Padded Hell's Program


Welcome back!! I do hope you've had a lovely time on your holidays, and if you can't indulge when on holidays.....:)
Up and at them - you'll be back in the healthy eating saddle in no time!

That is amazing, filling the M cup! Oh how I would love that! Maybe, just maybe, if I dared to hydro again that could happen to me too! My guess is that you are able to fill it on the left (the smaller one) because you probably work that one harder than the right? That's how it is for me anyway; somehow there is more stretch to the smaller one but that one is always getting an extra squeeze every time I use the pump. Must hydro again! Luteal here too, think AF might be just around the corner and boobs are quite tender. Ah, to buy a new bra. I am staying firmly away from the underwear department in Primark now, and since I have stopped wearing a bra after noogling, I guess I'm not stretching them anymore. I would like to buy a new one at the end of they year though, with my new improved results. Ahem :)

I didn't do so well last week on the cyclical diet either but am starting tomorrow on week four, so all about the healthy fats. When I think about it, that should be pretty good for AF actually. I will not do the raw part of the diet anymore, think I will just steam extra veg and maybe make some smoothies during that week. Listening to our bodies is the way to go! Actually, the fermented and sprouted stuff worked well for me, so maybe I'll incorporate that in my regular diet too.

I have not tried the Maca yet, still a bit scared. Although it frequently comes up as one of the superfoods in different recipes that I have so maybe I should seriously consider it. I think you can take capsules as well as powder form. I would only take minimal amounts as the prospect of a bigger booty is rather terrifying!! :) I think you can probably mix it in smoothies or sprinkle over food. I might look into it again, I am slightly intrigued but also very apprehensive - my track record with anything linked to hormones is not very good :)

Padded Hell

New Member
I've had two days of amazing luteal swelling. Aww, wish it could stay :mad:. It's like having a sneak preview of how your boobs could end up, so for now the NB is going nowhere. I know the swelling won't last, as AF's nearly here for me too, but I'll just pretend it's not happening, and avoid my bathroom mirror like the plague (which I do most days anyway ;D - the burger diet has taken it's revenge on my skin & my belly. Boo hiss!)

Well, the nipple only reaches the top of the M cup, but I still have a LOT of filling in at the sides to do. It's obvious I'm going to have to stretch the right boob now, to get it to catch up! I'm still doing alternate days, one day on, one day off, & it seems to be working out better. When I first started it, I started to get really bad muscular pain in my chest & strange heart palpitations, but that seems to have died down a bit now. My hypochondria got to a critical level for a while there :D

I've been trying out a slightly different way of putting on my NB M cups, in the hope that I can get a little more boob projection. I place the cup more to the side of my boob, then pump and at the same time slide the cup towards the cleavage area. It seems to give me more of a stronger pull, which I'm hoping will encourage them to develop more at the side. My desperation seems to have hit an all-time low. It's like a bottomless pit, probably because I've scraped the bottom of it one too many times ;D

The healthy fats part of the cyclical diet has gone a lot better than the raw part. I went overboard, and don't laugh, but I bought some beef dripping (can't even say that word without feeling ill!). I've never used it, as it's the sort of thing your nan would use, but it's supposed to be relatively good for you (in small quantities, I should imagine!), & it has the added bonus of some protein. I made a sunday roast and smothered my potatoes in it (lovely!). I also bought some shop-bought beef stock & made some gravy to go with it, and the next day my boobs actually looked fuller! So, obviously beef drippings the way forward! LOL. My ramblings get ever more idiotic! I'm a grown woman (apart from in the boobie department)

I scared myself silly researching Maca. I keep toying with the idea, but it's just the thought of my hormones going nuts again. I'm fairly OK at the minute, apart from that horrible irritated PMS feeling. I'm keeping it in check...just about.


Hi PH,
sorry for falling off the planet. Think I'm in boob-depresso land. 2.5 years at it now, hard to believe when I look in the mirror though :(
I am really losing all my motivation too, don't think I'm noogling more than twice, three times per week now. Having tried pretty much everything, there is probably only one thing left to try - reality and acceptance. I can't even get enthusiastic anymore; that B cup was not meant to be. Ah well. What can you do?? I fought a good fight, can't say that I didn't try hard enough!! :)

I can well understand that you found the fat week easier than the raw week. I only lasted for one cycle, but am taking away some helpful hints away, hopefully. I now try to eat the healthy fats more often, as well as the sprouted and fermented stuff. Can't hurt!

