Padded Hell's Program


Fulfilling a dream...
Seriously, 3 years and no results?! I know I'm terribly new here and I centainly don't know the whole story but I am finding this very hard to believe. And I'm not going to insult you by suggesting all the newbie things because I'm thinking you've probably tried it all.

I kinda wish your story was in a digest form because I think you are worth studying. The awe that kind of dedication can inspire in others. Being the curious type myself, I know many my problems seem to unravel if I can chart it somehow... looking for patterns, associations and even missing events.

I really would hate to see you not get the reward so earned from this experience (beyond the interesting people on here :) ). Hehe, I can feel my inner experimentalist wanting out.. There has to be something novel here...

Ah well but I would be intruding and being quite rude to continue. I will definitely be wishing for happier returns and trying to digest this massive thread.



Active Member
Well, deminer84, I have the exact same attitude as you do. But I have been here a long time and followed much of PH and minnie's thread. They have been very determined and consistent in their efforts, and I tried to persuade them to try a dramatically different routine. That being to pump only once a week but for several hours, and only massage on the rest of the days. Padded Hell did make a dramatic change, but she chose to try pumping for 2 weeks and not for 2 weeks, I thought great, maybe this is the right pattern, but so far she has not announced any improvement. Not sure if she is massaging a lot or not. I feel sure if they keep trying different patterns (every 2 or 3 months) then they would come across the "magic formula" to the benefit of all.

I know PH bought the electric massager, but I remain unconvinced that it would be nearly as good as massaging by hand.

I really think they deserve big boobies for all their effort.


I don't think either myself or PH have claimed that we've had no results. However, we do feel rather frustrated at times that we are such slow responders - especially after all the time and effort we have put in. I have a picture thread somewhere and of course here is a difference from when I started. But it has been a very slow process, and both myself and PH go through long stages of total stagnation.

James, trust me when I say that I have tried many different patterns suggested both on this forum as well as on Breast Nexus. One of my "problems" is that I have young children which means that I can't always noogle for several hours. And myself and PH (funnily enough) have both been in car accidents which impair our ability to massage for long periods. I'm pretty sure this is the reason PH bought the electric massager. If you have followed this thread, you also know that me and PH both are struggling massively with hormonal imbalances, which might be a significant factor in our slow progress. To be honest; I personally can't see that radical changes in our noogling routine could change this, but that doesn't mean we haven't tried lots of different ways. We have.

This is PH's thread so I can only speak for myself when I say that any new suggestions are always welcome. If somebody finds our stories hard to believe, so be it. Why they'd feel the need to express it on this particular thread, which has been one of support so far, is perhaps a little bit above my comprehension. Bey hey, whatever rocks your boat and all that. :)


Fulfilling a dream...
Thanks for helping at least myself to get a clearer picture. As I said before, I don't know the whole stories and yet with this new insight, I am that much in awe of the efforts.

I am not trying to be mean, disrespectful or such. I really *do* want to support any one I can who will accept my words are genuine. If you took offense (or PH when she sees this) then I am truly sorry. It is not my intent but PH last message just touch me and I just couldn't believe it was so.

I wish I had answers and not "Ra Ra" encouragement but I'm just too new for anything constructive I suppose. So I'll stop here so I don't dig a deeper hole and just restate it... "I'm sorry for any offense."


Active Member
Yes, I am sorry if my tone was off-putting. I really am in awe of you girls determination and effort. As mothers with small children, I can see that trying to find even 3 straight hours 1 day a week would be very difficult. Massaging could be done in little bits as opportunity arises.

Wishing you the best :)


No offense taken, and I'm sorry if I came across as defensive. This really has been and still is, a roller coaster of a journey and even though neither of us are ready to admit defeat just yet, it sure is hard to find the motivation at times - despite wanting this SO badly!

Thank you for your input, any comments are always welcome. Guess I'm more sensitive about this than I thought. Peace x

Padded Hell

New Member

Happy New Year to you!

