Padded Hell's Program


Oh absolutely. I went to the beach the other day with the kids (in my best Primark bra + tight vest + t-shirt) and guess what...Everyone, and I mean everyone has bigger boobs than me. Even young teenagers. It was even beyond depressing. I haven't been in the sea for years and years now. If I found a private beach I'd might consider it. Until then, I am not giving away the secret of my "bust", as long as the clothes stay on, I can keep the illusion up!!

That bust roller actually looks quite tempting. And very, very cheap too, I see you can get it from ebay for a few dollars plus free shipping. Let me know what you think about it will you?
I'm also beginning to think that there is some vital component missing. We've been at this for so long, and even though I understand that it will take longer for people like us who start with less, this is getting ridiculous now. I mean, biological males surely don't start out with a lot of tissue either? And yet some of them have magnificent growth. Gah, I should stop thinking about it or I'll drive myself insane. As luteal is approaching, it might be worth getting some WY. Since our cycles are pretty much syncronized, we could use it at the same time and get super results simultaneously!! :D

Oh, and my two week noogle-thon didn't work out as I planned as my brother came for a visit and stayed here for almost a week..Still though, I managed to squeeze in a few days of 5-6 hours noogling but as I said before; no difference at all. Kind of admiring the total resistance my body is putting up :D
Yes, get on the healthy diet wagon, it is so, so worth it!! I fell off today and had a small bowl of ice cream and a small chocolate bar and I felt awful, really icky. Won't be doing that again in a hurry, just not worth it. How are you getting on now with the BB?

Padded Hell

New Member

No, you can't get away from bigger boobs. You're out: bigger boobs everywhere, you switch on the TV:bigger boobs, magazines: don't even go there! Its endless!!!! :mad:. I'll just have to have my padded bra surgically attached to me :(

My bust roller finally arrived yesterday. Hooray! Considering I only paid £2.50 for it, it's well worth the price! I started using it this morning (no more chi massage torture! Yay!!!). I don't think it's designed for such small boobs (needs a bigger surface area!) but it worked quite well. I could roller my entire boob though :(! Anyone for a game of 'Roller Boob'?? Hehe. I'll let you know how I get on with it.

Well, I'm very tempted by the WY cream. Ingredients look good, and I'm going to give MSM a try as well. If nothing else, it might help my other health problems. So, there's still a few things to be getting on with before I reach my 2 year NB mark & mentally unravel ;D

I've been trying to pump a little bit harder with NB. I've based it on 'Anni's' P&R method, where she pumps until slightly uncomfortable, holds for 15 secs or so, then releases etc. I tried it last night & I did manage to pump further into the cups, so I'm hoping it may help stretch my skin a bit more & induce some growth. They'll probably just ping right back though, stupid spring-loaded boobs :mad:. Have you had a chance to continue your NB marathon yet?
Other than that, I'm going to increase the amount of gelatin I'm taking. I'm back on the health wagon again thankfully. My bloated stomach was screaming 'Crap food!' & I felt revolting only after a few days. No, it certainly is not worth it! I blame the weather, non-stop rain & a bad case of SAD in JULY- nice ::)

I'm still loving BB, and I notice that every time I do an 8-week cycle, small changes to my boobs do happen, bit it's still a slowwww
process. I reckon I'll have to use it for an entire year or so, to get real tangible results (AKA the 'A' cup! I wanna be in the 'A' team :D!!!) So, I'll literally be living in a vacuum for the foreseeable future. Grrrr!!!


That's it - you're almost made to feel like you abnormal if you're not at least a B-cup. Sigh. At times, I really wonder what the hell I'm doing to my body and why...But it is so impossible to get away from; you'd have to be really strong and confident I think, to not care or feel under pressure. One of these days perhaps....

I went ahead and ordered the roller. It is so cheap, even if it doesn't work, I can spare a few quid!! I picked up some WY today as well and will use it during luteal (which is now), twice a day. I'm really going to give it my all until Christmas, and then it is re-evaluation time. To be honest, I can't see that a lot will change - if I haven't had more growth at this stage, chances are not that high that there will be a difference. But you gotta try, right??