Oh, and I bought some Maca powder....Gasp!! So far, I've only used it twice, half a tsp on my yogurt. I think that if I use that little, there won't be an adverse effect. Maca is often touted as one of the superfoods, so I figured that it should be OK to use a teeny weeny bit every now and then. If my bum starts to grow it is going straight in the bin though...Hopefully the low dosage means that the impact is mild, and hopefully only beneficial.

How are you getting on? I really hope you have more motivation than I do. And I am very sorry for all the negativity. Not feeling the boobie-noogling-love at the moment :D

Padded Hell

New Member

Don't worry I guessed you might be feeling the boobie love. Sorry I haven't got back to you sooner either, but I've been feeling really knackered. I hate feeling like this, it's an effort doing anything :mad:

After my holiday, our yeasty 'friend' Candida, came back with a vengeance. One week of eating normal bread etc, was all it took *shakes head disbelievingly*. Probably why I'm feeling sooo tired all the time. So, I'm back on the dullest diet in the world again :(. There's only so many things you can jazz up a rice cake!

Things are a bit odd regarding my boobs. AF was unusually kind with me last time, and the deflation wasn't quite as drastic. I think it's deluded me into thinking there might be some growth. Hubby did say that he thought my boobs were 'getting more round', so that's something, I suppose, but it's also frustrating. I feel like my shape improves but not the size. I just can't seem to get the projection that I'm after! What to do????

Anyway, frustration=dangerous territory. I start scouring the boobie sites for possible solutions ::). I was reading an interesting thread on B Nexus, about using muscle rub to increase swelling (and eventually increase size!). So, in a last ditch attempt, I thought I'd give it a go. I couldn't face using Deep Heat or anything (too many chemical nasties for my liking), plus, I'm beginning to feel old as it is, so I'd rather not smell like it too! ;D
I decided to make my own (Mrs Mcguvyer just can't help herself!), using EVOO as a base oil & adding wintergreen, peppermint, eucalyptus, ginger essential oils. It smells really horrible, but I'm beyond caring now. I'm only using it with my evening NB sessions, so no-one is going to get a whiff of it anyhow. The first time I used it my swelling DID last longer! It's the same same thing though. Boobs seem to have got used to it already & the swelling isn't sticking as much :(. I'm not going to use it all the time, so maybe I'll keep responding to it that way :-\. It's helping warm my boobs & get the blood flowing, at least.

How are you finding the Maca powder? Have you had any side effects? Any boob growth? Have you had any cause to say "Does my bum look big in this?" ;D.

I feel you with the frustration, I REALLY do! I'll keep going as I just cannot face going back to complete flatness again. I feel like I made a deal with the boobie devil & I can't back out now. l sold my soul for a B-cup goal!!!


Hey Padded, remember me? Your long lost boobie twin, ready to throw in the towel, yet not brave enough to take the step....And you're going to think that I am making this up, but by golly the candida has been making a surprise visit here too for the last two cycles. I give up. Although in saying that, I think the acupuncture has really helped with PMT as well as AF cramps, sweats and so on. Last cycle was really, really good. Apart from the candida. Could have something to do with the Milka bars on special offers that I of course had to scoff. Ahem.

I have some tiny good news, which is that there seems to be more boob pushing up against the bottom of the M cups. I can't remember that ever happening before. Then again, I'm also at my heaviest - ever - which could also have something to do with it. And, horrors of horror, we are going to Spain in September, which obviously means that there will be some body exposure....Help!!! I don't even own a bikini. Think I will stick to vests and shorts. Never thought I'd get to the point in my life where I almost prefer cold weather to warm..:(

Anyways. Enough moaning. Yes, frustration is indeed dangerous territory. I'm going to make an honest go of this boobie growing malarky one last time and my plan is to start off with larger domes and finish off with smaller ones. So tonight, I will do at least an hr with the L ones and at least an hr with the M cups. I don't know why, but in the past, I seem to have gotten quite good swelling when I did this. I might also dust off the CL's, just to make myself feel extra bad. Oh, and to top it all off, I think my tubing is on its last leg so I probably need to get a new piece before it is gone altogether. It started off with a little crack, had to cut off a piece and then it just continued. It is lopsided now. :)

I have not had any side effects from the Maca, then again I've only used around 4 teaspoons since I got it. Terrified!! :D
I'm liking your own muscle rub cream. The other night, I was running low on oil and so I grabbed a bottle of castor oil, mixed it with some almond oil and wow!!! There was some pretty good swelling had after that, don't know if it was a coincidence, but I will try it again tonight and report back :)
It does make sense to use something like a muscle rub though and a few essential oils to mix in with the castor/almond might just do the trick. Ahem.

