
New Member
LOL posted in wrong topic!!

OKAY! some of you may remember me, some may not, as I have been following the posts on here for about a month and there a lot of new faces. Not as many of the old users are still on here, which is a little disappointing
Anyway I stopped using Noogleberry around a year go when my boyfriend cheated on me and I was v v depressed. But recently I have got new hope and have been noogling again for about a month

My pics wont be in this post as there are sooo many im just sorting out the order of them ahha but I promise I will post them tonight, and since I am Australian you should all get them when you check next
My stats are as follows:

Age: 20 (in May )
Weight - bare with me as I said I am from AUS so I don't use pounds or lbs (dont even know what that means) haha
45-50kg (fluctuates)
Height: arounddddddddddd 5'3"
Waist: dont have a tape measure on me, but v small!
cup size: small B, large A cup
Goal: 10DD which i think is a 32 or 34DD for you guys ahh not sure

I take 2x PM a day 300mg each, let me know if you think this is too much/too little!! I always ordered PM cream which i am waiting to arrive in the mail
I noogle with the Medium domes for 30-60 mins, then switch to the L domes for 1-3 hours. I have tried snoogling but it is quite uncomfortable for me and unfortunately gives me a sore backkk ((((((((((((((!!!!!!!!!!!
My diet consists of mainly all carbs and veges. I dont eat a whole heap of protein just because i generally dont liek the taste of a lot of meat other than lamb. I do drink Sustagen, (which is Aus I think) its basically a nutrient shake plus fibre and protein for people that cant gain weight. I use it to gain weight at first, not i just drink to maintain my weight and stay healthy considering I dont eat a lot of meat

pictures will be uploaded hopefully in the next hour or so!! Let me know what you think of all this so far

Alice xoxo

HERE WE GO!! Here are starting pictures, and noogling after probably 1-2 hours
I have also put some body pictures as I am considering taking maca to get more curves, trying to get a bigger beeehindddd! And hips

This is after one week noogling.. let me know if you can see resultts please!!


  • before noogle.jpg
    before noogle.jpg
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  • after noogle.jpg
    after noogle.jpg
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  • hour after - with bra.jpg
    hour after - with bra.jpg
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  • hour after - wo bra.jpg
    hour after - wo bra.jpg
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  • 2012-02-20 10.57.46.jpg
    2012-02-20 10.57.46.jpg
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  • 2012-02-20 11.00.22-1.jpg
    2012-02-20 11.00.22-1.jpg
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  • 2012-02-20 11.02.15-1.jpg
    2012-02-20 11.02.15-1.jpg
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New Member
Well,i think you look fabulous and although some of your progress may be swelling i think you look much boobier (is there such a word).Keep it up or would it be better to hope they sag down lol.
Dave xx


I can't understand what they meant either, but they are not anywhere near saggy LOL. I am certain that's not what they meant. Your breasts are honestly beautiful as they are and the swelling is very evident. You should be happy! Soon this will become your permanent state and the sky's the limit! :)
And honey, I know you probably know this yourself and I don't need to tell you, but don't rely on herbs to get anything. As good as maca is known to be for some to improve muscularity I think more than anything, you need to work out! Work out your butt, do squats and lunges and plenty of other exercise with weights. Just do a little search on youtube. If you get that down and get your diet down, you will see a lovely, more plumper butt in a much quicker amount of time and you will have control over it. Not some herb ;)


Wow, you have absolutely perfect breasts and that is some very great swelling!!
I think you will have great success with th NB this time around and I have to say that I think your body is beautiful, if I looked like that I'd be thanking my lucky star every night!! :)

Matt B

New Member
I can see a difference Alice,and you don't have anything to be self conscious about,they're great.