I've been trying to pump a bit harder too, but I'm also a bit weary as I don't want to end up with just saggy skin - there isn't so much to go into the cups in the first place. I don't think there will ever be a time when I'll fill the L-cups. How about you, are you getting close to the top?
I kind of gave up on the noogle-thon. I tried it for several days, but there just wasn't any difference at all in terms of swelling even though I did over six hour some days. So not much point int snoogling for me I think. I might try to noogle every day in luteal and every second day in follicular. I don't know, just to try something different. I still sort of believe that I am missing some vital growth ingredient though :)
Might give the CLs a go in luteal and stick to L in Follicular....Hmmm...It might be worth trying a few different things!!
The BB machine sounds really, really good. And as you are seeing results from it, it is definitely worth sticking too, even if it means you'll live your life in a vacuum for the foreseeable future :D

Good for you being back on the health wagon. The weather has certainly not been helpful but it's supposed to settle so we've no excuses anymore (ahem). Who knows, we might even get a bit of a tan once of these days!! :eek: :D

I think i will go into H&B tomorrow and get some collagen. Gelatin would obviously be much better, but I can't take the risk of putting on any weight - I am soooooo enjoying being a loose 10 again, it's been so long since I could say that!!
It will happen for us these next couple of months PH, and I pity the fool that doesn't believe!! :D

Padded Hell

New Member

Are you in full sweaty padded bra mode yet? The other day, I was talking about non-stop rain, now it's hotter than hell! I will not moan, I will not moan....

I know what you mean about feeling abnormal if you're not at least a B cup. Maybe I should join the circus, I'm sure there's a place for me alongside the bearded lady ;D. The average bra size is getting bigger too!

Oh good, you've ordered the roller! Can't go wrong really at that price, can you ;). I've really slackened on the massage, so this is the perfect solution for me at the moment.
I'm really really feeling like I want to give everything up, but then that's hardly going to achieve anything either. It's a catch-22 situation, but every day I seem to lose more motivation & hope. I don't know what's wrong with me, as I had a really good few weeks in June & felt so positive but now I feel like I've stalled again. I wish I knew the reason why the growth is so painstakingly slow, & I'm still convinced there's some underlying 'lack' of something too. I can gain or lose inches anywhere else on my body, but the boobs stay resolutely flat :mad:. Doesn't seem right somehow.

I don't blame you for choosing collagen capsules over gelatin. My stomach & thighs are frightening me now! When it cools down, I've going to work on them big time ;D. I hate it, as I'm petite & and any bit of surplus flab really shows!! I'm living in fear of 'the muffin top'. Nooooo, spare me!!!!!

I bought some MSM today, maybe it will make a difference. I'm a professional straw-clutcher these days ;D. Haven't bought the WY cream yet. Let me know how you get on with it this month, will you? I think I'll start using it next month in luteal. My luteal phase started yesterday too, so we're completely in synch now!

I don't think I'm ever going to fill the L cups either. There's still bags of room at the bottom, and I've been using them for well over a year :mad:. Shameful!

I liked your 'pity the fool' A-team reference! Showing our age now, aren't we? ;D :). Maybe one day, our boobs will catch up (no sagging, mind ;))!!!


Oh yes, sweaty, sticky heave bra-mode galore!!
Summer has got to be the worst; in the winter time it is much easier to hide what really isn't there, but now there are boobies everywhere on display.
I'll join the circus with you. With our size, we'll be like ancient artifacts, dug up from centuries ago :D
I can tell that the average bra size is getting bigger, although I have decided not to buy any more bras now for a long time. It's not like I'm growing out of the ones I have anyway ::)

I'm looking forward to the roller. I have not been able to due the massage at all really as my hands get way to sore. It will be very interesting to see if it will make a difference or not!!
I know what you mean about losing motivation. I feel that my cheers for growth and for hanging in there are quite hollow. I mean; I'm not stupid -- I can see quite clearly that my boobs are constantly stalling, I have never had any growing pains, any spurts or even any swelling to mention. But they say that hope is the last thing to die, so I guess I'm hanging in there on a tiny thread, hoping that perhaps this month will be the month where it happens. And so 19 months has gone past and well...not much has happened really.

I went into H&B yesterday to pick up some collagen, but as I was looking at the jar and read that I need to take six capsules every day, I had one of those "what the hell am I doing here" moments. I just can't put anything else into my body now, supplement-wise. Already I'm taking Magnesium, Vit C, Wild Oregano Oil, Systemic Enzymes, Citricidal, Probiotic, Milk Thistle....I feel like a bloody pharmacy at times. So when I have finished with the Candida stuff, I'll look into it again as I'm sure it is very beneficial, but right now I feel like it would be unkind to mys system to put anything else into it.