You know, I am not even in a place to take any pictures anymore, because the difference is so miniscule that it seems futile. I'll just keep sticking my head in the sand and one day that deal with the devil might just pay off......!!! 8)

Padded Hell

New Member
Hey there boobie twin & candida comrade! I'm sorry your struggling again with it too. I'm at my wits end with it now. I've accepted now that I'm not going to be able to go back to a 'normal' diet again. It's crackers & sodabread all the way from here *grimaces*. I can't even eat a bit of cheese now with getting some sort of reaction. Just take everything from me, why don't you, you hideous little parisite :mad:
Bought some oil of oregano a few weeks ago in desperation. it's expensive but woah, that is strong stuff!

Unfortunately, it's all on hold at the minute, as another s**tstorm has hit Planet Padded. I discovered another gum absess, went to the dentist yesterday, and you've guessed it, came away with another prescription for antibiotics. Nooooo! How many times, Minnie???? So, next weeks a write-off, but there's no way round it :(

Anyway, I'm glad to hear one of us has had good news! That's great that you can feel more boob when using the M's :). Any little success is something to be celebrated! I've had some minor improvement too. Remember I mentioned placing the cups at the side and moving them to the centre of my chest while I pumped? Well, it's definitely helping build up the cleavage area! Only thing is, I still look flat at the side of my boobs, so it looks a bit odd. Wish I could find a way of improving the sides. I think I'll have to follow suite with you & dig out the CL's. last time I used them though, my boobs ended up as a mass of red dots. Ewww.

I really like my muscle rub boobie oil now. I don't even mind the smell anymore. I'm doubtful it's going to increase the size of my boobs, but I love the hot/cold sensation it has on my skin. I like the sound of your castor oil/almond oil combo. I tried to buy some castor oil ages ago, but nowhere sells it now! What happened?? It used to be easy to get hold of, now it's like gold dust!! Where did you buy yours from?

Isn't it sad that the thought of a holiday stresses us? I was looking a bikinis the other day. They had one in DP that had ruffles on the bra top, which is supposed to be good for flat chests, isn't it? But I talked myself out of it of course. My inner monologue of self criticism got the better of me ::)


It's awful, isn't it!! I've almost given up on clearing it by now - just have to accept that I will have to live with it and try to stay away from sugar as much as possible. For whatever reason, I have had a steady weight gain this spring, and am now the heaviest I have ever been at 10 stone. Really depressing. And guess how much of that is on my boobs? Nada.

I'm very sorry to hear about your absess :(
That really, really sucks. And those nasty antibiotics to mess up the system ever further. Sigh. At least some good news about your improved cleavage and as you say, every little success is definitely to be celebrated! I finally took out the CLs yesterday. I had forgotten what a humiliating experience it is to put them on. Crikey! But I did 1.5 hrs with them and then 1 hour with the M domes, and the swelling was pretty nice.

Totally sad to be so stressed by sunshine and sandy beaches. I've decided to play it safe though and it will be Primark bra underneath the tight vest and some kind of shorts. That way I won't feel too self-conscious and there is still the illusion of boobage :)
Oh, and I am joining Weight Watchers (fat fighters?? :) ) tomorrow, so hopefully I will have shifted a little bit of weight before the end of the summer. Never ends, this self criticism, does it??

