Padded Hell's Program


Fulfilling a dream...

I wish I had answers and I'd be happy to be a sounding board for you. I'm no expert either but I just keep experimenting. I do know mentality or belief can play a part and you're been so battered in your trials. So, I can honestly believe there may be impact from that.

Yes, I do still use the muscle rub but I'm currently in an off period. It helped my swelling big time but the lady I got the idea reported perm growth of about 2" in a few weeks. I think I can attribute my expanding underboob to it however.

As for my friend, he is very unusual and the Drs don't have a clue either. But he started with Transfemme and pumping. He then started on a high dose of TF and things went nuts. He is currenlty 63" bust (started at 43" ish). I'm hoping to learn what happened too.. The best I know he grew *alot* of connective tissue as well as usual mammary.

Anyway, we're here for you (atleast I am) and somehow we'll reach for it... :)



Hi PH and DJ

Poor you PH, that flu sounds awful. I had it during the summer, and it wiped me clean for weeks too. Horrible. Am sure I'll pick up something nasty this winter too, just waiting for it to happen. Optimist, me.
I am very sorry to hear that you lost boobage during your involuntary break. How disheartening is that?? All I can say is that I hear you, loud and clear, on not really having the energy to build oneself up to go for it again. I see that you have decided to give it one last go until the end of the year and I think I'll join you in that. After that, well I don't know if I can continue to face the heartbreak. I know so ell what you mean about the rest of the body changing and being receptive to modification. Why not the boobs indeed?? Is it one huge mental block? I wish I knew. Would totally go for hypnosis if it wasn't for the fact that I would be too embarrassed to tell them and probably do the "get off cigarettes" one instead even though I'm not a smoker.

Tell me about the potassium broth? Sounds great, and potassium is definitely one of those things I know I could get more of. Restless legs can also be a sign of magnesium deficiency but I know you're good at taking yours so hopefully the broth will sort that out.
I used to buy sprouted spelt bread some years back. It is expensive but yeast and sugar free. Haven't had it for ages now but it is very nice toasted with a lump of butter on it!!

I started taking some super-greens powder but was finding myself not feeling so hot and then I remembered that you had some issue with Barley grass (which is one of the greens). Please remind me again what happened? Since we're practically separated at birth, I bet it is what is giving me problems.

DJ, 2 inches permanent growth from a muscle rub?? Oh please DO tell me more??? Which one do you use? Getting excited now, been a while since I wanted to try something new out ;D


Fulfilling a dream...
Minnie & PH

I'm not sure of the context about the "restless legs" but if you mean muscle spasms that can be a lot things including above mentions. Also, B6 can do it. And if the spasms happen in the feet too, then get your blood sugar checked as this can be a warning sign of type 2 diabetes.

Now, muscle rub... Here are the links to the woman (first is summary, second is running thread of her experience) who turned me on to the idea (she's a 10" gain overall NBE'er - so I'm going to pay attention :) )

I'm currently using J.r. Watkins Muscle Warming Balm but I'm thinking about trying DoubleD's. She is reporting 24 hours of 1" or so swelling. You can find our little conversation in her gallery thread. I'm getting 1.5-2.5" swells but it only lasts upto 12 hours.

I can't promise anything and I've not seen anything amazing but I believe I can attribute my underboob acceleration to it in some part.



DJ thanks so much for those links. Found the info on muscle rubs very interesting. We had some at home but I think the active ingredient (methyl) isn't strong enough - this girl was using one with 30%, mine only had 12%. Still though, rubbed it in because I love the smell, and will use it for a little while to see if swelling improves. I shall keep you posted! :)

Thanks again :-*


Fulfilling a dream...
Yeah, I'm looking for one that strong since I know I can tolerate the sensation but I wanted to take it in stages. 10% or so is going to be way different than 30%. DoubleD's is 15%, so I'm looking but it is hard to find without so little specifics out there.



Yes I am happy to take it in stages too, especially after reading about possible toxicity from over use, although that seems mainly relevant if ingested.
Still though, better safe than sorry!! :)

Padded Hell

New Member
DJ, I think you've started something with the muscle rub! Last night, I had a little experiment myself. I had some Arginine capsules hanging around in my cupboard, so I decided to put them to good use. I did some lurking/research on some bodybuilding & P.E. Forums to check out the most effective things they use. I dissolved my Arginine capsules in Aloe Vera & added peppermint, eucalyptus & ginger essential oil into it. Anyway, I applied it to my chest half an hour before noogling & allowed it to dry. It warmed the area up nicely. I used my usual NB oil over the top of the dried gel. Fast forward 1 & a half hours of noogling- I can't say the swelling was anything spectacular but my boobs looked redder, as if the blood was really circulating well. So, that's got to be a good thing, hasn't it?