I have GR stewing and brewing away, it will be used during follicular. I don't think it's a very strong batch but worth a try anyway. I will of course let you know how I fare with the WY but at this stage, not miracles are expected. I guess old age doesn't just come with bad jokes about pitying fools, it comes with a massive dose of cynicism too :D
And I'm sure our boobs will catch up. Probably around the time we've gone through menopause and couldn't care less!!! ;D

Padded Hell

New Member
I've got to buy some new padded bras, not from growing out of them, but because they're all stretched from the continual use :mad:! But you know I do so lurve shopping for bras *generous pinch of sarcasm here* ;D

Oh, tell me about the sore hand thing! I was doing resistance exercises, wall-push ups etc, but I've had to stop again as my wrists have been so sore. The bust rollers really come at the right time :). Best few quid I ever spent!

I'm back on board with my motivation, gave myself a bit of pep talk. I always forget where I started from, which was nowhere! Tiny boobs are at least better than NO boobs at all, right? ;D.
It helped that my MSM arrived yesterday. I ordered crystal flakes as they're more versatile. I plan on using it both internally & externally. I found an interesting website on MSM, which showed you how to make MSM cream/gel. So I got straight to it, & made some up yesterday. You tried MSM, didn't you? Did you find it helpful at all? I must admit, I'm fairly dubious about it, but even if it helps my dodgy back & head problems, it will be worth it. Boobs would be the icing on the cake! Must stop mentioning cake ;D

That's bad news about the collagen :(. Six capsules? SIX????? That's insane! Think how expensive that would end up being! You'd be through a bottle in no time. I think you were right to hold off on those. I'm in the same boat as you regarding supplements. I have to make sure the pills for my muscular probs take priority, but my list is slowly creeping up too :mad:, luckily, a lot are good for NBE. So now, I take a multi-vit, zinc, gingko biloba, cod liver oil, digestive enzymes, EPO (luteal phase only), magnesium (in spray form- have to cut down on the pills somewhere!) , Iron supplement (10 days each month), and now MSM. Plus, I'm debating whether to start taking Agnus Castus in luteal. I'll probably go for a tincture, as I used this before. How's your candida these days? Have you managed to get rid of it, or is it still lurking? Ooh, it's a right sod!!

While it was hot & I was sitting around like a wet rag, I started researching booby things again. Even compiled a list of 'things I can still try'. Nerd alert!!!Nerd alert!! ;D. I think my brain had melted a bit from the sun. Anyway, I stumbled on a good site on coconut oil, which I remember you mentioning before. Wow, there's so much you can do with the stuff! The best being that it has a 'fat-depositing effect on the breasts'. Sweet music to my ears :D. Don't think I'll be able to ingest it, as coconut generally makes me want to heave (keep those Bounty's & Macaroons away from me!!! Urghhhhh). Anyway, I bought some yesterday, so I'll be slathering that on with a sceptical eyebrow raised, & if it doesn't work, I can always polish my furniture with it or something ;D.

I think pumping harder (but always erring on the side of caution. Saggy, baggy boobs would be the final nail in the coffin!) seems to be having some effect. I had some wierd pains in my chest last night. Almost like a heavy weight was sitting on my chest-type feeling. Bit concerned about my nipples though, looking a tad pink at the tip, almost like there's new tissue growing :-\. So, they're under regular surveillance from now on!


Oh yes, bra shopping is one of my favourite things, for sure!! What would we do without Primark though?? I'm starting to think that perhaps I should build up a bra-bunker in case they stop making those fantastic bras. But no, I must stay strong. I will not go near a new bra until December. And by then, these boobies better have grown!!

I can't wait for the bust roller. This is of course what will change everything, right?? :D
That's what I think about every single new thing I try. Gotta love our optimism!! I had my GR steeping away nicely but stupidly left it on the kitchen counter (it was in a honey jar) and hubby dearest thought it was old honey and filled it up with water to clean in...Grrrrrr!! Ah well, I can't really give out to him for being so domesticated, can I?? :)
Just ordered a new batch of seeds on ebay but doubt that I'll be able to use them in this follicular, depending on when they arrive of course.
That's interesting, with the MSM crystals - are they different from the powder? I never saw any difference from taking MSM, but it might have done a lot of good work on the inside, who knows? I actually still have half a jar somewhere, might give it another go. I also take L-Glutamine which is an amino acid and supposedly very good for all sorts of things. Seriously, I never used to take anything, was such a strong believer in the body's own ability to heal and now I'm popping pills like there's no tomorrow. I wonder, is this hard for our livers?
Once I'm done with the Candida pills, I will look into collagen again, but a different brand as six capsules per day is madness. And they were big capsules as well, just looking at them made me feel like gagging.
The Candida is pretty much under control now I think, although I will stick with this diet for the rest of the year (with the occasional slip-up, no doubt) as I feel really good on it. I slipped up over the weekend and found two interesting things; the sweets and ice-cream were not nearly as nice as they used to be, and I felt totally hung-over the following day. Not worth it, think I'll stick to savory treats from now on.