I'm couldn't have said things any better. Your former post was spot on :). When it comes to boob growing, it's most definitely an uneven playing ground :(. There is clearly something going on a much more deeper level, as far as our hormones are concerned, and no quick fix:-\. I can understand why deminer84 & James might think we're doing something wrong, as three years seems excessive, but I'd rather be honest with myself and others regarding progress. Maybe we're just freaks, Minnie?? ;D.

Well, AF finally rocked up late On Xmas day. Told you! No wonder I didn't fancy my dinner. My hormones have definitely gone up the creak again. I'm hoping it will straighten out this month.

I'm in noogling hell at the moment too. The rub marks under my boobs have turned into trenches, and just to pour a bit more misery on, I've started getting them above quite badly too. My boobs look an absolute state, tbh. Anyway, I didn't want to go back to using the foam rings, so I bought one of those silicone baking sheets & cut a couple of holes out. Tried it out this morning, and it worked or so I thought. Few hours later, I noticed it's left mammoth red marks around each entire boob!!! Nooooo!!!!! I look like someone's drawn on me with a red marker pen!! I could cry :'( So, I'm at a bit of a loss now. I don't want to stop noogling, as I'm starting to see little improvements. Hubby even noticed & said they were looking more round. Yeah, that'll be the red marker pen, ha ha. Maybe I should start shading in some cleavage...

I've managed to move up to CL's now. How are things going for you? Are you on a health kick atm? I've been trying. Heavy emphasis on the word 'trying' there ::)

Padded Hell

New Member

There's no offense taken by me either & thank you for your kind comments :). I realise it must seem hard to believe that we've been at this for three years without much in the way of boobs. I have to say, a lot of my slow progress is down to the fact that I started out really flat. My boobs weren't even underdeveloped, but completely 'undeveloped'! it's going to be a lot harder without any discernible breast tissue, but not impossible as I've since found out :). I have certainly seen progress in these three years. I wish I could show you a picture of where I started from, but I felt such self-disgust that I never took one. Boy, am I regretting that now! I've actually grown about 3 inches all in all, so I know something is working, at least. I hope your boobie journey will be a lot less taxing than mine has been. Saying that, I'm not hanging up my cups just yet. Round three *ding ding*!!!

Padded Hell

New Member
No offence taken. I appreciate your ideas & suggestions. Sometimes practicality gets in the way of noogling, but I try to fit in, as best I can!

I really wish I could find the solution to attaining faster growth, but I think ultimately acceptance has to be the way forward for some of us, or you just get eaten up with frustration. I've actually found taking breaks has been really beneficial for me. My swelling improves after I start NB again. I've identified that hydro-noogling has been key for helping my boobs develop. I only do short 15-20 min sessions every other day, but the shape of my boobs has improved since :). Things are slowly looking up. I'm teetering on an A cup now, which is a vast improvements from the long line of AAAA's I used to inhabit :)

Massage is a tricky one. I've tried all different methods, chi, breast slapping, electric massager, fat brushing & my boobs just don't seem to respond much. I have no ideas what's going on there! Like Minnie, I have a few health issues which don't warrant too much over-exertion on that score!


Fulfilling a dream...
I am happy to see you do have a sense of humor about all the "fun" things in life. I can relate a bit to some of this because I'm just in my 3rd week and having to cope with skin issues. I'm not so young anymore and diabetic which appears to have made my skin quite "picky". But I have hope.. if a 77 year male can do this and blow us all away.. damn it, I can do it! And I hope you can share in that feeling.

I realize I'm a stranger but I really do want to see this happen for you. I'll definitely try to read this huge thread because I've learned something from every one I've encountered so far. Maybe then I will be more constructive.



Ah PH - what are the chances of AF turning up on Christmas Day of all days??? That must have been a bit of a downer. Or at least really really annoying!!

What is up with the deep marks you're getting? That is kind of odd as I can't imagine you overpumping in any shape or form? Could it be that the padding is actually making it worse? What would happen if you noogled without and just slathered in oil, sticky oil like almond mixed with castor? I don't know what could be happening but this must be so frustrating, *especially* if you're starting to see a bit of progress.

