sueB5 stats


New Member
Re: sueB5 stats March update (6 monthly)

Hi all
6 months has passed and I have had a strange month. I ordered the contoured domes and to chear myself up I thought I would try the large domes because I felt I was not changing with the XLs. However, I found out that I no longer fill these now as I did before so I have gone back to trying to fill them again. I was overenthusiastic and had to take a few days off due to pains. The last 2 weeks I have used the large domes again and did not think I would achieve much this month since I was not showing any change 2 weeks ago. However, I have now passed my goal by going up 1/2 in this month.
My starting stats were:
Across top 42
Across nipple 45.5
My new stats are:
Across top 41.5
Across nipple 47 1/4


New Member
Congrats on another 1/2 inch, Sue! :) I've been overpumping this month too.. we just have to remember to take it easy.


New Member
Congrats on meeting your goal, SueB5. I,too, had to take a few days off from overpumping. Mine didn't turn red or purply, but they are just so tender and achy that I couldn't even do my daily massage, too sensitive. Have to remember it really takes time to see growth; I can't rush it.


New Member
Hi Strumpet, Soonenough and GingerNub
Thanks for that. What makes you think I will want to make another goal? Ha ha. I know I should be really pleased, and I am, but I don't feel like I have achieved the b I set out to yet because the B cups don't quite fit yet. I think I need to grow a little more to feel like a 'b' properly. When I see people with b cups, I see much bigger breasts than mine. Maybe it is a measuring issue. I am aiming for another 1/2in but I know I will want more. Greedy or what!
On a vary positive note, I really struggled with buying a bra when I started because I was a small AA. I hated shopping for bras because I used to get so down about it. Now I can find bras to fit and I can't describe how good that is. I might want more but I remember what it felt like to 'need' more to buy bras. When I get to a proper b I will have much more choice. I can't believe what I have achieved with just pumping. I would recommend this to anyone. I wish you all the good growth that comes with patience!


New Member
Well another month has gone by... I have gone down 1/4in this month. I started dieting about 6 weeks ago so I was expecting it. I know you lose more at the beginning so I should slow down this month. I am not too down on it because I feel better for the weight loss. I will just aim to keep going to minimise the loss over the next few months. I am just within a 'b' (my target) but only by 0.1inch so any loss at all will put me back into an 'A' cup. Oh hum! Sue


New Member
My starting stats were:
Under bust 42 (No idea why I put across top in last post?)
Across nipple 45.5
9 month update
Under bust 40.5
Across bust 46.75
I have lost more weight so my nipple stat is lower thant the 74 1/4 but I have definatley not lost on cup size.
My original goal was to gain a good 'B' cup which I have now achieved!
I checked these measurements up on the international bra calculator and it comes out at a C cup. However, I know I am not quite there yet so there is something strange in my measuring but I will go by my bras as a measure guide. I tried on my goal bra which I put away, and forgot where I put it. This bra is a mid 'B' and it is now too small. I have looked forward to wearing this and missed it! Anyway I have now bought a 'C' cup goal bra. which is really big. I shall email its location this time when I put it away in a safe place.
I have calculated that I have increased a total of 2 1/4 cup sizes in 9 months from very small AA to mid+ 'B'. I believe I have about 1/3 in to go before I am a 'C'. Flippin heck! Sue
Haha! Sue, this is amazing news. Just AWESOME girl! .....
♪ ♫ ♬dedication's what you need...if you wanna be a record breaker!♩ ♪ ♫ ♬, (No one outside of the Uk will get that!)