That is certainly wonderful news about the coconut oil, I had not come across that info before!! I often put a spoon in my tea, think I will increase that to twice a day, plus use it when cooking as often as I can think of it. I like coconut (mmm....Bounty.....:) but at times, the taste of it can be a bit too much. But hey, if it means fat depositing on the boobies, I shall consume it with gusto!! :)
How is luteal to you this month? I'm only able to noogle every second day at the moment due to visitors and I'm back on the CL's which is such a change from the L cups. I can't move at all and of course they keep falling off and farting. I'm so bloody stubborn and I AM going to use them all through luteal and then go back to L during follicular, work plan, WOOOOORK!!!! :)

Delighted to hear you're back with a positive attitude, it might even rub off on me :)
I'm sure glad to have you, NB buddy!!! :-*

Padded Hell

New Member
My boobs have been behaving very strangely these last few days :-\. Two days ago I had *drumroll* AMAZING swelling, they were the biggest they've ever been!! I had to pinch myself ;D. BUT...of course it couldn't last, they were only on (luteal) loan & were gone in a few hours. Life is cruel :'(. Then, it happened again last night (not as impressive, but still not to be sniffed at!), and this morning's swelling was pretty good too. I'm happy, but I'd be even happier if I could hang onto any of it! Gets so frustrating when you can see what they COULD look like :mad:. Maybe it's the MSM, who knows, but something is going on!

Sorry to hear that your hubby threw your GR away! That's the sort of thing mine would do too. If it's not nailed down, he chucks it out!! It does my head in.
I don't really know whether the MSM crystals are different from the powder, but the crystals look like extremely fine salt & dissolve very easily. Bizarrely, since using it I've been in tremendous pain with my back & head stuff again. Probably just a coincidence though. Boobie-growing is a welcome distraction from that!

Sounds like things are really going well for you with the Candida thing :). You seem really determined to rid yourself of it, and now you've got to the stage where you're no longer craving the sweet stuff, well that's more than half the battle won! I haven't got much a sweet tooth anymore, apart from the annoying hormonal craving which catches me off guard sometimes. Sugar's supposed to be really ageing on the skin as well.

It's exactly a month now before I hit my 2 year NB mark *deep sigh*. I still feel I should be at least an A cup by now. Maybe I'll buy myself a little present to cheer myself up. Retail therapy - it works ;D! I think I need an entirely new approach to NB, because clearly what I'm doing isn't having that much effect. For the first time yesterday as well, the BB machine actually hurt my ribs. Have my boobs finally given up?? How are you doing with the CL's?


Well PH, that is pretty good news though - if you're getting swelling like never before, something has got to be happening??!! Even if you're not keeping it, surely it must still be showing your body what it could be doing, and now it's only a matter of time before it gets used to it and is replaced by permanent growth. See, I'm back in the positivity camp again :D

Not doing so great with the CLs. It's very annoying not to be able to move an inch wihtout them falling off, and at times I think I probably pump a wee bit too hard in order for them to stay on. In saying that though, purple nipples in the L cups no matter what I do :/. I'm going to get very strict now about taping them down. Actually, what I found out the other day is that if I start with the CL cups for an hour or so and then switch to the L cups, the swelling is much better than the other way around. Luteal is being kind to me too...So much false hope....:)

That MSM sounds similar to mine. I must dig it up, you've inspired me now!! :D
How are you getting on with the bust roller? I had hoped that mine would arrive during luteal, it still has about a week or so, so come on roller!!

2 years is a pretty impressive mile stone. Are you sure you're not an A cup by now? Retail therapy always work, what would we do without it?? :)
I wonder if your ribs are hurting mainly from the pressure; when I noogle for more than a couple of hours mine get very sore too, especially if I'm using the CL cups. How can they have given up when you've gotten the best swelling ever? Things are probably just starting for you now my friend :))

Padded Hell

New Member
I'm glad luteal's treating you well too ;). This morning pre-noogle my boobs were a full 1/2 inch bigger than they usually are!! Wooo hooooo!! ;D. Don't want to get too carried away, as you know how spiteful dear old Auntie Flow can be :mad:, but I hope that I'm finally making some progress now.