Well, AF arrived earlier this week and besides robbing lovely luteal boobs, it was a few really horrible days. Like yourself, my hormones are cracking up at the moment. I am hoping it is from my body detoxing. Ahem. Suuure it is.... ::) ;D

But I am on a bit of a health kick, I have not have any sugar since New Years Eve. None at all, except from fruit. And no booze either. Not that I was a particularly frequent drinker, but leading up to xmas there was quite a few social events and people calling over and a glass of wine here, another there - calorie central! So just from skipping those two, I can already see a little bit of a difference, especially on the tummy which is not bloated anymore. I have also started to consume probiotics religiously; Kombucha Tea every morning and sauerkraut with lunch every day. And I got sachets from Nourish Kefir so now I will make my own. Oh, and no carbs after 3pm. So far, so good. The sugar cravings have been unreal but they say it takes 3 weeks for the body to get rid of it all, so roll on the 21st of January! :)
I'm also considering doing couch to 5K but the emphasis should really be on considering!!

This evening I am hydro noogling for the first time in ages, maybe even a year. I haven't done it for two reasons, one being that the last time I did, I totally overpumped and it scared me a bit. Second reason is that if there are pitter-patters down the stairs, it is really hard to quickly dispose of the cups without making a complete mess all over the livingroom. But after reading about how well it works for you, I'm back in the hydro game. Bring on proper swelling I say. And no overpumping. :eek:

Dminer, if you manage to read all 29 pages of this thread we'll make you an honorary member on the spot :D

Padded Hell

New Member

The horrible marks aren't caused by overpumping, but just from prolonged use, I think. No matter where i position the cups on my chest they fall into the same spot. It got so bad a few weeks ago that I was bleeding & the skin was coming off. Gross. I thought I'd have to give up for a while, but I've managed to modify the silicone baking sheet I bought (only silicone that's going near my chest ;D), so that it doesn't leave terrible ring marks. I can at least noogle much more comfortably now, and hopefully the marks can finally heal too. it's not ideal, but I'd rather not go back to using the bulky foam rings.

I'm with you in hormone hell, believe me. I can tell AF is going to be late again this month already. I bloody give up :mad:

How did your hydro noogling go? Did you get away with it without mentally scarring the kids ;D? Imagine explaining that one! I find hydro's the only way I can push the pumping a bit more without causing any damage. I've really noticed since I've been faithfully doing it, that my boobs look more shapely. Why is it the shape changes but not the volume??? I'm wondering whether a better shape is all I can hope for.

You're doing better than me regarding the sugar intake! I've been managing 15 mins on the cross trainer every day since new year. I don't go overboard on it though. It's just like walking with a couple of sticks in your hand really, but my garage is a lot less scenic. I can feel the benefit already, so I'm going to keep at it. Back & neck haven't crapped out on me yet.

I must be the only person who's taken up drinking this New year. My hubby is currently on a month long 'dryathlon'. No booze & he's stuck to it so far amazingly. I read somewhere that alcohol converts to estrodial in the liver, so it's good for women, as long as you're not binge-drinking! I'm mindful of the sugar content and can't afford to get any more ED, but what the heck, let's raise a toast to it anyway *here's to bigger boobs, me dear.*. Let me know how the kefir making goes! Are you making the dairy or the water one? What does kombucha tea taste like? Is it ok? You are going to kick any candida issues into touch with all those probiotics!

2014 has GOT to be the year things change for us! I feel like I'm shackled into my 2 cup bigger bras now :(

Padded Hell

New Member

Sorry to hear about you're diabetes. One of my close relations has just been diagnosed with it. They've caught it in time, before any real problems started, thankfully.

It's very sweet of you that you want this to happen for me & Minnie, so thank you :). I can't bear to just give this up, although I've adjusted my boobie goals since starting NB, somewhat. I'd be happy with a full A cup at this point. I only wanted a B cup as it was! I think that may be out of my grasp though. Are you seeing any growth yet? What size would you like to reach?

