Lily13's Stats/Noogle Journey

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Lily13 said:
It's now cycle day 8 and I definitely lost some of that fullness from before my period came. Oh well in about 6 days it will all be back again! I am still swelling though at least a little bit with noogling, but I notice it doesn't seem to last as long. The weather really warmed up here, so I've been noogling in my bikini bottoms. lol :D

I dread the deflation after AF. No matter how I prepare myself of its coming, it still hits hard. However, if a little millimeter remains after, then it's better than nothing, and come to think of it, we are still ahead from where we started. So that's something to be thankful for, and still progress.


New Member
I'm back and joining in on the AF deflate party. WOW! I have gaps on my bra this month where boob used to be. I lost half a cup size. I think I would have lost more if it weren't for the herbs and massaging with heat. The sasd thing was that I lost it whole on vacation in Wildwood NJ where everyone is young and have their boobs all hanging out. I mean eye candy forhubby all week. All these girls have huge boobs and tiny little bodies. I wish they had hormones in my milk when I was growing up too. ;) jk In a couple of days we will be back on track.


New Member
roadrashes you are making me laugh over here with the milk comment. :D I think I had the hormone milk and yet I don't have boobs! LOL I don't know how you deal with your hubby like that. You are a stronger more confident person than me.

The deflating after AF IS SOO ^#*%@ ANNOYING. :-X I feel for you both as my bras definitely don't feel as full either. I think I'm slowly starting to get back some midcycle swelling though. This month I am ovulating later, so go figure. One month early, then the next month later. I am definitely not swelling as much post-noogling, but just trying to not get discouraged.

I went looking for a 32C bra the other day and I found out that no regular stores carry them (Kohl's, target, Ross etc etc). 32A/B's yes, but not 32C's. I'm going to have to dish out more $$ than I wanted because the discount stores just don't have them. Looks like I'll be heading to the outlet Aerie store here to see what I can find. :) I'll probably just buy 1 32C and maybe a 32B so I can wear after the AF deflation. I guess it all depends on how they fit also. :D If things are really cheap maybe a 32D but I don't think anyone but VS carries those sizes in store. Apparently 32C+ is an odd size...


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Ok so GOOD NEWS!! I am a 32C at Aerie in their push up styles. :eek:

I took in both 32B and 32C and it was quite obvious that the B's were too small. I had lots of tissue hanging out under my armpit and it just did not look very good. Then I put on the C and it was awesome! I guess this puts me at a 2 cup size increase with noogle. It's incredible how much my 34A's stretched over time. They are still too big on me, but this 32C fits perfect. :) At the end of the month or after noogling, I am probably a small 32D. The bad news is that Aerie doesn't carry 32D's.

I now see what others have said about their growth with noogle. It is more in the width than outward. For me, I still cannot wear Demi style bras because I have so little fat there. I tried on a 34B Demi style and it was very loose. It confused the girl helping me out and I had to explain to her I have no chest fat. I just hope eventually noogling will stimulate some growth there, so I can wear those types of bras.

I'm gonna post a picture of me in their Emma type bra on my gallery page. This is their mega whoa pushup style. I've tried these on at VS and Target and they never looked good on me. This one is fantastic though. I'm soooo excited right now!!! :D :-*


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Me too. I am more width and not outward. We need to find bras that will push up and out. I have yet to find that and that would make a difference under our clothes. You have made amazing progress and realy are an example of slow and steady. LOve your new bras and you are worth it. Doesn't it feel good just putting them on? The bra sizing thing can really make a huge difference I along with you was wearing the wrong bra size for the longest time. Onward and outwards to getting D's. :D


New Member
I've been slacking off with my noogling sessions. Life has been a bit more hectic recently. I got my period yesterday and I hate this time of the month because swelling is never as good. My boobs still feel pretty full though.

I finally saw a few family members and if they did notice anything, they did not tell me. Maybe they would be too embarrassed to ask about it? :D I have to admit, if I saw someone I knew get larger boobs, I don't think I'd ask either. Would seem a little too weird...

Hopefully everyone is doing well. I'm giving up on taking measurements for now. :)


New Member
Hi Lilly, may be it is a good thing to throw away the tape, puts to much pressure on you. Just keep doing it, well who needs to tellyou. But girl, you look so very good. Stay with it honey Joni :-* :-* :-* :-*
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