I feel you on the CL's. I had to put them back in the drawer again, as I couldn't move an inch either without them falling off, and it was very plain to see, that they're just too darn big for me :mad:. I wonder if they'll be in hibernation forever at this rate! That's really interesting that you get better swelling using CL's first, then the L's. I might try that using the old L's and then the M's. I'm still pumping slightly harder than usual, and I think it may be making some difference. Haven't had any red dots or marks, so I'll keep on, but I think I'm getting 'nipple fatigue' ;D. They just look like they're tired & a bit stretched, which is NOT part of the masterplan! No, no, no!! I may have to start taping them down too.

I really love the roller :D. It's so much easier, especially on my hands, than the whole 'chi-massage' borefest. I just roller my boob slowly upwards around 15 times or so, then repeat on the other boob. They've certainly look fuller & perkier since I started using it. Don't want to depress you, but my roller took about a month to get to me :eek:! Hopefully, you'll get yours a bit quicker!

No, I'm still not an A-cup, sadly. I'm in a sort of 'cupsize limbo' at present :-\. Purgatory for boobs- where you just can't move onto A-cup heaven, doomed to roam the earth in ill-fitting bras, arghhhhh :mad: ;D


A MONTH??? :eek: :eek: :eek:
Oh dear. OK, well, maybe for next month's luteal then!! :)
And seriously, 1/2 bigger? That is absolutely brilliant PH, I *never* have anything in the mornings, anything at all. You know, luteal or not, I think it definitely sounds as if things are happening for you. Yaaaaaay!!!! maybe it's just a combination of all the things you're doing, and adding the gelatin as well as the MSM might have been what gave them an extra boost?
Either way, it is absolutely fantastic news and long may it continue. With this rate, who knows where you'll be by Christmas??

I was too tired to noogle last night, and boobs are getting quite tender now as well pre-AF. I don't know what yet, but I probably need to do something different as well in order to break this damn stalling. Harder pumping is probably not a bad idea; if I religiously tape the nipples it should be doable. At least I don't have to look at the purple-ness and feel all freaked out. Oh yes, and my nipples are not super happy either. I guess this constant suction is hard on them. Taping them down it is.

I shall join you in cup size limbo. It totally sucks. I actually don't know what I'd do if I didn't have my Primark bras, they are amazing. Even if there is a gap at the top; nothing that a tight vest can't fix eh!! :)
My boobs have 4 months to get growing. If there's no change by then, I'm throwing in the towel. (Famous last words :D )

Padded Hell

New Member
I think I might have been one of the unlucky ones when it came to the bust roller. Don't despair, yours will probably get to you a lot sooner :).

Well, things were going so well boob-wise, but now I've got a tooth absess & they've put me on antibiotics. Noooooo!!! Hope they don't effect my boobs negatively. To top it all, AF came today, and I feel and look utterly horrible ;D. So looks like that precious 1/2 inch of 'growth' is about to take a hit :(. Just when I thought the boobie fairy's sat nav had finally located me :mad:. Oh well, I'll remain quitely hopeful...

I'm nearing the end of another 8 week cycle of BB, and I've noticed a familiar pattern now. When I get to around the 6th week, that's when I start to see improvements & growth. Exactly the same thing happened last time. Looks like my BB machine's gonna be on it's last legs when I'm finished with it!

I'm definately going to continue using the MSM & gelatin, as I think they're a really good combination. Next month I'm going to add the Agnus Castus, as I really do need to work on my progesterone levels. Do you think I should just use AG in luteal phase? Or do I need to use it throughout the month? I thought I'd try just using it in luteal, but now I'm not sure. Last time (long while ago), I used it throughout the month, but my hormones were REALLY out of whack then, and I don't think they're that bad now :-\.

I've made up another booby oil consisting mostly of coconut oil & olive oil, plus a few other bits & bobs tossed in for good measure :D. I'm just about ready to try anything now, as I can't get complacent with my boobs for one minute, or they stop growing! I feel like AF has robbed me of everything already this month, but not as much as Holland & Barretts!! I'll be back down there later this week stocking up on the probiotics. When will this vicious cycle end??? ;D


Well, knowing my luck, it'll be two months before it gets here!! :D

I'm very sorry to hear about your tooth abcess :(. Ouch! And nasty antibiotics to top it all off. Although they do fill a function, no doubt. I hope you'll get your hands on a very good probiotic, and perhaps get an anti-fungal too, just to be on the safe side? Eat lots of raw garlic, drink your ginger and lemon tea and you'll keep it at bay. Sure you know all this already, don't mind me being a busybody here ;D

I was thinking PH, would it work for you to do a 10 week run with the BB instead? SInce your (and mine :)) boobs are stubborn and pretty slow learners, perhaps the same methods can't be applied to them? What is the reason behind the 8 weeks, (I'm assuming there is one) and is it possible that you could benefit from a longer run? Just throwing it out there, since my own boobs won't grow I'll have to love vicariously through yours!! :).

