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  1. Stella

    Stella's Stats

    Ok, so shortly after posting this I got busy and distracted and wasn't noogling much. I started a new method of recording which is posted below. Also, no I was never any bigger than I started. I used to be heavier- I was at 150 at 18, but went down to 120 in my early 20's and have been there...
  2. Stella

    Noogleberry and nipple scars

    What kind of scars? Where are they? I don't think it would make them worse unless you over pump. Depending where the scars are you could probably tape them if you're worried.
  3. Stella

    Inbetween Dome Sizes...

    Have you looked into buying domes from another company? I thought NB had just added a new dome size that was between those two, but I may be wrong.
  4. Stella

    Do you have to fill the domes before going to a larger size?

    I dont know why you might be experiencing pain, but I'm pretty sure you're supposed to fill the domes completely before moving up to the next dome size.
  5. Stella

    Heat and Noogling

    Thanks Teeny, for giving me a reason to take a bath! That sounds great. Did you have to put lotion or something on or did the water/bubble bath keep the domes on? I wonder if putting some kind of oil in your bathwater would help.
  6. Stella

    miracle grow

    Wow, how very inspiring! Congrats on the marriage, I just got married a couple months ago too. We've been talking about kids and this gives me hope that just maybe they'll look even better afterward! :)
  7. Stella

    Best time to pump? when is it most effective?

    I don't think we know when the best time to pump is- there may not be one! People pump at all different hours and times, and you should be pumping all the time, not just on or off your period. Good luck!
  8. Stella

    Best Techniques???

    The two methods typically used are the ones you mentioned- pump and hold (the 1st) and pump and release (the 2nd). From what I've read and experienced pump and hold is the most successful. It depends on you, so just try both and see what works best.
  9. Stella

    L.A's JOURNEY!!!

    Wow! You look amazing! I am jealous. Your results are great, too- Keep up the good work!
  10. Stella

    Mariah's Pics

    Wow! What great results! congrats!!!
  11. Stella

    Snoogling and success?

    You'd probably have to prop yourself so that you won't move and perhaps use some sort of padding. I wonder if using the bare NB domes for such a long period would leave indentations or bruises? I want to try snoogling, but whenever I try to leave them on for such long periods, the area around my...
  12. Stella

    My Personal Results - Proof of Noogleberry's wonders!!

    Wow! You look amazing! Congrats on the results! ;D
  13. Stella

    UGH!!! Nipple piercing HATES my Noogle!

    Hey Rose, It does not make them permanently erect. They may look that way simply because of the ring/barbell, but it won't make the puffiness non-puffy and your nipple is still only hard when its cold.
  14. Stella

    Stella's Stats

    I am also a member of the breast nexus forum. I have completely quit all herbs and only do noogleberry. I started in february 2010 measuring 33 inches around. In June 2010 I measured 34 inches around. In November 2010 I measured 34 1/2 inches around. I started as a 34 A and I'm now a 34B. 27...
  15. Stella

    Traveling Question

    I've traveled with mine and I check it. I don't want them to take it out with me there, but I don't care if they take it out in the checking area... its not like they know who it belongs to.
  16. Stella

    Breast acne?

    I was breaking out on my chest, too. I just started cleaning my domes with alcohol wipes and washing my chest when I was my face and with the same products. I think it was all the lotion in general.
  17. Stella

    using hot wheat pillow to heat my breasts

    Thanks! This is probably the best way, since it provides moist heat unlike an electric heating pad.
  18. Stella

    lovelyoneanna’s Pics!

    Wow! Congrats on the amazing growth!! You look great!
  19. Stella

    UGH!!! Nipple piercing HATES my Noogle!

    As someone who has had issues with piercings before (i had my lip, nipple, navel, and clit done) my advice would be to stop noogling, take care of the infection by cleaning it and do not touch it with dirty hands or a dirty towel. Is there anywhere you can buy dr bronner's soap? this is what...
  20. Stella

    Taping nipples?

    I haven't tried this yet bc I'm still waiting on my NB, but I remember taping when I tried enlarging with magnets. After a couple days the tape was extremely irritating. Now that I think about it, it probably had to do with taking the tape off, not really the taping itself. I wonder if taking...