Padded Hell's Program

Padded Hell

New Member

Thank you for your words of advice, but could it be that my boobs just aren't receptive to massage? I tried so hard with all different styles of massage, and it had very minimal effect. At present, I've just given up on that score. I might try again, but I feel like I've lost hope a bit.

Padded Hell

New Member

What a sad irony it will be to reach menopause & then get boobs, eh??

We sound like we have very similar diets. I try to eat as much unprocessed stuff as I can. Did you watch the Horizon programme last night about eating meat? I thought it was really interesting. I bought some chia seeds from H&B the other day. I don't really know what to do with them though! Have you tried them?

I've had a nice noogle-free week & have been taking stock of things, particularly the 4 year NB mark looming. I'm taking your approach, and I'm viewing very much from the standpoint that it's another bit of 'housework' to do. It's just going to conveniently fit into my life, as and when. *pours another drink & slides further down to floor* :)

I know i wouldn't be happy giving up noogling either and there's nothing really to gain from it anyway. Ever feel like you're stuck between a rock & a hard place?? At the minute, I'd just be happy to generate some renewed enthusiasm for my boob growing.


Pretty sad alright. AF coming on with a vengeance this month so it'll be interesting to see how much boobage will be robbed. Yeah, wouldn't mind some enthusiasm either - at the moment it is on par with hoovering and washing dishes. Still waiting to feel enthusiastic about those things too!! :D

I eat Chia seeds almost every day (missed program but a friend told me about it, sounded very interesting!). Every evening I mix 3 tbs of oats with 2 tbs of chia seeds and cover with water (to the top of the bowl) and in the morning I chop in some fresh fruit and eat it like that. It is pretty gloopy but I stay full for ages and it feels really gentle on the system. You could just eat the as they are, but I found that as with all seeds and nuts, soaking them makes it so much easier on the system. Plus, because they swell like mad in water, you have a full bowl of goodness in the morning!

Well, I guess I should go and hook myself up really. Thought maybe I'd put up some pics this month but don't think that will happen. Gah PH, pep me, pep me!!!!!

Padded Hell

New Member
Sorry it's taken so long to reply, Minnie. I've been away & then last week I started getting breast pain. No, not growing pains unfortunately. It felt like hot needles going through them, very similar to my tmj nerve pain but in my boobs. Ugh. I was getting worried there for a while, but finally attributed it to going on a bra-buying binge the other week. I bought five of those two-cups-sizes-bigger bras in a 34A. I think the pain was caused by them being too tight & new (not because I've grown :'()I bought one of those bra extender things, & no more pain, but also, no support whatsoever! But, let's face it, I'm not wearing 'those bra's' for that reason anyway. I don't know why I'm waffling on about this really!

Thank you so much for your chia seed & oats serving suggestion. I'm certainly going to try it! I'm definately going to soak them first, if it helps them digest easier. I'm sure that's half of my problem. Are you still drinking the matcha tea? I've just bought my second packet of the wonderful green gold dust. It does seem to give me more sustained energy, especially when I hit the inevitable afternoon slump. How about you?

I'm having a few days off of NB, atm. I feel like I've reached burnout, but a little bit of self-acceptance does seem to be creeping in. It's either that or I'm just getting too bloody old to care now! There will be pics from me before the end of the year too. Prepare to be underwhelmed :-\

Every time I stop & then resume NB, no matter how gently I pump, I always get those ugly red dots. Any idea's on how to get rid of them? I bought some Arnica cream, which helps a bit, but they seem to take ages to go completely. It's like wearing the world's worst polka dot bikini :(


Not to worry PH. I think it id safe to say that we are both pretty defeated and deflated at this stage (no pun intended). I'm sorry to hear about the pain in your breasts, that must have been worrying before you figured out what was going on. Much as I love the Primark bras - ,y saving grace - they are also at times so depressing. I keep joking with hubby that he could throw a tennis ball and I wouldn't feel a thing. During follicular, there is always a big gap on the top, which reminds me of the uphill and seemingly futile exercise this is. Can you tell I am approaching PMS???

I wonder why those red dots keep plaguing you like that. Your skin must be very sensitive at the moment? Arnica is good for bruising alright, you could probably be quite liberal with that. I wonder if you'd need to take some Vit E supplements too? Just to help with building it back up again?

I hear you on the acceptance/not caring anymore. Some nights I noogle, but mostly I don't. God PH, a bundle of chirpy fun, me.
Still enjoying the matcha, a great little boost when the levels are dipping. And so much nicer that regular green tea. I bought one of those little battery driven whiskers from Ikea which is quite good for getting the lumps out.