Yes, definitely stick with the MSM and gelatin. I'll bet you that the gelatin is the one thing that would make mine grow, just because I refuse to take it. My thighs are wobbly enough, can't risk any more lard on them!
I think maybe you could start by cycling the AG, or alt. take it the whole cycle but ramp it up during luteal?
I think that for my next cylce, I'll take some during luteal. I'm going to cycle the WY too...Not that I have heard or read that it is more beneficial, but I want to try it out like that and see how it works. It's just one big experiment at this stage, isn't it?
I've started massaging with Flax seed oil as I read over on Nexus that someone had great results with it. Can you smell my desperation yet?? Oh, and AF arrived here last night too so bye bye "boobies", see you in next luteal :D

Padded Hell

New Member
I can't wait to get off these antibiotics already, although at least I'm not in pain anymore :). I feel like the purveyor of doom on here, but yesterday my BB machine broke down too! :mad:. Luckily, hubby got it working again, or I'd be REALLY in the doldrums ;D. Sometimes I wonder if I'm not meant to grow boobs! Just as well, my 8 week BB stint ends on Saturday. The machine needs a rest too, as it's starting to sound like an old tank already :(. I might take your advice and try a 10 week stint next time, as you & me both don't seem to have very compliant boobs, do we? ;D. Normal rules don't apply!

I can't eat much at the moment, and I'm already worrying that I'm losing weight. If I lose everything I've worked for I'll be so upset. I don't mind losing it on my belly or thighs though ;).

I'm looking forward to trying agnus castus in luteal next month. AF has been quite bad this month, and I'm sure i'm low on progesterone, so it'll be interesting to see if it makes a difference. Has your bust roller arrived yet?

I used flaxseed oil a while back. I was such an idiot, I didn't realise you need to keep it in the fridge, and the bottle contents went off. OMG, my entire house smelt like a stagnant pond for two whole weeks ;D. It was terrible!! I could even smell it on my hands, despite virtually scrubbing them raw! Think yourself lucky to be ONLY smelling of desperation!! Hehe! Happy days... :D, I've been too afraid to use it since! I hope you have some good results with it :), keep me posted.

How's NB going? Are you back to using the L cups again? Are you trying to pump a bit harder? I'm so unfocused with it all the moment, I'm just about managing to throw them on every night, as long as they can 'hold' my boobie growth for the moment, that's good enough for now!


Oh no!!! How did it break down?? You're very lucky to have a hubby that seems to have some DIY skills (mine has none :)). I'm glad it's working now and fingers crossed it'll never do that to you again!! :D
It's definitely worth I try I think. If I ever managed to get the funds together for a BB, I'd probably need to do a 10 week stint as well as my boobies are anything but compliant ::)
It's all about thinking outside of the box I reckon!

Great that the antibiotics are working, they are incredibly useful at times, that's for sure! I wonder though; the breast gain that we have made is from increased tissue, right? So in that case, they shouldn't be affected by weight loss? I guess we could still lose what little fat we might have in them, but the tissue should remain unaffected, no?

I look forward to hearing ho you'll get on with the AG in next luteal. As you know, I cycled with WY this month and I must say that AF was a breeeze :eek:
I'm not using the PC anymore as I'm quite sure it was a contributing factor in the Candida outbreak - whenever I used it, thrush returned. On this cycle, I was fine, then I used some and bang - thrush was back. I'm quite intrigued though as how the WY was so effective because again from what I understand, this WY contains no progesterone, nor does it convert it in the body...In saying that though, as AG is one of the ingredients, it obviously helps to balance things out. I don't know, but either way it's great -- barely no PMS and absolutely no cramps. It's a keeper!! (for now anyway :)). I might throw in a few AG tablets next month too as I have a couple of bottles lying around.

Oh, and meet your idiot friend!! I was wondering why I was getting a sort of a fish-oil smell of it. It is back in the fridge now and hopefully the damage can be reversed!!
Are you using the coconut oil? That should work off the same premises as the flax oil, shouldn't it? In terms of the fat and all that I mean. God, this is total rocket science at times. Just grow already!

