'm a full 32B now, but I don't have any bras in that size and am going by measurement only. I was always under the impression I was a 34 A, so that's what I have in the house and they are feeling full. I measured a little over 34" after noogling today!! I believe I am now back up the size I was before I lost all of that weight (and my boobs went with it).

Anything from here on out is truly new growth. :-*


New Member
Stay motivated :)Maybe set a schedule a certain time in the day where you will noogle[maybe watching tv, reading, surfering noogleberry forum haha].
have you tried the yoga mat trick to focus on just the top breast part?


New Member
Hi Lilly,

Honey, I think your breasts look really awesome. If I had you breasts, I would stop now. Just keep working on the tops, they will come. Unlike you, being a genetic male, I can't seem to get my bottoms to grow faster. They are but slowly. Stay positive hun, it will happen.

Thinking a lot about you Mama J with hugs :-* :-* :-* :-*


New Member
Hi. YOur before and after pictures are amazing. Yes, some of it is swelling but the rest is all you. You are a success story. Your honesty and sincerity helps to keep us motivated and encouraged. Now I look at your pictures and go, WOW, and she grew boobs too.


New Member
Sooo happy for you! If it keeps on swelling this size, then this is the base growth? You came long ways from your initial picture. Now, you have the lovely slope downwards. About the top growth, I hope it will come too later, but for now, breasts are buzzing and obviously is moving. I know all of us nooglers go through the ups and down, but noogling really works if given time. Maybe, add massage to the mix.


New Member
Hi Lily,
Sorry to hear you lost that luteal swelling :( but I think your April pictures look great! They look comparable to the swelling you had before.
You've had great results so far and I hope you can keep going towards your goal!
You're such an encouraging presence on the forum. The "boobie fairy" has to notice your efforts. ;)


New Member
Thank you everyone! You are all so kind! :-*

@xxbabygirlxx Yeah I am trying to figure out a schedule. For me it is best to noogle in between lunch and dinner. Before that time, it's just too hectic in my house with getting food ready, making coffee and feeding cats. haha! I can't really do anything when I noogle, so I find myself checking the forums while I do :)

I have used the yoga mat padding before, but I'll have to look into how to make it focus on the top parts. Thank you.

@Mama J Aww Thank you very much!! Most seem to have more luck growing the tops rather than the bottoms so I find it rather ironic. lol

@roadrashes Thank you too. I put a picture on the first page last month of what I look like without swelling, so there is definitely real growth there. It is pretty exciting! I didn't actually think my boobs would start looking this nice. :D It has taken some time though to get to where I am at now. Lots of frustrations at times.

@soonenough yes I have come a LONG way, haven't I? LOL I cannot believe the way my breasts looked when I started and I honestly don't ever want to remember (except in pictures of course haha). Yes I have been massaging and it is great. I focus on the tops when I do too. I'm thinking maybe my breasts just need to fill out in the bottom before it can support growth up top. Maybe my boobs really do know best here and I shouldn't try to force it. :D

@Strumpet Thank you so much! I think you are quite encouraging. :) To be fair I should have some luteal swelling right now, but it is not nearly as much as last month. I just have to be a bit more patient and try to get into a more consistent noogling schedule.

When I lay on the my side at night, my breasts come together and I have awesome looking cleavage. Obviously this is all fake because all of that tissue is falling to the side, but when I started my noogling journey, no matter how hard I'd try, I did not have this ever. I couldn't even squeeze my boobs together to get a fake line. But now I can do it, so that tells me I have considerable growth even if the measuring tape refuses to be my friend!


New Member
One last picture update for this month. I got a good picture in my white bra and I could not believe the difference when I compared it to the picture I took in my tan bra almost a year ago. :eek: Holy cow ladies, NB works! lol If there was any skepticism left in my mind, after seeing this picture it is all gone.

Slow and steady wins the race!
Keep at it everyone and you will see results. It may take a lot longer than you want, but it will come eventually.

I am no where near my goal, but this is still rather impressive and I'm so happy. :-* ((Group Hug))


New Member
Lily13 said:
One last picture update for this month. I got a good picture in my white bra and I could not believe the difference when I compared it to the picture I took in my tan bra almost a year ago. :eek: Holy cow ladies, NB works! lol If there was any skepticism left in my mind, after seeing this picture it is all gone.

Slow and steady wins the race!
Keep at it everyone and you will see results. It may take a lot longer than you want, but it will come eventually.

I am no where near my goal, but this is still rather impressive and I'm so happy. :-* ((Group Hug))

Oh my, what a big difference. My 5-yr-old came up to the screen and says, "Mama, I like the white bra better." Soooo happy for you. We pour our hearts out here, spilling our frustrations, and in the same way, we burst out when we see success. You're on your way, Lily13.


New Member
Your pics are amazing! I'm very impatient and threads like these will help keep me in check and remember that I WILL see results if I just keep up with it. Thanks for sharing, you will definitely reach your goal :)
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