Nik1's stats



geez. i just realized it hasn't even been three months yet! i'm so impatient :p

i had to stop noogling for two days because my fiances family was in town. last time noogled was friday (maybe thursday) and i noticed that it took until today (sunday) for all of the swelling to die down.
i think that's good :) two days until no swelling. and the shape was better. i usually have a 'slope' but the slope wasn't there. but they are definately smaller.
so i'm noogling now. :)


(i forgot to thank you guys for your good wishes, so thank you :D)
yesterday i noogled for a little over an hour, something i never get to do lately, and i also used pump and release instead of pump and hold.
i've also been making an effort to drink more water, at least one liter a day. i'm REALLY bad about that...
i was bulging out of my 34C's. my jaw dropped when i took off the domes and they were the same size as before i released the pressure.
woah :)
that swelling didn't last long but i was generally larger than usual all night.
a few more days and i'll be three months in.
so. i think i'm going to stick to pump and release, try to get in at least 40 minutes a day during one of my sessions, and keep up with this 1 liter a day thing.
i'm not good at taking suppliments, so i haven't been taking the spirulina. i do once in a while when i think of it - because it IS good for me...
i have a little more confidence now that this could actually work for me.
i was beginning to wonder.
i keep trying to swell beyond the two inch mark in my domes and it seemed impossible until yesterday... i was at like 2 2/16 inch :p
hey, it's something!


last night my fiance fianlly said what i've been dying to hear ::)
"i think your boobs are getting bigger"


New Member
Congrats Niki,

If he thinks they're getting bigger...Then they're definitely bigger. Hope this motivates you to drink more water. :) Can you imagine how much you would swell if you drank 2 litres of water every day? ;D


New Member
Congrats nik1!

And I drink at least 2 liters of water per day, start replacing anything you drink throughout the day with water, pretty easy. And I get like 2 inches of swelling each time I pump.


i think i drink a liter of water a day, ish. 2 liters is impossible for me, i'm just not ever that thirsty. :c/ getting myself up to a liter was actually a challenge. i've never been a water fan though. always been a juice girl.
but the swelling has been better lately. not sure if it's the water or just the time i've put in it.
maybe around the 4 month mark is where most girls start to see this kind of improvement? i just hope it keeps up :)
i'd be happy to be a big C cup... preferably a small D cup. if i reach a D cup i could die happy.


New Member
I'm not a huge water fan either, but if you discipline yourself enough to changing something for the better, sometimes you start to enjoy it and when you go back to bad habits, it's not so good to you anymore. Prime example, my adoptive mom is diabetic, so she started drinking coffee without sugar, unsweet tea, etc. At first it was a big struggle, now she can't stand coffee with sugar, cause I got her some diabetic sugar substitute and she hated it, she even tried a sip of my coffee with real sugar and hated it. For me, I stopped caffeine all together about 2 years or so ago, it was a struggle at first, I got headaches for a week or so, after that I was fine. I drink decaf coffee, tea, sodas, etc. and if I drink some with caffeine, it keeps me up all night with just one and I get an upset stomach! Now that I drink mainly water, I will have 2 liters or more of water per day, 1 soda per day or a glass of tea, and maybe orange juice in the morning. Yes I go to the bathroom often lol. But now when I drink more than 1 soda, I start to feel dehydrated! Oh and I hate plain water lol only time I drink plain water is when I workout! Otherwise I put flavoring packages in my water, like crystal light, propel, etc. I put one or two packs per 1 liter of water (I have a refillable 1 liter water bottle, I fill it up twice a day). So yes I am normally drinking room temperature water, when I first fill it up it's pretty cold, I have a water filter thingy in my fridge door, but I don't always drink the whole bottle right away, so it ends up turning room temp. But yea, on days I don't workout I drink 2 liters, on workout days anywhere from 3 to 4 liters, I have asthma so I'm constantly drinking water while doing cardio, it keeps my attacks down. But trust me, it's the water that gets the swelling. I stopped drinking water for a while and noticed the difference.


i'm definately not at 2L of water a day - but i did cut out soda for water... i still drink juice sometimes but mostly water.

3 1/2 months in. i'm not seeing any growth so far but the shape of my breasts is rounder and nicer. right before my last period i got amazing swelling but it didn't last. back to normal with the swelling.

i haven't been paying attention much for signs of growth... i just try to make sure i noogle twice a day for at least 30 minutes... usually just 30 minutes.
i do notice i get more favorable results with pump and release


4 months in.

there must be something going on because lately i've really loved the shape and size of my breasts... which i remember never liking before noogleing...... so while i may not be quite noticing growth, it must be happening, right??

plus, almost all of my bras are C's (because at one point i was like... i'm going to buy these so that i have to fit into them some day) and... ta daaaaa. they're fitting rather nicely :)


New Member
Congrats Niki,

every bit of growth adds up...keep going and soon you will be out bra shopping for D cups.

Happy noogling!


thanks aim4c :)

WELP! I think it's official.... I haven't concerned myself with measurements much... but when I started i was right at 36in at the bustline... and now I'm at 37in :D so that's a full inch, a full cup size! so according to the 'bra calculator' i'm a C cup :D

doesn't really seem like it.
however, i've gained about 5 pounds since i've started.... so my new goal is... shed the 5 pounds and keep the bust.


New Member
Girl, you boobs are on a roll. Keep it up!

I have read more than 1 post where nooglers lose weight but kept their boobage. One that stands out in my mind is Knockers; I think she dropped 2 dress losing 5 pounds while you're noogling...should not be a problem.

All the best!


well i've lost a few pounds... i have two or three pounds more to go before i feel right again :p
i'm going on a short vacation in a week, and i'm not bringing my noogles.

i've hit a stand-still with growth/swelling... not getting much out of it... so i'm going to let my boobs relax for a few days and then start up again.
i've been feeling discouraged about it lately :c/


New Member
Don't be discouraged from the NB!!!
It takes time!!! Don't forget that!!!
I hope you will have fun on your vacation!!!
Good Luck!


New Member
I'd tell you not to get discouraged, but I've been pretty discouraged lately, too. Let's get through it together and keep going so we can get our large boobies!!! ;D


haha gaia; i wish it was me! :) and thank you, eva.

spazchik, sounds like a good idea :) hopefully i'll feel refreshed after vacation!

it's just... i got the full inch, then my period started and, you know the story.... they went back down.
i do believe noogleberry has improved the shape permanently. i'm just wondering if it will actually increase the size permanently, by at least one full cup size. if it's any less, it doesn't seem worth all the time and effort :c/


New Member
Some people have reported better swelling after taking a short break. I hope the same will be true for you.


well everyone was right, sort of.

i didn't noogle for almost a week. during the second or third day my breasts started swelling on their own. they are the biggest they've ever been. when i pump though, i don't get much more swelling than i already have... they just got swollen on their own. they feel very heavy and tender sometimes.

i'm always excited by it but nervous too because theyll be swollen for a while, then i'll wake up one day and they'll be deflated again :c/ hopefully they'll retain some of what they've gained!

today i measured 37.5 across the bust. :c)

when i started noogleberry i was 35.5-36.0. but we'll see where i am after all of this swelling goes down.