I got the castor oil from ebay. Cheap and cheerful, and lasts forever. Gives great seal on the domes, and it is also great for other things like dry skin for example. My feet are as soft as a baby's since I started using it!! :)

I am considering taking another picture of the "boobs" this month, even though I feel that it might be futile. In my eyes and to the bare eye, there is zero difference, squilch. But the sometimes in the pics, there is the slightest bit of difference and that can be highly motivational. Unless the inner monologue takes over of course, because then we're truly scre*** :D

Padded Hell

New Member
Finally got off of the antibiotics at the weekend, and all I have is a lovely furry tongue to show for it :(. No more oil pulling for me either. Turns out my gum 'absess' was a gum irritation that got infected.My dentist said he was baffled over what would have caused it. But, I didn't have it until I started OP, so it doesn't take a rocket scientist! Honestly, you try to help yourself & you end doing yourself more damage :mad:. I'm a bit gutted about the oil pulling, as I loved the way it whitened up my teeth & made me more energetic. Oh well :-\ From now on, I'll only be oiling up my boobs on a regular basis ;D

Thanks for letting me know about the castor oil. I'm going to get some, as I know it's a good oil for absorption & is good for the skin. So, I think it will be great to use in a boobie oil.

The CL's are a great reality check. Just when you thought you weren't that flat chested, you pop those babies on & the fantasy dies a very sudden death! I have a few horrible red dots on my boobs, which I think was from hydro. The novelty of getting them to stretch that bit further never gets old!

Good luck at 'Fat Fighters'! You make me laugh, Minnie!! Don't let Marjorie make you eat cake! ;D You must have been there by now, so I hope it went OK.

Not much to report on, boobie wise. Last week has set me back a bit & I didn't eat much either. Antibiotics are the ultimate slimming aid, if you get my drift :-[


Mmmmm....furry white tongue....Like licking the cat really, isn't it?? (As a side not, when I had the flu at the start of the year, I took loads of Manuka honey, both off the spoon but also in little 'suckies' form and ended up with a very white furry tongue which took ages to clear. Am guessing thrush??)
That is very weird though, imagine that the oil pulling would cause something like that. Like you say - we try to help ourselves and end up messing up instead. Sometimes I wonder if it had been better to have left it all alone, and perhaps eventually it would have sorted itself out... Not the boobs obviously, but all the other stuff. I think at times that I have completely messed everything up with all the fads, vitamins, supplements - you name it. Back to basics me think. ???

Well, fat fighters didn't last very long, I've decided not to go back again. It won't work for me as things that I feel are good for us (like healthy fats) are a no-no, whereas artificial sweeteners have 0 points. Great. We can consume chemicals until they come out of our wazoo, they're calorie-free after all!!! ::) ::)
Back to the drawing board.

I found a solution for the beach as well, feeling very pleased with myself! I bought a swimsuit, very cute, black with white dots, a bit ruffled in the middle and with kind of a skirt sown on to it as well, if that makes sense? Anyways, there are very thin pads sown into the breast part (they probably don't expect women who buy a size 12 to need any help in that compartement :-\ ) and I will take one of my old trusted Primark bras, cut off the cups and sow them into the cup section of the swimsuit. Taa-daaaa!! How is that for channeling my inner McGyver?? (And please let us not mention how incredible sad it also is, let's just pretend that it is a great idea!!)

Nothing new to report here either. At least they're not shrinking. Famous last words eh?? I should really try to noogle as much as possible now that I am in luteal, but too tired. Tomorrow, always tomorrow!!

I really hope you're back on your feet real soon and that there won't be any more antibiotics for a long long time now!

Padded Hell

New Member
Yep, the tongue scraper is my best friend at the minute! Oh dear. I bought some local honey as a natural 'cure' for hay fever & have been taking that every day. Time for a rethink!

I think you know better than anyone if 'Fat Fighters' will work for you or not. I couldn't live without my olive oil & what have you. I absolutely hate synthetic sweeteners as well. Think the only thing I'd consider is Stevia, but even then I'm not so sure :-\. It worries me how much artificial sweetener (phenylalanine?) is in my whey protein, and what harm will it do in the long term?

Your new swimsuit sounds great. I'm imagining something a bit retro, 1950's glamour girl ??? I don't think you're sad about the cups thing, and this comes from a woman who wore two bra's at once on occasion :-[. Before I discovered the hallowed Primark bra!! All hail the almighty cups!!

My boobs are looking at their fullest at the minute. AF is nearly here, so I'd better enjoy it while it lasts.


Active Member
I used to have a fuzzy tongue problem a few years ago, but I stopped using toothpaste and now use baking soda instead. You might give it a try. ;)


Well, about time we revived this - would be such a pity to let it go after two years of posting. Tell me, did you ever get around to take pics, for your own comparison? I have not gone near a camera, for a loooong time, don't now if I'm ready. My NY resolution (normally never do them) is going to be NO sugar and NO takeouts. Did I tell you there is a chipper two minutes down the road from us, literally? And that they do real chips, with the most amazing garlic sauce? Oh god I am sad. Anyway, that is all going to be finished and I will once again fir into all my own clothes. Losing weight always means losing boob. So I am going to have to keep noogling, or else all my hard work was for nothing.