Seriously, well done! I am so, so , SO pleased for you xxx


New Member
SueB5 said:
My starting stats were:
Under bust 42 (No idea why I put across top in last post?)
Across nipple 45.5
9 month update
Under bust 40.5
Across bust 46.75
I have lost more weight so my nipple stat is lower thant the 74 1/4 but I have definatley not lost on cup size.
My original goal was to gain a good 'B' cup which I have now achieved!
I checked these measurements up on the international bra calculator and it comes out at a C cup. However, I know I am not quite there yet so there is something strange in my measuring but I will go by my bras as a measure guide. I tried on my goal bra which I put away, and forgot where I put it. This bra is a mid 'B' and it is now too small. I have looked forward to wearing this and missed it! Anyway I have now bought a 'C' cup goal bra. which is really big. I shall email its location this time when I put it away in a safe place.
I have calculated that I have increased a total of 2 1/4 cup sizes in 9 months from very small AA to mid+ 'B'. I believe I have about 1/3 in to go before I am a 'C'. Flippin heck! Sue

This is simply great news. I'm so ready to give up right now, all these noogling and herb taking, because it's too consuming, and I need to pay attention to my teens/preteens kids. But to see that noogling works if you stick with it, is a big reason enough to continue. Thanks for the update


New Member
Thanks Strumpet and Flatty. I feel like a record breaker!
Soonenough, I really hope I have motivated you because it really does work, so I hope you keep going. I guess the reason I have been successful is my obsession with it. I have had periods off, which have been fine and I think that can only be a good thing, but generally I have pumped about 1 hour in the evening and tried to pump 1/2 hour in the morning. When I miss the morning session, it shows in my progress. Keep at it. Sue


New Member
Thanks, sueB5. I'm too invested right now in growing my breasts that there's no way I'm quitting. you are so right, if I miss a session I see/feel the difference. I missed 3 days not so long ago (camping trip), and when I came back, my breasts' were so sad and flat looking. I do find that noogling each side separately makes a tremendous difference. Do you find that so? How often do you noogle? How many session/s a day, and for how many minutes each session?


New Member
Wow, you are definitely an inspiration for me! I'll be ordering my NB next month and look forward to seeing more of your progress in the future to keep me motivated :)


New Member
YAY for you!! I was following all along because I'd like to lose a couple of pounds and you've done great!!! Almost a C is no where near a B. lol I agree with you when I miss a session it does show in my progress too. I only do it 45 minutes a day though but it still has an impact. Keep it up and keep us posted, please. ;)


New Member
Re: sueB5 stats June

HI everyone
Late post because I have been quite unwell and still recovering. My son has been in hospital again too but he is fine now.
I have nothing much to report this month but that is fine. I am happy to have held onto what I have achieved. I have missed a lot of sessions. Hope everyone is fine. Sue


New Member
He everyone. I have not been on for a while or noogling. My mum and uncle died this period so I just couldn't be bothered. I had been unwell before my last post and not done much noogling so in total it has been about 6 weeks missed with occasional false starts along the way. I have been noogling again for 3 weeks now. I have not lost anything over the period that I missed sessions which I am delighted about and although I have not changed in my stats for quite a while, I have now filling a c cup much better than I did. I wrote in one of my last posts that the international bra calculator said I was a C but I know I was not. But I am a small C now so my c cup bras do not look silly anymore! I hope I can retain it. Wishing you all well. Sue


New Member
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. To lose just one relative is awful, but to lose two around the same time, is very saddening. :'( Taking care of you and your family is definitely more important than noogling, so I wouldn't get too down on missing those weeks.

Stay well and congrats on your C cup. ;) We are here for you dear!


New Member
Thanks Lilly13. I have just scanned through my posts to see if I missed getting back to responses from last time and they are miserable reading. Time for an upturn I hope. Sue


sorry for you loss sue :( . of course, you can't be bothered - there are so many things in our life, and noogling/boobs are only one of the things we are working on. stay well!

congrats on the full C. :D besides, taking a break can jump start growth. the noogles will always be waiting for you when you are ready again!


New Member
Hi all
Just a quick dump of information, otherwise I just won't get round to doing it.
I have little to report this month. I believe I have grown but also lost nearly quarter of an inch off my band but not lost if off my bust. So in effect, I have grown by that much. Still some slack in my c cup but getting there. Sue