In other news, I started getting a lot of ovarian pain again and managed, after a lot of googling, to find a gyneacologist who did a very thorough examination. She reckons I have endomitriosis, based on my symptoms and my uterus being slightly fixed. Of course, only a laparoscopy can determine for sure, but I am not going under just to find out for sure as there is no cure anyway. She insisted I go on the pill for three months, and if that was successful, to get the mirena coil. No thanks siree Bob. I'd rather live with the pain. Am looking into natural ways of dealing with it and there seems to be ways to alleviate they symptoms through diet and supplements. Amazing how they want to just throw hormones at you. So yeah, all fun and games here. But at least my boobs are growing....Oh hang on.....:D

Padded Hell

New Member
I'm sorry to hear about your ovarian pain. I've had it myself & it's both agonising and worrying, isn't it? We have so many similar conditions that it's not even funny now! I've long suspected that I have endometriosis too, not to jump on any bandwagons! It would explain so much. The horrendous cramps, where I've felt on the point of passing out, unexplained ovarian pain, and recently I've had period pains AFTER my period. In the past, I've lost jobs over these issues, because I couldn't function each month. Embarrassing, to say the least. The pill was supposed to be the magical answer of course (brainwashing IS available on the NHS!) but my wonky hormones said otherwise! I completely understand your reticence to go back down that well trodden road again! I decided to live with the pain too & chose diet as the best way forward, which is why I'm still eating rabbit food now :). It really has helped though. If you know of any interesting supplements or foods that can help, I'm all ears :)
How is your ovarian pain now? Any better?

Well, 'defeated' and 'deflated' describe me perfectly atm. I can't tell you have fed up I am with noogling & looking at this flat chest. I felt like balling my eyes out last night when I looked in the mirror. I don't see what else I can do at this juncture. Why aren't they growing????? I've well and truly tanked...We really need a boobie medical breakthrough asap!! I can't live with the self-loathing much longer, or the 'depressing' bras (you are so right about those!). Care for another game of 'tennis ball bra rebound??' Hours of self-esteem crushing fun... ;D

I apologise for being such a thundercloud!


Ah yes, the after pains. That is what led me down the Endo road to begin with - once they started I knew this was not just ordinary ovarian pain or a cyst or anything like that. Your symptoms sound identical to mine so I'd say that if I do indeed have endo, so do you. :(
And maybe that can explain the lack of growth for us? I really don't know PH - 4 years later and what have I got to show for it?? I was over at Breastnexus yesterday, reading lots of posts and found myself toying with the idea of either BO or SP. Fortunately, the pragmatist in me quickly took over and there will be no more attempts with herbs, ever. I have learned my lesson and then some. But sure, when you read about how successful it is for some, it is beyond tempting to give it a go. I even considered getting the BO pills and using them externally in some kind of magic potion. But after all the other ones - PM, WY, PC, FG all used externally I think I've tried enough.

The supplements recommended are magnesium and calcium, as well as Omega 3. So I will keep taking Krill oil and also take a strong vit B as this raises progesterone. I have also added turmeric capsules as they are anti-inflammatory and I think that will help. Diet wise I shoud stay away from sugar and wheat - both inflammatory. All meat should be organic as added growth hormone is a bad idea. Lots of fresh fruit and veg, plus fibre from beans and legumes are recommended. So, nothing new diet-wise but for some reason, I am feeling really unmotivated at the moment and am eating plenty of the stuff I really should stay away from, in particular sugar and wheat. So I shouldn't count on the pain getting much better any time soon. I need some inspiration and energy to tackle this, for sure!
It also explains my very sudden and rapid weight gain, which I am still trying to get rid of. It's not super severe, but I could definitely lose a stone.

Amazing how they think throwing more hormones at an imbalance will somehow resolve anything. fight fire with fire? Actually, I don't think they necessarily want to resolve anything, they just want to tick the boxes and get you out of the door. And I know the feeling of wanting to cry one's eyes out very well. The other day, I was wearing the Primark bra but had no clean vest so just wore it under my top. As I sat down, the gaps on the top of the bra were literally poking through my jumper. It looked absolutely ridiculous. I am so glad I was at home as the humiliation would have been complete, had others noticed. At least the bikini season is over - bring on the chunky knitwear!!!


New Member
Padded Hell said:
I was never offered any kind of hormone testing or anything.

I'm so sorry to hear about this. I wonder if you might be able to locate some private lab testing service to find out if you have a hormone imbalance.