I agree with your sentiments completely. If a 77 year old man can have success, why can't we? There are a great deal of male success stories on here. I couldn't even dream of getting to some of their sizes, but it's motivational & keeps you on your toes!


Fulfilling a dream...
I can definitely understand adjusting expectations and goals but I urge you to not give up the dream (in this case a B cup). It doesn't help yourself to frustrate yourself to wits end because the "goal" of a B isn't met in X months. However, it is my experience chasing the Dream is one of the best motivators out there. So I'm just saying that a goal is not equivalent to a dream.

As for myself, I've been on herbs for about 3.5 months but I started with just plain old massage (to convince myself I *could* grow -- which I did to my shock). So in the total time of actively trying to grow for nearly 5 months, I am most a full 40A after pulling all the side boob forward. For some reason, I got lots of side but just not protruding much. I'm happy to say around last Saturday; this all started changing enough where I really noticed. And now I get to experience that lovable awkwardness and lots of "first time" events. I could easily go on and on about it but this is old news to you ladies and thus boring but I'm lovin' it. It is a wonder I wish all could experience once in their lives.

As for my desired size, I know it will sound quip but "as big as I can". All my life I've had large breasted women around me except my mother.. lol Thus, I've developed a love and yearning for similar. So, my minimum goal is D and I will fight to the bitter end for it but my dream... I had a girlfriend that was a 38J and so I know how that looks, feels and the PITA problems that can tag along... but that would be a wonder to have for myself. :)

As you have said, this is a long-term project for you and I'm definitely with you there. I easily foresee 3-4 years just to reach my D and I hope it is such a strong habit, I will keep on going.. :)

So I hope you don't mind me visiting from time to time to cheer you on so I can forget my woes and frustrations for a bit... :)


Padded Hell

New Member

Well, I woke up this morning & today was quite a good boob day! They looked bigger for some reason, so I won't ditch my B cup dream just yet! Although, days like this seem to be few & far between :(. It's not even a noogling day today either (I alternate. One day NB, next day off - seems to have a better effect for me than daily noogling. I think I deserve it after 3 years attached to my pump ;D)

Glad to hear herbs and massage worked for you :). Sometimes I wonder if it's an advantage to be male when doing this. Maybe because us girls have gone through the breast growth once before (well, puberty by-passed some of us ladies, ah hem ;D), our bodies just don't respond as much? But it's all new for you! I feel like my body fights me ALL the way for every bit of boob I've managed to grow!

I've been surrounded by big breasted women all my life too! Growing up all my friends were big chested. It was always "You know that girl with the big boobs? Well, you know her friend?" Well, that friend was me! I literally lived in the shadow of humongous boobs, and let me tell you, it was a cold & dark place there haha!
I can't even envisage what 38J boobs would look like! That's just boob overload! I think a D cup is a good aim to go for, dminer. You sound very determined to get there :). That's the spirit!


Fulfilling a dream...
Oh, that's exciting to hear -- surprise boobie gifts. I've only have experienced it a couple of times so far myself but it has been an interesting day when it does. But then again, all these experiences are new for me. But I'll keep sending my freaky vibes for ya so maybe you will get a few more. :) Think the faery likes chocolate? :)

You know, I have been trying to repeat those "swelling massage" sessions because if past experience is any clue... I have grown within a day or two. But no.. picky things they are. As for uncooperative bodies, I know I've felt that way alot lately too.

But I think you might have some truth about males responding more "extremely" if we can get past the testosterone blockage. But our nipples are so underdeveloped, I think that makes up for the advantage. :) Maybe we'll get these big C/D boobs but have these tiny little dots on the sides we have to call nipples. :b

Hopefully, I will be able to start noogling again soon because I don't really know if it will work for me. Might be surprising but I dislike the swelling... it's an indian giver. :)



Yes that would make sense that they fall into the same spot as the dent has been made....Not pleasant though, and that sounds very sore. I'm glad the silicon sheets are working. Quite amazing how inventive one becomes when motivated huh?
Hydro is going well, I've done it a few times since my last post. I have noticed though, that I only get marks after the hydro, never after regular noogling which must depend on the pressure. But I only do it 1-2 times per week so hopefully no permanent damage.