Is the 'methyl' another name for 'wintergreen'? Thank you for all the info & links, DJ :). It's very good of you. I'll keep experimenting. It's fun, if nothing else & makes the tedium of noogling that much more interesting!

My 'restless legs' seem to have calmed down thankfully. I drew the conclusion that it was from too much laying about doing nothing when I was ill. Since I've been moving around again, it's disappeared. The life of a couch potato is not for me :(

Padded Hell

New Member

Yes, I hadn't had a flu thing for a while & forgot how awful it makes you feel. I'm going to make my own 'Master tonic' as a preventative measure in case there's a next time! I don't know how effective it is, but it's worth a go.

That made me laugh about your idea of going to see a hypnotherapist & not having the guts to say what for. I did go to a hypnotherapist to cure me off of a couple of phobias I had. I had 6 sessions. The first hypnotherapist session, I went out like a light. Didn't remember a thing, just waking up. Then each time I went back, gradually with each session it got harder & harder to go under, until the last session where I had a laughing fit because I just could NOT be hypnotised. Bloody hell, is there nothing my mind won't override??? I'm really beginning to think this is my problem right here!! I also bought one of those Breast hypnosis CD's years ago, and it did send me into a trance, but every so often the hypnotherapist lady said in this ridiculous forceful voice 'feel the blood going to your breasts' and it snapped me out of it immediately. I kept listening to it for a few months as recommended but gained zilch, of course. Anyway, I digress....

The potassium broth is quite versatile. Not only can you use it as a soup base or broth, but you can use it as a vegetable stock, or cook your rice etc with.
There's all different variations of the recipes but basically you fill a large pot with the following:- Preferably organic - 25% potato peelings, 25% carrot or beet peelings, 25% onions & garlic chopped, 25% celery and greens. It doesn't have to be too accurate. Then you add enough spring water to cover the vegetables, bring to the boil, then simmer for 30 mins. Strain as much of the water out of the vegetables, until you are left with just the liquid broth. That's it! You can either freeze it or it keeps in the fridge for up to 4 days. It's alkalizing, mineralising, helps flush toxins, helps regulate blood pressure, supports & nourishes the kidneys & adrenals & boosts immunity! I sound like some dodgy commercial now!

Are you still taking the super greens powder? It may well be the Barleygrass that's making you feel bad. I felt like I had permanent water-retention & bloating, then it was like my digestive system was literally grinding to a halt. I also felt really listless, sluggish & 'off'. Does that ring any bells?? I think it might be something to do with low stomach acid levels. I think the barley grass was excacerbating the problem, and slowing my digestion down too much. Yuck. I'm having barley grass flashbacks...the horror...Only Senokot can save me now!!!



There we have it - immune to hypnosis. I bet I would have the same experience. I've listened to loads of different boob-growing hypnosis audios on youtube but zilch here too. Maybe there has to be a deep convincing for it to work? I don't know. I don't understand anything anymore, when it comes to our boobies.

The potassium broth sounds yum. And so easy to make too. I will make that over the weekend and just drink it as it is, so nice to have with lunch on these cold days. I could do with a bit of immune boosting, and won't mind those toxins to be flushed before Christmas when no doubt more will be added....

I am not taking the greens any longer. I felt seriously unwell when I was. At first I thought perhaps I was detoxing and that it was a side effect. But after a week or so of feeling queasy and yes, sluggish, I decided enough was enough and haven't gone near it since. I remember years ago, taking Spirulina and Chlorella, and feeling really bunged up internally, very heavy and bloated. So healthy and all as these super greens may be, they also seem fairly hard on the system.