Padded Hell

New Member

I think getting my hormones tested by a private lab is the only way I'll get any answers, but I almost don't want to find out now! Plus, I did look into it & it's very expensive here. I don't think I can afford it realistically :(

Padded Hell

New Member

I sort of know I have Endo, as I've had these problems as far back as I remember. I feel the same way as you, in that I don't want it officially diagnosed really, as I know all that will entail. Hell no! Like my lack of my breast growth, I've pretty much accepted the situation now.

I was so unbelievably tempted to try BO too, when I first started out. I liked the idea of being plunged into a second puberty (as I never really had a first one!), and finishing the job, so to speak, but I couldn't really get my head around the 'source' of BO. I didn't feel very confidant in how carefully they regulate their product, so I decided it was too much of a risk to take. Shame though, as I would have loved to see what effect it would have had. I quite like the idea of making a magical BO lotion to try externally. Now, we just need to find some willing cows :D

Thanks for letting me know about the Endo supplements. I bought some magnesium spray to use transdermally last week, so that's a start! I've still got some turmeric pills from last time. They're quite er...'detoxifying', I find :D. Recently, I converted to only buying organic meat, and it really is so much better, despite costing an arm & a leg. No pun intended.

How's the noogling going? I'm really unmotivated again too. I can't even bring myself to browse Breast Nexus now, as it seems a bit pointless. I hope I can get out of this self-defeating mindset soon. At least I have a couple of kittens now to cheer me up. Kittens rule! One of them keeps attacking my hand while I'm writing this. So currently, I have scratch marks all over my body & red dots all over my boobs. It just keeps on getting darker... ;D

Those Primark's bra's are hilarious, aren't they? If you don't wear a vest top over the top to secure it, they look hopelessly fake. Without the vest top, I've had the fabric of my top actually sit inside the top of the bra. Luckily, I was only at home too, so I didn't need to do the walk of shame!


Oh PH, I have to laugh at out bra-mishaps because what else is there to do?? Wearing it without the vest makes me think that two boobs would fit into one cup. God, I am glad that I am married already and that I have a husband who loves me boobs or no boobs. Could you imagine entering the dating game now? Shudder!!!

Well, the noogling inspiration is pretty much zero here too. AF is here with a vengeance and I haven't even bothered to really check how much bobage was robbed this time. Also, lately I am getting migraines in conjunction with AF and going to the gym, which really sucks. So, During ovulation, PMS and AF itself, I am way more prone to an attack. In other words, 3 weeks out of 4. Great. I have been very faithful to the gym the past 6 months and have found that doing a lot of strength and weight training (under careful supervision of a trainer) has improved my whiplash 100%. But this horrible migraine is really putting a spanner in the works. Anyways, neither here nor there in terms of noogling so apologies for digressing :)

So no, there is not much noogling happening here at all. I guess on the upside I can say that what has been gained so far seems to be permanent as they have not returned to their pre-noogling state. Small comfort though, ungrateful that I am!
Yes, the BO is indeed tempting. But I just don't think my body could handle it. Funny, I was also thinking of an external potion, but then I remembered taking PM externally and as you might remember, that made my boobs shrink so I think good old pumping will have to do it for me! I am back to using one L and one CL cup and alternating them every 20-30 minutes. Probably because of luteal, but I got the best and biggest swelling *ever* the last time I noogled. Coincidence? Probably!! :D

Kittens -aaaaw!! You are so lucky. God, is there anything cuter?? I keep thinking that we should get one but I don't think that would go down very well with our grown cat. But the cuteness, the cuteness!!!

The magnesium spray is supposed to be even better then oral supplements. I have it too, but I find that my hands get so dry after rubing it in? And yes, the turmeric is a great detoxer, which we need as the worst thing that can happen is for the liver to be slushing back estrogen into our system. Out evil estro, out!! I was also thinking about buying a big tub of Epsom salt and having footbaths in the evening; epsom is really high in magnesium too. Our bathtub in this house is too small to have a nice bath but a foot one should suffice for some absorption? and then, the cold water can poured on plants as the soil loves epsom salt apparently. So no waste! Also, very dark choc and leafy greens. Picked up some pak choy and curly kale in Aldi yesterday, and also - sweet potatoes are supposedly another great source.
Yes, organic meat is very expensive but you know what - we are worth it. Our health is our wealth and if we can eliminate the toxins and hormones in our system, our quality of life will improve, which in turn will effect everyone around us. So you see, it's a win-win :D