Still using the L cups, have given up on the CLs for now. Trying to pump a little bit harder but can't say that I'm seeing a difference just yet. But you know, the bust roller will change everything for me, I just know it!! :D :D
Holding boobies growth is good enough!! Did AF rob a lot this time around or has it been an acceptable deflation?

Padded Hell

New Member
When we opened the machine up, the fan (that goes around & enables the suction), had come off of it's hinge. It just had to be clicked back into place :). Fingers crossed, it lasts out till tomorrow at least, as that's another round of BB under my belt. Then it needs a bit of rest & tlc, before I flog this boobie workhorse until it drops ;D

I'm not doing that well at the moment :(. I can feel myself getting more run down on the antibiotics, plus I'm not eating properly & I'm feeling so stressed. I really hope my boobs can withstand the bad treatment. I'm still noogling, but it feels like there's not much point, as I'm probably not getting enough nutrients etc to help them grow, and AF certainly hasn't helped (It's deflation time again :(). Moan, moan, whinge, whinge... I must get my booby obssession into perspective ;D.

I wonder why the PC encourages the candida? That's really strange, must be fluctuating hormones or something, but it's good you found out now, or there might have been more trouble ahead! I'm really interested in trying WY myself now! I'd read that it doesn't contain progesterone, & can't be converted, but quite a few people on here & Nexus have had good results with it, so there must be something in it ;). Time to splash the cash again ;D

I'm glad I told you about the flaxseed stinky incident now! I wouldn't want anyone to go through that, trust me :D. Hopefully, you caught it in the nick of time :). I haven't used the coconut oil yet, but I might try it out next week. Try and give my post-AF boobs a much-needed boost. The smell of coconut oil is so much nicer than 'old fishtank', don't ya think?;D.

Yep, the bust roller is the magic wand for boobies alright ;D. Er, well, not quite, but it's saved my arms from dropping off & all I seemed to get from chi massage anyway was bulging biceps :mad:. Hurry up, postman :)!!!


PH, I really hope you're feeling a bit better by now. I find that the antib's can really cause havoc on your system. Is it a ten day course? It;s such a vicious circle, isn't it - when you're feeling run down, the last thing you reach for is nutrient packed foods and the added stress does nothing for our health either...I hope you've had a chance to rest and relax and as long as you're getting enough protein, the boobies should be at least somewhat protected!!

I had wanted to come on last night to tell you that this time around, AF actually didn't take away any boobage, I was so excited. Then I woke up this morning and guess what -- POOOOF!!! All gone ;D
One has to laugh really, what else is left??

I wonder too, why the PC was a contributing factor. So far, I have only come across one article stating that it can indeed cause and contribute to candida, everything else is pointing to estrogen. I don't know, perhaps it was just too potent - any cream where you should only use 1/8 of a teaspoon has got to be fairly strong and my system clearly wasn't up for it. I do think though, that with a good diet, a lot of the PMS symptoms could be tackled as I'm sure they are directly related to all the crap we stuff ourselves with. I've been looking into the Ph neutral diet, it looks interesting and makes a lot of sense but I don't think I could do it full-time, but will definitely use aspects of it.

Yes, coconut definitely beats old fishtank. Just barely :D

I'm glad to hear that the roller will be the magic solution :)
Still no sign of it, but it seems quite common for it to take around 5 weeks to arrive. What do you think of the breast enlargement ringtone by the way? Have you seen it discussed over on Nexus?
Really, this desperation is beginning to stink....I am way to cynical and skeptical to actually believe in a ringtone, but then again, what if...?? ;D

Padded Hell

New Member

I'm off of the antibiotics, thank goodness. They gave me two different ones to take & they were really strong :(. I underestimated just how bad they can make you feel. My mouth is like candida-central now, white-coated & furry. What a lovely image ;D. I started the probiotics yesterday, so hopefully I can get rid of the 'minging mouth' quickly! I'm still not eating much though, as the antibiotics seemed to zap my appetite, but I'm sneaking some whey protein into my bio yogurt, so hopefully my boobs won't disappear completely. How distressing would it be to lose almost 2 years of boobie-growth in a matter of weeks?? I hope I don't find out :(.

Oh, I was about to congratulate you on your boobie triumph over AF, but that greedy cow just HAD to ruin the party :mad:. What can we do? We're fighting a losing battle every time.