How are you getting on with the muscle rub? I had to laugh at your McGyver skills once again, making our own! I'm using deep heat at the moment. I like the smell, but I haven't seen an difference yet - surprise surprise!! :D
Deep heat is now very high in methyl though, only 10% and the girl that grew 2" used one with 30% so I will have to hit the pharmacies over the weekend and find something stronger! Must be careful at the same time though as over using it can be toxic.
I'm going to try and noogle as much as I can between now and the new year and maybe, just maybe with help of the muscle rub, will there be a tiny bit of growth. God, if I was somebody else reading my posts I'd want to shake some sense into myself....Good thing I can stay firmly in denial. I find it hard to picture myself *not* noogling in a few months time to be honest. We shall see what the future brings (boobs hopefully!!).
AF arrived yesterday so I'll have to wait and see how much will be robbed. It was a particularly bad one so far, pain has been unreal and pms was very bad too. PH, roll on menopause is all I can say. :eek:

Padded Hell

New Member

My goodness where is the time going?? December already. I was in H&B yesterday and saw the super greens powder. Is that the one you bought? Not exactly cheap at £20! How are you feeling now? Less bloated & queasy, I hope. I have problems if I eat too many dark green vegetables in my diet. I've just managed to stomach eating spinach finally! But, I'm steering clear of Spirulina & chlorella for those very reasons. That would just be asking for trouble ;D. I hope the potassium broth won't give you any problems! It's what they often give people to detox at health spas.

I've pulled my socks up a bit with the noogling recently. I still feel really disheartened, but I happened to stumble upon a website dedicated to AA cups of all things, and unbelievably some of those ladies were flatter than me (but had a lot more confidence!). It's altered my feelings a little, and given me the impetus to keep going, for now anyway. I didn't look at those women as less feminine or unattractive. I just can't seem to apply these feelings to myself when I look in the mirror though. It's been awful since I was ill & lost a bit of growth. I've just wanted to hide, even from the husband. Poor sod.

The jury's out on Mrs McGyver's arginine gel so far. There doesn't seem to be any discernible difference to my boobs, but it's lovely and warming though. Perfect for these cold nights. How are you getting on with the muscle rub? I have to admit, the potential toxicity of the methyl worried me. I bought wintergreen essential oil, but I stopped using it in my oils. I read that the levels can build up in your body tissue. I was also worried about the paraffin in these products. I can't imagine that would be good, if used frequently. Maybe I'm being too over-cautious. I think if I was guaranteed 2" though, I'd be slapping the stuff on like there's now tomorrow :D.


I know, it's just flying by. Crazy! Yep, that would be the one. NOT cheap, and now I'l just have to leave it there as there is no way I'll ever go near it again. I think that even though we're being constantly bombarded with info on the goodness of dark greens, there is a reason our bodies don't necessarily respond so well. Broccoli contain cyanide for example, so eaten in large quantities, it is no wonder some people find it hard on their system, I have taken a bit of a break from obsessing about eating healthily and have found that a) I don't miss kale and b) it hasn't lead to an increase in junk or sugar, and rather than looking at all the different fads I am now just enjoying regular ole food, cooking from scratch as always but preferring mashed potatoes to quinoa :)

I am going to try an noogle regularly between now and the new year. I think I can safely say that I *will* be continuing into my fifth year. How could I give up - maybe the fifth year is the one where it will happen. Oh denial is a beautiful thing!! :D
I know what you mean about women being confident about their bodies including small breasts. It is very attractive and I really wish i was one of them. Not so at this point though I'm afraid.

I'm taking a break fron the muscle rub at the moment because I a a bit worried about build up and toxicity. I used it for about 10 days or so, now I'll take an equally long break but will be back using it no doubt. So far, there was no difference in terms of swelling, at least no that I could see. But I think the methyl % is too low for it to make a real difference. But sure, if there was a 2" guarantee, I'd also be slapping it on with zero hesitation :D

Padded Hell

New Member
It's a shame about the supergreens thing. It's such a convenient way to get your five a day! I had no idea that broccoli contains cyanide! Will not be consuming it in any large quantity, but it's one of those veg anyway thatI inexplicably go off of every now and again.

I've reached the same decision regarding the noogling. I can't see myself giving it up next year & will reluctantly carry on. Giving up won't solve anything, after all. Some days, I look at my boobs & can see subtle changes. Other times, nothing seems to register & I start feeling hopeless again. They fluctuate so much. Ugh. Any growth seems to be very spread out, so I never actually progress outwards. It's just varying degrees of flatness for me! I've started taking gelatin again every other day, mostly because I found a ton of packets in the cupboard, & didn't want to throw them out. I hate waste. I started looking into marshmallow root, and was tempted to try it. It is reputed to enlarge breasts (it's also a herb for nursing mothers), but results are usually incredibly slow- we're talking a year or so. A drop in the ocean for the likes of us! You can use it internally, externally or both. I've decided against it though. I can't face messing about with another herb & expending any more energy on something that 'might' work. What an old cynic I've turned into.
On the plus side, I think I might have found another possible thing we could try for candida; Black seed oil. It's anti-fungal & antiviral & is supposed to be a cure-all for everything but death! Worth a shot then! You're not supposed to take more than a teaspoon a day, as I think it's quite strong. I might buy some and try 1/2 tsp to start with. Have you ever tried it?