And I'm not on Nexus either; that train has passed for me. I really don't think there is anything now that can be done to be honest - i know that sounds very defeatist but I need to be pragmatic. Of course in saying that though, I did order the book that Lexus mentioned, the one that her video program was based on. Paid less than a fiver for it so no loss if it doesn't work. Plus, it is hormone-free. But no more creams or oils or pills for me. Maybe we need an October plan to get ourselves motivated? You know, like a "let's noogle every day for a month and see what happens" kind of a plan?? :)

Padded Hell

New Member
I've had another little break from noogling. My enthusiasm is officially at an all-time-low. Ugh, I hate feeling like this. My hope for bigger boobs has drained away.

I can't believe how many health issues we have in common, Minnie! I get menstrual migraines too! I even started tracking them to see if there was a pattern to them, which there definately is. I usually get one a few days before AF, then I'm very prone to one around day 5 or 6 (when estrogen starts rising again?), and I have recently been getting them when I ovulate too, coupled with a horrible nauseous feeling. They are awful, aren't they? I really understand how you feel. I find the only thing that takes the edge of them a bit is one of those cool gel pad things, which I stick in the freezer, the colder the better. Painkillers don't seem to touch the pain. Wish I had the answer. It's obviously fluctuating hormones triggering them. Do you get them over one eye sometimes? Or is that just me??

It's great that the strength & weight training has helped your whiplash. I might try it, as I've started to get a touch of TMJ again. Noooooo!!!!
I've changed my magnesium spray, and the new one makes me itch. I spray mine on my forearms & on the inside of my wrist,so maybe that would be better for you. It might not be as drying. I love an Epsom salt bath too! I either use that or proper Dead Sea salt, as that has magnesium too. My plants are in for a treat! Thanks for the tip, I'd never heard that!

Funnily enough, I've been making sweet potato crisps in the microwave. That's probably why I have tmj again! Crunch! I figured it would be a tasty way to get some extra vitamins, and it steers me away from sugary things.

The kittens are adorable but they're hellbent on destruction every second of the day! Curtains ripped? Tick. Wires gnawed? Tick. I'm just a mobile scratching post, but the mog monsters can do no wrong in my eyes really. I'm a complete pushover.

I can't see what else can be done to kick start things either. My boobs can't seem to get past 32" max.I feel like I'm forever going to be in the no (wo)mans land between AA and A cup. I'm just hurting myself thinking otherwise, so I may as well get used to it. I'm back to ignoring the issue again...I've come full circle. How depressing & soon the clocks go back *falls down the abyss praying her Primark bra stays intact*.Even in my darkest hour, I still have my pride ;)


Fulfilling a dream...
I believe I can empathize with you and the frustrations. By no means would I dare compare my efforts with your colossal efforts. I know how it feels to get all those false starts and hopes to only see them evaporate in a few hours or days. I wish could share some miracle method but for me, it is just a matter of trying and trying, failure after failure until the growth just happens. Honestly, I just try to "do" and let the surprises come (growth :) ). I'm not very successful sticking to that way of thinking but I try. :)

As for the migraines, there is tons of "triggers" but the typical root cause is capillary constriction in the muscles of the head. I get them myself on rare occasions. I usually get it over and *in* the eyes and I've found that getting blood in my neck (especially the nape) flowing better will help loads. For me, that's alternating cold compress and gentle heat with massage. It's almost like a strain in some sense.


Padded Hell

New Member
DJ, thank you for your wise words :). Sometimes, it feels like we're the only ones who aren't having any success with this & it becomes incredibly frustrating. But success only comes with perseverance. Isn't there an old adage which says "Fail better"? So, I'll continue to fail until I get it right! I suppose you can only really fail if you don't try at all. In the respect, I have some peace of mind ;D

So many people seem to suffer from migraine these days. I know a lot of my problems are due to capillary constriction around my neck and head area. I had my back and shoulders cracked yesterday, and my goodness, the pain of trying to shift the deep knots & fibrous tissue. Ouch x 10! I feel more loose limbed today! It's a good feeling. I take a very high potency gingko biloba pill every day, which helps blood circulation to the head. It really improved my tmj, so I faithfully take it.

Are you seeing any improvements with NB? I've run out of ideas on what I can do to improve my own situation. I'm going to resume noogling on Wednesday & give it my all for another month. I want boobs for Christmas!!!!