Great, looks like I just found a loophole in my "no more than three years of noogling" clause. Happy days! :D

Padded Hell

New Member

Apologies for not replying sooner. I've had a few health issues over the last few months & took an extended break from noogling. I'm back at it again though. I don't give up easy :D


Firstly, put those chips down!!
How are things going? I'm still plugging away. I'm currently half an inch away from a very small A cup (and I mean SMALL!But beggars can't be choosers, so I'll take it!) The tape measure doesn't lie, but tbh, I still look like I have two backs, so I'm not quite sure where this extra inch has gone :-\
I've stopped using everything (no more volufiline etc) & am just sticking to plain old noogling now. I can't be bothered with anything else at the minute. I did discover a good way to heat up my boobs before a noogling session though. I bought an infrared heat lamp. It was meant to help my muscular problems, but my boobs couldn't help getting in on the action :). I only use it for about 1-2 minutes before I noogle, as that's all you need really. Infrared heat penetrates skin tissue very deeply, so it really helps circulation & also encourages collagen production. Win win!
I've stopped wearing a bra in bed too, which is challenging for my self esteem, but i treat it the same way as I do with heights. I'm ok as long as I don't look down :p.
As I said earlier, I had to stop noogling for a while (another wretched tooth absess, then the ghost of whiplash past paid me a visit, and I was back trying to rock the 'neck brace' look for a while). I didn't lose any of my NB gains thankfully. The break seemed to do me good. When I started noogling again, I had spectacular swelling for about 2-3 weeks, but the bubble seems to have burst on that score now :(


Yes ma'am, chips have been put down!

I feel your pain with the ghost of whiplash :(
I wonder, has it anything to do with the weather changes? When it gets colder, my joints seem to ache more. Was there a reason for this to flare up again, or does it just happen from time to time? I really dread the thought of living with this stupid whiplash for the rest of my life, but I guess it isn't something I'll be able to change. And another absess - that is awful. Still, very glad that you lost none of the boobage; that just goes to show that this is permanent growth!

I also have given up on creams, lotions and potions. Now it is just plain old almond oil while noogling. I must say though, that I am completely intrigued by the effect of the infraread heat lamp. Pray tell, where did you get it? That sounds like a complete win-win to me - eased muscular pain AND a little noogle push. Must.Get!

And look, half an inch from an A cup is absolutely fantastic. Look at where we started off. How many cupsizes is that? I know that I was at leas, and I mean at least, an AAA, probably even an AAAA as there was zero, squilch, nothing there. We have to remind ourselves of this brilliant progress. Here's to another year! :D

I have also stopped wearing a bra in bed, especially since I read that perhaps it is counterproductive to growth as it stops the flow of blood. It is very challenging, I agree. But at the same time, it is good to do that and to create a bit of distance and dare I say it, acceptance. I don't really know how I am doing - I haven't lost any growth, but I also haven't seen any improvement. I really wish that I had measured them from the start as that would have been a good indicator. Now all I have is old pictured and an estimation when I look at them, which I don't think is the most reliable way. My right boob is still stubbornly lagging behind so I might have to do an extra 20 minutes on that every session. I dusted off the CL's a few weeks ago. Oh dear. They are *not* good for the self-esteem, that's for sure. Still though, probably good to shake things up a bit. I rarely use the M cups anymore but might give them a go for a little while, just to make things interesting. Aaah, the exciting life I lead :D

Padded Hell

New Member
I think I know what kicked the whiplash thing off again. I was diagnosed with a condition called TMJ about 6 years ago. It gives you awful neuromuscular pain in the head & jaw. Makes me want to rip my own head off sometimes :(. Anyway, because I had to have a load of dental work done (Root canal. What joy!), it exasperated it & as all the muscles are connected, it had a knock-on effect with my neck. Hard to believe soft tissue and muscles can cause THAT much pain, isn't it? I've decided to see a physiotherapist after Xmas sometime. I can't go on like this. I feel like my body's completely out of alignment again. It's all money though, isn't it?

