Junjo pictures

Do your boobs itch and hurt in the domes or out of them? I have heard (although haven't experienced it myself) that itching and soreness out of the domes is a sure sign of growth! In the domes my skin has itched a bit, well A LOT. I switched creams and that seemed to relieve the itching. :)


New Member
I feel itching and hurting inside of it and also out. A lot. But it is not like it happens all the time. It's more like OUCH PAIN/ITCH and then it's normal again. I hope that it is sign that I am growing and I am going to have huuuuuge boobs ::)

A bit more than one week down I am going to post my progress so far. I overpumped yesterday and got some little red dots, today I took care of it. It was horrible I need to be more careful.


New Member
Thank you, girls!!
I think that even if my breasts are not growing that much, noogling to improve its shape is already worth it.

I am gonna do now my "weekly" (since I am lazy and actually do it few days later or before) update.
My swelling is quite moody, I am guessing this is normal. Not only the swelling, sometimes I can almost fill the Small domes and other times I am still pretty much stuck at the 1'' inch mark. :-\
It is quite frustrating, since it seems that most of the girls grow out of the small domes really quickly or don't even need them, while I feel that I am gonna be stuck with it for a month or two.
But now the good news. My mom is so amazed with NB that she asked me to order one L cup for her, hahahaha ;D I was so sure she would ask me eventually to use it, but my S domes don't fit her at all. I am going to experiment noogling with her L ones even it if makes no sense, since I am nowhere near filling up the S domes. But who knows?

In the picturas I was using a cheap supermarket 32B bra that I am going to use it to measure my progress. Filling up a B cup is my initial NB goal. But I am not that sure if the B's are the UK or US. I was looking at Victoria's Secret site and it says there that the 32B UK is equal to 32A US.
I will try not to think about it too much, since I wear the bras that are sold here, it will mean that I grew a 2 cup sizes anyway.

I will wait for the third week to post the regular photos, I didn't see much progress in neither size or swelling.


Wow! I have to agree with everyone, you look great and have amazing swelling!!! Also, I think you look bigger than 32AA, atleast 32A.

I definitely look forward to seeing your progress with NB, you look like a fast responder, you'll be a B in no time!
Hi again Junjo,

the fact that ou are still in the S domes is of absolutely NO importance. You should not rush yourself out of them. Look at the swelling you can achieve from them. they ar eobviously still the right size for you. Geez, I started on the M's and have moved up to the L's and I still have very minimal swelling so you are very lucky.

You boobs look awesome in your second set of braless pictures. The fact that the NB is working for you in such a short amount of time is just brilliant.

Looks like your going to fill that bra in no time.

Thanks for the info regarding bra sizes on VS and in the Uk. Do you think it is just with that store or everywhere because I have nevere heard that before. Oh no, so in the USA I'm an AA or even an AAA? BOO HOOOOOO!!! ;D ;D ;D


New Member
Brielle, it lasts a whole lot, even if I don't grow, it is extremely worth it.

But now the good news
This is my 1 month mark and I took my measurements

over bust: 29.8 (+ 0.3'')
bust: 30.5 (+ 0.5 - 1'')
under bust: 24.8 ( - 1.8'')

I am still wearing the same breast size, however, I am filling them out way better. I wanted to take pictures of my pre-noogle today, but I forgot about it and put the domes. So I am going to post some older pictures, about a week ago and my post-noogle photo to comparision. Tomorrow, I promise I will take the pre-noogle photos to be honest about my progress.

I will divide the bra and non-bra pictures

1- 32A bra
2- 32B with a lot of padding
3- 32B with a lot a padding side
4- 32B white bra with no padding whasoever


New Member
Now the non-bra

1- Post-noogle
2- Before any NBE
3- 3 weeks 1/2 pre-noogle

I am sorry that the angles are not the same and the light also, but I guess that you can see some change


New Member
Thank you, flatty! :D
I am starting to see some real change, so I am really really trilled. But I am trying not to be too excited, because my boobies tend to change a lot in size during the month. But I feel them bigger than before in every part of it. They are so heavy, bouncy and roundish.

I hope I can have a more hourglass figure after my boobs have grown a little bit, so I am going to post a picture. It is actually the only one where my body appears with a tight clothing. It is blured and it is far away, but I guess that in a year time you can see substancial change in it. BIGGER BOOBS WAY TO GO!



New Member
OOOOO....Wow!!!! Nice progress so far!!! :)
I See that your cleavage became more cleavagy! :)
I definitely can see that there is a difference! you go!!!! :) I'm so happy for you hun!
I just want to give you a tip, if you would like to do it, when you pump you can tie the cups with some cloth or something...to make the closer. then you will get even more cleavage in the middle.
Good Luck hun! and congrats on your progress!
Thank you for updating all of us.


New Member
Wow! You are looking great! I have very similar size and shape to yours so it's such an inspiration to see it working for you! I'm still waiting for my NB to crash through the door so I can begin my noogle journey and start posting pics too!

Please keep us updated! :)



New Member
Oooooooooooooooooh my dear Junjo, your recent photo is just wonderful. I truly am sooooo happy for you. I definately see the difference.. You are really coming along well. :-* :-*Please oh please be sure to keep us posted so we can continue to cheer you on

Hugs to you sweetheart Mama J :) :) :-* :-*
Hi Junjo,

The last picture of your boobs REALLY shows growth. they look so round. Beautiful. Really, I'm not just blowin smoke.

ALSO. Your full length photo shows you have a beautiful figure. Your waist to hip ratio looks lovely. I read on Mama J's stat's page that you are tight lacing. What is that? Please do tell. Are you trying to shrink your waist (not that it needs it sweetie!) I would love to get mine a little smaller. Like you I envy the hourglass shape so much.


New Member
Eva dear, thank you for your advice! :-* I was trying to figure out some way to make my breasts come closer, but the Smalls are not really good for it. And it's so good to see that you are seeing improvement also, hihi.

I am anxious to see your pictures, lovenotbombs ;D it is always good to see people with similar situation reaching their goals. I am rooting for you, girl

Mama J, you are a sweetie. I feel refreshed everytime I enter here and see such kind people. Thank you.

And about the tight lacing, flatty, I dunno if you saw the answer in Joni's thread, but yes, I am trying to get my waist a little bit smaller. In clothes, it actually seems pretty alright for me, because I pick up my clothing trying to give this curvy kind of illusion that I love so much, but I am quite squared without it. So I am starting to use corsets to make it smaller.
I must admit that I am quite frightened by it, but I do know people who use it without any problems, so I am trying to relax. It is a little bit agressive.
Although, with my weight, nothing more will change my sillhouete if not a corset or surgery. And no way in hell that I am going to cut my rib off, so I am taking my chances. Let's see if I will like it and stay ok using it. I will upload you on that if you want.

And now, my pictures without the swelling of NB. One months of pumping and I think 1 month 10+ days from the first picture.
I think maybe some of the swelling/growth in there is due to the fact that I will probably have my period in about 3 or 4 days, but I am not sure. (if I am getting my period neither if it is because of that)
So after my period I will post another one to see what happens. I hope I am wrong.