Fulfilling a dream...
Indeed, our bubbles get so thick we can forget there is a world outside and it isn't likely we are completely unique in our "suffering". :) And I've heard many variations on the "Fail better" wisdom. One of my favorites is "Fail often and then better". I suffer from getting tangled up in details trying to fail the fewest times and fail to "fail". :)

As for migraines, it isn't the only thing on the rise. Our environment, lives and food are just falling in all the classic standards we know. All of these things add up to positively certain outcomes of ailments and illness. I wish I had a better answer than complaint but getting others to listen is the hardest part. :)

As for NB, I have been seeing some improvements over the months. I'm a pretty solid 38B these days and I'm flirting with C after pumping. My greatest problem is underboob and even that seems to be improving in the last few weeks. I just won't give up and I seem to respond well to changing things up. If I get too mindless in the pumping and just do the same thing over and over.. I will just stop responding well.

For example, I'm using L and XL domes to mix up and make a clean "seitch" over. I get very little obvious changes with just the XL and the L is nearly full and too small. But combining them, I can get some amazing swelling that seems to have just a little bit stick around over time. My biggest swelling was from this setup where I nearly bulged out of my 38C (shy of 2 cup swelling).

I know you've been at this for a very long time and the frustration is surely crushing but I've been at this nearly a year and I feel I've barely scratched the surface on things to try. My latest interest is blood flow in the chest as I've seen very strong evidence of direct correlation with growth (and speed). Let's face it.. breast tissue is hungry tissue (nearly as much as brain tissue).

Any case, I encourage you to continue trying and sharing... It is your project but we on the forum can help in surprising ways.



Fulfilling a dream...
Several months back, I read the blog of a woman doing NBE with a mix of massage (flaxseed and fish), vacuum (NB), and muscle rub. It is difficult to tell what and how these things contributed but she gained about 10" in the bust over a year or two. This sounded fake to me and I discounted it. I have since found her on breastnexus with more intermediate details.

Well, I broke down and decided to try it. It is far too early but I wanted to ask if you've attempted anything like this? There is something very different about it. Today, I swelled to a large C (atleast my bra said it was) and I've been that big all day... now *that's* different for me. And it is tingling and aching from time to time just like before I grow.

At the moment, I'm pumping on top of the remains of the big swell (quite a bit of it actually) and we'll see how the swelling reacts. I do know my initial L dome pump up filled to the point of my usual finishing volume. So, I'm curious what will happen.

Anyway, just wanted to touch base with you.... Hang in there, dear. Your day will come and I want to celebrate with you when it does. :)



Hey PH (and DJ :))

I have not abandoned you - my laptop was knocked over on the floor and died a horrible death. Well, it was very old and decrepit so at least the passing was swift!! Took me a while to get and set up a new one, and I am still trying to figure it all out. Gah, I miss my old one. And, typing on phone and tablet makes fingers very sore so I thought it as better to wait until laptop was up and running, didn't realise it would take this long. Sowwy!!

Well, I wish I had something amazing to report but alas, we are facing a standstill. This is like being on a diet where you lose 1 oz per year. God, so frustrated at the moment, AF was really really cruel this month and I am now looking down at my big gap bra and needless to say, want to chuck it all in. Can't a gal get a break?? Anyways. Grrrrrrr!!!!!!!

How are the kittens? Oh I bet they are so adorable. Am finding that now when it is getting cold, our cat prefers to stay in at night and many evenings are spent on the sofa with her purring on my chest. That is more enjoyable these days than attaching the contraption. My deadline is up soon and then I will have to face the prospect of entering a fifth year....Is that just plain mad/ridiculous? I mean, would it make sense to admit defeat at some stage or will I be an ostrich for the next five years to come?
Full of joys and happy cheers, me!! :D

If your TMJ is not happy with the sweet potato crisps, I often grate a raw one with a couple of carrots, bit of veggie stock (chicken broth), some red lentils and spices and hey presto, lovely sauce that you can throw bits of roast chicken or veg into. Lidl do lovely asparagus and green beans that go well with it, as well as handful of spinach, and normally lasts a few days in the fridge. Serve with quinoa or brown rice. Yum yum!!