I know what you mean re the five a day. Sometimes I wonder though, if our bodies really need it. I went through a long phase of juicing, starting my days with kale and avocado smoothies, sprouting seeds and beans etc and I can, hand on heart, say that health wise it made absolutely no difference. I still had bad periods and pms, Candida outbreaks, colds etc. On top of that, I also took every supplement known to man and stopped short of ordering fermented butter and cod liver oil from the US. Only because shipping was too expensive though! :D
I think that for me anyway, I stopped listening to what my body really wanted and adopted the whole 'if it's good for you, you MUST eat it'. And I think that a lot of my current issues stem from all the food messing.

A few weeks ago when I was cooped up in bed with bad AF, I came across this book called 'Just Eat' by a guy called Joey Lott. It was only a few dollars for kindle and pretty short too which was perfect. Anyway, he is a really interesting guy and this book deals mainly with healing your metabolism from various fad diets. I can tell you, I related so much to what he was writing. And so I decided to just eat, to forget about what is good and bad and just eat. And funnily enough, majority of my choices are still healthy, and zero stress attached to it. So I am wondering sometimes if we are doing ourselves more harm than good with all the healthy stuff. I think the staff in my local HF food shop probably think I have moved, I haven't been in there for ages :)

Black seed oil - yes I have heard of that now that you mention it. Off to google of course and learn more. I spent a fortune last summer on all these anti candida tablets; needless to say they did not work. Argh!! I am open to try anything though! :)

Gelatine - tell me more please? My mum had some in her house from Tesco that she had used for baking but I just didn't know how to take it. I think gelatine is very beneficial, and as I rarely make stock anymore, I might pick some up. But not until you have instructed me on how to take it :D

Yep, a fifth year of nooggling it is. Reluctantly indeed. We just need to work on our acceptance of the fact that this will take helluva lot more time than we ever anticipated. Mine fluctuate like mad too. AF is approaching (due on the 24th, yay!!!) and by net week, they'll be much bigger than they are now. And by New Years Eve, they'll be tiny and sad again. Good thing I don't have to squeeze into a fancy ball gown anyway :D

Padded Hell

New Member
I agree with you about the healthy eating. it hasn't completely clear up my candida & my periods are still as bad as ever. Nothing seems to improve things on that score, so it has to be some form of major hormone imbalance. My guess is low progesterone, as always. Diet has improved symptoms, but the cramps are still awful, usually for the first two days. The bad cold I had last month has completely screwed up my cycle this month too. I'm at 42 days now & no sign yet! I'm probably joining you on Xmas eve or the actual day. Mmm, painkillers & turkey. :(

The book you mentioned sounds very interesting. I'm currently looking into eating for your body type. I'm an ectomorph & the protein, carb & fat ratio for my diet is 40% protein, 40% carbs & 20% fats. If you adhere roughly to your correct body type ratios, it supposed to optimise your health & is a key to longevity. Part of the reason I started looking into this was that one of my immediate family (sibling) was diagnosed with cancer. Thankfully, it looks like they're going to be ok, but it's such a dreadful disease. Nobody should have to go through that. I do wonder how much diet plays a part. It really makes you scrutinise everything you eat & your lifestyle. Although, I'm not going to get too obsessive or life won't be worth living! I have a half eaten box of After Eights to prove it :p

So, the noogling continues. I'm going to overhaul my routine after AF has been & Xmas is over. I'm going to try doing sessions at different times & lengths each time I noogle & more hydro. I feel like I need to keep my body guessing. I've started having a small glass of homemade hemp milk before bed, just for the extra protein & omega fats. My boobs have felt a bit fuller since I started doing this! I'm hoping it's not just PMS water retention. I'm getting increasingly desperate about my boobs. If someone robbed me of all my maximise bras, I actually think I'd have a breakdown. I certainly wouldn't go out again. Literally, all my confidence hinges on those bra straps, which is pretty sad for a 'grown' woman. I hate feeling like I'm a changing room away from being found out. Moan, moan, moan...