I also have a problem with cold weather & aches and pains. I'm like a human barometer! That's where the infrared heat lamp comes into it's own. I was walking past my local charity shop & it was in the window. I got it for a fiver *punches the air*! It still had the receipt in the box. I don't think anyone had used it. Here's a link to the one I have . There's lot's of similar ones on Amazon brand new, but some of them get quite pricey. Xmas IS round the corner though! Ho ho holistic ho...
The warmth it emits is great (like the suns ray's - remember them? ;D), and it heats up as soon as you plug it in. You don't have to wait, which is good before a noogling session. I don't use it when I'm on my period though, as your core temperature changes, so they don't recommend it.

Ok, back to boobs! I was so relieved I didn't lose any inches from my break. Imagine 3 years NB up in smoke??? Yikes! So, I feel a bit more confident to keep going & that this is actually permanent growth. I'm still only noogling every other day currently too. I'm currently 31.5" across bust, so another 1/2 inch should bring me up to a small A cup. Just wish I looked it though :(. But, something MUST be happening as I now use my old L cups to hydro. I could never get them to stay on my chest before, so that's a bit of a triumph! On the downside, I have the worst rub marks under and OVER my boobs, where the cups have been digging in. They look horrible!! I've been using bio oil (fabulous stuff. I could bathe in it!!) on the marks above my boobs, as I'm anticipating the day when I may actually have some remote cleavage to show off, and these damn things are NOT raining on my parade!!!!!

Oh, I hear you on the one-smaller-boob thing. My left boob is really letting the side down, literally. I reckon I'd possibly be an A cup now, if it wasn't for this. It's getting more obvious too. I've been putting in an extra 20-30mins on leftie, but I don't really see much improvement yet. It was so undeveloped to begin with, so I don't think I can expect miracles :-\. I don't use my M cups anymore either, mainly because ol' butter fingers here dropped them & they now have massive cracks. Maybe it was the universe's way of telling me it was time to move on *stares intensely into navel*. Yeah, right!!!


Oh that is awful PH. My hubby also has TMJ from the car accident. Yes, amazing how connected the whole body is. Gah, I really hope it doesn't flare up for you like that again. Being in pain is so debhe ilitating, even if it is possible to learn how to live with some of it, most of the time.

What a total bargain on the lamp!! I must keep my eyes open, although what are the chances that I'll find one for a fiver?? :D
Looking at ebay though, I think I might be able to find one for a decent price. It would be fab to get relief from the neck pain during the cold days.

So delighted you didn't lose any growth during your break. And you know, you probably DO look like an A, you just can't see it yourself at this stage. When one has spent as many years as we have obsessing about our boobs, it is probably a fair assumption to say that we're no longer objective.

I must say that I am feeling slightly de-motivated now that I have reached my 3 year anniversary. They're just nowhere near where I had hoped they would be. Like, nowhere. I know it's no point to dwell on it - it just is as it is - but seriously, could a gal get a break??
I was thinking that maybe I should take some new pictures, but I have a feeling that it will be too depressing. So what to do? Aim for another year and hope for the best? And of course, to make matters more complicated, we so often have people staying with us, which of course makes noogling pretty impossible.

Argh, it turned into a whiney one. Sorry. Can you tell AF is just around the corner? How is your Candida these days by the way? Mine is not too bad, flares up every now and then, just to let me know that it clearly has no plans to exit forever, but it's been a while since it really plagued me. I'm sure the Christmas holidays will take care of that though! ::)

I also meant to ask you what kind of exercise you find is OK for you to do, that won't aggravate the pain in your neck? Oh, and you're probably better off not using the M cups anymore. L cups for us the way now, right? Fantastic that you're able to hydro noogle with L, how often do you do hydro? Every session? Guessing that you don't do the 7:2 while hydro?