DJ, how are you getting on with flax/fish oil? I tried that a few years back (flax) but the smell got the better of me. I believe flax is rather (phyto?) estrogenic so I should probably stay away from it. I do have safflower oil here which I think is quite high in the Omegas but haven't seen any difference yet, even though got it during the spring/summer. I am very happy to hear that something happened for you, that you swelled so much and experienced aches and tingles. That all bodes very well. Fingers crossed for you x

Padded Hell

New Member
I haven't abandoned anyone either! I've been ill with a coldy flu thing that wiped me out for two weeks. It was one of those horrible ones that goes to your chest. About the ONLY thing that goes to my chest it seems! I still feel really low on energy. To make things worse, the day I finally got rid of the lurgey, AF arrived and I'm back to feeling like crap again. Needless to say, I haven't noogled in forever now and it REALLY shows. I've regressed back to almost complete flatness again. Maybe I just need to build myself back up again, as I didn't eat properly when I was ill, but I feel so despairing now. I'm at a complete loss at what I can do to improve my situation. I don't want to invest another year (or four) to this, if my body just doesn't have the capability to grow boobs for whatever reason. I could cry, but I don't have the energy tbh. I've obviously got to the weary resignation stage. So, I'm completely with you when you say you want to chuck it all in, Minnie. We've thrown everything at it and nothing seems to have stuck. Is there anywhere else we can go from here?????

The kittens/gremlins are great. They've been great company when I've been sniffing and high on Vicks vapour rub, but if I have to retrieve them one more time from the back of the tv (ooh, lots of pretty wires...gimme, gimme, gimme), there will be hell to pay!! Oh, I love it when they sleep on your chest too.That's the best.

As the boob journey seems to have ground to a halt, I've been focusing more & more energy on nutrition again. I've just discovered the wonders of soup making, and I'm going to make some potassium broth, as I've recently started getting a bit of restless leg syndrome & I heard that it's quite good for alleviating it, as well as being nourishing & high in minerals. I'm going to try your idea of grating sweet potato into soup/ broth too. Brilliant! I'm sure my jaw will thank me for it! Have you ever tried sprouted bread? Apparently, it's alkaline-forming in the body, which generally grains aren't. Hopefully, it doesn't contain yeast or sugar. Bah!

Anyway, hope you're keeping well, Minnie :)

I'm really pleased you're seeing some good results with flaxseed oil. I tried it a while back, but it didn't have much effect on these boobs, unfortunately. I do make a point of eating 2 tbsp of ground flaxseed every morning on my cereal. I think it helps to balance my hormones.
I have to say, I had a look at some of your pics, and you're doing really well. I admire your tenacity, and you're always so supportive and encouraging towards fellow NB forum users. I would love to celebrate with you in a C cup bra one day too! I'll take ANY letter of the alphabet though!!!! I'm not fussed now!


Fulfilling a dream...

It seems I missed one of your posts.

Colds/flu: I've gotten a tummy bug already this year. I think it is going to be a bad year for illnesses. I hope you will avoid them too. :)

Kittens: Awww.. I love kittens even when you're ready to scream from the horrors done to the furniture.

Journey: I can relate to your frustration. I know it is possible to grow. I've seen very strange examples of growth (like a male friend experience sudden wild growth of 20 *inches* -- yes, in 3 months). It is a matter of searching, researching and experimenting. Obviously simply pumping isn't wholey effective for you but I do think it will be an important part. Health, nutrition, emotions and belief all come together on these efforts. I *know* I'll get my dream breasts somehow and I think that's the secret for me.

Method: I can't say I see real difference with flaxseed but I'm not terribly consistent with it. The muscle rub does wonders. At the moment, I'm taking mostly a detox phase so I'm taking very little (just BO). I massage and pump alot. Also, I've seen enough to believe that sexual arousal can have a large impact too. To be honest, it is rather easy to experience those condition these days.

Thank you for the kind words. I know how hard this journey when feeling alone and thus I make an effort to help others not to feel alone.


Padded Hell

New Member

I'm finally starting to feel a bit like my old self again, health wise. I've been deliberating what to do about the whole boob growing project. I've decided to give one last concerted effort from now until the end of the year, particularly with noogling. I wish I had an inkling of what the missing component is that is stopping me progressing, as it's not from want of trying! Is it purely a physical thing or is there a psychological block somewhere, or a combination of both??? I'm thinking aloud, really. I really can't/won't believe that there isn't some way that I can unlock the key to growing. Am I completely delusional? :-\. If other parts of the body can grow and change throughout life, why can't my boobs??? It just doesn't make sense.

I'm fascinated that your male friend grew a staggering 20 inches in a few months!!! How on earth did he manage that? That's seriously impressive. He's officially my hero now :)

No doubt, I think pumping is the most important aspect of my journey. It's been the only part of NBE that I had any positive response to, which is why I'm so reluctant to give it up. There isn't really anywhere I can go from here either. Are you still using the muscle rub? Is it helping you with swelling?