Again,welcome back, MATT B :D


New Member
Good lord, your swelling is incredible and look at that bod! Not gonna lie, I'd kill for those hips. Even now you have nothing to be self-conscious about, but when you do acheive your goal (and I'm pretty sure it'll come faster than you know it) your boyfriend is going to have his hands full. Pardon the pun. ;)


Girl, your breast shape is beautiful. They are the perfect size, pert and have these beautiful almost up-pointing boobies! And your body in general is just beautiful. You should feel very lucky and I am not just saying that. I love admiring female bodies, it's actually one of my favourite things to do lol but I'm straight as an arrow. It's pure admiration. If I had come across your picture somewhere, I'd just keep staring. You look wonderful. I am sure noogleberry is going to amazing things for you in the long run. You can already see the great swelling your breasts are getting!

And I am happy to hear things are working in your favour! :D In regards to the gym membership and so on. If you ever need any tips or anything on growing that booty, I can direct you to a few great places. Please update us on the progress of both boobies and the lower body! You shall be my personal inspiration.

Matt B

New Member
Hey Alice,Is there a nipple fairy?LOL!Send her to Mich.will ya? LOL! ^----^ you don't need her anymore!!

Beautiful!1 MATT B ;D


When I noogle, call me Tank Girl!
Okay, first off, you. Are. BEAUTIFUL. Boobs, hips, legs, butt, the whole shebang, your body is gorgeous!
I'm straight, but I can admire the female form and you honey, have a gorgeous body!

Exactly why was your boyfriend so stupid to cheat on THIS?! Idiot, idiot, idiot. You can tell him I said that, I'm merciless on the unfaithful! :D

You have a wonderful shape and your swelling is great. Your journey's gonna be lovely!

Matt B

New Member
Hey Alice,you've had quite a night!LOL It;s great to see the enthusiasm on the forum,and all the great boobs! LOL,But we don;t always get tired of what we have.Yours is a case in point.What no one has mentioned about you is your sense of humor!It's great!!
He is an idiot,and when he cheats again(and he will) shit can him and find someone who appreciates everything. ;)
Oh,remember my daughter

Luv ya,MATT b.


New Member
I love that pink ruffle bikini top! You are so right about cheating boyfriends. It doesn't matter how beautiful the girl is, if he is bored or whatever, he will cheat, often with very unfortunate looking girls. It doesn't make sense, but it is what it is.


New Member
I want to say something here too!

First off, your boyfriend is an idiot. You are clearly a beautiful, smart woman with a sense of humor. What more could a man ask for? You are the whole package!! I suspect that he knows that you are better than him, so he feels like he needs to compensate and prove "what a man" he is, even though his actions prove quite the opposite. Funny how that works....

Second, your nipples are not huge at all! In fact, I think they could not be any more perfectly proportioned.

Third, WHOOO! Congrats on your progress! Look at those knockers!!!

Matt B

New Member
Thank you Busty,now maybe you'll get it Alice!Hope HOPE !!LOL ;D This guy needs a check up from the neck up. And Busty,you hang in there with noogling,cuz If a guy my age can grow boobs you can too.Patience,diet and some time and determination will work.Don't believe it,ask Stella.You may not need the devil piss baths though!!LOL ;D.

You 're all the best,MATT B

Matt B

New Member
Mornin Alice,the twins look great even after a mini noogle,and I still want want your nipples.And you're never in to deep to end it.
Better now than after you have kids.Besides,you said Pm increased your sex drive!
I do use the nipple cups for the areola but as for size I don't have a goal as I think i'll know when I'm there.I'll keep you posted on my progress,even though looking at a guy with boobs and wearing bras is probably not at the top of your viewing lists!!LOL

Thanks Alice,MATT B ;)


New Member
blusherr said:
What the hell, I'll throw in some pictures. These are after a quick noogle and I was absolutely astounded by the swelling. I just have to show you all. Too bad it went down, this is my dream size!!
Pretty much just showing some different angles, more for me to look at really. But I thought you'd appreciate some pictures ^____^
The one of me in my shirt, I have no bra on underneath that is just boooobieeee WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Alice xoxo

P.S will post a before noogle with my one month growth soon, as soon as i edit the pictures together :D

What size are you here?