Padded Hell

New Member
Wow, you're the only person who knows what TMJ is. Most people I've mentioned it to, look at me with a blank face! Sorry to hear your husband has it too. He has my full sympathy. Did it take him ages to get diagnosed too? Unfortunately, whiplash injury predisposes you to TMJ :(. They seem to go hand in hand. As far as exercises go, it's a tricky business. I avoid anything that involves turning my head, obviously. So, no yoga or anything for me! I'm OK on the cross trainer, & other than that, I do a few toning exercises laying on my back, or standing up. Although, I have been so sedentary recently. I'm disgusted with myself! But, soon as it's New Year...aah, the power of denial ;D

I really don't know whether I look like an A, Minnie. I think I'm still firmly at the precipice, between AA & A. Atm, I'm trying to massage the tops of my boobs, to encourage a bit of growth there. That's where I need it the most. I feel you on the de-motivation thing (most days now!), but then I trawl through a few boob implant websites, and I pick myself up again!! I do not want my boobs to have an expiry date or a serial number! How unsexy is that??
The candida thing was going quite well, until I started craving crumpets. Mmm, those doughy discs of melting butter loveliness...Then, I switched washing powder. Wrong move!!! That sent it into complete overdrive! How are things going with you? Any better at all?

I try to hydro every other day. Only for about 15-20 minutes though. It's harder using the L cups though. I have to pump for what seems like an eternity to get a tight hold. So, no 7:2 method doing hydro, but probably a guarantee of arthritis in about 20 years time, he hee.


It did take him quite a while, I think it was either a dentist or perhaps an osteopath that suggested it to him and then he got this book called "Taking control of your TMJ" or something like it and it all fell into place. It still bothers him from time to time and I am very grateful that I didn't get that on top of the whiplash. Bad enough as it is to have the neck and hand pains!!

I am hopeless with exercise at the moment. New Year is definitely when I kick this butt into shape. Ahem. Well, going to give it a try anyway - staying away from sugar, take-outs and making an effort to get out for a walk most days. That is my plan, we shall see if it lasts longer than a week!! ::)

Candida behaving itself for the moment. Famous last words, no doubt! I have started drinking Kombucha Tea which I am convinced helps. I'm sure this fad will last as long as the others :D

Unfortunately, AF was unusually cruel this month. And we've had a ridiculous amount of visitors the past month, which means that I am lucky of I get to noogle 1-2 per week :/.
After xmas this should all settle down though, and I am hoping for a bit of a marathon to hopefully kickstart things again. I kind of can't believe it has been 3 years now. Dare I hope for a B eventually? A girl can dream, right?
And you are so right, no expiry dates or serial numbers on our boobs. Imagine if it all went wrong and we ended up with totally wonky boobs.....No thanks! :)

Padded Hell

New Member
I have the same TMJ book! It's been getting very dog-eared lately ;D. A very hard-earned MRI eventually got me a diagnosis, after months of GP's giving me the bog standard fob-off. Ugh.

I'm also having a difficult AF this month, as it's gone completely AWOL. It's now 43 days & still nowhere to be seen :-\. This is really unusual for me & I'm definitely not preggers. I keep getting crampy feelings sporadically and my boobs are SO sore that I can't even noogle :mad:. So annoying. What the betting it cranks up on Xmas day?? Tried going hell for leather on the cross trainer today to kick start it, but...nothing. Damn! Even my old tricks aren't working!

I'm not going to start noogling again until AF is over, so that should give me a nice break over the Xmas period. I feel a bit disheartened about it all again. I said to my husband today, that I didn't think I was ever going to have proper boobs. He disagreed though (clearly operating in robot 'tell her what she wants' mode :D). It's the horrible realisation that they are never going to be normal-sized, adult-looking boobs, that makes me sad. Most of the time, I can put it to the back of my mind. I just don't want to kid myself indefinitely. Three years is a long time. What a Christmas humbug I am, eh? Sorry about that. 'Tis the season to be jolly...far la la la...I want a bigger bra ;D


Hey PH,

A belated Happy xmas and new year to you. How are you keeping? When did AF eventually show up? I hope the late arrival didn't wreak too much havoc on your well deserved boobage! 'Tis the time of month here again - I can never get used to how quickly it comes around, bleugh - and I've been in bits all day from awful awful cramps. Boobs were really sore leading up to it as well and still tender. Bring on menopause I say. Or maybe not. But you know what I mean :eek:

Well, santa did not bring any new big boobies for me this year either. What were the chances?? :)
I hear you, so loud and clear, on feeling disheartened. Three years *is* a long time. I try to cheer myself up at times by reminding myself of what they would have looked like had I not noogled at all but you know PH, sometimes (or mostly) that simply ain't enough. I am already dreading the thought of another hot summer and beaches. How sad is that?? Anyways, this will definitely be my last year. Is there some kind of golden membership for us long-timers? We're like proper seniors now. :D