Funny that, the change of the shape. I have seen it too, my breasts are much rounder and they are much closer to each other in the middler, if that makes sense? But I am not very interested in that - I want volume!! Maybe the shape has to come first (trying to convince myself here)?

Good for you, spending 15 mins on cross trainer every day. I really should make more of an effort. I am sugar-free for 28 days now. The cravings are weaker, but still there. Sugar really is a poison!! Please do let me know if you can see a correlation between booze and boobs. I will happily take it up again if it means my bust size will increase :)
A little bit of alcohol is good for you anyway, and I will definitely get back to the odd glass of wine but for now it's all about keeping the calorie and sugar content down!!

I made some kefir over the weekend - this crowd (based in London I think) actually sell sachets of dried kefir grains so one sachet equals one litre of kefir. I am planning to use it to bake sourdough bread as well. I just know that if I got the grains, I'd never be able to keep on top of the feeding process (same with sourdough starter and Kombucha scooby) so this is my lazy way out :)
The Kombucha Tea I buy is bottled and tastes like a mixture between sparkling white wine and vinegar. I don't mind the taste, and I only take about 100 mls in the morning which I think is sufficient - it is quite potent. I am happy to report that I have not had any candida outbreak this cycle at all, which definitely is a first in many years. Am hoping it lasts!!

And I can't tell you how much I hope 2014 is the year from us. I would love noting more than to graduate to a "regular" push-up bra. Grow boobies, GROW!!!!

Padded Hell

New Member

Glad to hear hydro is going well for you. I know what you mean about the ring marks though. They're a lot redder after I hydro too, which is saying something! I can't wait for AF to get here, so I can stop NB for a week & hopefully work on getting rid of my awful rub marks.

I think you're onto something regarding the whole 'shape coming first' thing. I feel like the last three years have been just laying the foundations for boobs & nothing much else! Hopefully, our theory will come to fruition this year, or the towel is well & truly being thrown in!! As it is, I feel like something IS slowly happening!! How many times have I said this now?? ;D. The last few weeks, I've been really going for it & using a bit more pressure. It looks like I have more underboob, especially in my bigger one! I might just be seduced by luteal, so I'll have to see if it 'holds' over the next few weeks. I've got sooo sceptical about all of this :(

That's a great achievement to be sugar-free for over nearly a month!! I wish I could be that disciplined, although I make sure I limit my intake per day. Are you still making the kefir? Those sachets sound like a great idea. I'm all for cutting corners if it save a bit of time! Have you made your sourdough bread yet? I make very boring and er..'rustic' soda bread, as it's easy to do (none of that nasty yeast!), & all the stuff you get in the shops is loaded with sugar! Argh!!! There's no getting away from it. Really winds me up! I find myself baking more & more stuff to avoid the white poison. My new discovery is shelled hemp seeds. I wanted to find a more natural source of protein than the whey. One tablespoon of hemp seeds is just over 5g protein! Not bad, eh? I've been adding them into my yogurt. They're also a good source of omega 3,6 & 9 & have about 9 amino acids. One word - 'superfood'! We must sound like a right couple of old hippies!!But if it gets us our 'superboobs'!

Peace out Sista ;)

Padded Hell

New Member

I know how you feel about the swelling! It gives you a false sense of achievement sometimes! But.. You just have to enjoy it for what it is (short-lived :mad:)& then convince yourself that the whole 'boobs are there, now their not' is helping you get that bit closer to your goal. It's a great feeling to actually fill a bra for a short while too, before the massive gaping at the front reappears :-\.

As far as undeveloped male nipples go, you might find that NB in the long-term might enlarge them over time anyway. After that, maybe a specific nipple pump or some of those supple nip things? Failing that, you could always get your areola's tattooed bigger! ;D Bit extreme & permanent, I know! Pretend I never said that! Although, I saw a program where a lady had to have a breast removed, including her nipples. She had reconstructive surgery, and then had some nipples tattooed on. It was really effective, and she was over the moon. Made me shed a tear :'(