I'm sort of taking a mini-sabbatical from the whole NBE thing. Still noogling of course, 3 hours a day, but I'm not doing much else until I hit luteal. I think I need to restore my health a bit, make sure I don't end up candida-infested again! Thanks for your tips, btw. I'm drinking the ginger & lemon tea etc, which is already making me feel better :). The ph neutral diet looks good. I feel so acidic now myself, which is a big contributor to bad health, premature aging etc. I've added St John's Wort to the mix, mainly to lift my spirits a bit, but with the added bonus that increased seretonin can help booby growth, so can't be bad :). I only think I'll take it for about a month, and see how it goes... (rapidly turning into my motto for the NBE life ;D)

I tried the rockmelon ringtone thing. Faithfully used it for the correct amount of days and...zilch...just an annoying headache each day, and a creeped-out feeling ;D. Very odd! Yep, we've earned our stripes as the 'desperate duo' all right ;D. But one day we're gonna crack the Da Vinci code for boobies.. oh, yes my friend :D


Oh yuck!! I feel your pain on the furry mouth front, been there done that!! Are you taking an anti-fungal as well? I found that Citricidal is a good one, as is Wild Oregano Oil. It all adds up, money wise, but so very worth it if it means that Ms Candida gets a big kick up the a**. It's hard when your body really doesn't feel like eating, but as you're still pumping and massaging, the growth you've achieved so far should go nowhere. Are you still taking collagen and MSM? Just keep going PH and the growth will stay, it has to!!

You know, it really is a losing battle, for me anyway. I'm trying to understand how this works and if there will be day when AF will rob less, and less and less....And before I know it, boobs are at luteal stage all the time? But if that is the case, of course I have to ask the question WHEN?? I don't know, most of the time these days I am even finding it hard to motivate myself to noogle - in the past seven days I've skipped four, I just can't be bothered :(

I didn't know that about serotonin and boobie growth..Interesting. So, in the name of growing breasts, I should clearly up my chocolate intake, anything else would be foolish, right?? :D
Sounds like a good plan though; I only focused on getting rid of the Candida when I started the elimination diet, as I don't think boobies would grow well in that environment anyway. A month is good, it will also give you some head space and plenty of time to get back on your feet and feel healthy again.

I also found the ringtone really freaky, it completely wrecked my head. I can't understand at all how something like that could help; it has got to be a placebo effect or the power of suggestion or something like that. Oh, and my roller arrived yesterday. It is....big.....I don't know if I'm using it right but then again, at this stage I think I *will* need Tom Hanks or some other nerdy scientist to break this mysterious code that is my boobies. I like being part of the desperate duo. That means we can call ourselves the DD's instead of the AA's. Perfect!! ;D

Padded Hell

New Member
Well, it was only a matter of time, but I'm back on the strict candida diet :(. It's the only way, I can't handle feeling this toxic. Thanks for telling me about the Citricidal & Wild Oregano oil. I'm going to look into them this weekend :). Any tips on how to use them would be appreciated :). Do you think you've got rid of your candida finally now? I'm using cayenne, cinnamon, lemon juice in warm water, ginger, garlic, is there anything I'm missing? I wish I could eat the coconut oil too, but I just can't manage it :(. I had such a bad reaction to the antibiotics they gave me, as one of the side effects was severe anxiety. I've never known anything like it. I had panic attacks that lasted for hours on end, you know the sort where a) you think you're losing your mind b) you think you're going to die c) you start actually not minding if you die ;D. I pray I don't need any more of those nasty things! I feel like I'm going through junkie withdrawal now ::)

I bought some high potency Vitamin B complex, as not only would it be good for my nerves & adrenal glands, which are now shot to pieces, but I know it's good for NBE too generally. I think realistically, my boobs aren't going to be growing at the moment, but it doesn't hurt to try, does it? I'm still taking MSM and gelatin, which I think are helping me from losing everything completely. I can hardly look at my boobs at the moment, it's just way too depressing :'(. I feel you when it comes to losing the motivation to noogle, I just do it almost on autopilot each day, but as soon as I reach my 2 year mark, I'm going part-time, every other day :). Maybe my boobs need a 'day of rest' ;D
Once I've got my health back, maybe my enthusiasm will return, as this sucks :mad:

Yay! You got your bust roller! It's back to trial and error again, isn't it? I roller it slowly from the bottom of my boob, upwards, avoiding the nipple & up over to the top of my chest, if thats any help. The general consensus on B Nexus seems to be the rollering slower seems to get better results. Then again, we all could be complete nutjobs for buying into this ;D. Ever have those moments????
HaHa! DD's! I love it ;D. IF ONLY!!!