I use Dr Oetker gelatine sheets. You can buy them in Tesco or Sainsburys in the baking section (grey packet).I never liked the gelatine granule type. It stinks to high heaven, but the gelatine sheets are fine & dissolve perfectly. So, you need about 6-7g of gelatine for NBE. Soak 3 gelatine sheets in a bowl of cold water for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, put about 85ml of cold water & and a small amount of cordial (anything you have. I use blackcurrant, as Vit c aids gelatin absorption) & heat on the hob. Take your gelatin sheets out of the bowl, wring the excess water from them & add to the pan on the hob. Stir until the gelatin dissolves, which will take seconds. Pour into a mug and drink. It will be as hot as molten lava, so you may want to add a bit of cold water to it! You should drink gelatin on an empty stomach too.

Anyway, if I don't hear back from you before Xmas, I hope you have a great time, cyber sister! ;)


Hi PH, and a very Happy New Year to you!
Firstly, I just want to say that I am so, so sorry to hear that a sibling of yours was diagnosed with cancer I remember you mentioning a while back that you had indeed received bad news and I am guessing that this was it. I am happy to hear that the prospects are good, but still, it must have been (and continue to be no doubt), a very stressful time for you all.
I can't believe that your cycle is so long; 42 days is a long time. When did it eventually show up? Mine is on the other spectra and tends to be early instead, so some cycles are only around 3 weeks, which means that some months I'll have it twice. Our bodies sure know how to make life that extra but harder, huh?

Well, AF did indeed show up just before xmas, and to top it all off, I also got the winter vomiting bug in the early hours of the 25th. So I guess you could safely say that Christmas was cancelled this year!! I spent several days in bed, just drinking flay 7up and nibbling on Tuc crackers. Still not feeling 100% right, those viruses are nasty.

I agree with you on the low progesterone as the culprit. Problem is, that when no Gps' take this seriously, we are not given the tests we need to determine the how and why and that makes it impossible to self-medicate. I am so defeated in this area now, I don't know what else there is to do about it all.

And I hear you on the bras too. I have to stock up on some new ones actually, as mine are starting to fall apart. And I could not even begin to imagine not wearing them anymore. Sad really. Have you started your new routine yet? I am very curious to hear how you'll get on. Needless to say, I have not gone near the NB as I've just been too fatigued. AF + vomiting virus equals a lot of lost boobage. But hey, upwards and onwards, right? If I have the energy this evening I will try to get back on track again. I haven't done the alternating L and CL for a while so I might give that a shot, just to change things around a bit. The last while I have only used L cups as they are easier to manage and dont fall off like the CLs tend to do. My swelling isn't very good with the Ls though, so probably time for something different. Like you say, keep the body guessing!

Thank you for the gelatine tip. As soon as this sorry bum is feeling a bit better I shall get myself off to Tesco and pick some up. If nothing else, it aids metabolism and digestion which is probably a good idea, I can hardly stomach anything after this virus. Thankfully, I managed to scoff a sizeable amounts of After Eights before it hit though, so Christmas wasn't completely ruined!! :D

I hope you had a really good one PH, that AF came gently and didn't rob too much. Hope also that you are full of enthusiasm for the new year, and for all the inches that are just waiting to be added to our chests. We live in hope!! :)


New Member
Hi and PH :)

I've been reading the posts in this form for awhile now, but just began my Noogle journey and posting (my story is under the STATS section). I enjoy reading about your experience and the suggestions/recommendations you both give. Today when I read about hormone imbalances, that really resonated with me as I feel that is the major factor to most of my "ills" at this point =) And I can relate to trying desperately to find answers/solutions to no avail. Then getting to the point where you need to be tested to see where you stand in order to self-medicate (rather than making the problem worse), and doctors refuse to perform the tests you ask for, let alone properly interpreting them. There is so much information out there, and it's tough to sift through it all and try different methods without someone who is experienced, horisn't it?

In case this is helpful, I had hormonal saliva test profiles done on day 21 of my cycle (a few months ago when I still had a cycle and then also a year and a half ago) and these are what I am using as my compass. I also had blood tests done through my conventional gynie after much begging and pleading, but these really weren't too helpful as far as I can see because a) they didn't do all the ones I requested b) they didn't care which part of my cycle these were done on ( so I can't compare them easily to other tests in the past or really know what my levels *should* be on that day) oh well I guess. I am just going to keep using the saliva tests for now I suppose, to see how much my levels improve then pay attention to my symptoms as well. My results a few months estrogen is on the low range for a post-menopausal woman (I AM ONLY 41, mind you LOL) and my progesterone was almost non-existent, I believe it was 1. So I totally understand what it is to live in Padded Hell too :eek: and am really looking to change this!

In any case, all this to say I can totally relate to you and am very much looking to learn from your experience :D please, if there is anything I can help with let me know as well.


New Member
Oh and one more thing I forgot to mention :D

I also was trying to find relief and support for my hormones through nutrition, exercise, supplements and herbs for many years. I tried various forms of diets also like vegetarian, paleo, clean eating low carb etc and nothing provided me any relief whatsoever. I do think that exercise and healthy diet is SUPER CRUCIAL to long term health and balance but.....I've come to believe now that hormones are pesky little buggers and sometimes there is just nothing you can do to really correct them besides actual hormone therapy. For me, I chose bioidentical hormone therapy because synthetic hormones concern me and I just didn't feel that was the right choice for me. But it's really frustrating, and they are so complex...sometimes I feel my back is against the wall all the time. I think severe hormone imbalance is the source of my significant boobie issues *sigh* :-X

Padded Hell

New Member

Sorry it's taken so long to reply but I've been ill for the last few weeks. Anyway, I wish I had some answers for you regarding 'hormone issues' but I'm as much in the dark as you are! It's frustrating beyond belief! At least you have a little to go on with your saliva tests. I wish there was a more reliable & conclusive test we could take for these matters. It would make things so much easier! I've given up asking my doctor for tests though. They just don't listen *sigh*. It sounds like your tests were not exactly conducted with the greatest of care :(. I feel your pain. Are you taking bio identical estrogen & progesterone? How are you finding it? Have any of your symptoms improved? I've considered trying progesterone cream, but I've got to the point where I'm terrified of messing my hormones even more. Minnie tried the progesterone cream for a while, I think. hopefully, with the bio identicals you can turn things around & get some boobs into the bargain!

Anyway, I wish you every success with your noogling. At least it's a distraction from all our hormone woes! :)

Padded Hell

New Member
Minnie, I swear we're living in a parallel universe! I'm so sorry you've been ill over the Xmas period. I know how bad those digestive bugs can be. They make you feel so dreadful & tired for weeks after. I lost a stone when I had something similar a few years back. It was genuinely scary. Are you feeling more yourself now? If it's any consolation, Christmas didn't really happen in our house either! Hubby came down with this horrible coughing cold thing on Xmas eve, then I caught it after. The new year was rung in with the sound of stereo coughing ;D. I feel like the last three months have been a constant loop of illness.

I finally got my period. It went to 49 days in the end. A new world record for me! Yay! That's really freakish for me as I'm usually around 30 days. I chalk it up to illness & stress. What was even more freakish was that I had a more or less cramp-free period. I firmly think it's the hemp milk I've been drinking before bed every night. I'm praying it's not just a one-off. I'll find out next month, I suppose. I'm keeping all my fingers crossed because it was absolutely amazing!! It would make sense though. I must be getting a lot more EFA's which help control the prostaglandins which cause all the nasty PMS symptoms & it's really high in magnesium which helps the cramps. Hope I haven't spoken too soon! I had to tell you though. Oh please don't let it be a random anomaly! Please, please, pur-lease!!!!

My noogling routine went out of the window (oh, how I'd love to try a spot of noogle cup frisbee!). You can't cough your lungs up & noogle. It's one or the other! Anyway, I'm back to it. I've thrown my noogling rule book out of the window too. I'm trying to change my routine every time now. Sometimes, longer sessions, followed by shorter sessions, at different times of day etc, and some hydro thrown into the mix for good measure. I don't know whether it'll make a jot of difference but I've tried everything else. I even made these tiny beanbag heat warmers to put at the end of each dome. They're actually quite good. I figured the warmth would help with the swelling. My boobs get lovely and red in the cups, so it must be getting the blood flowing. You must think I'm such an idiot! What can I say, I was ill & bored ;D

Thank you for the kind words regarding my sibling. I'm just so thankful that they're going to be ok. It was truly the best Xmas present :). That was indeed the bad news I mentioned all those months ago, although I couldn't bring myself to talk about it at the time. It literally came out from nowhere, a real bolt from the blue. It takes a while to process something like that. I was in some kind of shock, still am a bit.

Anyway, will this finally be the year we reach that mythical B-cup?? Oh look over there, there's a unicorn, Minnie! ;D.


Active Member
Thought you might be interested in this post: it's about candida.

Also there are those that don't agree with my recommendations about safflower oil and say that flaxseed oil is better for breast massage.